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Last active March 5, 2023 20:49
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  • Save alexandrespmg/39bf7eafcbaa9558aa7ed48086e8ff46 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alexandrespmg/39bf7eafcbaa9558aa7ed48086e8ff46 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Script Name: Single Village Snipe
* Version: v2.1.3
* Last Updated: 2023-02-26
* Author: RedAlert
* Author URL:
* Author Contact: RedAlert#9859 (Discord)
* Approved: N/A (approved after the script approval rules change)
* Approved Date: 2021-02-27
* Mod: JawJaw
* This script can NOT be cloned and modified without permission from the script author.
var scriptData = {
prefix: 'singleVillageSnipe',
name: 'Single Village Snipe',
version: 'v2.1.3',
author: 'RedAlert',
authorUrl: '',
// User Input
if (typeof DEBUG !== 'boolean') DEBUG = true;
// Constants
var LS_PREFIX = 'raSingleVillageSnipe';
var TIME_INTERVAL = 60 * 60 * 1000 * 24 * 1; // fetch data every 1 day
var GROUP_ID = localStorage.getItem(`${LS_PREFIX}_chosen_group`) ?? 0;
var LAST_UPDATED_TIME = localStorage.getItem(`${LS_PREFIX}_last_updated`) ?? 0;
// Globals
var unitInfo,
villages = [],
troopCounts = [];
// Translations
var translations = {
en_DK: {
'Single Village Snipe': 'Single Village Snipe',
Help: 'Help',
'This script can only be run on a single village screen!':
'This script can only be run on a single village screen!',
'Landing Time': 'Landing Time',
'Calculate Launch Times': 'Calculate Launch Times',
'Export as BB Code': 'Export as BB Code',
'Landing time was updated!': 'Landing time was updated!',
'Plan for:': 'Plan for:',
'Landing Time:': 'Landing Time:',
Unit: 'Unit',
From: 'From',
'Launch Time': 'Launch Time',
Command: 'Command',
Status: 'Status',
Send: 'Send',
'Error fetching village groups!': 'Error fetching village groups!',
'Choose Units to Snipe': 'Choose Units to Snipe',
Group: 'Group',
'No possible snipe options found!': 'No possible snipe options found!',
Distance: 'Distance',
'An error occured while fetching troop counts!':
'An error occured while fetching troop counts!',
'snipe attempts found': 'snipe attempts found',
'Nothing to export!': 'Nothing to export!',
'Target:': 'Target:',
'Send in': 'Send in',
'Destination Village': 'Destination Village',
Sigil: 'Sigil',
'Min. Amount': 'Min. Amount',
'Export Config': 'Export Config',
'Import Config': 'Import Config',
'Configuration imported successfully!':
'Configuration imported successfully!',
'Nothing to import!': 'Nothing to import!',
'There was an error fetching villages by group!':
'There was an error fetching villages by group!',
'Reset Chosen Group': 'Reset Chosen Group',
'Chosen group was reset!': 'Chosen group was reset!',
'There was an error!': 'There was an error!',
'Configuration has been copied!': 'Configuration has been copied!',
'BBCode have been copied!': 'BBCode have been copied!',
'This script requires Premium Account!':
'This script requires Premium Account!',
'Reset Script': 'Reset Script',
'Script configuration has been reset!':
'Script configuration has been reset!',
'Send in:': 'Send in:',
WB: 'WB',
'Copied Command successfully': 'Copied Command successfully',
'today at': 'today at',
'tomorrow at': 'tomorrow at',
'on': 'on',
it_IT: {
'Single Village Snipe': 'Snipe Singolo Villaggio',
Help: 'Aiuto',
'This script can only be run on a single village screen!':
'Questo script può essere lanciato solo dalla panoramica del villaggio',
'Landing Time': 'Tempo di arrivo',
'Calculate Launch Times': 'Calcola tempi di lancio',
'Export as BB Code': 'Esporta in BB code',
'Landing time was updated!': 'Il tempo di arrivo è stato aggiornato!',
'Plan for:': 'Plan per:',
'Landing Time:': 'Tempo di arrivo:',
Unit: 'Unità ',
From: 'Da',
'Launch Time': 'Tempo di lancio',
Command: 'Comando',
Status: 'Stato',
Send: 'Invia',
'Error fetching village groups!': 'Errore nel recupero gruppo!',
'Choose Units to Snipe': `Scegli l'unità con cui ninjare`,
Group: 'Gruppo',
'No possible snipe options found!': 'Nessuna combinazione disponibile!',
Distance: 'Distanza',
'An error occured while fetching troop counts!':
'Errore nel recupero conteggio truppe!',
'snipe attempts found': 'Ninjata possibile trovata',
'Nothing to export!': `Non c'è niente da esportare!`,
'Target:': 'Target:',
'Send in': 'Lancia tra',
'Destination Village': 'Villaggio di destinazione',
Sigil: 'Sigillo',
'Min. Amount': 'Qnt. Minima',
'Export Config': 'Esporta configurazione',
'Import Config': 'Importa configurazione',
'Configuration imported successfully!':
'Configurazione importat con successo!',
'Nothing to import!': `Non c'è nulla da importare!`,
'There was an error fetching villages by group!':
