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Created March 5, 2012 21:36
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Sub GetSublimeTextKeyBindings()
Dim cmd As Command
Dim ow As OutputWindow = DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindOutput).Object
Dim owp As OutputWindowPane
Dim exists As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim sArray() As String
Dim dict As New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, String)()
dict.Add("Edit.NextBookmark", "next_bookmark")
dict.Add("Edit.ToggleBookmark", "toggle_bookmark")
dict.Add("Edit.CommentSelection", "toggle_comment")
dict.Add("Edit.UncommentSelection", "toggle_comment")
sArray = New String() {}
i = 1
exists = False
For Each owp In ow.OutputWindowPanes
If owp.Name = "SublimeTextKeyBindings" Then
exists = True
Exit For
End If
i = i + 1
If exists Then
owp = ow.OutputWindowPanes.Item(i)
owp = ow.OutputWindowPanes.Add("SublimeTextKeyBindings")
End If
' Output 1 line per command
For Each cmd In DTE.Commands
Dim binding As Object
Dim shortcut As String
shortcut = ""
For Each binding In cmd.Bindings
Dim b As String
b = binding
If b.Contains("Text Editor::") Or b.Contains("Global::") Then
If shortcut = "" Or b.Contains("Text Editor::") Then
shortcut = b
End If
End If
shortcut = shortcut.Trim().Replace("Text Editor::", "").Replace("Global::", "")
If Not cmd.Name.Trim().Equals("") And Not shortcut.Equals("") Then
Dim split As String() = shortcut.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Split(",")
Dim result As String = """" + String.Join(""", """, split) + """"
If dict.ContainsKey(cmd.Name) Then
sArray.Resize(sArray, sArray.Length + 1)
sArray(sArray.Length - 1) = vbTab + "{ ""keys"": [" + result + "], ""command"": """ + dict(cmd.Name) + """ }"
End If
End If
owp.OutputString(String.Join(", " + vbCrLf, sArray))
End Sub
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Wow... I..uhh.. I don't know and I don't remember. :)

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