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Last active September 13, 2019 14:04
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Create a K8s cluster with PKS on GCP

Create a K8s cluster with PKS on GCP

Set these environment variables:

$ GCP_REGION=europe-west1; CLUSTER_NAME="pks-demo1"

Assign a public IP address for the load balancer (among master nodes):

$ gcloud compute addresses create ${CLUSTER_NAME}-master-api-ip --region ${GCP_REGION}
$ gcloud compute target-pools create ${CLUSTER_NAME}-master-api --region ${GCP_REGION}
$ MASTER_EXTERNAL_IP=$(gcloud compute addresses describe ${CLUSTER_NAME}-master-api-ip --region ${GCP_REGION} --format json | jq -r .address)

Create the cluster (choose a plan: small, medium or large):

$ pks create-cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} -e ${MASTER_EXTERNAL_IP} -p small

Name:                     pks-demo1
Plan Name:                small
UUID:                     9ca51581-cde9-4f5a-a8ba-5441129c68b3
Last Action:              CREATE
Last Action State:        in progress
Last Action Description:  Creating cluster
Kubernetes Master Host:
Kubernetes Master Port:   8443
Worker Nodes:             1
Kubernetes Master IP(s):  In Progress
Network Profile Name:

Use 'pks cluster pks-demo1' to monitor the state of your cluster

It takes some time before the cluster gets created:

$ pks cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME}

Name:                     pks-demo1
Plan Name:                small
UUID:                     9ca51581-cde9-4f5a-a8ba-5441129c68b3
Last Action:              CREATE
Last Action State:        in progress
Last Action Description:  Instance provisioning in progress
Kubernetes Master Host:
Kubernetes Master Port:   8443
Worker Nodes:             1
Kubernetes Master IP(s):  In Progress
Network Profile Name:

When the cluster is ready, create a load balancer for master nodes:

$ CLUSTER_UUID=$(pks cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} --json | jq -r .uuid)
$ MASTER_INSTANCE_NAMES=$(gcloud compute instances list --filter "tags:service-instance-${CLUSTER_UUID}-master" --format "csv[no-heading](selfLink)" | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/.$//')
$ gcloud compute target-pools add-instances ${CLUSTER_NAME}-master-api --instances ${MASTER_INSTANCE_NAMES}
$ gcloud compute forwarding-rules create ${CLUSTER_NAME}-master-api-8443 --region ${GCP_REGION} --address ${CLUSTER_NAME}-master-api-ip --target-pool ${CLUSTER_NAME}-master-api --ports 8443

Get the credentials for accessing the cluster:

$ pks get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME}

The cluster is now ready to use!

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