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Last active December 29, 2018 09:26
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Customizable template used to handle app-wide typography.
import UIKit
// Example usage:
// let label = UILabel()
// label.attributedText ="Edit"),
class Typography {
/// The current application typography.
/// Override this static property to use a custom typography.
static var current: TypographyProtocol = BaseTypography()
/// Scale text in your interface automatically by using Dynamic Type and `UIFontMetrics`.
/// - note: This is supported only on iOS 11.
static var enableDynamicType: Bool = true
/// - returns: The font name for the given weight.
/// - note: A `nil` provider results in the system font.
typealias FontNameProvider = (FontWeight) -> String
/// Represents the desired font weight.
enum FontWeight: String {
case light
case regular
case medium
/// Returns the associated *UIFontWeight* value.
var fontWeight: UIFont.Weight {
switch self {
case .light:
return UIFont.Weight.light
case .regular:
return UIFont.Weight.regular
case .medium:
return UIFont.Weight.medium
/// Target the desired font family.
enum Family: String {
case primary
case secondary
/// Short-hand font constructor.
static func font(family: Family, weight: FontWeight = .regular, size: CGFloat) -> UIFont {
var provider: Typography.FontNameProvider? = nil
switch family {
case .primary:
provider = current.primaryFontFamily
case .secondary:
provider = current.secondaryFontFamily
guard let fontProvider = provider else {
return UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: size, weight: weight.fontWeight)
return UIFont(name: fontProvider(weight), size: size)!
/// Fonts and its attributes.
struct StyleDescriptor {
/// The typeface.
private let internalFont: UIFont
/// The font letter spacing.
private let kern: CGFloat
/// Whether this typeface is meant to be used with uppercased text.
private var uppercase: Bool
/// Whether this font support dybamic font size.
private var supportDynamicType: Bool
/// The font color.
var color: UIColor
/// Publicly exposed font (subject to font scaling if appliocable).
var font: UIFont {
guard enableDynamicType, supportDynamicType else {
return internalFont
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
return UIFontMetrics.default.scaledFont(for: internalFont)
} else {
return internalFont
font: UIFont,
kern: CGFloat,
uppercase: Bool = false,
supportDynamicType: Bool = false,
color: UIColor = .black) {
self.internalFont = font
self.kern = kern
self.uppercase = uppercase
self.supportDynamicType = supportDynamicType
self.color = color
/// Returns a dictionary of attributes for `NSAttributedString`.
var attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] {
return [
NSAttributedString.Key.font: font,
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: color,
NSAttributedString.Key.kern: kern
/// Override the `NSForegroundColorAttributeName` attribute.
func withColor(_ override: UIColor) -> StyleDescriptor {
return StyleDescriptor(
font: internalFont,
kern: kern,
uppercase: uppercase,
supportDynamicType: supportDynamicType,
color: override)
/// Returns an attributed string with the current font descriptor attributes.
func asAttributedString(_ string: String) -> NSAttributedString {
let displayString = uppercase ? string.uppercased() : string
return NSAttributedString(string: displayString, attributes: attributes)
/// Typographic scale.
enum Style: String {
case h1
case h2
case h3
case h4
case h5
case h6
case body1
case body2
case subtitle1
case subtitle2
case button
case caption
case overline
protocol TypographyProtocol {
/// Returns the primary font provider.
var primaryFontFamily: Typography.FontNameProvider? { get }
/// Returns the secondary font provider.
var secondaryFontFamily: Typography.FontNameProvider? { get }
/// Return the font style for the given typographic scale argument.
func style(_ scale: Typography.Style) -> Typography.StyleDescriptor
class BaseTypography: TypographyProtocol {
let primaryFontFamily: Typography.FontNameProvider? = nil
let secondaryFontFamily: Typography.FontNameProvider? = nil
func style(_ scale: Typography.Style) -> Typography.StyleDescriptor {
switch scale {
case .h1:
return Typography.StyleDescriptor(
font: Typography.font(family: .primary, weight: .light, size: 97.54),
kern: -1.5)
case .h2: return
font: Typography.font(family: .primary, weight: .light, size: 60.96),
kern: -0.5)
case .h3:
return Typography.StyleDescriptor(
font: Typography.font(family: .primary, weight: .regular, size: 48.77),
kern: 0)
case .h4:
return Typography.StyleDescriptor(
font: Typography.font(family: .primary, weight: .regular, size: 34.54),
kern: 0.25)
case .h5:
return Typography.StyleDescriptor(
font: Typography.font(family: .primary, weight: .medium, size: 24.38),
kern: 0)
case .h6:
return Typography.StyleDescriptor(
font: Typography.font(family: .primary, weight: .medium, size: 20.32),
kern: 0.25)
case .body1:
return Typography.StyleDescriptor(
font: Typography.font(family: .secondary, weight: .regular, size: 16.26),
kern: 0.5,
supportDynamicType: true)
case .body2:
return Typography.StyleDescriptor(
font: Typography.font(family: .secondary, weight: .regular, size: 14.22),
kern: 0.25,
supportDynamicType: true)
case .subtitle1:
return Typography.StyleDescriptor(
font: Typography.font(family: .secondary, weight: .medium, size: 16.25),
kern: 0.15,
supportDynamicType: true)
case .subtitle2:
return Typography.StyleDescriptor(
font: Typography.font(family: .secondary, weight: .medium, size: 14.22),
kern: 0.1,
supportDynamicType: true)
case .button:
return Typography.StyleDescriptor(
font: Typography.font(family: .primary, weight: .medium, size: 14.22),
kern: 1.25,
uppercase: true,
supportDynamicType: true)
case .caption:
return Typography.StyleDescriptor(
font: Typography.font(family: .secondary, weight: .regular, size: 12.19),
kern: 0.4,
supportDynamicType: true)
case .overline:
return Typography.StyleDescriptor(
font: Typography.font(family: .primary, weight: .medium, size: 12.19),
kern: 2,
supportDynamicType: true)
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