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Created October 13, 2017 19:10
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"text | You are unconscious. No amount of jostling or damage can wake you.",
"bullet | You automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws.",
"bullet | Attack rolls against you have advantage.",
"bullet | Attacks that hit you are automatically critical hits if the attacker is within 5 feet of you.",
"text | This madness lasts 1d12 × 5 minutes.",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You are stunned.",
"bullet | You are incapacitated, can't move, and can speak only falteringly.",
"bullet | You automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws.",
"bullet | Attack rolls against you have advantage.",
"text | This madness lasts 1d12 × 5 minutes.",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You experience an overpowering urge to eat something strange such as dirt, slime, or offal.",
"text | This madness lasts 1d12 × 5 minutes.",
"fill | 8",
"property | Eating: | ______________________________________",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You do whatever anyone tells you to do that isn't obviously self-destructive.",
"text | This madness lasts 1d12 × 5 minutes.",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You experience vivid hallucinations and have disadvantage on ability checks.",
"text | This madness lasts 1d12 × 5 minutes.",
"fill | 9",
"property | Hallucination: | _____________________________",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | The only action you can take is to attack the nearest creature, friend or foe.",
"text | This madness lasts 1d12 × 5 minutes.",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You begin babbling and are incapable of normal speech or spellcasting.",
"text | This madness lasts 1d12 × 5 minutes.",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You become frightened. The only action or movement you can take is to flee from the source of the fear.",
"text | This madness lasts 1d12 × 5 minutes.",
"fill | 8",
"property | Source of fear: | _____________________________",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You become incapacitated and spend the duration screaming, laughing, or weeping.",
"text | This madness lasts 1d12 × 5 minutes.",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You retreat into your mind and become paralyzed. The effect ends if you take any damage.",
"text | This madness lasts 1d12 × 5 minutes.",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You feel compelled to repeat a specific activity over and over, such as touching things, praying, or counting coins.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on Perception and Stealth checks.",
"text | This madness lasts until you've had 1d3 long rests.",
"fill | 8",
"property | Compulsion: | _______________________________",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You experience vivid hallucinations.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on all ability checks.",
"text | This madness lasts until you've had 1d3 long rests.",
"fill | 9",
"property | Hallucination: | _____________________________",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You suffer from extreme paranoia.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks.",
"text | This madness lasts until you've had 1d3 long rests.",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You have an extreme aversion to something.",
"description | Effect | If you can see the subject or come within 60 feet of it, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened. While frightened, you must use your movement to move to the nearest safe spot from which you can't see the subject. If you move more than 60 feet from the subject and can't see it, you are no longer frightened by it.",
"text | This madness lasts until you've had 1d3 long rests.",
"fill | 2",
"property | Subject: | _____________________________________",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"title":"Lucky Charm",
"text | You become attached to a \"lucky charm,\" such as a person or an object.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws while more than 30 feet from your lucky charm.",
"text | This madness lasts until you've had 1d3 long rests.",
"fill | 6",
"property | Lucky charm: | ______________________________",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | Stress overwhelms your mind, giving you psychosomatic symptoms.",
"description | Effect | You are under the specified condition for the duration of the madness.",
"text | This madness lasts until you've had 1d3 long rests.",
"fill | 7",
"property | Condition: | __________________________________",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You experience uncontrollable tics or tremors that impact your physical effectiveness.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws that involve Strength or Dexterity.",
"text | This madness lasts until you've had 1d3 long rests.",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You suffer from partial amnesia.",
"description | Effect | You know who you are and retain racial traits and class features, but you don't recognize other people or remember anything that happened before the madness took effect.",
"text | This madness lasts until you've had 1d3 long rests.",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | Your mind is swirling, and you are less able to cope with being injured.",
"description | Effect | Whenever you take damage, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be affected as though you failed a saving throw against the confusion spell. The confusion effect lasts for 1 minute.",
"text | This madness lasts until you've had 1d3 long rests.",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"text | You are in such shock that you start to lose touch.",
"description | Effect | You are unable to speak.",
