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Last active June 14, 2024 02:31
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Using Java's JDBC API, create a function that executes a query. The one concurrency-related requirement is that it has to be cancellable (timeouts, race conditions, etc.) without resource leaks.

Proposed signature:

// Scala
def query[A](sql: String)(block: PreparedStatement => A)(using Connection): IO[A]
// Kotlin
suspend fun <A> Connection.query(sql: String, block: (PreparedStatement) -> A): A =


What makes this challenging is that JDBC queries don't listen to Java's interruption protocol (no InterruptedException in their signature). What we can do is to trigger Statement.cancel(), but this has to be done concurrently, from another thread/fiber.

Which of the below implementations do you like best?

I'm interested to know your thoughts. Or comparisons to other languages.

Connect with me for more shitposting.


The Scala version uses Cats-Effect with its cancelation model.


import cats.effect.IO
import java.sql.Connection
import java.sql.PreparedStatement
import cats.effect.kernel.Outcome
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException

def query[A](sql: String)(block: PreparedStatement => A)(using Connection): IO[A] =
  // Impl. detail: Scala's Cats-Effect is interruptible, preemptively, not cooperatively
  // (within the JVM's limits). For resource handling, we need uncancelable blocks:
  IO.uncancelable { markCancelable =>
    for {
      // (1) Acquire the resource (SQL statement)
      statement <- IO.blocking(summon[Connection].prepareStatement(sql))
      // (2) Start a concurrent task, because we need it for the interruption procedure
      fiber <- IO.interruptible(block(statement)).start
      // (3) Waits for the result of the computation
      result <- markCancelable {
        // Impl. detail: cancelling this will not back-pressure any interruption
      }.guaranteeCase {
        case Outcome.Canceled() =>
          // (4) Catches and handles cancellation signal
          for {
            // (5) Cancel the SQL statement, to forcefully interrupt any query
            _ <- IO.blocking(stm.cancel()).voidError
            // (6) Cancel the fiber, back-pressuring on its interruption
            _ <- fiber.cancel
          } yield ()
        case _ =>
          // (7) Normal termination procedure, closing connection
    } yield result

Since my initial publication, I realized that we have an utility in IO#cancelable that implements the pattern above to the letter. Still, this isn't fair, as you can abstract away such patterns in Kotlin too. But here's how shorter the code can get:

def query[A](sql: String)(block: PreparedStatement => A)(using Connection): IO[A] =
  // (1) Acquire the resource (SQL statement)
    // Impl. detail: this is like a try-finally
    .bracket { stm =>
      // (2) Start the task
        // Installs an extra finalizer to run concurrently, on cancellation
        .cancelable {
          // (5) Cancel the SQL statement, to forcefully interrupt any query
    } { stm =>
      // (7) Normal termination procedure, closing connection


The Kotlin version uses the cancelation protocol baked in its coroutines.


import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import java.sql.Connection
import java.sql.PreparedStatement
import java.sql.SQLException

suspend fun <A> Connection.query(sql: String, block: (PreparedStatement) -> A): A =
  withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
    // (1) Acquire the resource (SQL statement)
    prepareStatement(sql).use { statement =>
      // (2) Start a concurrent task, because we need it for the interruption procedure
      val task = async {
        // Impl. detail: `runInterruptible` is like `IO.interruptible`
        runInterruptible {
          try {
          } catch (e: SQLException) {
            // Impl. detail: if we don't filter this, it will be logged downstream
            if (e.sqlState == "57014") throw CancellationException("Query cancelled", e)
            throw e
      // (3) Waits for the result of the computation
      try {
        // Impl. detail: cancelling this works, and won't back-pressure any interruption
      } catch (e: CancellationException) {
        // (4) Catches and handles cancellation signal
        // (5) Cancel the SQL statement, to forcefully interrupt any query
        try { statement.cancel() } catch (e2: Throwable) { e.addSuppressed(e2) }
        // (6) Cancel the fiber, back-pressuring on its interruption
        // Impl. detail: continuing interruption; 
        // this isn't needed in Scala's Cats-Effect
        throw e
    } // (7) Normal termination procedure, closing connection

Java 21 Virtual Threads (Project Loom)

Apparently, when running on top of Virtual Threads, JDBC queries can be interrupted directly. Say, what?

Pretty awesome, except that if we depend on Virtual Threads for correctness, we need to ensure that virtual threads are getting used. The good news is that, virtual threads being cheaper, this is less of a problem. This implementation is a little bare-bones, might be improved with some utilities (structured concurrency maybe?).

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.function.Function;

public <A> A query(
    Connection conn,
    String sql,
    Function<PreparedStatement, A> block
  ) throws SQLException, InterruptedException {

  try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
    final var runnable = new StatementRunnable<>(stmt, block);
    final var th = Thread.ofVirtual().start(runnable);
    try {
      if (runnable.error instanceof SQLException e) {
        throw e;
      } else if (runnable.error instanceof InterruptedException e) {
        throw e;
      } else if (runnable.error != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(runnable.error);
      return runnable.result;
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // Interrupts the thread and waits for it to finish.
          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException e2) {}
        while (th.isAlive());
        throw e;

class StatementRunnable<A> implements Runnable {
  private final PreparedStatement stmt;
  private final Function<PreparedStatement, A> block;
  public A result = null;
  public Exception error = null;

  public StatementRunnable(
      PreparedStatement stmt,
      Function<PreparedStatement, A> block) {
    this.stmt = stmt;
    this.block = block;

  public void run() {
    try {
      result = block.apply(stmt);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      error = e;


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@adamw yikes, I forgot about it 🤣 Of course, having those “structured concurrency” extensions would be sweet.

I think that doing something like this would be fine, as the interruption signal for the main thread is reset after join throws. What do you think?

  try {
  } catch (InterruptedException e2) {}
while (th.isAlive());

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adamw commented Oct 7, 2023

@alexandru yes, I think this should do the trick :)

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Will this be an equivalent ZIO implementation ?

import java.sql.PreparedStatement
import java.sql.Connection
import zio.{ Task, ZIO }

def query[A](sql: String)(block: PreparedStatement => A)(implicit conn: Connection): Task[A] =
    // (1) prepare the resource (statement) in a blocking way
    // (2) acquire/release cycle with auto-close
    .acquireReleaseWithAuto { stm =>
      // (3) use the resource to execute the query in a blocking way
      // (4) pass the cancel handler to handle interruption

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