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Created June 26, 2020 18:19
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#![crate_type = "rlib"]
use std::io::Read;
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, ()>;
pub struct TypeSectionReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct ImportSectionReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct ModuleSectionReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct FunctionBody<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct ElementSectionReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct ExportSectionReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct GlobalSectionReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct MemorySectionReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct TableSectionReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct FunctionSectionReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct InstanceSectionReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct AliasSectionReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct LocalsReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct Data<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct Operator<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct OperatorsReader<'a>(&'a ());
pub struct TypeSignature;
pub struct Type;
pub struct Parser {
// internally has a state machine which looks like:
// * parsing a section - in this state we're looking for the section header
// which indicates the section code and how big the section is. Depending
// on the section code this will indicate what form of chunk is returned.
// This also waits for some sections to be entirely resident before
// proceeding.
// * parsing functions - this has a count of how many functions are
// remaining and expects the next item to be a function chunk.
// * parsing modules - similar for functions, indicates how many nested
// modules remain.
// additionally there's an field which configures the maximum amount of data
// which can be parsed. This is used to limit the module/code sections, for
// example. Additionally it's used when nested `Parser` structures are
// returned for nested modules to ensure they consume a precise amount of
// data.
// While this is a state machine which is an avenue for complication, it's
// hoped that this is a relatively simple state machine since the main
// complexity is dealing with the streamed sections, but even then that's
// relatively simple.
_x: (),
impl Parser {
// Creates a new module parser.
// Reports errors relative to `offset` provided, where `offset` is some
// logical offset within the input stream that we're parsing..
pub fn new(offset: usize) -> Parser {
// Attempts to parse a chunk of data.
// If a parse error happens, then `Err` is returned. Otherwise the number of
// bytes consumed and the parsed chunk is returned. See more docs on `Chunk`
// for what can be successfully parsed.
// If `eof` is `true` then it indicates that `data` is all the remaining
// data and no more data will be available for parsing. If `eof` is false
// then it means that more data may be coming in the future.
// It's expected that you parse until `Payload::End` is reached. For the
// top-level module that won't get returned until `data` is empty and `eof`
// is `true`. For sub-modules, however, `data` may have bytes in it or `eof`
// may be false when `End` is returned.
// TODO: maybe `&[IoVec]` as input? probably too fancy
pub fn parse<'a>(&mut self, data: &'a [u8], eof: bool) -> Result<Chunk<'a>> {
pub enum Chunk<'a> {
// This can be returned at any time and indicates that more data is needed
// to proceed with parsing. Zero bytes were consumed from the input to
// `parse` and `usize` more bytes are needed before making progress.
// A chunk was successfully parsed.
Parsed {
// This many bytes of the `data` input to `parse` were consumed to
// produce `payload`.
consumed: usize,
payload: Payload<'a>,
pub enum Payload<'a> {
// Sections which are received in their entirety and then available for
// parsing.
// These sections are required to be entirely resident in memory
// before they're parsed. The payload of each of these variants is a slice
// into the original `data` passed to `parse` which outlines the entire
// section.
// Note that the presence of this chunk does not imply that this chunk is
// valid or will parse correctly. You'll need to at least iterate over this
// chunk or validate it to figure that out.
// The code section is a little more interesting since it's intended to be
// streamed.
// The purpose of this is so that `parse` doesn't require the entirety of
// all functions to be resident in memory before we return a chunk. This
// way we can parse functions as they come off the wire or modules as
// they're downloaded. Note, however, that functions are not internally
// incrementally parsed, they're required to be fully resident in memory
// before a chunk is returned.
// Note that `CodeStart(u32)` means that the section has started and `u32`
// `CodeSectionEntry` will be returned. You do not need to validate that
// there are `u32` items present, that will be validated internally. You're
// guaranteed the next `u32` successful chunks will be returned as
// `CodeSectionEntry`. If that doesn't happen then an error is otherwise
// returned.
// This is similar to the code section where we want to allow streaming
// processing and don't want to require modules are fully resident in
// memory.
// Similar to the code section the first entry means that `u32` more
// `ModuleCodeEntry` entries will be returned. Unlike the code section this
// is a bit different. What happens here is that once you receive a
// `Parser`, then future data should *not* be fed into this parser. Instead
// data should be fed into the `Parser` given until it reports `End`. Once
// `End` is successfully seen then you should switch back to the original
// `Parser`.
// Like the code section, but allows streaming each individual data section
// entry, in case they're large. Again you're guaranteed that after seeing
// `DataSectionStart` you'll see that many `DataSectionEntry` payloads next.
// Or an error happens.
// The end was successfully reached, and the module is entirely parsed.
pub struct Validator {
// Imagine that implementation-wise this internally has state that looks like:
// state: Internal
// enum Internal {
// Owned(OwnedArc<InternalState>),
// Shared(Arc<InternalState>)
// }
// where `OwnedArc` is a newtype wrapper around `Arc<T>` which statically
// knows it has a singular reference count so mutable access is safe. It can
// then be converted to an `Arc<T>` later. For each of the "header" sections
// which mutate a module's state we'll be in the `Owned` state. Once we get
// to code/module sections, though, we switch to the `Shared` state since
// we don't mutate anything else (other than perhaps local counts of how
// many items are expected.
// The intention here is that the sub-validators (both for modules and
// functions) can refer to the parent's `Arc` data and are as a result owned
// values so we don't have to deal with lifetimes at all.
