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Created May 1, 2017 18:46
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Aho-Corasick with some perf improvements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Adform.AdServing.AhoCorasickTree.Sandbox.V7g
public class AhoCorasickTree
internal AhoCorasickTreeNode Root { get; set; }
public AhoCorasickTree(IEnumerable<string> keywords)
Root = new AhoCorasickTreeNode();
if (keywords != null)
foreach (var p in keywords)
public bool Contains(string text)
var currentNode = Root;
for (var i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
while (true)
var node = currentNode.GetTransition(text[i]);
if (node == null)
currentNode = currentNode.Failure;
if (currentNode == Root)
if (node.IsWord)
return true;
currentNode = node;
return false;
public bool ContainsThatStart(string text)
return Contains(text, true);
private bool Contains(string text, bool onlyStarts)
var pointer = Root;
for (var i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
AhoCorasickTreeNode transition = null;
while (transition == null)
transition = pointer.GetTransition(text[i]);
if (pointer == Root)
if (transition == null)
pointer = pointer.Failure;
if (transition != null)
pointer = transition;
else if (onlyStarts)
return false;
if (pointer.Results.Count > 0)
return true;
return false;
public IEnumerable<string> FindAll(string text)
var pointer = Root;
foreach (var c in text)
var transition = GetTransition(c, ref pointer);
if (transition != null)
pointer = transition;
foreach (var result in pointer.Results)
yield return result;
private AhoCorasickTreeNode GetTransition(char c, ref AhoCorasickTreeNode pointer)
AhoCorasickTreeNode transition = null;
while (transition == null)
transition = pointer.GetTransition(c);
if (pointer == Root)
if (transition == null)
pointer = pointer.Failure;
return transition;
private void SetFailureNodes()
var nodes = FailToRootNode();
Root.Failure = Root;
private void AddPatternToTree(string pattern)
var node = Root;
foreach (var c in pattern)
node = node.GetTransition(c)
?? node.AddTransition(c);
node.IsWord = true;
private List<AhoCorasickTreeNode> FailToRootNode()
var nodes = new List<AhoCorasickTreeNode>();
foreach (var node in Root.Transitions)
node.Failure = Root;
return nodes;
private void FailUsingBFS(List<AhoCorasickTreeNode> nodes)
while (nodes.Count != 0)
var newNodes = new List<AhoCorasickTreeNode>();
foreach (var node in nodes)
var failure = node.ParentFailure;
var value = node.Value;
while (failure != null && !failure.ContainsTransition(value))
failure = failure.Failure;
if (failure == null)
node.Failure = Root;
node.Failure = failure.GetTransition(value);
if (!node.IsWord)
node.IsWord = failure.IsWord;
nodes = newNodes;
public AhoCorasickTreeSlim BuildSlim()
var data = new List<byte>();
var queue = new Queue<AhoCorasickTreeNode>();
while (queue.Count > 0)
var currentNode = queue.Dequeue();
if (currentNode._entries.Length == 0) continue;
if (currentNode._entries.Length > 0)
foreach (var entry in currentNode._entries)
if (entry.Key != 0)
? BitConverter.GetBytes((char)0)
: BitConverter.GetBytes((char)entry.Value.Offset));
data.AddRange(new byte[SizeOfKey]);
data.AddRange(new byte[SizeOfNode]);
return new AhoCorasickTreeSlim(data.ToArray());
private const int SizeOfSize = sizeof(byte);
private const int SizeOfFailure = sizeof(char);
private const int SizeOfKey = sizeof(byte);
private const int SizeOfNode = sizeof(char);
private void SetOffsets()
var roots = 0;
var elements = 0;
var queue = new Queue<AhoCorasickTreeNode>();
while (queue.Count > 0)
var currentNode = queue.Dequeue();
if (currentNode._entries.Length == 0) continue;
currentNode.Offset = calcOffset(roots, elements);
foreach (var entry in currentNode._entries)