'There was an error fetching villages by group!',
'Reset Chosen Group': 'Reset Chosen Group',
'Chosen group was reset!': 'Chosen group was reset!',
'There was an error!': `C'era un errore!`,
'Configuration has been copied!': 'Configuration has been copied!',
'BBCode have been copied!': 'BBCode have been copied!',
'This script requires Premium Account!':
'This script requires Premium Account!',
'Reset Script': 'Reset Script',
'Script configuration has been reset!':
'Script configuration has been reset!',
'Send in:': 'Send in:',
WB: 'WB',
'Copied Command successfully': 'Copied Command successfully',
'today at': 'today at',
'tomorrow at': 'tomorrow at',
'on': 'on',
pt_PT: {
'Single Village Snipe': 'Aldeia Única Snipe',
Help: 'Ajuda',
'This script can only be run on a single village screen!':
'Este script só pode ser executado num único ecrã da aldeia!',
'Landing Time': 'Hora de chegada',
'Calculate Launch Times': 'Calcular os tempos de lançamento',
'Export as BB Code': ' Exportar como Código BB ',
'Landing time was updated!': 'A hora de aterragem foi atualizada!',
'Plan for:': 'Plano para:',
'Landing Time:': 'hora de aterragem:',
Unit: 'Unidade',
From: 'de',
'Launch Time': 'Hora do lançamento',
Command: 'Comando',
Status: 'Estado',
Send: 'Enviar',
'Error fetching village groups!':
'Erro a carregar os grupos de aldeias!',
'Choose Units to Snipe': 'Escolha unidades para Snipe',
Group: 'Grupo',
'No possible snipe options found!':
'Não foram encontradas possíveis opções de snipe!',
Distance: 'Distância',
'An error occured while fetching troop counts!':
'Ocorreu um erro ao recolher as contagens das tropas!',
'snipe attempts found': 'tentativas de snipe encontradas',
'Nothing to export!': 'Nada para exportar!',
'Target:': ' Alvo:',
'Send in': 'Enviar em',
'Destination Village': 'Aldeia de Destino',
Sigil: 'Sigil',
'Min. Amount': 'Min. quantidade',
'Export Config': 'Exportar Config',
'Import Config': 'Importar Config',
'Configuration imported successfully!':
'Configuração importada com sucesso!',
'Nothing to import!': 'Nada para importar!',
'There was an error fetching villages by group!':
'There was an error fetching villages by group!',
'Reset Chosen Group': 'Reset Chosen Group',
'Chosen group was reset!': 'Chosen group was reset!',
'There was an error!': 'There was an error!',
'Configuration has been copied!': 'Configuration has been copied!',
'BBCode have been copied!': 'BBCode have been copied!',
'This script requires Premium Account!':
'This script requires Premium Account!',
'Reset Script': 'Reset Script',
'Script configuration has been reset!':
'Script configuration has been reset!',
'Send in:': 'Send in:',
WB: 'WB',
'Copied Command successfully': 'Copied Command successfully',
'today at': 'today at',
'tomorrow at': 'tomorrow at',
'on': 'on',
pt_BR: {
'Single Village Snipe': 'Snip de Aldeia Única',
Help: 'Ajuda',
'This script can only be run on a single village screen!':
'Este script só pode ser executado em uma única tela de aldeia!',
'Landing Time': 'Hora de chegada',
'Calculate Launch Times': 'Calcular horários de lançamento',
'Export as BB Code': ' Exportar como código BB',
'Landing time was updated!': 'A hora de chegada foi atualizada!',
'Plan for:': 'Plano para:',
'Landing Time:': 'Chegada:',
Unit: 'Unidade',
From: 'Origem',
'Launch Time': 'Hora do lançamento',
Command: 'Comando',
Status: 'Estado',
Send: 'Enviar',
'Error fetching village groups!':
'Erro a carregar os grupos de aldeias!',
'Choose Units to Snipe': 'Escolha as unidades para o Snipe',
Group: 'Grupo',
'No possible snipe options found!':
'Nenhuma opção possível de ataque encontrado!',
Distance: 'Distância',
'An error occured while fetching troop counts!':
'Ocorreu um erro ao recolher as contagens das tropas!',
'snipe attempts found': 'tentativas de snipe encontradas',
'Nothing to export!': 'Nada para exportar!',
'Target:': ' Alvo:',
'Send in': 'Enviar em',
'Destination Village': 'Aldeia de Destino',
Sigil: 'Aflição',
'Min. Amount': 'Min. quantidade',
'Export Config': 'Exportar Config',
'Import Config': 'Importar Config',
'Configuration imported successfully!':
'Configuração importada com sucesso!',
'Nothing to import!': 'Nada para importar!',
'There was an error fetching villages by group!':
'Houve um erro ao importar as vilas por grupo!',
'Reset Chosen Group': 'Reiniciar grupo escolhido',
'Chosen group was reset!': 'Grupo escolhido foi reiniciado!',
'There was an error!': 'Houve um erro!',
'Configuration has been copied!': 'Configuração foi copiada!',
'BBCode have been copied!': 'BBCode foi copiado!',
'This script requires Premium Account!':
'Este script requer uma conta premium!',
'Reset Script': 'Reiniciar Script',
'Script configuration has been reset!':
'Configuração do Script foi reiniciada!',
