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Created September 21, 2014 12:30
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Immutable cache implementation
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.SortedSet
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, _}
import Cache._
import Cache.ExpiryInfo.ordering
* An immutable cache implementation.
case class Cache[+T] private (
values: Map[String, Value[T]],
expiryCalendar: SortedSet[ExpiryInfo],
cleanupInterval: FiniteDuration,
currentTimestamp: Long,
lastCleanupTS: Long
) extends (String => T) {
* Returns the value associated with `key`, if the value hasn't expired yet.
* @throws NoSuchElementException in case the key is missing or is expired.
def apply(key: String): T = {
values.get(key) match {
case Some(Value(value, expiresAt)) =>
if (expiresAt > currentTimestamp)
throw new NoSuchElementException(s"$key is expired in the cache")
case None =>
throw new NoSuchElementException(s"$key is missing from the cache")
* Fetches a key from the cache. Returns `None` in case the key does not
* exists or is expired.
* @param key is the key to fetch for its associated value
def get(key: String): Option[T] =
values.get(key).collect {
case Value(value, expiresAt)
if expiresAt > currentTimestamp => value
* Returns true if the given key exists in the cache and is not expired
* (relative to the present moment indicated by `now`), or false otherwise.
def exists(key: String): Boolean =
values.get(key) match {
case None => false
case Some(value) =>
* Returns a cache that is free of expired junk.
* @param forced if true, then forces cleanup, even if we are not at the right time.
def cleaned(forced: Boolean = false): Cache[T] = {
if (lastCleanupTS + cleanupInterval.toMillis <= currentTimestamp)
removeExpired(copy(lastCleanupTS = currentTimestamp), currentTimestamp)
* For removing a key, returning a tuple representing our removed
* value + a new cache instance with the key removed.
def remove(key: String): (Option[T], Cache[T]) = {
val cache = cleaned(forced = false)
cache.values.get(key) match {
case None => (None, cache)
case Some(value) =>
val newExpiries = cache.expiryCalendar - ExpiryInfo(key, value.expiresAt)
val newValues = cache.values - key
val result = if (value.notExpiredAt(currentTimestamp)) Some(value.value) else None
(result, copy(values = newValues, expiryCalendar = newExpiries))
* Returns a cache with the given `key` updated by `value`.
def update[U >: T](key: String, value: U, expiry: Duration): Cache[U] = {
require(expiry > Duration.Zero, "The given expiry time must be greater than zero")
val expiresAt = currentTimestamp + (
if (expiry.isFinite())
val (_, cache) = remove(key)
val newValues = cache.values.updated(key, Value(value, expiresAt))
val newCalendar = cache.expiryCalendar + ExpiryInfo(key, expiresAt)
copy(values = newValues, expiryCalendar = newCalendar)
* Returns a cache with the given `key` associated with the given `value`,
* but only if the `key` is not in cache already or is expired.
def add[U >: T](key: String, value: U, expiry: Duration): Cache[U] = {
require(expiry > Duration.Zero, "The given expiry time must be greater than zero")
if (exists(key)) this
update(key, value, expiry)
* Returns the cache with a new current time applied and thus with
* expired keys.
def atMoment(timestamp: Long): Cache[T] = {
copy(currentTimestamp = timestamp)
* Advances the current moment in time by the specified timespan,
* expiring keys that have to expire at
* `currentTimestamp` + `timespan`.
def advanceInTime(timespan: FiniteDuration): Cache[T] = {
copy(currentTimestamp = currentTimestamp + timespan.toMillis)
.cleaned(forced = false)
* Traverses all the elements in the cache that aren't expired.
def foreach[B](f: ((String, T)) => B): Unit = {
for ((key, Value(value, expiresAt)) <- values)
if (expiresAt > currentTimestamp) f(key, value)
* Builds a new cache with the given mapping function applied to
* each value that isn't expired.
def mapValues[U](f: T => U): Cache[U] = {
val cache = cleaned(forced = true)
cache.copy(values = { case (key, boxedValue) =>
(key, boxedValue.copy(value = f(boxedValue.value)))
* Builds a new cache with the given mapping function applied to
* each value that isn't expired.
def map[U](f: ((String, T)) => (String, U)): Cache[U] = {
val source = cleaned(forced = true)
var newValues = Map.empty[String, Value[U]]
var newCalendar = SortedSet.empty[ExpiryInfo]
for ((key, boxedVal) <- source.values) {
val (newKey, newValue) = f((key, boxedVal.value))
newValues = newValues.updated(newKey, boxedVal.copy(newValue))
newCalendar = newCalendar + ExpiryInfo(newKey, boxedVal.expiresAt)
source.copy(newValues, newCalendar)
* Returns a union of the source with the given `other` cache,
* the result containing the non-expired key-value pairs in both.
def union[U >: T](other: Cache[U]): Cache[U] = {
val currentTimestamp = math.max(this.currentTimestamp, other.currentTimestamp)
val sourceCleaned = this.atMoment(currentTimestamp).cleaned(forced = true)
val otherCleaned = other.atMoment(currentTimestamp).cleaned(forced = true)
values = sourceCleaned.values ++ otherCleaned.values,
expiryCalendar = sourceCleaned.expiryCalendar ++ otherCleaned.expiryCalendar,
cleanupInterval = cleanupInterval,
currentTimestamp = currentTimestamp,
lastCleanupTS = currentTimestamp
* Alias for [[Cache.union]].