if (entry.Key != 0) queue.Enqueue(entry.Value);
private int calcOffset(int roots, int childs)
return roots * (SizeOfSize + SizeOfFailure) + childs * (SizeOfKey + SizeOfNode);
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Adform.AdServing.AhoCorasickTree.Sandbox.V7g
internal class AhoCorasickTreeNode
public char Value { get; private set; }
public AhoCorasickTreeNode Failure { get; set; }
public bool IsWord;
private readonly List<string> _results;
private readonly AhoCorasickTreeNode _parent;
public List<string> Results { get { return _results; } }
public AhoCorasickTreeNode ParentFailure { get { return _parent == null ? null : _parent.Failure; } }
public AhoCorasickTreeNode[] Transitions { get { return _entries.Where(x => x.Key != 0).Select(x => x.Value).ToArray(); } }
public int Offset { get; set; }
internal Entry[] _entries;
private int _size;
public AhoCorasickTreeNode() : this(null, ' ')
private AhoCorasickTreeNode(AhoCorasickTreeNode parent, char value)
Value = value;
_parent = parent;
_results = new List<string>();
_entries = new Entry[0];
public void AddResult(string result)
if (!_results.Contains(result))
public void AddResults(IEnumerable<string> results)
foreach (var result in results)
public AhoCorasickTreeNode AddTransition(char c)
var node = new AhoCorasickTreeNode(this, c);
if (_size == 0) Resize();
while (true)
var ind = c & (_size - 1);
if (_entries[ind].Key != 0 && _entries[ind].Key != c)
_entries[ind].Key = c;
_entries[ind].Value = node;
return node;
public AhoCorasickTreeNode GetTransition(char c)
if (_size == 0) return null;
var ind = c & (_size - 1);
var keyThere = _entries[ind].Key;
if (keyThere != 0 && (keyThere == c))
return _entries[ind].Value;
return null;
public bool ContainsTransition(char c)
return GetTransition(c) != null;
private void Resize()
var newSize = _entries.Length * 2;
if (newSize == 0) newSize = 1;
private void Resize(int newSize)
var newEntries = new Entry[newSize];
for (var i = 0; i < _entries.Length; i++)
var key = _entries[i].Key;
var value = _entries[i].Value;
var ind = key & (newSize- 1);
if (newEntries[ind].Key != 0 && newEntries[ind].Key != key)
Resize(newSize * 2);
newEntries[ind].Key = key;
newEntries[ind].Value = value;
_entries = newEntries;
_size = newSize;
internal struct Entry
public char Key;
public AhoCorasickTreeNode Value;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace Adform.AdServing.AhoCorasickTree.Sandbox.V7g
public class AhoCorasickTreeSlim
private readonly byte[] _data;
public AhoCorasickTreeSlim(byte[] data)
_data = data;
public byte[] Data => _data;
private const int SizeOfSize = sizeof(byte);
private const int SizeOfFailure = sizeof(char);
private const int SizeOfKey = sizeof(byte);
private const int SizeOfNode = sizeof(char);
private static unsafe byte GetKey(byte* currentNodePtr, int ind)
return *(byte*)(currentNodePtr + SizeOfSize + SizeOfFailure + ind * (SizeOfKey + SizeOfNode));
private unsafe byte* GetNext(byte* b, byte* currentNodePtr, int ind)
return b + *(char*)(currentNodePtr + (SizeOfSize + SizeOfFailure + ind * (SizeOfKey + SizeOfNode) + SizeOfKey));
private unsafe byte* GetFailure(byte* b, byte* currentNodePtr)
return b + *(char*)(currentNodePtr + SizeOfSize);
public unsafe bool Contains(string text)
fixed (byte* b = _data)
fixed (char* p = text)
var len = text.Length * 2;
var currentNodePtr = b;
var cptr = p;
while (len > 0)
var c = *cptr;
len -= 2;
var size = *currentNodePtr;
var ind = c & (size - 1);
var key = GetKey(currentNodePtr, ind);
if (key == c)
currentNodePtr = GetNext(b, currentNodePtr, ind);
if (currentNodePtr == b) return true;
currentNodePtr = GetFailure(b, currentNodePtr);
if (currentNodePtr != b) goto CheckFailure;
return false;
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