'Send in:': 'Enviar Em:',
WB: 'WB',
'Copied Command successfully': 'Comando copiado com sucesso',
'today at': 'hoje às',
'tomorrow at': 'amanhã às',
'on': 'em',
de_DE: {
'Single Village Snipe': 'Single Village Snipe',
Help: 'Hilfe',
'This script can only be run on a single village screen!':
'Das Skript kann nur auf der Dorfübersicht ausgeführt werden!',
'Landing Time': 'Ankunftszeit',
'Calculate Launch Times': 'Abschickzeiten berechnen',
'Export as BB Code': 'Als BB Code exportieren',
'Landing time was updated!': 'Ankunftszeit wurde aktualisiert!',
'Plan for:': 'Plan für:',
'Landing Time:': 'Ankunftszeit:',
Unit: 'Einheit',
From: 'Von',
'Launch Time': 'Abschickzeit',
Command: 'Kommand',
Status: 'Status',
Send: 'Abschicken',
'Error fetching village groups!': 'Fehler Dörfergruppen zu laden!',
'Choose Units to Snipe': 'Wähle Einheiten zum berechnen',
Group: 'Gruppe',
'No possible snipe options found!': 'Keine möglichen Befehle gefunden!',
Distance: 'Entfernung',
'An error occured while fetching troop counts!':
'Ein Fehler ist beim laden der Truppen Informationen aufgetreten!',
'snipe attempts found': 'möglichen Befehle gefunden',
'Nothing to export!': 'Keine Daten zum exportieren gefunden!',
'Target:': 'Ziel:',
'Send in': 'Abschicken in',
'Destination Village': 'Ziel Dorf',
Sigil: 'Faktor',
'Min. Amount': 'Min. Menge',
'Export Config': 'Konfiguration exportieren',
'Import Config': 'Konfiguration importieren',
'Configuration imported successfully!':
'Konfiguration erfolgreich importiert!',
'Nothing to import!': 'Keine Daten zum importieren!',
'There was an error fetching villages by group!':
'Fehler Dörfer bei Gruppen zu laden!',
'Reset Chosen Group': 'Gewählte Gruppe zurücksetzen',
'Chosen group was reset!': 'Gewählte Gruppe wurde zurückgesetzt!',
'There was an error!': 'Es gab einen Fehler!',
'Configuration has been copied!': 'Konfiguration wurde kopiert!',
'BBCode have been copied!': 'BBCode wurde kopiert!',
'This script requires Premium Account!':
'Dieses Skript benötigt einen Premium Account!',
'Reset Script': 'Skript zurücksetzen',
'Script configuration has been reset!':
'Skript Konfiguration wurde zurückgesetzt!',
'Send in:': 'Abschicken in:',
WB: 'WB',
'Copied Command successfully': 'Befehl erfolgreich kopiert.',
'today at': 'heute um',
'tomorrow at': 'morgen um',
'on': 'am',
// Init Debug
// Init Count API
if (LAST_UPDATED_TIME !== null) {
// Fetch unit info only when needed
if (Date.parse(new Date()) >= LAST_UPDATED_TIME + TIME_INTERVAL) {
} else {
unitInfo = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`${LS_PREFIX}_unit_info`));
} else {
// Initialize Single Village Snipe script
async function initVillageSnipe(groupId) {
// run on script load
villages = await fetchAllPlayerVillagesByGroup(groupId);
troopCounts = await fetchTroopsForCurrentGroup(groupId);
const groups = await fetchVillageGroups();
const unitsTable = buildUnitsChoserTable();
const content = prepareContent(groups, unitsTable);
if (DEBUG) {
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} groupId: `, groupId);
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} villages: `, villages);
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} troopCounts: `, troopCounts);
// after script has been loaded events
setTimeout(function () {
// set the default destination village
let destinationVillage;
if (mobiledevice) {
destinationVillage = jQuery('.mobileKeyValue')
} else {
destinationVillage = jQuery(
'#content_value table table td:eq(2)'
if (`${LS_PREFIX}_${destinationVillage}` in localStorage) {
const savedConfig = JSON.parse(
const { landingTime, minAmount, sigil } = savedConfig;
} else {
// set the default landing time
const today = new Date().toLocaleString('en-GB').replace(',', '');
}, 100);
// scroll to element to focus user's attention
if (!mobiledevice) {
scrollTop: jQuery('#raSingleVillageSnipe').offset().top - 8,
// action handlers
// Helper: Prepare UI
function prepareContent(groups, unitsTable) {
const groupsFilter = renderGroupsFilter(groups);
return `
<div class="ra-mb15">
<div class="ra-grid">
<label for="raDestinationVillage">
${tt('Destination Village')}
<input id="raDestinationVillage" type="text" value="">
<label for="raLandingTime">
${tt('Landing Time')} (dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss)
<input id="raLandingTime" type="text" value="">
<label for="raLandingTime">
<input id="raSigil" type="text" value="0">
<label>${tt('Min. Amount')}</label>
<input id="raMinAmount" type="text" value="50">
<div class="ra-mb15">
<label>${tt('Choose Units to Snipe')}</label>
<div class="ra-mb15">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="calculateLaunchTimes" class="btn btn-confirm-yes">
${tt('Calculate Launch Times')}
