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Created on Sep 1, 2015
@author: synkarius
from dragonfly import Repeat, Function, Dictation, Choice, MappingRule
from castervoice.lib import context, navigation, alphanumeric, textformat, text_utils
from castervoice.lib import control, utilities
from castervoice.lib.actions import Key, Mouse
# Python vocabulary
"[key] word <python_keyword>":
R(Text(" %(python_keyword)s "), rdescript="Python: keyword"),
"builtin <python_builtin>":
R(Text(" %(python_builtin)s "), rdescript="Python: builtin"),
"standard <python_standard_library_module>":
R(Text(" %(python_standard_library_module)s "), rdescript="type name of Python standard library module"),
"lib <python_library>":
R(Text(" %(python_library)s "), rdescript="type name of Python nonstandard library"),
import imp
import importlib
import io
import sys
import traceback
import types
import weakref
import toml
# thanks to Casper and Caster for contributing commands to this.
from dragonfly import (Grammar, Context, AppContext, Dictation, Repeat, Function, Choice, Mouse, Pause)
from castervoice.lib import control
from castervoice.lib import settings
from castervoice.lib.actions import Key, Text
from castervoice.lib.context import AppContext
from castervoice.lib.dfplus.additions import IntegerRefS# thanks to Casper for contributing commands to this.
# This file is part of Dragonfly.
# (c) Copyright 2007, 2008 by Christo Butcher
# Licensed under the LGPL.
# Dragonfly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# this file contains commands for more quickly creating dragonfly commands.
# users may want to make this context-specific to they're text editors
from dragonfly import (Grammar, MappingRule, Dictation, Function, Choice, Pause, Mouse)
from dragonfly.actions.action_mouse import get_cursor_position
from castervoice.lib import control
from castervoice.lib.actions import Key, Text
from castervoice.lib.dfplus.additions import IntegerRefST
from castervoice.lib.ccr.standard import SymbolSpecs
from castervoice.lib.dfplus.merge.mergerule import MergeRule
Function only works with keyword arguments. Something like arkalii's solution is a good way of dealing with the issue. You could also use a decorator on the add function to map argument names. This would keep the mappings clean:
arg_map = {
"num1": "x",
"n": "x",
"num2": "y",
"m": "y",
def replace_args(func):
def new_func(*_, **kwargs):
from dragonfly import (Grammar, AppContext, Dictation, Key, Text, Repeat, Choice, Function, ActionBase, ActionError)
class MultiAppContext(AppContext):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialization methods.
def __init__(self, relevant_apps=None, title=None, exclude=False):
alexboche / natural numerical fraction command
Created February 14, 2019 08:11
natural numerical fraction command
# Here's a new command for writing numerical fractions more naturally. Not the most elegant but gets the job done.
"<number> <denominator>": R(Text("\\frac %(number)d") + Key("down")
+ Text("%(denominator)s") + Key("right")),
"[one] <denominator_single>": R(Text("\\frac 1") + Key("down")
+ Text("%(denominator_single)s") + Key("right")),
IntegerRefST("number", 2, 100),
Choice("denominator", {
"halves": "2",
"""Unimacro grammar to Dictate latex markup, as defined in an inifile
__version__ = "$Rev: 398 $ on $Date: 2011-03-07 14:50:15 +0100 (ma, 07 mrt 2011) $ by $Author: quintijn $"
# This file is part of a SourceForge project called "unimacro" see
# and
# (c) copyright 2003 see
# or the file COPYRIGHT.txt in the natlink\natlink directory
# Dictate latex markup