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Last active June 11, 2018 15:46
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LP solvers in JS
++ no trouble whatsoever with 10000 constraints, however I got tired of waiting for 20000 (multiple minutes)
there is quite a lot on optimizing the problem formulation at
SOS (special ordered sets) look interesting:
! violated constraints in some instances
-- cumbersome that all variables have to be named everywhere
++ very nice first impression
- the version no. is scary (0.0.3)
! only allows for up to around 450 constraints; the runtime at 500 already seems prohibitively expensive (ca. 30 sec)
# Solve linear (in)equation systems,+c%2Bd%3D2,+e%2Bf%3D3,+a%2Bf%3D3,+b%2Bc%3D2,+d%2Be%3D1
## Solve linear equation systems: JS libs
performance comparison
### Candidate libs
? can this solve eq systems?
not obvious how to use it
### Dismissed libs
-- lack of precision
> numeric.solve([[1,2],[3,4]],[17,39])
[ 5.000000000000001, 5.999999999999999 ]
!!! does not seem to work with A, where n != m
> numeric.solve([[1,1]], [1])
[ 1 ]
!!! does not seem to work with underdetermined systems:
> numeric.solve([[1,1], [1,1]], [1,1])
[ NaN, NaN ]
! cannot solve underdetermined system
> n.solveEquations(['xa+xb=1', 'yb+yc=2', 'zc+za=3', 'xa+za=3', 'xb+yb=2', 'yc+zc=1'])
Error: Division by zero not allowed!
> n.solveEquations(['xa+xb=1', 'ya+yb=1', 'xa+ya=1', 'xb+yb=1'])
Error: Division by zero not allowed!
> n.solveEquations(['x+y=1'])
[ [ 'x', 1 ] ]
!!! cannot solve overdetermined.
> new Matrix([[1,1], [1,0], [0,1]]).solve(new Matrix([[2], [1], [1]])).toArray()
[ [ NaN ], [ NaN ], [ NaN ] ]
! seems more like symbolic computation
- not on npm
- not requirable out-of-the-box
However, this is easily fixable by adding `module.exports = lalolib` at end of 'lalolib-module.min.js'
-- cannot always solve what it calculated (however, this is an unlikely edge case)
> a = l.array2mat([[1, 1]])
> b = l.array2mat([[1], [0]])
> l.mul(a, b)
> l.solve(a, l.mul(a, b))
!! cannot solve underdetermined system
> a = l.array2mat([[1,1], [1,1]])
> b = l.array2mat([[0.5], [0.5]])
> l.mul(a, b)
Float64Array [ 1, 1 ]
> l.solve(a, l.mul(a, b))
TypeError: Cannot read property 'm' of undefined
at ...
> a = l.array2mat([[1,1,0,0,0,0], [0,0,1,1,0,0], [0,0,0,0,1,1], [1,0,0,0,0,1], [0,1,1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,1,1,0]])
> b = l.array2mat([[1], [0], [2], [0], [1], [2]])
> l.mul(a, b)
Float64Array [ 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1 ]
> l.solve(a, l.mul(a, b))
TypeError: Cannot read property 'm' of undefined
-- precision issues
> a = l.array2mat([[1,1], [1,0], [0,1]])
> b = l.array2mat([[1], [1]])
> l.mul(a, b)
Float64Array [ 2, 1, 1 ]
> l.solve(a, l.mul(a, b))
Float64Array [ 0.9999999999999999, 1 ]
++ can solve overdetermined system
> a = l.array2mat([[1,1,0], [0,0,1], [1,0,0], [0,1,1]])
> b = l.array2mat([[1], [1], [1]])
> l.mul(a, b)
Float64Array [ 2, 1, 1, 2 ]
> l.solve(a, l.mul(a, b))
Float64Array [ 0.9999999999999999, 0.9999999999999998, 1.0000000000000002 ]
/* eslint-disable */
const m = require('moment')
const r = require('ramda')
const td = require('testdouble')
const __ = require('hamjest')
const n = require('numeral')
const Simplex = require('simple-simplex')
// const solver = new Simplex({
// objective: {
// xa: 1,
// xb: 1,
// yb: 1,
// },
// optimizationType: 'max',
// constraints: [
// {
// namedVector: { xa: 2, xb: 0, yb: 0 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 1,
// },
// {
// namedVector: { xb: 2, xa: 0, yb: 0 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 2,
// },
// {
// namedVector: { yb: 1, xa:0, xb:0 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 2,
// },
// ],
// })
// const solver = new Simplex({
// objective: {
// xa: 1,
// xb: 1,
// yb: 1,
// yc: 1,
// zc: 1,
// za: 1,
// },
// optimizationType: 'max',
// constraints: [
// {
// namedVector: { xa: 1, xb: 0, yb: 0, yc: 0, zc: 0, za: 3 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 3,
// },
// {
// namedVector: { xa: 0, xb: 1, yb: 2, yc: 0, zc: 0, za: 0 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 2,
// },
// {