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="exportBBCodeBtn" class="btn" data-snipe="">
${tt('Export as BB Code')}
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="exportConfig" class="btn">
${tt('Export Config')}
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="importConfig" class="btn">
${tt('Import Config')}
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="resetGroupBtn" class="btn">
${tt('Reset Chosen Group')}
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="resetScriptBtn" class="btn">
${tt('Reset Script')}
<div style="display:none;" class="ra-mb15" id="raPossibleCombinations">
<label><span id="possibleCombinationsCount">0</span> ${tt(
'snipe attempts found'
<div id="possibleCombinationsTable"></div>
// Render UI
function renderUI(body) {
const content = `
<div class="ra-single-village-snipe" id="raSingleVillageSnipe">
<div class="ra-single-village-snipe-data">
${tt(} ${scriptData.version}
</strong> -
<a href="${scriptData.authorUrl
}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
</a> -
<a href="${scriptData.helpLink
}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
.ra-single-village-snipe { position: relative; display: block; width: auto; height: auto; clear: both; margin: 0 auto 15px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #603000; box-sizing: border-box; background: #f4e4bc; }
.ra-single-village-snipe * { box-sizing: border-box; }
.ra-single-village-snipe input[type="text"] { width: 100%; padding: 5px 10px; border: 1px solid #000; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1; }
.ra-single-village-snipe label { font-weight: 600 !important; margin-bottom: 5px; display: block; }
.ra-single-village-snipe select { width: 100%; padding: 5px 10px; border: 1px solid #000; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1; }
.ra-single-village-snipe .btn-confirm-yes { padding: 3px; }
? '.ra-single-village-snipe { margin: 5px; border-radius: 10px; } .ra-single-village-snipe h2 { margin: 0 0 10px 0; font-size: 18px; } .ra-single-village-snipe .ra-grid { grid-template-columns: 1fr } .ra-single-village-snipe .ra-grid > div { margin-bottom: 15px; } .ra-single-village-snipe .btn { margin-bottom: 8px; margin-right: 8px; } .ra-single-village-snipe select { height: auto; } .ra-single-village-snipe input[type="text"] { height: auto; } .ra-hide-on-mobile { display: none; }'
: '.ra-single-village-snipe .ra-grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 150px 1fr 100px 150px 150px; grid-gap: 0 20px; }'
/* Normal Table */
.ra-table { border-collapse: separate !important; border-spacing: 2px !important; }
.ra-table label,
.ra-table input { cursor: pointer; margin: 0; }
.ra-table th { font-size: 14px; }
.ra-table th,
.ra-table td { padding: 4px; text-align: center; }
.ra-table td a { word-break: break-all; }
.ra-table tr:nth-of-type(2n+1) td { background-color: #fff5da; }
.ra-table a:focus:not(a.btn) { color: blue; }
/* Popup Content */
.ra-popup-content { position: relative; display: block; width: 360px; }
.ra-popup-content * { box-sizing: border-box; }
.ra-popup-content label { font-weight: 600 !important; margin-bottom: 5px; display: block; }
.ra-popup-content textarea { width: 100%; height: 100px; resize: none; }
/* Helpers */
.ra-mb15 { margin-bottom: 15px; }
.ra-mb30 { margin-bottom: 30px; }
.ra-chosen-command td { background-color: #ffe563 !important; }
.ra-text-left { text-align: left !important; }
.ra-text-center { text-align: center !important; }
.ra-unit-count { display: inline-block; margin-top: 3px; vertical-align: top; }
if (jQuery('.ra-single-village-snipe').length < 1) {
if (mobiledevice) {
} else {
} else {
// Action Handler: Export Config
function exportConfig() {
jQuery('#exportConfig').on('click', function (e) {
const destinationVillage = jQuery('#raDestinationVillage').val();
const landingTime = jQuery('#raLandingTime').val();
const sigil = jQuery('#raSigil').val();
const minAmount = jQuery('#raMinAmount').val();
const data = {
destinationVillage: destinationVillage,
landingTime: landingTime,
sigil: sigil,
minAmount: minAmount,
const content = `
<div class="ra-popup-content">
<textarea readonly id="exportConfigInput">${JSON.stringify(data)}</textarea>
`;'content', content);
UI.SuccessMessage(tt('Configuration has been copied!'));
// Action Handler: Export Config
function importConfig() {
jQuery('#importConfig').on('click', function (e) {
const content = `
<div class="ra-popup-content">
<textarea id="importConfigField"></textarea>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="importConfigBtn" class="btn">${tt(
'Import Config'
`;'content', content);
jQuery('#importConfigBtn').on('click', function (e) {
const config = jQuery('#importConfigField').val();
