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Created May 5, 2022 09:17
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var animatableData: AnimatableVector {
get { animatedValue }
set { animatedValue = newValue }
import enum Accelerate.vDSP
struct AnimatableVector: VectorArithmetic {
var values: [Float]
static var zero = AnimatableVector(values: [0.0])
static func + (lhs: AnimatableVector, rhs: AnimatableVector) -> AnimatableVector {
let count = min(lhs.values.count, rhs.values.count)
return AnimatableVector(
values: vDSP.add(
static func += (lhs: inout AnimatableVector, rhs: AnimatableVector) {
let count = min(lhs.values.count, rhs.values.count)
result: &lhs.values[0..<count]
static func - (lhs: AnimatableVector, rhs: AnimatableVector) -> AnimatableVector {
let count = min(lhs.values.count, rhs.values.count)
return AnimatableVector(
values: vDSP.subtract(
static func -= (lhs: inout AnimatableVector, rhs: AnimatableVector) {
let count = min(lhs.values.count, rhs.values.count)
result: &lhs.values[0..<count]
mutating func scale(by rhs: Double) {
result: &values
var magnitudeSquared: Double {
vDSP.multiply(values, values)
var count: Int {
subscript(_ i: Int) -> Float {
get {
} set {
values[i] = newValue
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
extension CGPoint {
public static func +(lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
CGPoint(x: lhs.x + rhs.x, y: lhs.y + rhs.y)
static func +(lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGVector) -> CGPoint {
CGPoint(x: lhs.x + rhs.dx, y: lhs.y + rhs.dy)
static func -(lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGVector) -> CGPoint {
CGPoint(x: lhs.x - rhs.dx, y: lhs.y - rhs.dy)
public static func -(lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
CGPoint(x: lhs.x - rhs.x, y: lhs.y - rhs.y)
init(_ vec: CGVector) {
self = CGPoint(x: vec.dx, y: vec.dy)
extension CGPoint: VectorArithmetic {
public mutating func scale(by rhs: Double) {
x = CGFloat(rhs) * x
y = CGFloat(rhs) * y
public var magnitudeSquared: Double {
Double(x * x + y * y)
extension CGVector {
init(_ point: CGPoint) {
self = CGVector(dx: point.x, dy: point.y)
func scalar(_ vec: CGVector) -> CGFloat {
dx * vec.dx + dy * vec.dy
func len() -> CGFloat {
sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
func perpendicular() -> CGVector {
CGVector(dx: -dy, dy: dx) / len()
static func *(lhs: CGVector, rhs: CGFloat) -> CGVector {
CGVector(dx: lhs.dx * rhs, dy: lhs.dy * rhs)
static func *(lhs: CGFloat, rhs: CGVector) -> CGVector {
CGVector(dx: rhs.dx * lhs, dy: rhs.dy * lhs)
static func /(lhs: CGVector, rhs: CGFloat) -> CGVector {
CGVector(dx: lhs.dx / rhs, dy: lhs.dy / rhs)
static func -(lhs: CGVector, rhs: CGVector) -> CGVector {
CGVector(dx: lhs.dx - rhs.dx, dy: lhs.dy - rhs.dy)
static func +(lhs: CGVector, rhs: CGVector) -> CGVector {
CGVector(dx: lhs.dx + rhs.dx, dy: lhs.dy + rhs.dy)
func angle(_ rhs: CGVector) -> CGFloat {
return acos(scalar(rhs) / (rhs.len() * len()))
struct MorphingCircle: View & Identifiable & Hashable {
static func == (lhs: MorphingCircle, rhs: MorphingCircle) -> Bool { ==
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
let id = UUID()
@State var morph: AnimatableVector =
@State var timer: Timer?
func morphCreator() -> AnimatableVector {
let range = Float(-morphingRange)...Float(morphingRange)
var morphing = Array.init(repeating:, count: self.points)
for i in 0..<morphing.count where Int.random(in: 0...1) == 0 {
morphing[i] = Float.random(in: range)
return AnimatableVector(values: morphing)
func update() {
morph = morphCreator()
let duration: Double
let points: Int
let secting: Double
let size: CGFloat
let outerSize: CGFloat
var color: Color
let morphingRange: CGFloat
var radius: CGFloat {
outerSize / 2
var body: some View {
.frame(width: size, height: size, alignment: .center)
.animation(Animation.easeInOut(duration: Double(duration + 1.0)), value: morph)
.onAppear {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: duration / secting, repeats: true) { timer in
}.onDisappear {
.frame(width: outerSize, height: outerSize, alignment: .center)
.animation(nil, value: morph)
init(_ size:CGFloat = 300, morphingRange: CGFloat = 30, color: Color = .red, points: Int = 4, duration: Double = 5.0, secting: Double = 2) {
self.points = points
self.color = color
self.morphingRange = morphingRange
self.duration = duration
self.secting = secting
self.size = morphingRange * 2 < size ? size - morphingRange * 2 : 5
self.outerSize = size
morph = AnimatableVector(values: [])
func color(_ newColor: Color) -> MorphingCircle {
var morphNew = self
morphNew.color = newColor
return morphNew
import SwiftUI
import Foundation
struct MorphingCircleShape: Shape {
let pointsNum: Int
var morphing: AnimatableVector
let tangentCoeficient: CGFloat
var animatableData: AnimatableVector {
get { morphing }
set { morphing = newValue }
// Calculates control points
func getTwoTangent(center: CGPoint, point: CGPoint) -> (first: CGPoint, second: CGPoint) {
let a = CGVector(center - point)
let dir = a.perpendicular() * a.len() * tangentCoeficient
return (point - dir, point + dir)
// Draw circle
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
var path = Path()
let radius = min(rect.width / 2, rect.height / 2)
let center = CGPoint(x: rect.width / 2, y: rect.height / 2)
var nextPoint =
let ithPoint: (Int) -> CGPoint = { i in
let point = center + CGPoint(x: radius * sin(CGFloat(i) * CGFloat.pi * CGFloat(2) / CGFloat(pointsNum)),
y: radius * cos(CGFloat(i) * CGFloat.pi * CGFloat(2) / CGFloat(pointsNum)))
var direction = CGVector(point - center)
direction = direction / direction.len()
return point + direction * CGFloat(morphing[i >= pointsNum ? 0 : i])
var tangentLast = getTwoTangent(center: center,
point: ithPoint(pointsNum - 1))
for i in (0...pointsNum){
nextPoint = ithPoint(i)
let tangentNow = getTwoTangent(center: center, point: nextPoint)
if i != 0 {
path.addCurve(to: nextPoint, control1: tangentLast.1, control2: tangentNow.0)
} else {
path.move(to: nextPoint)
tangentLast = tangentNow
return path
init(_ morph: AnimatableVector) {
pointsNum = morph.count
morphing = morph
tangentCoeficient = (4 / 3) * tan(CGFloat.pi / CGFloat(2 * pointsNum))
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