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Created May 17, 2016 14:47
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Control.Arrow
import Foreign.Ptr
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Foreign.Storable
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as ByteString
data Decoding s a = Done !(Ptr Word8) !a
| Yield !(Ptr Word8) !Int !s
-- | A decoder specifies how a thing should be parsed.
-- If a Decoder exceeds its initial guess of consumed bytes
-- it yields so the driver can make sure to buffer enough bytes.
data Decoder a = forall s. D !Int !s (Ptr Word8 -> s -> IO (Decoding s a))
occDecoder :: Decoder (Word64, (Word64, Word64))
occDecoder = varint >*< varint >*< varint
{-# INLINE occDecoder #-}
termDecoder :: Decoder (Word64, (ByteString, (Word64, Word64)))
termDecoder =
varint >*< varintPrefixedByteString >*< varint >*< varint
{-# INLINE termDecoder #-}
data VPB = VPB0
| VPB1 !Int
varintPrefixedByteString :: Decoder ByteString
varintPrefixedByteString = case varint of
D szVint vi0 decVarint -> D szVint VPB0 step where
step op VPB0 = do
decVi <- decVarint op vi0
case decVi of
Done op' n -> return $ Yield op' (fromIntegral n) (VPB1 (fromIntegral n))
Yield op vi1 _ -> error "The impossible happened"
step op (VPB1 n) = do
let bs = ByteString.unsafeCreate n $ \p -> ByteString.memcpy p op n
return $ Done (op `plusPtr` n) bs
data PD a b c = PD0 !a !b
| PD1 !b !c
pairDecoder :: Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder (a, b)
pairDecoder (D n1 s1' dec1) (D n2 s2' dec2) =
D (n1 + n2) (PD0 s1' s2') step
step op (PD0 s1 s2) = do
sa <- dec1 op s1
case sa of
Done op' a -> do
sb <- dec2 op s2
case sb of
Done op'' b -> return $ Done op'' (a, b)
Yield op'' n s2' -> return $ Yield op'' n (PD1 s2 a)
Yield op' n s1' -> return $ Yield op' n (PD0 s1' s2)
step op (PD1 s2 a) = do
sb <- dec2 op s2
case sb of
Done op' b -> return $ Done op' (a, b)
Yield op' n s2' -> return $ Yield op' n (PD1 s2' a)
{-# INLINE pairDecoder #-}
(>*<) = pairDecoder
infixr 5 >*<
word64be :: Decoder Word64
word64be = D 8 () $ \op _ -> do x <- peek (castPtr op)
return $ Done (op `plusPtr` 8) x
{-# INLINE word64be #-}
varint :: Decoder Word64
varint = D 9 () $ \op _ -> do
x <- peek op
loop (op `plusPtr` 1) x (fromIntegral x)
where loop :: Ptr Word8 -> Word8 -> Word64 -> IO (Decoding () Word64)
loop !op !n !acc
| testBit n 7 = do
x <- peek op
loop (op `plusPtr` 1) x (fromIntegral x `unsafeShiftL` 7 .|. clearBit acc 7)
| otherwise = return $ Done op acc
{-# INLINE varint #-}
main :: IO ()
main = undefined
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