if (config.length) {
const data = JSON.parse(config);
const { destinationVillage, landingTime, minAmount, sigil } =
UI.SuccessMessage(tt('Configuration imported successfully!'));
} else {
UI.ErrorMessage(tt('Nothing to import!'));
// Action Handler: Reset chosen group
function resetGroup() {
jQuery('#resetGroupBtn').on('click', function (e) {
UI.SuccessMessage(tt('Chosen group was reset!'));
// Action Handler: Grab the "chosen" villages and calculate their launch times based on the unit type
function calculateLaunchTimes() {
jQuery('#calculateLaunchTimes').on('click', function (e) {
// collect user input and destination village
const landingTimeString = jQuery('#raLandingTime').val().trim();
const destinationVillage = jQuery('#raDestinationVillage').val().trim();
const minAmount = parseInt(jQuery('#raMinAmount').val().trim());
const chosenUnits = [];
jQuery('.ra-unit-selector').each(function () {
if (jQuery(this).is(':checked')) {
if (chosenUnits.length) {
if (DEBUG) {
`${scriptInfo()} landingTimeString:`,
`${scriptInfo()} destinationVillage:`,
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} minAmount:`, minAmount);
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} chosenUnits:`, chosenUnits);
// helper variables
const landingTime = getLandingTime(landingTimeString);
const serverTime = getServerTime();
const possibleSnipes = [];
const realSnipes = [];
villages.forEach((village) => {
const { id, name, coords } = village;
const distance = calculateDistance(coords, destinationVillage);
chosenUnits.forEach((unit) => {
const launchTime = getLaunchTime(unit, landingTime, distance);
if (launchTime > serverTime.getTime()) {
const formattedLaunchTime = formatDateTime(launchTime);
if (distance > 0) {
id: id,
name: name,
unit: unit,
coords: coords,
distance: distance,
launchTime: launchTime,
formattedLaunchTime: formattedLaunchTime,
possibleSnipes.sort((a, b) => {
return a.launchTime - b.launchTime;
// filter possible snipes to only show villages with available units
possibleSnipes.forEach((snipe) => {
const { id, unit } = snipe;
troopCounts.forEach((villageTroops) => {
if (!chosenUnits.includes('snob')) {
if (
villageTroops.villageId === id &&
villageTroops[unit] >= minAmount
) {
snipe = {
unitAmount: villageTroops[unit],
} else {
if (
villageTroops.villageId === id &&
villageTroops[unit] >= 1
) {
snipe = {
unitAmount: villageTroops[unit],
if (DEBUG) {
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} troopCounts:`, troopCounts);
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} possibleSnipes:`, possibleSnipes);
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} realSnipes:`, realSnipes);
if (realSnipes.length > 0) {
const snipeCombinationsTable = buildCombinationsTable(
.on('global_tick', function () {
const remainingTime = jQuery(
'#possibleCombinationsTable .ra-table tbody tr:eq(0) span[data-endtime]'
if (remainingTime === '0:00:10') {
document.title = tt('Send in:') + ' ' + remainingTime;
Timing.tickHandlers.timers.handleTimerEnd = function (e) {
} else {
UI.ErrorMessage(tt('No possible snipe options found!'));
jQuery('#exportBBCodeBtn').attr('data-snipe', '');
// Action Handler: When a command is clicked fill landing time with the landing time of the command
function fillLandingTimeFromCommand() {
// add from "/game.php?screen=info_village&id=XXXX" screen
'#commands_outgoings table tbody tr.command-row, #commands_incomings table tbody tr.command-row'
).on('click', function () {
try {
'#commands_outgoings table tbody tr.command-row'
const commandLandingTime = jQuery(this)
const landingTime =
UI.SuccessMessage(tt('Landing time was updated!'));
} catch (error) {
UI.ErrorMessage('There was an error!'));
console.error(`${scriptInfo} Error: `, error);
// Action Handler: Filter villages shown by selected group
function filterVillagesByChosenGroup() {
jQuery('#raGroupsFilter').on('change', function (e) {
if (DEBUG) {
`${scriptInfo()} selected group ID: `,
// Helper: Copy string to clipboard
function copyTextToClipboard(text) {
const textArea = document.createElement('textarea'); = 'fixed'; = 0; = 0; = '2em'; = '2em'; = 0; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'transparent';
textArea.value = text;
try {
UI.SuccessMessage(tt('Copied Command successfully'));
} catch (err) { }
// Action Handler: Export snipe attempts list as BB Code
function exportBBCode() {
jQuery('#exportBBCodeBtn').on('click', function (e) {
const snipeAttempts = jQuery(this).attr('data-snipe');
if (snipeAttempts) {
const snipeAttemptsJSON = JSON.parse(snipeAttempts);
const bbCodeSnipes = getBBCodeExport(snipeAttemptsJSON);
const content = `
<div class="ra-popup-content">
<label for="exportBBCodeInput">${tt('Export as BB Code')}</label>
