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Created January 27, 2023 12:58
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Sentence classification with transformer model Bert
Adapted and extended from
import pandas as pd
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertModel
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import torch
def get_sentence_similarity(tokenizer,model,s1,s2):
s1 = tokenizer.encode(s1)
s2 = tokenizer.encode(s2)
print("1 len(s1) s1",len(s1),s1) # prints length of tokens - input_ids 8 [101, 7592...
print("1 len(s2) s2",len(s2),s2)
s1 = torch.tensor(s1)
#print("2",s1) # prints tensor([ 101, 7592, ...
s1 = s1.unsqueeze(0) # add an extra dimension, why ? the model needs to be fed in batches, we give a dummy batch 1
#print("3",s1) # prints tensor([[ 101, 7592,
s2 = torch.tensor(s2).unsqueeze(0)
# Pass it to the model for inference
with torch.no_grad():
output_1 = model(s1)
output_2 = model(s2)
logits_s1 = output_1[0] # The last hidden-state is the first element of the output tuple
logits_s2 = output_2[0].detach()
#print("logits_s1 before detach",logits_s1) # prints tensor([[[-0.1162, 0.2388, ...-0.2128]]], grad_fn=<NativeLayerNormBackward0>)
logits_s1 = logits_s1.detach() # to remove the last part we call detach
print("logits_s1.shape",logits_s1.shape ) # prints ([1, <length of tokens>, 768]) - Each token is rep by a 768 row vector for the base Bert Model!
print("logits_s2.shape",logits_s2.shape ) # 1 the dummy batch dimension we added to the model by un-squeeze
logits_s1 = torch.squeeze(logits_s1) #lets remove the batch dimension by squeeze
logits_s2 = torch.squeeze(logits_s2)
print("logits_s1.shape",logits_s1.shape ) # prints ([<length of tokens>, 768]) say torch.Size([8, 768])
print("logits_s2.shape",logits_s2.shape )
a = logits_s1.reshape(1,logits_s1.numel()) # we lay the vector flat make it 1, **768 via reshape; numel is number of elements
b = logits_s2.reshape(1,logits_s2.numel())
print("a.shape",a.shape ) # torch.Size([1, 6144])
print("b.shape",b.shape ) # the shape will be 1, 768* no of tokens in b sentence - need not be similar
# we can mean over the rows to give it better similarity - but that is giving poor output
# a = sentence_vector_1.mean(axis=1) this is giving cosine similarity as 1
# b = sentence_vector_2.mean(axis=1)
#cos_sim = F.cosine_similarity(a.reshape(1,-1),b.reshape(1,-1), dim=1)
# so we pad the tensors to be same shape
if a.shape[1] < b.shape[1]:
pad_size = (0, b.shape[1] - a.shape[1])
a = torch.nn.functional.pad(a, pad_size, mode='constant', value=0)
pad_size = (0, a.shape[1] - b.shape[1])
b = torch.nn.functional.pad(b, pad_size, mode='constant', value=0)
print("After padding")
print("a.shape",a.shape ) # 1,N
print("b.shape",b.shape ) # 1, N
# Calculate the cosine similarity
cos_sim = cosine_similarity(a,b)
#print("got cosine similarity",cos_sim) # output [[0.80432487]]
return cos_sim
if __name__ == "__main__":
s1 = "John loves dogs"
s2 = "dogs love John"
# Tokenize the text using BERT tokenizer
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
model = BertModel.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased") #Not good for sentence similarity
cos_sim = get_sentence_similarity(tokenizer,model,s1,s2)
print("got cosine similarity",cos_sim) # output [[0.738616]]
# Let's try the same with a better model - say for sentence embedding
# From
# They have been extensively evaluated for their quality to embedded sentences
# (Performance Sentence Embeddings) and to embedded search queries & paragraphs
# better to use AutoTokenizer for other models see
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
model = BertModel.from_pretrained("sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
cos_sim = get_sentence_similarity(tokenizer,model,s1,s2)
print("got cosine similarity",cos_sim) # output [[0.5646803]]
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