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Created April 7, 2016 13:27
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Data.MHeap1 where
import GHC.Base
data MHeap a = MHeap { mhValues :: SmallMutableArray# RealWorld a
, mhCount :: Int#
, mhCapacity :: Int#
-- | Creates an empty heap with capacity 0.
empty :: IO (MHeap a)
empty = IO $ \s ->
case newSmallArray# 0# undefined s of
(# s', marr #) -> (# s', MHeap marr 0# 0# #)
-- | Accesses the smallest element in the heap.
unsafeTop :: MHeap a -> IO a
unsafeTop mheap = IO $ \s ->
readSmallArray# (mhValues mheap) 0# s
-- | Check if the heap needs resizing when adding more elements.
resizeIfNecessary :: MHeap a
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, MHeap a #)
resizeIfNecessary mh0 s0
| isTrue# (mhCount mh0 ==# mhCapacity mh0) = resize mh0 s0
| otherwise = (# s0, mh0 #)
resize mh s =
let !newCap = let capPlusOne = mhCapacity mh +# 1#
capOverallocate = quotInt# (mhCapacity mh *# 3#) 2#
in if isTrue# (capOverallocate ># capPlusOne)
then capOverallocate
else capPlusOne
in case newSmallArray# newCap undefined s of
(# s', marr' #) ->
case copySmallMutableArray# (mhValues mh) 0# marr' 0# (mhCount mh) s' of
s'' -> (# s'', MHeap marr' (mhCount mh) newCap #)
-- | Restores the heap property from right to left.
adjustUpwards :: (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> SmallMutableArray# RealWorld a
-> Int#
-> a
-> State# RealWorld
-> State# RealWorld
adjustUpwards cmp arr i a s | isTrue# (i ># 0#) =
let parent = (i -# 1#) `quotInt#` 2#
in case readSmallArray# arr parent s of
(# s', p #) -> case cmp p a of
GT -> case writeSmallArray# arr i p s' of
s'' -> adjustUpwards cmp arr parent a s''
_ -> writeSmallArray# arr i a s'
| otherwise = writeSmallArray# arr i a s
-- | Restores the heap property from left to right.
adjustDownwards :: (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> SmallMutableArray# RealWorld a -- ^ Array in heap form
-> Int# -- ^ the index to start heapifing
-> Int# -- ^ the length of the array (may differ from capacity)
-> a -- ^ the element to insert
-> State# RealWorld
-> State# RealWorld
adjustDownwards cmp arr i len a s
| isTrue# (left <# len) =
let (# s''', i', c #) = case readSmallArray# arr left s of
(# s', lc #) | isTrue# (right <# len) ->
case readSmallArray# arr right s' of
(# s'', rc #) -> case cmp lc rc of
GT -> (# s'', right, rc #)
_ -> (# s'', left, lc #)
| otherwise -> (# s', left, lc #)
in case cmp a c of
GT -> case writeSmallArray# arr i c s''' of
s'''' -> adjustDownwards cmp arr i' len a s''''
_ -> writeSmallArray# arr i a s'''
| otherwise = writeSmallArray# arr i a s
left = 1# +# 2# *# i
right = left +# 1#
insert :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> MHeap a -> IO (MHeap a)
insert cmp a mh =
IO $ \s -> case resizeIfNecessary mh s of
(# s', mh' #) -> case adjustUpwards cmp (mhValues mh') (mhCount mh') a s' of
s'' -> (# s'', mh' { mhCount = mhCount mh' +# 1#} #)
minView :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> MHeap a -> IO (Maybe (a, MHeap a))
minView cmp mh
| isTrue# (mhCount mh ># 0#) = IO $ \s ->
case readSmallArray# (mhValues mh) 0# s of
(# s', a #) -> case deleteAtIndex cmp (mhValues mh) 0# (mhCount mh) s' of
s'' -> (# s'', Just (a, MHeap (mhValues mh) (mhCount mh -# 1#) (mhCapacity mh)) #)
| otherwise = IO $ \s -> (# s, Nothing #)
deleteAtIndex :: (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> SmallMutableArray# RealWorld a
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# RealWorld
-> State# RealWorld
deleteAtIndex cmp arr i len s =
case readSmallArray# arr (len -# 1#) s of
(# s', a #) -> case writeSmallArray# arr i a s' of
s'' -> case readSmallArray# arr parent s'' of
(# s''', b #) -> case cmp b a of
GT -> adjustUpwards cmp arr i a s'''
_ -> adjustDownwards cmp arr i (len -# 1#) a s'''
parent = (i -# 1#) `quotInt#` 2#
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