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Created July 8, 2023 22:42
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(async () => {
if (typeof window.twLib === 'undefined') {
window.twLib = {
queues: null,
init: function () {
if (this.queues === null) {
this.queues = this.queueLib.createQueues(5);
queueLib: {
maxAttempts: 3,
Item: function (action, arg, promise = null) {
this.action = action;
this.arguments = arg;
this.promise = promise;
this.attempts = 0;
Queue: function () {
this.list = [];
this.working = false;
this.list.length = 0;
this.doNext = function () {
let item = this.dequeue();
let self = this;
if (item.action === 'openWindow') {'DOMContentLoaded', function () {
} else {
$[item.action](...item.arguments).done(function () {
item.promise.resolve.apply(null, arguments);
}).fail(function () {
item.attempts += 1;
if (item.attempts < twLib.queueLib.maxAttempts) {
self.enqueue(item, true);
} else {
item.promise.reject.apply(null, arguments);
this.start = function () {
if (this.list.length) {
this.working = true;
} else {
this.working = false;
this.dequeue = function () {
this.list.length -= 1;
return this.list.shift();
this.enqueue = function (item, front = false) {
(front) ? this.list.unshift(item) : this.list.push(item);
this.list.length += 1;
if (!this.working) {
createQueues: function (amount) {
let arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
arr[i] = new twLib.queueLib.Queue();
return arr;
addItem: function (item) {
let leastBusyQueue = => q.length).reduce((next, curr) => (curr < next) ? curr : next, 0);
orchestrator: function (type, arg) {
let promise = $.Deferred();
let item = new twLib.queueLib.Item(type, arg, promise);
return promise;
ajax: function () {
return twLib.queueLib.orchestrator('ajax', arguments);
get: function () {
return twLib.queueLib.orchestrator('get', arguments);
post: function () {
return twLib.queueLib.orchestrator('post', arguments);
openWindow: function () {
let item = new twLib.queueLib.Item('openWindow', arguments);
// Needed functions
if (!Array.prototype.findE) {
Array.prototype.findE = function (index) {
return this[index];
const locale = game_data.locale;
const lang = {
'coords': (amount) => `Coördinaten${amount > 0 ? ` (${amount})` : ''}`,
'coordErrorTitle': 'Niet bestaande coördinaten',
'add': 'Invoeren',
'remove': 'Weghalen',
'insertErrorTitle': 'Je moet coördinaten invoeren alvorens je dorpen kan toevoegen aan deze groep!',
'insertSuccessful': (name, coords, groupName) => `${name} van ${coords.length} coördinaten in ${groupName} is voltooid.`,
'add_to_group': (coords, group) => `Ben je zeker dat je ${coords.length} dorpen wil toevoegen aan ${group}?`,
'remove_from_group': (coords, group) => `Ben je zeker dat je ${coords.length} dorpen wil verwijderen uit ${group}?`,
'removeAllTitle': 'Je hebt geen coördinaten ingegeven, wil je alle dorpen uit deze groep wissen?',
'updateGroupSuccess': (amountOfVillages, groupName) => `${amountOfVillages} dorpen uit ${groupName} zijn succesvol verwijdert.`,
'updateGroupError': 'Er is iets verkeerd gelopen bij het aanpassen van je groep, probeer het opnieuw.',
'yes': 'Ja',
'no': 'Nee',
'en_DK': {
'coords': (amount) => `Coordinate${amount > 0 ? ` (${amount})` : ''}`,
'coordErrorTitle': 'Non-existent coordinates\n',
'add': 'Add',
'remove': 'Remove',
'insertErrorTitle': 'You must enter coordinates before you can add villages to this group\n!',
'insertSuccessful': (name, coords, groupName) => `${name} from ${coords.length} coordinates in ${groupName} is finished.`,
'add_to_group': (coords, group) => `Are you sure you want to add ${coords.length} villages to ${group}?`,
'remove_from_group': (coords, group) => `Are you sure you want to remove ${coords.length} villages from ${group}?`,
'removeAllTitle': 'You have not entered any coordinates, do you want to delete all villages from this group\n?',
'updateGroupSuccess': (amountOfVillages, groupName) => `${amountOfVillages} villages from ${groupName} have been successfully deleted.`,
'updateGroupError': 'Something went wrong while editing your group, please try again\n.',
'yes': 'Yes',
'no': 'No',
const langToUse = lang[locale] && lang[locale].length > 0 ? lang[locale] : lang['en_DK'];
const getOwnVillages = async (groupId) => await`${game_data.link_base_pure}groups&ajax=load_villages_from_group`, {
h: game_data.csrf,
group_id: groupId ?? 0
}).then(result => $('#group_table:last tr', result['html']).get().reduce((el, village) => ({
[$('td:last', village).text().trim()]: Number($('td:first a', village).data('village-id'))
}), {}));
const updateGroups = (data) => new Promise(async resolve => {
await`${game_data.link_base_pure}overview_villages&action=bulk_edit_villages&mode=groups&type=static&partial`, data)
.then(resolve).catch(() => UI.ErrorMessage(langToUse['updateGroupError']));
const allOwnVillages = Object.keys(await getOwnVillages());