<textarea readonly id="exportBBCodeInput">${bbCodeSnipes.trim()}</textarea>
`;'content', content);
UI.SuccessMessage(tt('BBCode have been copied!'));
} else {
UI.ErrorMessage(tt('Nothing to export!'));
// Action Handler: Reset script configuration handler
function resetScriptHandler() {
jQuery('#resetScriptBtn').on('click', function (e) {
const localStorageKeys = Object.keys(localStorage);
localStorageKeys.forEach((key) => {
if (key.startsWith(`${LS_PREFIX}_`)) {
UI.SuccessMessage(tt('Script configuration has been reset!'));
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
// Save configuration for village
function handleSaveConfig() {
const landingTime = jQuery('#raLandingTime').val().trim();
const destinationVillage = jQuery('#raDestinationVillage').val().trim();
const minAmount = parseInt(jQuery('#raMinAmount').val().trim());
const sigil = parseInt(jQuery('#raSigil').val().trim());
const chosenUnits = [];
jQuery('.ra-unit-selector').each(function () {
if (jQuery(this).is(':checked')) {
if (chosenUnits.length) {
const data = {
landingTime: landingTime,
destinationVillage: destinationVillage,
sigil: sigil,
minAmount: minAmount,
chosenUnits: chosenUnits,
// Prepare Units Selector
function buildUnitsChoserTable() {
const storedChosenUnits = JSON.parse(
if (DEBUG) {
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} storedChosenUnits:`, storedChosenUnits);
let unitsTable = ``;
let thUnits = ``;
let tableRow = ``;
if (storedChosenUnits !== null && storedChosenUnits !== undefined) {
game_data.units.forEach((unit) => {
if (unit !== 'spy' && unit !== 'militia') {
// automatically check defensive units
let checked = '';
if (storedChosenUnits.includes(unit)) {
checked = `checked`;
thUnits += `
<th class="ra-text-center">
<label for="unit_${unit}">
<img src="/graphic/unit/unit_${unit}.png">
tableRow += `
<td class="ra-text-center">
<input name="ra_chosen_units" type="checkbox" ${checked} id="unit_${unit}" class="ra-unit-selector" value="${unit}" />
} else {
game_data.units.forEach((unit) => {
if (unit !== 'spy' && unit !== 'militia') {
// automatically check defensive units
let checked = '';
if (
unit === 'spear' ||
unit === 'sword' ||
unit === 'archer' ||
unit === 'heavy' ||
unit === 'catapult'
) {
checked = `checked`;
thUnits += `
<th class="ra-text-center">
<label for="unit_${unit}">
<img src="/graphic/unit/unit_${unit}.png">
tableRow += `
<td class="ra-text-center">
<input name="ra_chosen_units" type="checkbox" ${checked} id="unit_${unit}" class="ra-unit-selector" value="${unit}" />
unitsTable = `
<table class="ra-table vis" width="100%" id="raUnitSelector">
return unitsTable;
// Render Combinations Table
function buildCombinationsTable(snipes, destinationVillage) {
let combinationsTable = `
<table class="ra-table vis" width="100%">
<th class="ra-text-left">
<th class="ra-hide-on-mobile">
${tt('Launch Time')}
${tt('Send in')}
const serverTime = getServerTime().getTime();
const arrivalTime = getLandingTime(
snipes.forEach((snipe, index) => {
const {
} = snipe;
const [toX, toY] = destinationVillage.split('|');
const continent = getContinentByCoord(coords);
const timeTillLaunch = secondsToHms((launchTime - serverTime) / 1000);
let commandUrl = '';
if (game_data.player.sitter > 0) {
commandUrl = `/game.php?t=${}&village=${id}&screen=place&x=${toX}&y=${toY}&${unit}=${unitAmount}`;
} else {
commandUrl = `/game.php?village=${id}&screen=place&x=${toX}&y=${toY}&y=${toY}&${unit}=${unitAmount}`;
let attackType = 'snob'.includes(unit)
? 11
: 'axelightramcatapultmarcher'.includes(unit)
? 8
: 0;
let wbCommand = `${id}&${VillageInfo.village_id
combinationsTable += `
${index + 1}
<td class="ra-text-left">
<a href="${game_data.link_base_pure
}info_village&id=${id}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
${name} (${coords}) K${continent}
<img src="/graphic/unit/unit_${unit}.png" /> <span class="ra-unit-count">${formatAsNumber(
<td class="ra-hide-on-mobile">
<span class="timer" data-endtime>${timeTillLaunch}</span>
<a href="${commandUrl}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="btn">
<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="btn" onclick="copyTextToClipboard('${wbCommand}');">
combinationsTable += `
return combinationsTable;
// Helper: Convert Seconds to Hour:Minutes:Seconds
function secondsToHms(timestamp) {
const hours = Math.floor(timestamp / 60 / 60);
const minutes = Math.floor(timestamp / 60) - hours * 60;
const seconds = timestamp % 60;
const formatted =
hours.toString().padStart(2, '0') +
':' +
minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0') +
':' +
seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0');
return formatted;
// Helper: Get BB Code export for snipe attempts
function getBBCodeExport(snipes) {
