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Last active March 15, 2019 20:05
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import grpc
import numpy
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_serving.apis import predict_pb2
from tensorflow_serving.apis import prediction_service_pb2_grpc
from keras.preprocessing import image
from keras_retinanet.utils.image import read_image_bgr, preprocess_image, resize_image
import time
import cv2
import numpy as np'concurrency', 1,
'maximum number of concurrent inference requests')'num_tests', 1, 'Number of test images')'server', '', 'PredictionService host:port')'work_dir', '/tmp', 'Working directory. ')
_counter = 0
_start = 0
# load label to names mapping for visualization purposes
labels_to_names = {0: 'person', 1: 'bicycle', 2: 'car', 3: 'motorcycle', 4: 'airplane', 5: 'bus', 6: 'train', 7: 'truck', 8: 'boat', 9: 'traffic light', 10: 'fire hydrant', 11: 'stop sign', 12: 'parking meter', 13: 'bench', 14: 'bird', 15: 'cat', 16: 'dog', 17: 'horse', 18: 'sheep', 19: 'cow', 20: 'elephant', 21: 'bear', 22: 'zebra', 23: 'giraffe', 24: 'backpack', 25: 'umbrella', 26: 'handbag', 27: 'tie', 28: 'suitcase', 29: 'frisbee', 30: 'skis', 31: 'snowboard', 32: 'sports ball', 33: 'kite', 34: 'baseball bat', 35: 'baseball glove', 36: 'skateboard', 37: 'surfboard', 38: 'tennis racket', 39: 'bottle', 40: 'wine glass', 41: 'cup', 42: 'fork', 43: 'knife', 44: 'spoon', 45: 'bowl', 46: 'banana', 47: 'apple', 48: 'sandwich', 49: 'orange', 50: 'broccoli', 51: 'carrot', 52: 'hot dog', 53: 'pizza', 54: 'donut', 55: 'cake', 56: 'chair', 57: 'couch', 58: 'potted plant', 59: 'bed', 60: 'dining table', 61: 'toilet', 62: 'tv', 63: 'laptop', 64: 'mouse', 65: 'remote', 66: 'keyboard', 67: 'cell phone', 68: 'microwave', 69: 'oven', 70: 'toaster', 71: 'sink', 72: 'refrigerator', 73: 'book', 74: 'clock', 75: 'vase', 76: 'scissors', 77: 'teddy bear', 78: 'hair drier', 79: 'toothbrush'}
_response_awaiting = True
def _callback(result_future):
"""Callback function.
Calculates the statistics for the prediction result.
result_future: Result future of the RPC.
#print ("Something came - Hee haw")
global _counter
global _start
global _response_awaiting
exception = result_future.exception()
if exception:
Querying the save model gives
The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following output(s):
outputs['filtered_detections/map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3:0'] tensor_info:
dtype: DT_FLOAT
shape: (-1, 300, 4)
name: filtered_detections/map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3:0
outputs['filtered_detections/map/TensorArrayStack_1/TensorArrayGatherV3:0'] tensor_info:
dtype: DT_FLOAT
shape: (-1, 300)
name: filtered_detections/map/TensorArrayStack_1/TensorArrayGatherV3:0
outputs['filtered_detections/map/TensorArrayStack_2/TensorArrayGatherV3:0'] tensor_info:
dtype: DT_INT32
shape: (-1, 300)
name: filtered_detections/map/TensorArrayStack_2/TensorArrayGatherV3:0
Method name is: tensorflow/serving/predict
From retina-net
In general, inference of the network works as follows:
boxes, scores, labels = model.predict_on_batch(inputs)
Where `boxes` are shaped `(None, None, 4)` (for `(x1, y1, x2, y2)`), scores is shaped `(None, None)` (classification score) and labels is shaped `(None, None)` (label corresponding to the score). In all three outputs, the first dimension represents the shape and the second dimension indexes the list of detections.
def parse_result(result_future):
"""Callback function.
Calculates the statistics for the prediction result.
result_future: Result future of the RPC.
global _counter
global _start
global _response_awaiting
boxes = result_future.\
scores = result_future.\
labels = result_future.\
boxes= tf.make_ndarray(boxes)
scores= tf.make_ndarray(scores)
labels= tf.make_ndarray(labels)
print("result no",_counter)
print("boxes output",(boxes).shape)
print("scores output",(scores).shape)
print("labels output",(labels).shape)
# visualize detections
for box, score, label in zip(boxes[0], scores[0], labels[0]):
# scores are sorted so we can break
if score < 0.5:
b = box.astype(int)
print("Label",labels_to_names[label]," at ",b," Score ",score)
_counter += 1
#if( (_counter % 1) ==0):#print every 100
# print("[", _counter,"] From Callback Predicted Result is ", prediction,"confidence= ",response[prediction])
if (_counter == FLAGS.num_tests):
end = time.time()
print("Time for ",FLAGS.num_tests," is ",end -_start)
_response_awaiting = False
def do_inference(server, work_dir, concurrency, num_tests):
channel = grpc.insecure_channel(server)
stub = prediction_service_pb2_grpc.PredictionServiceStub(channel)
request = predict_pb2.PredictRequest() = 'retinanet'
request.model_spec.signature_name = 'serving_default'
# Going to read the image
image = read_image_bgr('../examples/000000008021.jpg')
# copy to draw on
draw = image.copy()
draw = cv2.cvtColor(draw, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# preprocess image for network
image = preprocess_image(image)
image, scale = resize_image(image)
#do this once
#image= numpy.random.rand(400, 567, 3).astype('f')
print ("in image shape",image.shape)
input = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)
request.inputs['input_image'].CopyFrom(tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto \
(input, shape=[1, 800, 1067, 3]))
#request.inputs['input_image'].CopyFrom(tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto \
# (input, shape=[1, 500, 567, 3]))
global _start
_start = time.time()
global _response_awaiting
_response_awaiting =True
for i in range(num_tests):
#print("Going to send the request")
# for testing speed
#image= numpy.random.rand(800, 1067, 3).astype('f')
#input = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)
#input_data = []
#request.inputs['input_image'].CopyFrom(tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(input_data, shape=[len(input_data)]))
#request.inputs['input_image'].CopyFrom(tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto \
# (input, shape=[1, 800, 1067, 3]))
# call back way - this is faster
result_future = stub.Predict.future(request, 20.25) # Intial takes time
# request reponse way - this is slower
# result = stub.Predict(request, 10.25) # seconds
# parse_result(result)
_response_awaiting = True
#print("Send the request")
print("Response Received Exiting")
def main(_):
if not FLAGS.num_tests:
print('Please specify num_tests -num_tests=n')
if not FLAGS.server:
print('please specify server -server host:port')
print("Number of test=",FLAGS.num_tests)
error_rate = do_inference(FLAGS.server, FLAGS.work_dir,
FLAGS.concurrency, FLAGS.num_tests)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ("hello from TFServing v2 client slim < -num_tests -server>")
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