const {result} = await twLib.get(`${game_data.link_base_pure}groups&mode=overview&ajax=load_group_menu&`);
const getGroupOptions = () => (`${result.filter(el => el.group_id !== '0' && el.type === 'group_static').map((el) => `<option value="${el.group_id}">${ ?? ''}</option>`).join('')}`);
const coordRegex = /\d{1,3}\|\d{1,3}/g;
const villageListKey = `villagesList_${}`;
const lastUploadDate = parseInt(localStorage.getItem(`${villageListKey}_lastUploadVillageData`));
// Village data from world database //
const loadVillageData = (type) => new Promise(async resolve => {
if (villageListKey in localStorage && type !== 'update') {
} else if (lastUploadDate + 60 * 60 * 1000 > Timing.getCurrentServerTime()) {
return UI.ErrorMessage('You can only load village data once every hour.');
} else {
let villageOverviewList = {};
await twLib.ajax({
url: location.origin + '/map/village.txt', async: true, success: function (villages) {
villages.match(/[^\r\n]+/g).forEach(villageData => {
const splitVillageData = villageData.split(',');
const coordinates = splitVillageData[2] + "|" + splitVillageData[3];
villageOverviewList[coordinates] = {
id: splitVillageData[0], player_id: splitVillageData[4]
localStorage.setItem(villageListKey, JSON.stringify(villageOverviewList));
localStorage.setItem(`${villageListKey}_lastUploadVillageData`, Timing.getCurrentServerTime());
UI.SuccessMessage(`Successfully stored ${Object.keys(villageOverviewList).length} villages for TW world: ${} to localstorage`);
const loadVillageDataNet = () => new Promise(resolve => {
const backendUrl = '';
url: backendUrl + 'getVillageData',
type: 'POST',
crossDomain: true,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
}, success: function (res) {
}, error: function (xhr) {
let storedVillageList = locale === 'nl_NL' ? await loadVillageData() : await loadVillageDataNet();
let updated = false;
const getVillageId = (coord) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (locale === 'nl_NL') {
if (coord in storedVillageList) {
} else if (updated || lastUploadDate + 60 * 60 * 1000 > Timing.getCurrentServerTime()) {
} else {
loadVillageData('update').then(result => {
updated = true;
storedVillageList = result;
} else {
const villageId = Object.entries(storedVillageList).find(([villageId, villageCoord]) => villageCoord === coord)?.findE(0);
});'toxicDonutsGroupPlacer', `
<table class="vis">
<th style="text-align: center" class="coordTitle">${langToUse['coords']()}</th>
<textarea rows="10" cols="50" id="coordsArea"></textarea>
<th class="errorArea" style="display: none; text-align: center">${langToUse['coordErrorTitle']}</th>
<textarea rows="10" cols="50" class="errorArea" style="display: none"></textarea>
<td style="text-align: right">
<input style="display: none" type="button" class="btn adjustGroups" value="${langToUse['add']}" data-type="add_to_group">
<input type="button" class="btn adjustGroups" value="${langToUse['remove']}" data-type="remove_from_group">
$('#coordsArea').on('input', () => {
const coordAmount = [ Set($('#coordsArea').val()?.match(coordRegex))].length;
const button = $('.adjustGroups[data-type="add_to_group"]');
coordAmount > 0 ? $(button).show() : $(button).hide();
$('.adjustGroups').on('click', async ({target}) => {
const coords = $('#coordsArea').val()?.match(coordRegex)?.filter(coord => allOwnVillages.includes(coord)) ?? UI.ErrorMessage(langToUse['insertErrorTitle']);
const type = $(target).data('type');
const name = $(target).val();
const groupId = $(target).closest('tr').find('select option:selected').val();
const groupName = $(target).closest('tr').find('select option:selected').text();
<li>${coords ? langToUse[type](coords, groupName) : langToUse['removeAllTitle']}</li>
<button style="width: 40px" class="btn answerYes">${langToUse['yes']}</button>
<button style="width: 40px" class="btn">${langToUse['no']}</button>
</p>`, 100000);
$('.answerYes').on('click', async () => {
if (coords) {
const uniqueCoords = [ Set(coords)];
let data = `${type}=${name}&selected_group=${groupId}&h=${game_data.csrf}`;
let errorCoords = [];
for (const coord of uniqueCoords) {
await getVillageId(coord).then(villageId => {
if (villageId) data += `&village_ids%5B%5D=${villageId}`;
else errorCoords.push(coord);
updateGroups(data).then(() => {
if (!errorCoords.length) {
UI.SuccessMessage(langToUse['insertSuccessful'](name, uniqueCoords, groupName));
} else {
UI.ErrorMessage(`${name} from ${errorCoords.length} coords into ${groupName} has failed due to the coords not being found in the village list.`);
} else {
if (type.includes('remove')) {
const groupVillages = await getOwnVillages(groupId);
let data = `${type}=${name}&selected_group=${groupId}&h=${game_data.csrf}`;
Object.values(groupVillages).forEach(villageId => data += `&village_ids%5B%5D=${villageId}`);
updateGroups(data).then(() => UI.SuccessMessage(langToUse['updateGroupSuccess'](Object.keys(groupVillages).length, groupName)));
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