// namedVector: { xa: 0, xb: 0, yb: 0, yc: 2, zc: 3, za: 0 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 1,
// },
// { // this constraint is clearly violated
// namedVector: { xa: 1, xb: 0, yb: 0, yc: 0, zc: 0, za: 0 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 1,
// },
// {
// namedVector: { xa: 0, xb: 1, yb: 0, yc: 0, zc: 0, za: 0 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 1,
// },
// {
// namedVector: { xa: 0, xb: 0, yb: 1, yc: 0, zc: 0, za: 0 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 1,
// },
// {
// namedVector: { xa: 0, xb: 0, yb: 0, yc: 1, zc: 0, za: 0 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 1,
// },
// {
// namedVector: { xa: 0, xb: 0, yb: 0, yc: 0, zc: 1, za: 0 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 1,
// },
// {
// namedVector: { xa: 0, xb: 0, yb: 0, yc: 0, zc: 0, za: 1 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 1,
// },
// ],
// })
// const solver = new Simplex({
// objective: {
// xa: 1,
// xb: 1,
// yb: 1,
// yc: 1,
// zc: 1,
// za: 1,
// },
// optimizationType: 'max',
// constraints: [
// {
// namedVector: { xa: 1, xb: 0, yb: 0, yc: 0, zc: 0, za: 1 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 3,
// },
// {
// namedVector: { xa: 0, xb: 1, yb: 1, yc: 0, zc: 0, za: 0 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 2,
// },
// { // the solver clearly violates this constraint
// namedVector: { xa: 0, xb: 0, yb: 0, yc: 1, zc: 1, za: 0 },
// constraint: '<=',
// constant: 1,
// },
// ],
// })
// const result = solver.solve({
// methodName: 'simplex'
// })
// console.log({
// solution: result.solution,
// isOptimal: result.details.isOptimal
// })
const simplex = require('simplex-solver')
// const result1 = simplex.maximize('xa + xb + yb', [
// 'xa <= 1',
// 'xb + yb <= 2',
// 'xa + xb <= 2',
// 'yb <= 1'
// ])
// const result2 = simplex.maximize('xa + xb + yb + yc + zc + za', [
// 'xa + za <= 3',
// 'xb + yb <= 2',
// 'yc + zc <= 1',
// 'xa + xb <= 1',
// 'yb + yc <= 2',
// 'za + zc <= 3',
// ])
// console.log(result2)
// const variables = r.pipe(
// () => r.range(1, 500),
// => 'x' + i)
// )()
// v2 = ['x1', 'x2', 'x3']
// constraints =, '<=3'))(variables)
// console.log(constraints)
// const result3 = simplex.maximize(r.join(' + ')(variables), constraints)
// console.log(result3)
// const result3 = simplex.maximize('xa + xb + yb + yc + zc + za', [
// 'xa + za <= 60',
// 'xb + yb <= 40',
// 'yc + zc <= 20',
// 'xa + xb <= 20',
// 'yb + yc <= 40',
// 'za + zc <= 60',
// 'xa >= 1',
// 'xb >= 1',
// 'yb >= 1',
// 'yc >= 1',
// 'zc >= 1',
// 'za >= 1',
// ])
// console.log(result3)
const lp = require('javascript-lp-solver')
// console.log(lp.Solve({
// "optimize": "sum",
// "opType": "max",
// "constraints": {
// "x": {"max": 2},
// "y": {"max": 1},
// "a": {"max": 1},
// "b": {"max": 2},
// },
// "variables": {
// "xa": {
// "x": 1,
// "a": 1,
// "sum": 1,
// },
// "xb": {
// "x": 1,
// "b": 1,
// "sum": 1,
// },
// "yb": {
// "y": 1,
// "b": 1,
// "sum": 1,
// },
// },
// }))
// const model = [
// 'max: xa xb yb',
// 'xa + xb <= 2',
// 'yb <= 1',
// 'xa <= 1',
// 'xb + yb <= 2'
// ]
// const model = [
// 'max: xa xb yb yc zc za',
// 'xa + xb <= 1',
// 'yb + yc <= 2',
// 'zc + za <= 3',
// 'xa + za <= 3',
// 'xb + yb <= 2',
// 'yc + zc <= 1',
// ]
// const vars = r.pipe(
// () => r.range(1, 20000),
// => 'x' + i)
// )()
// const constraints =, ' <= 3'))(vars)
// const model = [
// 'max: ' + r.join(' ', vars),
// ...constraints,
//'int '))(vars)
// ]
// console.log(lp.Solve(lp.ReformatLP(model)))
const numeric = require('numericjs')
// const A = [[1,2],[3,4]]
// const b = [17,39]
// const A = [
// [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
// [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
// [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1],
// [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
// [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
// [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0],
// ]
// const b = [1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1]
const A =[
[1, 1],
[1, 0],
[0, 1],
const b = [2, 1, 1]
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