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Last active December 10, 2018 22:13
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Install PFS in PKFS running on GCP

Installing PFS in PKS GCP

This guide should help you install Pivotal Function Service (PFS), in a PKS installation running on GCP.


Make sure you enable the following configuration in one of your PKS plans:

  • Master VM type: large
  • Worker Node Instances: 4
  • Worker VM type: large
  • Check Enable Privileged Containers - Use with caution
  • Check Disable DenyEscalatingExec

Create a K8s cluster using this plan.

Download PFS

Download resources from Pivotal Network.

Install PFS CLI:

$ tar zxf pfs-cli-darwin-amd64*.tgz
$ sudo mv pfs /usr/local/bin

Unzip the PFS distribution:

$ tar zxf pfs-distro-XXX.tgz

Go to the newly created directory (pfs-distro-XXX) before running the next commands.

Set a variable pointing to this directory:

$ export PFS_HOME=<absolute path to PFS dir>

Initialize PFS resources

Relocate PFS images:

$ export
$ export REGISTRY_USER=$(gcloud config get-value core/project)
$ pfs image relocate --output $PFS_HOME/pfs-relocated \
  --manifest manifest.yaml \
  --images image-manifest.yaml --registry $REGISTRY \
  --registry-user $REGISTRY_USER

Enable GCR access:

$ gcloud auth configure-docker

Push PFS images to GCR:

$ pfs image push --images $PFS_HOME/pfs-relocated/image-manifest.yaml

Install PFS

Enable GCR access from the K8s worker nodes (use GCP worker service account set in PKS tile configuration):

$ export GCP_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value core/project)
$ gsutil iam ch \
  serviceAccount:$WORKER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT:objectViewer \

Install PFS components in your K8s cluster:

$ pfs system install -m $PFS_HOME/pfs-relocated/manifest.yaml

Check everything is up and running:

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces \
  -o ",STATUS:status.phase"
NAME                                          STATUS
istio-citadel-8547b56ffc-k7lxr                Running
istio-egressgateway-6684db87d9-ngwzc          Running
istio-galley-5d49cc486c-b7rsv                 Running
istio-ingressgateway-6d5cfbf64d-nmzcf         Running
istio-pilot-67464d9d4-z76g4                   Running
istio-policy-ccc74d9f8-2jwfx                  Running
istio-sidecar-injector-9d76979b8-p8hm6        Running
istio-telemetry-c956cf59c-m6nbd               Running
knative-ingressgateway-68f8d9f5c4-zsc7m       Running
build-controller-787f4f7c8f-9rfk7             Running
build-webhook-c5fb5b976-dsrj7                 Running
eventing-controller-5db7689644-d49dq          Running
stub-clusterbus-dispatcher-5976467c9c-2nfr7   Running
webhook-f457f7d85-tmdbc                       Running
activator-57bb59f58b-cnz2h                    Running
activator-57bb59f58b-tm2sh                    Running
activator-57bb59f58b-vksf2                    Running
autoscaler-749455599c-bfzjb                   Running
controller-95dfdb499-sz6zp                    Running
webhook-6f5ff6fb47-27bkv                      Running
heapster-6d5f964dbd-ccxxg                     Running
kube-dns-6b697fcdbd-xlsqf                     Running
kubernetes-dashboard-785584f46b-9qrqq         Running
metrics-server-5f68584c5b-qk555               Running
monitoring-influxdb-54759946d4-7sxqd          Running
telemetry-agent-75dff4fd49-rbcmn              Running
fluent-bit-5ld5b                              Running
fluent-bit-lk977                              Running
fluent-bit-rwh7x                              Running
fluent-bit-vspgp                              Running
sink-controller-7c85744bd6-tq4ph              Running

Set up GCR credentials:

$ gcloud iam service-accounts create push-image
$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GCP_PROJECT \
    --member serviceAccount:push-image@$ \
    --role roles/storage.admin
$ export GCR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$PFS_HOME/gcr-storage-admin.json
$ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create \
    --iam-account "push-image@$" \

Keep the service account file handy: you'll need it each time you want to install PFS in a K8s namespace.

Set up a K8s namespace

Using GCR credentials, initialize your K8s namespace with PFS resources:

$ export NAMESPACE=mynamespace
$ kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
$ pfs namespace init $NAMESPACE -m $PFS_HOME/pfs-relocated/manifest.yaml \

Push your first function to PFS

Javascript function

Let's use the basic hello sample available on GitHub:

$ pfs function create hello \
  --git-repo \
  --artifact hello.js \
  --image $REGISTRY/$REGISTRY_USER/hello \
  --namespace $NAMESPACE

This function is implemented using a simple Javascript file:

module.exports = x => `hello ${x}`

You should now be able to invoke this function:

$ pfs service invoke \
  --namespace $NAMESPACE \
  hello --text -- -w '\n' -d 'PFS'
curl -H 'Host:' -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -w '\n' -d PFS
hello PFS

List running functions:

$ kubectl get --namespace $NAMESPACE
hello   hello-00001     hello-00001   True

Remove the function:

$ pfs service delete hello -n $NAMESPACE

Plain Java function

Let's use a Java based hello sample:

$ pfs function create hello \
  --git-repo \
  --handler fr.alexandreroman.demos.hellofun.Hello \
  --image $REGISTRY/$REGISTRY_USER/hello \
  --verbose --namespace $NAMESPACE

This function is implemented using the JDK Function interface:

public class Hello implements Function<String, String> {
    public String apply(String name) {
        final String n;
        if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
            n = "world";
        } else {
            n = name;
        return "Hello " + n;

No external dependencies are required. When this function is deployed to PFS, the code is automatically compiled and packaged using the Java Buildpack (part of the Cloud Native Buildpack project).

At runtime, a Java service invoker provided by PFS calls this function:

$ pfs service invoke --namespace $NAMESPACE \
  hello --text -- -w '\n' -d 'PFS'
curl -H 'Host:' -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -w '\n' -d PFS
Hello PFS

Get function status:

$ pfs service status --namespace $NAMESPACE hello
Last Transition Time:        2018-12-10T23:07:50+01:00
Status:                      True
Type:                        Ready
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