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Last active December 5, 2017 22:10
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package shade.local
import shade.local.ImmutableCache.{Timestamp, Value}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
import scala.concurrent.duration._
/** Describes an immutable cache data-structure.
* It behaves much like a standard `scala.collection.immutable.Map`, but
* the values have an expiration timestamp attached. So the cached values
* might become unavailable depending on the current time, explicitly
* specified as `now` in the operations that need it.
* Example:
* {{{
* import scala.concurrent.duration._
* import shade.local.ImmutableCache
* val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
* val cache = ImmutableCache.empty[String]
* .set("key1", "value1", 1.minute, now)
* .set("key2", "value2", 1.minute, now)
* cache.get("key1", now)
* //=> Some("value1")
* cache.get("key1", now + 1.minute.toMillis)
* //=> None
* }}}
* @param keysToValues is a map that keeps the cached key and value tuples,
* where the [[ImmutableCache$.Value values]] have an expiry timestamp
* attached
* @param expiryOrder is a sorted sequence of timestamps to keys mapping
* that represent the order in which keys need to be expired from
* the cache, as an optimization when doing the cleanup
final case class ImmutableCache[+A](
keysToValues: Map[String, Value[A]],
expiryOrder: SortedMap[Timestamp, Set[String]]) {
/** Fetches the cached value associated with a given key,
* returning `None` if the `key` does not exist in the cache,
* or if it expired (relative to `now`).
* @param key is the associated key for the returned cached value
* @param now is the current timestamp, used to determine if the
* cached value is expired or not
* @return `Some(value)` in case the value exists in the cache and
* isn't expired, or `None` otherwise
def get(key: String, now: Timestamp): Option[A] =
keysToValues.get(key) match {
case Some(r) if r.expiresAt > now => Some(r.value)
case _ => None
/** Fetches the cached value associated with a given key,
* returning the given `default` if the `key` does not exist in
* the cache, or if it expired (relative to `now`).
* @param key is the associated key for the returned cached value
* @param default is the value to return in case the given `key`
* doesn't exist, or the cached value is expired
* @param now is the current timestamp, used to determine if the
* cached value is expired or not
* @return the cached value, in case the associated `key` exists
* and it isn't expired, or otherwise the `default`
def getOrElse[B >: A](key: String, default: B, now: Timestamp): B =
keysToValues.get(key) match {
case Some(r) if r.expiresAt > now => r.value
case _ => default
/** Adds a new value to the cache, associated with the given `key`,
* but only if the given `key` doesn't already exist in the cache.
* @param key is the key to associate with the given value
* @param value is the value to persist in the cache
* @param expiry is the duration after which the value is expired,
* can be infinite (e.g. `Duration.Inf`)
* @param now is the current timestamp, given in milliseconds since
* the epoch (e.g. `System.currentTimeMillis`), used to
* calculate the exact timestamp when the new value will
* be expired
* @return an `(isSuccess, newState)` tuple, signaling `true` if a
* new key was added to the cache, or `false` if no changes
* have been made due to the `key` already being present and
* its value being active
def add[B >: A](key: String, value: B, expiry: Duration, now: Timestamp): (Boolean, ImmutableCache[B]) = {
val ts = getExpiryTS(expiry, now)
val oldRawValue = keysToValues.get(key)
val itemExists = oldRawValue match {
case Some(item) if item.expiresAt > now => true
case _ => false
if (itemExists || ts <= now)
(false, this)
(true, buildNewState(key, value, ts, oldRawValue))
/** Sets the given `key` to the given `value` in the cache.
* @param key is the key to associate with the given value
* @param value is the value to persist in the cache
* @param expiry is the duration after which the value is expired,
* can be infinite (e.g. `Duration.Inf`)
* @param now is the current timestamp, given in milliseconds since
* the epoch (e.g. `System.currentTimeMillis`), used to
* calculate the exact timestamp when the new value will
* be expired
* @return a new cache containing the given `value` associated
* with the given `key`
def set[B >: A](key: String, value: B, expiry: Duration, now: Timestamp): ImmutableCache[B] = {
val ts = getExpiryTS(expiry, now)
buildNewState(key, value, ts, keysToValues.get(key))
/** Deletes a given `key` from the cache.
* @param key is the `key` to delete from the cache
* @return `(isSuccess, newState)` tuple, by which it signals `true`
* in case the `key` was present in the cache with an unexpired
* value, a key that was deleted, or `false` in case no such
* key was present and so nothing was deleted
def delete(key: String): (Boolean, ImmutableCache[A]) =
this.keysToValues.get(key) match {
case Some(value) =>
val newValues = this.keysToValues - key
val newOrder = {
val ts = value.expiresAt
val set = this.expiryOrder.getOrElse(ts, Set.empty) - key
if (set.isEmpty) this.expiryOrder - ts
else this.expiryOrder.updated(ts, set)
val state = ImmutableCache(keysToValues=newValues, expiryOrder=newOrder)
(true, state)
case None =>
(false, this)
/** Given a function, transforms and persists an update for
* the value associated with the given `key`, returning the
* updated value.
* The given function admits keys not already present in the
* cache, or with values that are expired, thus receiving
* `None` in such a case.
