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AWS Pricing API - Fetch AWS Step Functions price for all regions
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const pricing = new AWS.Pricing({region: 'us-east-1'});
const main = async () => {
const output = {};
const prices = await pricing.getProducts({
ServiceCode: "AmazonStates",
const products = prices.PriceList.filter(p => {
return p.product.attributes.groupDescription == "Number of State Transitions";
}).forEach((p) => {
if (p.product.attributes.location == 'Any')
return; // just skip it
// see p.json below for the structure of each "product"
// there are two random keys under p.terms.OnDemand
const terms = p.terms.OnDemand;
const randomKey = Object.keys(terms)[0];
const priceDimensions = terms[randomKey].priceDimensions;
const randomKey2 = Object.keys(priceDimensions)[0];
const pricePerUnit = priceDimensions[randomKey2].pricePerUnit.USD;
const regionCode = regionsMapping[p.product.attributes.location];
if (!regionCode) throw new Error("Unknown region: " + p.product.attributes.location);
output[regionCode] = parseFloat(pricePerUnit);
const regionsMapping = {
'AWS GovCloud (US-West)': 'us-gov-west-1',
'EU (Stockholm)': 'eu-north-1',
'EU (Frankfurt)': 'eu-central-1',
'US East (N. Virginia)': 'us-east-1',
'Asia Pacific (Tokyo)': 'ap-northeast-1',
'Asia Pacific (Seoul)': 'ap-northeast-2',
'EU (Milan)': 'eu-south-1',
'Africa (Cape Town)': 'af-south-1',
'US West (N. California)': 'us-west-1',
'EU (Paris)': 'eu-west-3',
'Asia Pacific (Sydney)': 'ap-southeast-2',
'Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)': 'ap-east-1',
'EU (London)': 'eu-west-2',
'Middle East (Bahrain)': 'me-south-1',
'US East (Ohio)': 'us-east-2',
'Asia Pacific (Mumbai)': 'ap-south-1',
'Asia Pacific (Singapore)': 'ap-southeast-1',
'AWS GovCloud (US-East)': 'us-gov-east-1',
'Canada (Central)': 'ca-central-1',
'EU (Ireland)': "eu-west-1",
'US West (Oregon)': "us-west-2",
'South America (Sao Paulo)': 'sa-east-1',
"us-gov-west-1": 0.00003,
"eu-north-1": 0.000025,
"eu-central-1": 0.000025,
"us-east-1": 0.000025,
"ap-northeast-1": 0.000025,
"ap-northeast-2": 0.0000271,
"eu-south-1": 0.00002625,
"af-south-1": 0.00002975,
"us-west-1": 0.0000279,
"eu-west-3": 0.0000297,
"ap-southeast-2": 0.000025,
"ap-east-1": 0.0000275,
"eu-west-2": 0.000025,
"me-south-1": 0.0000275,
"us-east-2": 0.000025,
"ap-south-1": 0.0000285,
"ap-southeast-1": 0.000025,
"us-gov-east-1": 0.00003,
"ca-central-1": 0.000025,
"eu-west-1": 0.000025,
"us-west-2": 0.000025,
"sa-east-1": 0.0000375
"product": {
"productFamily": "AWS Step Functions",
"attributes": {
"group": "SFN-StateTransitions",
"locationType": "AWS Region",
"usagetype": "EU-StateTransition",
"servicename": "AWS Step Functions",
"location": "EU (Ireland)",
"operation": "",
"groupDescription": "Number of State Transitions",
"servicecode": "AmazonStates"
"sku": "XGGWEYVMS82UQ68Y"
"version": "20200427230151",
"terms": {
"OnDemand": {
"sku": "XGGWEYVMS82UQ68Y",
"termAttributes": {},
"offerTermCode": "JRTCKXETXF",
"effectiveDate": "2020-04-01T00:00:00Z",
"priceDimensions": {
"description": "$0.000025 per state transition",
"appliesTo": [],
"unit": "StateTransitions",
"beginRange": "0",
"pricePerUnit": {
"USD": "0.0000250000"
"endRange": "Inf"
"serviceCode": "AmazonStates",
"publicationDate": "2020-04-27T23:01:51Z"
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