const landingTime = jQuery('#raLandingTime').val().trim();
const destinationVillage = jQuery('#raDestinationVillage').val().trim();
let bbCode = `[size=12][b]${tt(
)}[/b] ${destinationVillage}\n[b]${tt(
'Landing Time:'
)}[/b] ${landingTime}[/size]\n\n`;
bbCode += `[table][**]${tt('Unit')}[||]${tt('From')}[||]${tt(
'Launch Time'
snipes.forEach((plan) => {
const { coords, formattedLaunchTime, id, unit, unitAmount } = plan;
const [toX, toY] = destinationVillage.split('|');
let commandUrl = '';
if (game_data.player.sitter > 0) {
commandUrl = `/game.php?t=${}&village=${id}&screen=place&x=${toX}&y=${toY}&${unit}=${unitAmount}`;
} else {
commandUrl = `/game.php?village=${id}&screen=place&x=${toX}&y=${toY}&${unit}=${unitAmount}`;
bbCode += `[*][unit]${unit}[/unit] ${formatAsNumber(
)}[|] ${coords} [|]${formattedLaunchTime}[|][url=${window.location.origin
bbCode += `[/table]`;
return bbCode;
// Helper: Process coordinate and extract coordinate continent
function getContinentByCoord(coord) {
if (!coord) return '';
const coordParts = coord.split('|');
return coordParts[1].charAt(0) + coordParts[0].charAt(0);
// Helper: Calculate distance between 2 villages
function calculateDistance(from, to) {
const [x1, y1] = from.split('|');
const [x2, y2] = to.split('|');
const deltaX = Math.abs(x1 - x2);
const deltaY = Math.abs(y1 - y2);
return Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
// Helper: Get launch time of command
function getLaunchTime(unit, landingTime, distance) {
const msPerSec = 1000;
const secsPerMin = 60;
const msPerMin = msPerSec * secsPerMin;
const sigilPercentage = +jQuery('#raSigil').val();
const sigilRatio = 1 + sigilPercentage / 100;
const unitSpeed = unitInfo.config[unit].speed;
const unitTime = (distance * unitSpeed * msPerMin) / sigilRatio;
const launchTime = new Date();
Math.round((landingTime - unitTime) / msPerSec) * msPerSec
return launchTime.getTime();
// Helper: Get server time
function getServerTime() {
const serverTime = jQuery('#serverTime').text();
const serverDate = jQuery('#serverDate').text();
const [day, month, year] = serverDate.split('/');
const serverTimeFormatted =
year + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + serverTime;
const serverTimeObject = new Date(serverTimeFormatted);
return serverTimeObject;
// Helper: Format date and time
function formatDateTime(date) {
let currentDateTime = new Date(date);
var currentYear = currentDateTime.getFullYear();
var currentMonth = currentDateTime.getMonth();
var currentDate = currentDateTime.getDate();
var currentHours = '' + currentDateTime.getHours();
var currentMinutes = '' + currentDateTime.getMinutes();
var currentSeconds = '' + currentDateTime.getSeconds();
currentMonth = currentMonth + 1;
currentMonth = '' + currentMonth;
currentMonth = currentMonth.padStart(2, '0');
currentHours = currentHours.padStart(2, '0');
currentMinutes = currentMinutes.padStart(2, '0');
currentSeconds = currentSeconds.padStart(2, '0');
let formatted_date =
currentDate +
'/' +
currentMonth +
'/' +
currentYear +
' ' +
currentHours +
':' +
currentMinutes +
':' +
return formatted_date;
// Helper: Get landing time date object
function getLandingTime(landingTime) {
const [landingDay, landingHour] = landingTime.split(' ');
const [day, month, year] = landingDay.split('/');
const landingTimeFormatted =
year + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + landingHour;
const landingTimeObject = new Date(landingTimeFormatted);
return landingTimeObject;
// Helper: Render groups filter
function renderGroupsFilter(groups) {
const groupId = localStorage.getItem(`${LS_PREFIX}_chosen_group`) ?? 0;
let groupsFilter = `
<select name="ra_groups_filter" id="raGroupsFilter">
for (const [_, group] of Object.entries(groups.result)) {
const { group_id, name } = group;
const isSelected =
parseInt(group_id) === parseInt(groupId) ? 'selected' : '';
if (name !== undefined) {
groupsFilter += `
<option value="${group_id}" ${isSelected}>
groupsFilter += `
return groupsFilter;
// Helper: Fetch player villages by group
async function fetchAllPlayerVillagesByGroup(groupId) {
try {
let fetchVillagesUrl = '';
if (game_data.player.sitter > 0) {
fetchVillagesUrl =
game_data.link_base_pure +
} else {
fetchVillagesUrl =
game_data.link_base_pure +
const villagesByGroup = await jQuery
url: fetchVillagesUrl,
data: {
group_id: groupId,
dataType: 'json',
headers: {
'TribalWars-Ajax': 1,
.then(({ response }) => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const htmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(
const tableRows = jQuery(htmlDoc)
.find('#group_table > tbody > tr')
if (tableRows.length) {
let villagesList = [];
tableRows.each(function () {
const villageId =
.find('td:eq(0) a')
.attr('data-village-id') ??
