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Created February 20, 2012 03:32
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Kalman Filter in Python
class Kalman:
# e.g., tracking an (x,y) point over time
k = Kalman(state_dim = 6, obs_dim = 2)
# when you get a new observation —
someNewPoint = np.r_[1,2]
# and when you want to make a new prediction
predicted_location = k.predict()
Setting state_dim to 3*obs_dim automatically implements a simple
acceleration-based model, i.e.
x(t+1) = x(t) + v(t) + a(t)/2
You're free to implement whichever model you like by setting state_dim
to what you need, and then directly modifying the "A" matrix.
The text that helped me most with understanding Kalman filters is here:
import numpy as np
def __init__(self, state_dim, obs_dim):
self.state_dim = state_dim
self.obs_dim = obs_dim
self.Q = np.matrix( np.eye(state_dim)*1e-4 ) # Process noise
self.R = np.matrix( np.eye(obs_dim)*0.01 ) # Observation noise
self.A = np.matrix( np.eye(state_dim) ) # Transition matrix
self.H = np.matrix( np.zeros((obs_dim, state_dim)) ) # Measurement matrix
self.K = np.matrix( np.zeros_like(self.H.T) ) # Gain matrix
self.P = np.matrix( np.zeros_like(self.A) ) # State covariance
self.x = np.matrix( np.zeros((state_dim, 1)) ) # The actual state of the system
if obs_dim == state_dim/3:
# We'll go ahead and make this a position-predicting matrix with velocity & acceleration if we've got the right combination of dimensions
# The model is : x( t + 1 ) = x( t ) + v( t ) + a( t ) / 2
idx = np.r_[0:obs_dim]
positionIdx = np.ix_(idx, idx)
velocityIdx = np.ix_(idx,idx+obs_dim)
accelIdx = np.ix_(idx, idx+obs_dim*2)
accelAndVelIdx = np.ix_(idx+obs_dim, idx+obs_dim*2)
self.H[positionIdx] = np.eye(obs_dim)
self.A = np.eye(state_dim)
self.A[velocityIdx] += np.eye(obs_dim)
self.A[accelIdx] += 0.5 * np.eye(obs_dim)
self.A[accelAndVelIdx] += np.eye(obs_dim)
def update(self, obs):
if obs.ndim == 1:
obs = np.matrix(obs).T
# Make prediction
self.x = self.A * self.x
self.P = self.A * self.P * self.A.T + self.Q
# Compute the optimal Kalman gain factor
self.K = self.P * self.H.T * inv(self.H * self.P * self.H.T + self.R)
# Correction based on observation
self.x = self.x + self.K * ( obs - self.H * self.x )
self.P = self.P - self.K * self.H * self.P
def predict(self):
return np.asarray(self.H*self.x)
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Hi Alex,

I want to use your implementation of Kalman, but I was wondering how I could modify your code to get future prediction values based on value x, i.e, I would liket to know the evolution of y for a value x=time.

Could you help me with that ?

Thanks in advance.


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