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Forked from samselikoff/lib-style-group.js
Created October 22, 2018 17:54
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Sample Styled component using EmberMap's Styled mixin.
export default class StyleGroup {
constructor(styles) {
this.styles = styles; = ''; // must set at runtime
import Mixin from '@ember/object/mixin';
import StyleGroup from 'ember-cli-ui-components/lib/style-group';
import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
The computed classes are stored in the `activeClasses` property. By default they
are applied to the root element.
If you don't want them to, set
applyActiveClassesToRoot: false
and use them in your template
<div class='mr4'>
<p class={{activeClasses}}>{{yield}}</p>
export default Mixin.create({
styles: {},
applyActiveClassesToRoot: true,
style: '',
init() {
if (this.get('tagName') !== '' && this.get('applyActiveClassesToRoot')) {
this.classNameBindings = this.classNameBindings.slice();
activeStyles: computed('style', function() {
let activeStyles = (this.get('styles.defaultStyle') || '').split(/\s/);
let externalactiveStyles = (this.get('style') || '').split(/\s/);
externalactiveStyles.forEach(style => {
let styleGroup = this._getStyleGroupForStyle(style);
if (styleGroup) {
let match = this._checkListForStyleFromGroup(activeStyles, styleGroup);
if (match) {
activeStyles.splice(activeStyles.indexOf(match), 1, style);
} else {
} else {
return activeStyles;
activeClasses: computed('activeStyles', function() {
let baseClasses = this._getBaseClasses();
let styleClasses = this._getStyleClasses();
return baseClasses.concat(styleClasses)
.filter(el => !!el)
.join(' ');
// Private
_getBaseClasses() {
let baseClasses = this.get('styles.base') || '';
return baseClasses.split(/\s/);
_getStyleClasses() {
let styleDefinitions = this._getStyleDefinitions();
return this.get('activeStyles')
.map(name => styleDefinitions[name])
.filter(definition => definition !== undefined)
.map(definition => {
let classes;
if (typeof definition === 'string') {
classes = definition;
} else {
classes =;
return classes;
Return flat object of styles (top-level and groups)
_getStyleDefinitions() {
let styles = this.get('styles') || {};
return Object.keys(styles).reduce((allStyles, key) => {
let newStyle;
if (styles[key] instanceof StyleGroup) {
newStyle = styles[key].styles
} else {
newStyle = { [key]: styles[key] };
Object.keys(newStyle).forEach(key => {
assert(`Styled: You defined two styles named '${key}' on '${this._debugContainerKey}'. Stylenames must be unique across all groups.`, allStyles[key] === undefined);
return assign({}, allStyles, newStyle);
}, {});
_getActiveStyleDefinitions() {
let definitions = this._getStyleDefinitions();
let activeStyles = this.get('activeStyles');
return Object.keys(definitions)
.filter(style => activeStyles.includes(style))
.reduce((hash, style) => {
hash[style] = definitions[style];
return hash;
}, {});
_setStyleGroupNames() {
Object.keys(this.get('styles') || [])
.forEach(key => {
let definition = this.get(`styles.${key}`);
if (definition instanceof StyleGroup) { = key;
_styleGroups() {
return Object.keys(this.get('styles'))
.map(key => this.get(`styles.${key}`))
.filter(defn => defn instanceof StyleGroup);
_validateDefaultStyle() {
let defaultStyle = this.get('styles.defaultStyle');
if (defaultStyle) {
defaultStyle.split(' ')
.forEach(style => {
`Styled: You set a default style named '${style}' on '${this._debugContainerKey}', but that style was not defined.`,
_styleExists(style) {
let allStyleKeys = Object.keys(this._getStyleDefinitions());
return allStyleKeys.includes(style);
_validateStyles(activeStyles) {
let styleGroups = this._styleGroups();
let styleGroupsUsed = [];
activeStyles.filter(Boolean).forEach(style => {
// Verify every active style has a definition
`Styled: You're using a style named '${style}' on '${this._debugContainerKey}', but that style was not defined.`,
// Verify multiple styles from the same group are not being used
styleGroups.forEach(styleGroup => {
let stylesInGroup = Object.keys(styleGroup.styles);
if (stylesInGroup.includes(style)) {
`Styled: You passed the '${style}' style to a ${this._debugContainerKey} but you've already used a style from the '${}' oneOf group.`,
_getStyleGroupForStyle(style) {
return this._styleGroups().find(styleGroup => {
return Object.keys(styleGroup.styles).includes(style);
_checkListForStyleFromGroup(list, styleGroup) {
let stylesFromGroup = Object.keys(styleGroup.styles);
return list.find(style => {
return stylesFromGroup.includes(style);
_setTagName() {
let activeDefinitions = this._getActiveStyleDefinitions();
let styleDidSetTagName;
.forEach(style => {
let definition = activeDefinitions[style];
if (definition.tagName) {
assert(`You're rendering a '${this._debugContainerKey}' with an active style of '${style}' that's setting the tagName, but the '${styleDidSetTagName}' style is already active and also setting the tagName.`, !styleDidSetTagName);
styleDidSetTagName = style;
this.set('tagName', definition.tagName);
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { Styled, group } from 'ember-cli-ui-components';
export default Component.extend(Styled, {
tagName: 'button',
styles: {
base: 'leading-tight pointer relative transition',
defaultStyle: 'inline-block medium gray dim margins round',
colors: group({
gray: 'bg-black-10 text-black-80 font-medium',
subtle: 'bg-black-10 text-black-40 font-medium',
brand: 'border-none bg-brand-gradient text-white font-medium',
warn: 'border-none bg-dark-red text-white font-semibold',
white: 'font-normal bg-transparent border-solid border-2 border-white text-white',
blue: 'border-none bg-blue text-white',
'white-bg': 'font-normal bg-white text-near-black',
active: 'bg-light-red text-white',
sizes: group({
small: 'text-7 xs:text-6 py-1 xs:py-2 px-2 xs:px-3',
medium: 'text-6 xs:text-4 py-2 xs:py-3 px-3 xs:px-4',
large: 'text-5 xs:text-4 py-3 px-3 xs:px-4'
'nowrap': 'whitespace-no-wrap',
floating: 'shadow-l',
behavior: group({
dim: 'dim',
disabled: 'opacity-50 no-events'
margins: group({
margins: 'mt-2 mb-3',
marginless: ''
uppercase: 'uppercase',
radii: group({
round: 'rounded-2',
pill: 'rounded-pill',
append: 'rounded-r'
bold: 'font-bold',
full: 'w-full',
displays: group({
block: 'block',
'inline-block': 'inline-block',
flex: 'flex'
input: {
tagName: 'input'
link: {
style: 'no-underline',
tagName: 'a'
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