* @param key is the key that will have its associated value transformed
* @param expiry is the duration after which the new value is expired,
* can be infinite (e.g. `Duration.Inf`)
* @param now is the current timestamp, given in milliseconds since
* the epoch (e.g. `System.currentTimeMillis`), used to
* calculate the exact timestamp when the new value will
* be expired
* @param f is the transformation function, can receive `None` in
* case the `key` doesn't exist in the cache or if its value
* is expired
* @return the updated value along with the new cache
def transformAndGet[B >: A](key: String, expiry: Duration, now: Timestamp)
(f: Option[A] => B): (B, ImmutableCache[B]) = {
val ts = getExpiryTS(expiry, now)
val oldRawValue = keysToValues.get(key)
val value = oldRawValue match {
case Some(v) if v.expiresAt > now => Some(v.value)
case _ => None
val newValue = f(value)
val update = buildNewState(key, newValue, ts, oldRawValue)
(newValue, update)
/** Given a function, transforms and persists an update for
* the value associated with the given `key`, returning the
* old value, prior to its update.
* The given function admits keys not already present in the
* cache, or with values that are expired, thus receiving
* `None` in such a case.
* @param key is the key that will have its associated value transformed
* @param expiry is the duration after which the new value is expired,
* can be infinite (e.g. `Duration.Inf`)
* @param now is the current timestamp, given in milliseconds since
* the epoch (e.g. `System.currentTimeMillis`), used to
* calculate the exact timestamp when the new value will
* be expired
* @param f is the transformation function, can receive `None` in
* case the `key` doesn't exist in the cache or if its value
* is expired
* @return the old value, prior to its update, along with the new cache
def getAndTransform[B >: A](key: String, expiry: Duration, now: Timestamp)
(f: Option[A] => B): (Option[B], ImmutableCache[B]) = {
val ts = getExpiryTS(expiry, now)
val oldRawValue = keysToValues.get(key)
val value = oldRawValue match {
case Some(v) if v.expiresAt > now => Some(v.value)
case _ => None
val newValue = f(value)
val update = buildNewState(key, newValue, ts, oldRawValue)
(value, update)
/** Given a function, transforms and persists an update for
* the value associated with the given `key`, returning an
* extracted result.
* The given function admits keys not already present in the
* cache, or with values that are expired, thus receiving
* `None` in such a case.
* @param key is the key that will have its associated value transformed
* @param expiry is the duration after which the new value is expired,
* can be infinite (e.g. `Duration.Inf`)
* @param now is the current timestamp, given in milliseconds since
* the epoch (e.g. `System.currentTimeMillis`), used to
* calculate the exact timestamp when the new value will
* be expired
* @param f is the transformation function, can receive `None` in
* case the `key` doesn't exist in the cache or if its value
* is expired
* @return an extracted `R` value, along with the new cache
def transformAndExtract[B >: A, R](key: String, expiry: Duration, now: Timestamp)
(f: Option[A] => (R,B)): (R, ImmutableCache[B]) = {
val ts = getExpiryTS(expiry, now)
val oldRawValue = keysToValues.get(key)
val value = oldRawValue match {
case Some(v) if v.expiresAt > now => Some(v.value)
case _ => None
val (extract, newValue) = f(value)
val update = buildNewState(key, newValue, ts, oldRawValue)
(extract, update)
/** Performs cleanup of the source cache, deleting keys that are expired,
* relative to the given `now`.
* @param now is the current timestamp, given in milliseconds since
* the epoch (e.g. `System.currentTimeMillis`), used to
* determine which keys are expired
* @return the number of keys that have been deleted from the source
* cache, along with the new cache that has those keys deleted
def cleanse(now: Timestamp): (Int, ImmutableCache[A]) = {
@tailrec def loop(self: ImmutableCache[A], now: Timestamp, acc: Int): (Int, ImmutableCache[A]) = {
val order = self.expiryOrder
if (order.isEmpty) (acc, self) else {
val (ts, keys) = order.head
if (ts > now) (acc, self) else {
val newOrder = order - ts
val newMap = self.keysToValues -- keys
val update = ImmutableCache(keysToValues = newMap, expiryOrder = newOrder)
loop(update, now, acc + keys.size)
loop(this, now, 0)
private def getExpiryTS(expiry: Duration, now: Timestamp): Timestamp =
if (expiry.isFinite()) now + expiry.toMillis
else Long.MaxValue
private def buildNewState[B >: A](key: String, value: B, ts: Timestamp, oldRawValue: Option[Value[B]]) = {
val newValues = keysToValues.updated(key, Value(value, ts))
// We might have a previous entry in the expiry order for
// the given key, so we need to remove it
val orderClean = oldRawValue match {
case Some(v) if v.expiresAt != ts =>
this.expiryOrder.get(v.expiresAt) match {
case None => this.expiryOrder
case Some(set) =>
val newSet = set - key
if (newSet.isEmpty) this.expiryOrder - v.expiresAt
else this.expiryOrder.updated(v.expiresAt, newSet)
case _ =>
// Building a new expiry order that includes the new timestamp
val newOrder = {
val collisionSet = orderClean.getOrElse(ts, Set.empty)
orderClean.updated(ts, collisionSet + key)
ImmutableCache(keysToValues = newValues, expiryOrder = newOrder)
object ImmutableCache {
/** Returns an empty [[ImmutableCache]] instance. */
def empty[A]: ImmutableCache[A] = emptyRef
/** Returns an empty [[ImmutableCache]] instance. */
def apply[A](): ImmutableCache[A] = emptyRef
/** Using a type-alias for `Long`, describing Unix timestamps
* specified in milliseconds since the epoch.
type Timestamp = Long
/** Represents the stored values, having an `expiresAt`
* timestamp attached, as a Unix timestamp, thus specified
* in milliseconds since the epoch.
final case class Value[+A](value: A, expiresAt: Timestamp)
// Empty reference reusable because of covariance.
private[this] val emptyRef: ImmutableCache[Nothing] =
ImmutableCache(Map.empty, SortedMap.empty)
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