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Last active March 6, 2021 13:23
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AWS Lambda Coding Session -
def lambda_handler(event, context):
name = event.get('name') or 'World'
print("Name: %s" % name)
return "Hello %s!" % name
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*"
from __future__ import print_function
import os, urllib, json
import zipfile, StringIO
import boto3
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
def compress(body, key):
data = StringIO.StringIO()
with zipfile.ZipFile(data, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as f:
f.writestr(os.path.basename(key), body)
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# read bucket and key from event data
bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
key = urllib.unquote_plus(event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key']).decode('utf8')
# generate new key name
new_key = "compressed/" % os.path.basename(key)
# read the source obj content
body = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key)['Body'].read()
# create new obj with compressed data
Body=compress(body, key),
return "OK"
import boto3
DDB = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table('notifications')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# read message from event data
sns = event['Records'][0]['Sns']
message = sns['Message']
message_id = sns['MessageId']
topic_arn = sns['TopicArn']
subject = sns['Subject']
# build new DDB item
item = {
'Item': {
'MessageId': message_id,
'Message': message,
'Topic': topic_arn,
'Subject': subject,
# log it
print("Item: %s" % item)
# write into db
return item
import time
from datetime import datetime
import boto3
DDB = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table('logtime')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# generate current timestamp (UTC)
now = datetime.utcnow()
timestamp = int(time.mktime(now.timetuple()))
# build new DDB item
item = {
'Item': {
'timestamp': timestamp,
'datetime': now.isoformat(),
# log it
print("Item: %s" % item)
# write into db
return item
import boto3
DDB = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table('logtime')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# read records from event data (batch)
records = event['Records']
for record in records:
# log each record
event_name = record['eventName'].upper()
# do something only if INSERT (new record)
if event_name == 'INSERT':
# retrieve the primary key
timestamp = record['dynamodb']['Keys']['timestamp']['N']
# update the item by adding a new field (static value)
item = DDB.update_item(
Key={'timestamp': int(timestamp)},
UpdateExpression='SET newfield = :val',
ExpressionAttributeValues={':val': "hello"},
# log how many records have been processed
print("Processed %s records" % len(records))
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