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Created February 6, 2015 15:28
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A PowerShell cmdlet that can be used to retry a failing ScriptBlock
This function can be used to pass a ScriptBlock (closure) to be executed and returned.
The operation retried a few times on failure, and if the maximum threshold is surpassed, the operation fails completely.
Command - The ScriptBlock to be executed
RetryDelay - Number (in seconds) to wait between retries
(default: 5)
MaxRetries - Number of times to retry before accepting failure
(default: 5)
VerboseOutput - More info about internal processing
(default: false)
Execute-With-Retry { $connection.Open() }
$result = Execute-With-Retry -RetryDelay 1 -MaxRetries 2 { $command.ExecuteReader() }
function Execute-With-Retry {
$RetryDelay = 5,
$MaxRetries = 5,
$VerboseOutput = $false
$currentRetry = 0
$success = $false
$cmd = $Command.ToString()
do {
$result = & $Command
$success = $true
if ($VerboseOutput -eq $true) {
$Host.UI.WriteDebugLine("Successfully executed [$cmd]")
return $result
catch [System.Exception]
$currentRetry = $currentRetry + 1
if ($VerboseOutput -eq $true) {
$Host.UI.WriteErrorLine("Failed to execute [$cmd]: " + $_.Exception.Message)
if ($currentRetry -gt $MaxRetries) {
throw "Could not execute [$cmd]. The error: " + $_.Exception.ToString()
} else {
if ($VerboseOutput -eq $true) {
$Host.UI.WriteDebugLine("Waiting $RetryDelay second(s) before attempt #$currentRetry of [$cmd]")
Start-Sleep -s $RetryDelay
} while (!$success);
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