"text | This madness lasts until you've had 1d3 long rests.",
"property | Duration: | ___________________________________"
"title":"Weight of the World",
"subtitle | \"I hide all my scars with 'I'm fine.'\"",
"text | Madness has thrown you into a deep depression. Your body aches and feels heavy. You have trouble pushing yourself to do anything quickly.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on Acrobatics and Persuasion checks, as well as Dexterity and Constitution saving throws. Your speed is reduced by 5.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"subtitle | \"My mind is a prison of fear.\"",
"text | Madness has manifested itself as severe anxiety. You are unsure of yourself and have trouble doing anything risky. You are prone to panic attacks.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on Intimidation, Performance, Athletics, and Acrobatics checks. You also have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws. Your speed increases by 10.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"title":"The Shakes",
"subtitle | \"My hands betray my fear.\"",
"text | Madness has given you a tremor in your hands. The shaking worsens when you are under stress.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on all Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, and Sleight of Hand checks.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"title":"Unreliable Narrator",
"subtitle | \"I just can't remember…\"",
"text | Madness has made your memory foggy and you can't recall information as easily.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on all Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, and Religion checks.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"subtitle | \"Just leave me alone.\"",
"text | Madness has left you feeling disconnected and less attuned to the world. You feel out of place, like you don't belong anywhere.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on all Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, and Survival checks.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"title":"Stuttering Stanley",
"subtitle | \"N… n… n… no thank you.\"",
"text | Madness has shaken your confidence and you have developed a stammer. It worsens when you are under stress.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on all Persuasion, Deception, Intimidation, and Performance checks.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"subtitle | \"NO! Don't leave me!\"",
"text | Madness has left you unable to cope with being alone.",
"description | Effect | If there is no conscious ally within 120 feet of you, you have disadvantage on all ability checks and saving throws, and can only take the Dash or Hide actions in combat. You can no longer stand watch for your party during long rests.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"title":"Bad Dreams",
"subtitle | \"I've seen the stuff of nightmares.\"",
"text | You've been traumatized by what you've seen or done, and you have night terrors when you sleep.",
"description | Effect | Whenever you take a long rest, roll a d6. On a 1, you do not gain the benefits of a long rest. This includes regaining lost HP, regaining spell slots, and any abilities that reset. However, you do recover hit dice, and you can switch out spells.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"title":"Lost Touch",
"subtitle | \"Is this real life?\"",
"text | Madness has left your sense of reality severely distorted. You are no longer sure of what is real or fake.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on all Perception checks.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"subtitle | \"Anything, anything but pain.\"",
"text | Madness has left you unable to cope with being hurt or injured.",
"description | Effect | Whenever you are not at maximum HP, you have disadvantage on all ability checks.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"title":"Lose Yourself",
"subtitle | \"I used to be better at this…\"",
"text | Madness has caused you to forget something once important to you. ",
"description | Effect | Choose a skill you are proficient in. You are no longer proficient in it.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"title":"Pants on Fire",
"subtitle | \"Half a truth is often a great lie.\"",
"text | Madness has made you a compulsive liar who has trouble trusting others. You find yourself lying to your party members needlessly.",
"description | Effect | You have advantage on Deception checks, but disadvantage on Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, and Insight checks.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"title":"Empty Vessel",
"subtitle | \"Whatever you say.\"",
"text | Madness has left you in shock, and you find it hard to make decisions for yourself. You don't take initiative or suggest next steps.",
"description | Effect | Whenever a party member tells you to do something (even when they don't intend it to be a command), you follow the instruction without question or emotion.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"subtitle | \"I might need that someday.\"",
"text | Madness has left an emptiness within you that you try desperately to fill. You collect and keep whatever unowned items you find, even things others would consider garbage. If anyone tries to take something away from you, you react angrily, even violently.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on all saving throws except for death saving throws.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
"title":"Tunnel Vision",
"subtitle | \"Nothing will stand in my way.\"",
"text | You feel as though the world is spinning out of control. You choose one goal and focus on it singularly, fighting against any action that does not directly serve that goal.",
"description | Effect | You have disadvantage on Perception, Investigation, and Insight checks.",
"text | This madness is indefinite."
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