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Created January 29, 2014 16:27
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Save alexandrusavin/8691618 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to delete lot's of files without a big impact on the system IO
// path where the files should be deleted
define('PATH', '/.');
// delete only files older than OLDER_THAN_DAYS days
define('OLDER_THAN_DAYS', 14);
// delete only files that match MATCH_NAME
define('MATCH_NAME', '/some regexp/i');
// do NOT actually delete the files
define('DRYRUN', false);
// sleep SLEEP_USEC microsecconds after each delete
define('SLEEP_USEC', 5000); // I have good experience with setting it to 5 milisecs
$older_than = time() - OLDER_THAN_DAYS * 24 * 60 * 60;
$to_delete = array();
$success = 0;
$failed = 0;
$count = 0;
$echo = "";
$freespace = 0;
try {
$dir = new DirectoryIterator(PATH);
foreach ($dir as $file) {
if (!$file->isDot() && $file->isFile() && $file->getMTime() > $older_than
&& preg_match(MATCH_NAME, $file->getBasename())) {
if (DRYRUN) {
$freespace += $file->getSize();
} else {
$size = $file->getSize();
if (@unlink ($file->getPathname())) {
$freespace += $size;
} else {
echo "\033[".(strlen($echo))."D";
$echo = "Went through " . $count . " files and deleted $success successfully and $failed unsuccessfully. Made " . round($freespace / 1024 / 1024) . "M of freespace.";
echo $echo;
} catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
throw new Exception("Directory path wrong [".$e->message."]");
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