.find('td:eq(0) a')
const villageName = jQuery(this)
const villageCoords = jQuery(this)
id: parseInt(villageId),
name: villageName,
coords: villageCoords,
return villagesList;
} else {
return [];
return villagesByGroup;
} catch (error) {
UI.ErrorMessage(tt('There was an error fetching villages by group!'));
console.error(`${scriptInfo()} Error:`, error);
return [];
// Helper: Fetch village groups
async function fetchVillageGroups() {
let fetchGroups = '';
if (game_data.player.sitter > 0) {
fetchGroups =
game_data.link_base_pure +
} else {
fetchGroups =
game_data.link_base_pure +
const villageGroups = await jQuery
.then((response) => response)
.catch((error) => {
UI.ErrorMessage('Error fetching village groups!');
console.error(`${scriptInfo()} Error:`, error);
return villageGroups;
// Helper: Fetch World Unit Info
function fetchUnitInfo() {
url: '/interface.php?func=get_unit_info',
.done(function (response) {
unitInfo = xml2json($(response));
Date.parse(new Date())
// Helper: Fetch home troop counts for current group
async function fetchTroopsForCurrentGroup(groupId) {
const troopsForGroup = await jQuery
game_data.link_base_pure +
.then(async (response) => {
const htmlDoc = jQuery.parseHTML(response);
const homeTroops = [];
if (mobiledevice) {
let table = jQuery(htmlDoc).find('#combined_table tr.nowrap');
for (let i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
let objTroops = {};
let villageId = parseInt(
let listTroops = Array.from(
.filter((e) => e.src.includes('unit'))
.map((e) => ({
name: e.src
.replace('@2x.png', ''),
value: parseInt(
listTroops.forEach((item) => {
objTroops[] = item.value;
objTroops.villageId = villageId;
} else {
const combinedTableRows = jQuery(htmlDoc).find(
'#combined_table tr.nowrap'
const combinedTableHead = jQuery(htmlDoc).find(
'#combined_table tr:eq(0) th'
const combinedTableHeader = [];
// collect possible buildings and troop types
jQuery(combinedTableHead).each(function () {
const thImage = jQuery(this).find('img').attr('src');
if (thImage) {
let thImageFilename = thImage.split('/').pop();
thImageFilename = thImageFilename.replace('.png', '');
} else {
// collect possible troop types
combinedTableRows.each(function () {
let rowTroops = {};
combinedTableHeader.forEach((tableHeader, index) => {
if (tableHeader) {
if (tableHeader.includes('unit_')) {
const villageId = jQuery(this)
.find('td:eq(1) span.quickedit-vn')
const unitType = tableHeader.replace(
rowTroops = {
villageId: parseInt(villageId),
[unitType]: parseInt(
return homeTroops;
.catch((error) => {
tt('An error occured while fetching troop counts!')
console.error(`${scriptInfo()} Error:`, error);
return troopsForGroup;
// Helper: Get landing time from a string that contains "today at" and "tomorrow at"
function getLandingTimeFromString(timeLand) {
let dateLand = '';
let serverDate = document
if (timeLand.includes(tt('today at'))) {
// today
dateLand =
serverDate[0] +
'/' +
serverDate[1] +
'/' +
serverDate[2] +
' ' +
} else if (timeLand.includes(tt('tomorrow at'))) {
// tomorrow
let tomorrowDate = new Date(
serverDate[1] + '/' + serverDate[0] + '/' + serverDate[2]
tomorrowDate.setDate(tomorrowDate.getDate() + 1);
dateLand =
('0' + tomorrowDate.getDate()).slice(-2) +
'/' +
('0' + (tomorrowDate.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) +
'/' +
tomorrowDate.getFullYear() +
' ' +
} else if (timeLand.includes(tt('on'))) {
// on
let on = timeLand.match(/\d+.\d+/)[0].split('.');
dateLand =
on[0] +
'/' +
on[1] +
'/' +
serverDate[2] +
' ' +
return dateLand;
// Helper: Format as number
function formatAsNumber(number) {
return parseInt(number).toLocaleString('de');
// Helper: XML to JSON converter
var xml2json = function ($xml) {
var data = {};
$.each($xml.children(), function (i) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.children().length > 0) {
data[$this.prop('tagName')] = xml2json($this);
} else {
data[$this.prop('tagName')] = $.trim($this.text());
return data;
// Helper: Get parameter by name
function getParameterByName(name, url = window.location.href) {
return new URL(url).searchParams.get(name);
// Helper: Count API
function countAPI() {
const { author, prefix } = scriptData;
function ({ value }) {
`${scriptInfo()} This script has been run ${formatAsNumber(
)} times.`
// Helper: Generates script info
function scriptInfo() {
return `[${} ${scriptData.version}]`;
// Helper: Prints universal debug information
function initDebug() {
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} It works 🚀!`);
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} HELP:`, scriptData.helpLink);
if (DEBUG) {
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} Market:`,;
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} World:`,;
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} Screen:`, game_data.screen);
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} Game Version:`, game_data.majorVersion);
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} Game Build:`, game_data.version);
console.debug(`${scriptInfo()} Locale:`, game_data.locale);
`${scriptInfo()} Premium:`,
// Helper: Text Translator
function tt(string) {
const gameLocale = game_data.locale;
if (translations[gameLocale] !== undefined) {
return translations[gameLocale][string];
} else {
return translations['en_DK'][string];
// Helper: Check authorization
async function checkAuth() {
const { world, player, market } = game_data;
const resonse = await fetch(
method: 'GET',
redirect: 'follow',
const { authorized, message } = await resonse.json();
return authorized;
// Initialize Script
(async function () {
if (! {
UI.ErrorMessage(tt('This script requires Premium Account!'));
const gameScreen = getParameterByName('screen');
if (gameScreen === 'info_village') {
try {
if (await checkAuth()) {
} catch (error) {
UI.ErrorMessage(tt('There was an error!'));
console.error(`${scriptInfo()} Error:`, error);
} else {
tt('This script can only be run on a single village screen!')
setTimeout(function () {
game_data.link_base_pure +
'info_village&id=' +
}, 500);
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