def ++[U >: T](other: Cache[U]): Cache[U] = {
* The flatMap operation takes a function that returns a cache for each
* element of the source and returns the union of all resulting caches.
def flatMap[U](f: ((String, T)) => Cache[U]): Cache[U] = {
var union = Cache.empty[U](cleanupInterval, currentTimestamp)
for ((key, boxedValue) <- cleaned(forced = true).values) {
val newCache = f((key, boxedValue.value))
union = union ++ newCache
* Filters this cache by the given predicate, returning a new cache for
* which the given predicate holds for all elements.
def filter[U](f: ((String, T)) => Boolean): Cache[T] = {
val source = cleaned(forced = true)
var newValues = source.values
var newCalendar = SortedSet.empty[ExpiryInfo]
for ((key, boxedVal) <- source.values)
if (!f((key, boxedVal.value)))
newValues = newValues - key
newCalendar = newCalendar + ExpiryInfo(key, boxedVal.expiresAt)
source.copy(newValues, newCalendar)
* Filters this cache by the given predicate, returning a new cache for
* which the given predicate does not hold for any of the elements.
def filterNot[U](f: ((String, T)) => Boolean): Cache[T] = {
val source = cleaned(forced = true)
var newValues = source.values
var newCalendar = SortedSet.empty[ExpiryInfo]
for ((key, boxedVal) <- source.values) {
if (f((key, boxedVal.value)))
newValues = newValues - key
newCalendar = newCalendar + ExpiryInfo(key, boxedVal.expiresAt)
source.copy(newValues, newCalendar)
* Returns a map with all the key-value pairs that haven't expired yet.
def toMap: Map[String, T] = {
var map = Map.empty[String, T]
for ((key, boxed @ Value(value, _)) <- values)
if (boxed.notExpiredAt(currentTimestamp)) {
map = map.updated(key, value)
* Returns an iterable with all the key-value pairs that haven't expired yet.
def toIterable: Iterable[(String, T)] =
new Iterable[(String, T)] {
def iterator = new Iterator[(String, T)] {
private[this] val cursor = values.iterator
.filter { case (_, boxed) => boxed.notExpiredAt(currentTimestamp) }
def hasNext =
def next() = {
val (key, Value(value, _)) =
(key, value)
override lazy val toString = {
val iterator = toIterable.iterator
val first100 = iterator.take(20).map(x => s"${x._1} -> ${x._2}").mkString(", ")
val elems = first100 + (if (iterator.hasNext) ", ..." else "")
"Cache(" + elems + ")"
object Cache {
* Builds a cache out of the specified sequence of key and value pairs, where
* every item has the expiration specified by `expiry`.
def apply[T](expiry: Duration)(seq: (String, T)*)(implicit config: InitConfig): Cache[T] = {
var cache = Cache.empty[T]
for ((key, value) <- seq)
cache = cache.update(key, value, expiry)
* Returns an empty [[Cache]].
def empty[T](implicit config: InitConfig): Cache[T] = {
val now = config.currentMoment
values = Map.empty[String, Value[T]],
expiryCalendar = SortedSet.empty[ExpiryInfo],
cleanupInterval = config.cleanupInterval,
lastCleanupTS = now,
currentTimestamp = now
* Returns an empty [[Cache]].
* @param cleanupInterval is the interval of time at which the [[Cache.cleaned]]
* operation should be triggered on writes.
* @param now indicates the present moment.
def empty[T](cleanupInterval: FiniteDuration, now: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()): Cache[T] = Cache(
values = Map.empty[String, Value[T]],
expiryCalendar = SortedSet.empty[ExpiryInfo],
cleanupInterval = cleanupInterval,
lastCleanupTS = 0,
currentTimestamp = now
* Taken as an implicit when building a new cache, to spare one for manually
* specifying the current moment and the cleanup interval every time you do it.
trait InitConfig {
def cleanupInterval: FiniteDuration
def currentMoment: Long
object InitConfig {
* Default init configuration.
implicit val default = new InitConfig {
def cleanupInterval = 1.second
def currentMoment = System.currentTimeMillis()
* Tuple representing a value with an expiration date attached.
case class Value[+T](value: T, expiresAt: Long) {
def isExpiredAt(timestamp: Long): Boolean =
def notExpiredAt(timestamp: Long): Boolean =
expiresAt > timestamp
* A tuple representing the timestamp at which keys should expire,
* given in UTC timestamps.
case class ExpiryInfo(key: String, expiresAt: Long)
object ExpiryInfo {
implicit val ordering: Ordering[ExpiryInfo] =
new Ordering[ExpiryInfo] {
def compare(x: ExpiryInfo, y: ExpiryInfo) = {
if (x.expiresAt < y.expiresAt) -1
else if (x.expiresAt > y.expiresAt) 1
else x.key.compareTo(y.key)
private def removeExpired[T](cache: Cache[T], now: Long): Cache[T] = {
val calendar = cache.expiryCalendar
if (calendar.isEmpty) cache else {
val expiry = calendar.firstKey
if (expiry.expiresAt > now)
removeExpired(now = now, cache = cache.copy(
values = cache.values - expiry.key,
expiryCalendar = calendar.tail
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