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Last active November 4, 2021 15:51
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// adapted from
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const vector<pair<int, string>> tags = { { 3, "Fizz" },
{ 5, "Buzz" },
{ 7, "Bazz" } };
string fizz_buzz(int x)
string out = "";
for (auto &it : tags)
if (x % it.first == 0)
out += it.second;
return out.empty() ? to_string(x) : out;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
for (int i = 1; i <= stoi(argv[1]); i++)
cout << fizz_buzz(i) << endl;
return 0;
-- adapted from
import Data.Bool (bool)
tags :: [(Int, String)]
tags = [(3, "Fizz"), (5, "Buzz"), (7, "Bazz")]
desc :: Int -> String
desc i = concat [label | (q, label) <- tags, mod i q == 0]
fizzBuzz :: Int -> String
fizzBuzz i = bool str (show i) (null str) where str = desc i
example :: [String]
example = map fizzBuzz [1..120]
# adapted from
import functools
from typing import List, NewType, Tuple
Description = List[Tuple[int, str]]
def once(i: int, desc: Description) -> str:
return "-".join([m for (k, m) in desc if i % k == 0]) or str(i)
description = [(3, "fizz"), (5, "buzz"), (7, "quux")]
closure = functools.partial(once, desc=description)
res = map(closure, range(128))
for r in res:
# or use nested functions to achieve the same effect
def once(desc: Description):
def _inner(i: int) -> str:
return "-".join([m for (k, m) in desc if i % k == 0]) or str(i)
return _inner
# but this hides the fact that "closure" is now a function from (int -> str)
closure = once(description)
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