_x: (),
impl Validator {
pub fn new() -> Validator {
// Methods to validate each payload parsed from a wasm module. This'll get
// called for each `Payload` received, and there's a method for each
// variant.
pub fn type_section(&mut self, payload: TypeSectionReader<'_>) -> Result<()> {
pub fn code_section_start(&mut self, amt: u32) -> Result<()> {
// Returns a validator to validate the operators provided, and that work
// isn't done here since it's up to the application to either defer that or
// do it immediately.
pub fn code_section_entry<'a>(
&mut self,
body: FunctionBody<'a>,
) -> Result<(FuncValidator, OperatorsReader<'a>)> {
// Note that this does not take the `Parser` payload since the data comes
// from elsewhere.
// The validator returned should be used to validate all items that come out
// of the `Parser` as data is fed into the parser.
pub fn module_code_section_entry(&mut self) -> Result<Validator> {
pub fn end(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
// This would also include various accessors to figure out the type of each
// function, element, global, etc. Internally everything about aliasing with
// modules would be handled and you'd only have to deal with concrete types
// and such.
pub struct FuncValidator {}
impl FuncValidator {
// Called for each opcode read from a function.
// Each individual method can be called per-opcode too, no need to call both
// though.
pub fn op(&mut self, op: &Operator<'_>) -> Result<()> {
// Method for each individual opcode in case you're already decoding
// `Operator` yourself.
pub fn i32_add(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
// ... and each method can have a custom type signature, such as returning
// what type is being tested for null
pub fn ref_is_null(&mut self) -> Result<Type> {
// ... and each method can have custom arguments too.
// Here a `call` might return a custom signature which could then, if
// needed, get looked up to see what the params/returns are for that type
// siganture. For example we'd have the method here on this struct or on the
// original `Validator` to look it up.
pub fn call(&mut self, func: u32) -> Result<TypeSignature> {
// includes accessors to get current stack of types, etc
/// Example code of how these APIs might be used. The goal here is to:
/// * Show an example of doing this with streaming parsing where we're learning
/// more about the module over time.
/// * Validate as we parse instead of parsing twice.
/// * Showing how nested modules are handled
/// * Show how functions can be validated in parallel.
/// Real code probably won't ever call this. This function, modulo its buffer
/// management which is application-specific, should be trivial to write. The
/// intention is that "real" applications will write this in their own crate and
/// sprinkle application-specific code throughout as necessary.
/// For example cranelift's wasm-to-clif translation would have this intertwined
/// with what it does today. It might optionally validate since only wasmtime
/// needs that.
fn validate(mut reader: impl Read) -> Result<()> {
use Payload::*;
let mut buf = vec![0; 128];
let mut parser = Parser::new(0);
let mut eof = false;
let mut functions_to_validate = Vec::new();
let mut validator = Validator::new();
let mut stack = Vec::new();
loop {
let (payload, consumed) = match parser.parse(&buf, eof)? {
Chunk::NeedMoreData(hint) => {
assert!(eof); // otherwise an error would be returned
// Use the hint to preallocate more space
let len = buf.len();
buf.extend((0..hint).map(|_| 0u8));
// Actually do the read, would use `?` if we had real error
// types here. After the read truncate our input back to how
// many bytes have actually been read and set the eof flag if
// we've hit eof.
let n = buf[len..]).unwrap();
buf.truncate(len + n);
eof = n == 0;
Chunk::Parsed { consumed, payload } => (payload, consumed),
match payload {
TypeSection(s) => validator.type_section(s)?,
// imagine these are all filled in and pass through to the current
// validator
ImportSection(_) => {}
AliasSection(_) => {}
InstanceSection(_) => {}
ModuleSection(_) => {}
FunctionSection(_) => {}
TableSection(_) => {}
MemorySection(_) => {}
GlobalSection(_) => {}
ExportSection(_) => {}
StartSection(_) => {}
ElementSection(_) => {}
DataCount(_) => {}
// imagine this is filled in, nothing fancy other than informing the
// validator of the count we got
CodeSectionStart(_) => {}
CodeSectionEntry(body) => {
let (func_validator, ops) = validator.code_section_entry(body)?;
// imagine that we have the accessors here to figure out the
// byte offsets of `ops` within the original buffer. Then
// imagine that we translate that into some sort of rope thing
// where we peel off a section of the rope and push it onto the
// stack of functions to validate. This should all be easy
// enough to do in theory, and we could even easily just create
// a `Vec<u8>`. In any case this is just a shim for now.
let function_data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
// Note that this `functions_to_validate` list could be a
// work-stealing queue. While we're reading the main module
// other threads could be stealing off this queue to validate
// the functions.
functions_to_validate.push((func_validator, function_data));
// imagine this is filled in, nothing fancy other than informing the
// validator of the count we got
ModuleCodeSectionStart(_) => {}
// Save our current parser/validator onto the stack of parent
// modules and then switch our context to a new parser and a new
// validator.
ModuleCodeSectionEntry(subparser) => {
let subvalidator = validator.module_code_section_entry()?;
stack.push((parser, validator));
validator = subvalidator;
parser = subparser;
// imagine this is filled in, nothing fancy other than informing the
// validator of the items here
DataSectionStart(_) => {}
DataSectionEntry(_) => {}
// Once we've reached the end of a module we either resume at the
// parent module or we break out of the loop because we're done.
End => {
if let Some((parent_parser, parent_validator)) = stack.pop() {
parser = parent_parser;
validator = parent_validator;
} else {
// once we're done processing the payload we can forget the original
// data.
// We in theory could have been work-stealing for the read above, but for
// now just show off how we can do this in parallel.
par_iter(functions_to_validate, |(mut validator, data)| {
// imagine translating `data` to an operator parser
let ops: OperatorsReader<'_> = loop {};
loop {
// imagine this is read out of `ops`
let op: Operator<'_> = loop {};
fn par_iter<T: Send>(t: Vec<T>, f: impl Fn(T) -> Result<()> + Send + Sync) -> Result<()> {
fn _assert_send_sync() {
fn _assert<T: Send + Sync>() {}
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