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Last active February 7, 2024 21:27
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amazon-orders with a Flask / Twilio implementation for 2FA
# Use Twilio in combination with the libraries `flask` and `pyngrok` to build a tiny server
# that uses a webhook to receive text responses when a prompt is initiated. The prompt will
# wait until a response text is received (via the webhook). You can find docs and a basic `flask`
# example for `pyngrok` here:
import os
import time
from threading import Thread
from flask import Flask, Response
from flask import request
from pyngrok import ngrok
from import Client
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse
class TinySMSServer:
def __init__(self,
flask_port=os.environ.get("FLASK_PORT", "5000")):
self.twilio_account_sid = twilio_account_sid
self.twilio_auth_token = twilio_auth_token
self.twilio_phone_number = twilio_phone_number
self.flask_port = flask_port
self.twilio_client = Client(self.twilio_account_sid, self.twilio_auth_token)
self.webhook_response = None
self.running = False
self.locked = False
def start(self):
# Define a simple Flask server with a single /webhook route
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route("/webhook", methods=["POST"])
def webhook():
self.webhook_response = request.form["Body"]
return Response(str(MessagingResponse()), mimetype="text/xml")
# Start the servers and proxy to localhost
self.flask_server = Thread(, kwargs={"port": self.flask_port})
print("Flask server started on port {}".format(self.flask_port))
public_url = ngrok.connect(self.flask_port).public_url
print("ngrok proxying requests from {}".format(public_url))
# Update Twilio incoming webhooks to route text's to our tiny server
incoming_phone_number = self.twilio_client.incoming_phone_numbers.list(phone_number=self.twilio_phone_number)[0]
sms_callback_url = "{}/webhook".format(public_url)
print("Twilio SMS callback URL registered: {}".format(sms_callback_url))
self.running = True
def await_text_response(self, to_number, msg, img_url=None):
if not self.running:
raise RuntimeError("Call start() on the server first or this will wait forever.")
if self.locked:
raise RuntimeError("This class and method act as a singleton, awaiting `locked` to be False.")
self.locked = True
# Send the text message
media_url=[img_url] if img_url else None)
print("SMS sent to {}, awaiting response ...".format(to_number))
# Await the response ...
while not self.webhook_response:
print("... response received: {}".format(self.webhook_response))
# Fetch the response, then reset for the next request
response = self.webhook_response
self.webhook_response = None
self.locked = False
return response
# Now that we have a dev server that will handle text responses via a webhook, extend `IODefault`
# to override `prompt()` and use the tiny server we just built.
from amazonorders.session import IODefault
class IODefaultWithTextPrompt(IODefault):
def __init__(self,
self.tiny_server = tiny_server
self.phone_number = phone_number
def prompt(self,
if "mfa_device_select_choices" in kwargs:
# Rebuild the prompt message with given device choices included
i = 0
choices_str = ""
for field in kwargs.pop("mfa_device_select_choices"):
choices_str += "{}: {}\n".format(i, field["value"].strip())
i += 1
msg = "{}\n{}".format(choices_str, msg)
if "captcha_img_url" in kwargs:
# Rename the image URL var for SMS
kwargs["img_url"] = kwargs.pop("captcha_img_url")
return self.tiny_server.await_text_response(self.phone_number, msg, **kwargs)
# Now pass an instance of this extended class to `AmazonSession`, along with the tiny server.
from amazonorders.session import AmazonSession
tiny_server = TinySMSServer()
amazon_session = AmazonSession(os.environ["AMAZON_USERNAME"],
io=IODefaultWithTextPrompt(tiny_server, os.environ["TO_PHONE_NUMBER"]))
# Amazon doesn't say, but they might impose a time limit (usually 3-5 minutes) in which you
# have to answer 2FA prompts, including Captcha. Your `io` class will block and await a response
# just like `input()` from the command prompt on `IODefault` does. Also remember that if you're
# running the above in a timer-based background script, there might be a timeout you need to
# increase to ensure the script doesn't time out while waiting for `prompt()`'s response.
# Here's a snippet to send a test message outside of the `amazon-orders` flow:
response = tiny_server.await_text_response(os.environ["TO_PHONE_NUMBER"],
"`amazon-orders` will pass the same prompt message it would pass to the command prompt",
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