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Forked from mikesigs/DeleteExcludedFiles.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Find all files excluded from a Visual Studio solution with options to delete.
Finds all excluded files in all projects in the provided Visual Studio solution with options to delete the files.
The path to the .sln file
The Visual Studio version (10, 11, 12) (Used to locate the tf.exe file)
.PARAMETER DeleteFromTfs
Mark files as pending deletion in TFS
.PARAMETER DeleteFromDisk
Delete the files directly from the disk
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
[int] $VsVersion = 12,
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$tfPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(X86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio $VsVersion.0\Common7\IDE\TF.exe"
$solutionDir = Split-Path $Solution | % { (Resolve-Path $_).Path }
$projects = Select-String -Path $Solution -Pattern 'Project.*"(?<file>.*\.csproj)".*' `
| % { $_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value } `
| % { Join-Path $solutionDir $_ }
$excluded = $projects | % {
$projectDir = Split-Path $_
$projectFiles = Select-String -Path $_ -Pattern '<(Compile|None|Content|EmbeddedResource) Include="(.*)".*' `
| % { $_.Matches[0].Groups[2].Value } `
| % { Join-Path $projectDir $_ }
$diskFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $projectDir -Recurse `
| ? { !$_.PSIsContainer } `
| % { $_.FullName } `
| ? { $_ -notmatch "\\obj\\|\\bin\\|\\logs\\|\.user|\.*proj|App_Configuration\\|App_Data\\" }
(compare-object $diskFiles $projectFiles -PassThru) | Where { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' }
Write-Host "Found" $excluded.count "excluded files"
if ($DeleteFromTfs)
Write-Host "Marking excluded files as deleted in TFS..."
$excluded | % {
[Array]$arguments = @("delete", "`"$_`"")
& "$tfPath" $arguments
Write-Host "Deleting excluded files from disk..."
$excluded | % { Remove-Item -Path $_ -Force -Verbose}
Write-Host "Neither DeleteFromTfs or DeleteFromDisk was specified. Listing excluded files only..."
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