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Last active March 3, 2020 20:00
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Storybook configuration file (version 5.3.14)
import React from "react";
import { addReadme } from 'storybook-readme';
import { create } from '@storybook/theming';
import { addDecorator, addParameters, configure } from "@storybook/react";
import { ThemeProvider } from "react-jss";
import theme from "../src/style/globalStyle";
import '../src/style/base.css';
const basicTheme = create({
base: 'light',
brandTitle: 'your-library-name',
brandUrl: '',
brandImage: null
options: {
showPanel: true,
panelPosition: 'right',
theme: basicTheme
readme: {
codeTheme: 'github',
StoryPreview: ({ children }) => (
<div style={{ padding: 16 }}>{children}</div>
* Wrapper for header docs. Usually used to set some styles
* NOTE: will be applied only for content docs (docs around the story)
HeaderPreview: ({ children }) => <div>{children}</div>,
* Wrapper for footer docs. Usually used to set some styles
* NOTE: will be applied only for content docs (docs around the story)
FooterPreview: ({ children }) => <div>{children}</div>,
* Wrapper for content and sidebar docs. Usually used to set some styles
* NOTE: will be applied only for content docs (docs around the story)
DocPreview: ({ children }) => <div style={{ padding: 16 }}>{children}</div>
addDecorator(story => (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
const loaderFn = () => {
// put welcome screen at the top of the list so it's the first one displayed
const allExports = [require("./welcome.stories.tsx")];
// automatically import all story ts files that end with *.stories.tsx
const req = require.context("../src/components", true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);
req.keys().forEach(fname => allExports.push(req(fname)));
return allExports;
configure(loaderFn, module);
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