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Created July 14, 2020 22:08
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">
<description>This component allows the user to configure and display a datatable in a Flow screen.</description>
<targetConfig targets="lightning__FlowScreen">
<!-- ================================ New in Summer '20' - Support for Dynamic SObject Selection ================================= -->
<propertyType name="T" extends="SObject" label="Datatable Object API Name" description="Select the API Name of the SObject to use in the Datatable"/>
<property name="tableData" label="_ Datatable Record Collection" type="{T[]}" role="inputOnly" description="Record Collection variable containing the records to display in the datatable."/>
<property name="preSelectedRows" label="Pre-Selected Rows" type="{T[]}" role="inputOnly" description="Record Collection variable containing the records to show as pre-selected in the datatable."/>
<property name="outputEditedRows" label="Output Edited Rows" type="{T[]}" role="outputOnly" description="Record Collection variable to contain only the records that were edited in the datatable.
- NOTE: To write these edits back to the Object, you will need to do a Record Update in the Flow."/>
<property name="outputSelectedRows" label="Output Selected Rows" type="{T[]}" role="outputOnly" description="Record Collection variable to contain only the records that were selected in the datatable.
- NOTE: These records may not contain all of the edited values."/>
<!-- ============== These parameters are used when providing a User Defined object rather than a Salesforce SObject ============== -->
<property name="isUserDefinedObject" label="_ (User Defined) Display User Defined Object?" type="Boolean" default="false" role="inputOnly" description="Set to True if you are providing a User Defined object rather than a Salesforce SObject."/>
<property name="tableDataString" label="_ Datatable Record String (User Defined)" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="Object Collection string variable containing the records to display in the datatable."/>
<property name="preSelectedRowsString" label="Pre-Selected Rows (User Defined)" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="Object Collection string variable containing the records to show as pre-selected in the datatable."/>
<property name="outputSelectedRowsString" label="Output Selected Rows (User Defined)" type="String" role="outputOnly" description="Object Collection string variable to contain only the records that were selected in the datatable.
-- NOTE: These records may not contain all of the edited values."/>
<property name="outputEditedRowsString" label="Output Edited Rows (User Defined)" type="String" role="outputOnly" description="Object Collection string variable to contain only the records that were edited in the datatable."/>
<!-- ============================================================================================================================- -->
<!-- Forcing sort order of parameters with special characters _(1) -(2) .(3) -->
<property name="columnFields" label="_ Column Fields" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="REQUIRED: Comma separated list of field API Names to display in the datatable."/>
<property name="columnAlignments" label="- Column Alignments (Col#:alignment,...)" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="Comma separated list of ColID:Alignment Value (left,center,right).
-- NOTE: ColIDs can be either the column number or the field API Name"/>
<property name="columnEdits" label="- Column Edits (Col#:true,...) or All" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="'All' or a Comma separated list of ColID:True or False
-- NOTE: Some data types cannot be edited in a datable (lookup, picklist, location, encrypted, rich text, long text area)
-- NOTE: ColIDs can be either the column number or the field API Name"/>
<property name="columnFilters" label="- Column Filters (Col#:true,...) or All" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="'All' or a Comma separated list of ColID:True or False
-- NOTE: Some data types cannot be filtered in a datable (location, encrypted)
-- NOTE: ColIDs can be either the column number or the field API Name"/>
<property name="columnIcons" label="- Column Icons (Col#:icon,...)" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="Comma separated list of ColID:Icon Identifier -- EXAMPLE: 1:standard:account (Display the first column with the Account icon)
-- NOTE: ColIDs can be either the column number or the field API Name"/>
<property name="columnLabels" label="- Column Labels (Col#:label,...)" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="Comma separated list of ColID:Label (These are only needed if you want a label that is different from the field's defined label)
-- NOTE: ColIDs can be either the column number or the field API Name"/>
<property name="columnScales" label="- Column Scale Values (Col#:scale,...) (User Defined)" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="Comma separated list of ColID:Scale (The number of digits to display to the right of the decimal point in currency, number and percent fields (default = 0))
-- NOTE: ColIDs can be either the column number or the field API Name"/>
<property name="columnTypes" label="- Column Field Types (Col#:type,...) (User Defined)" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="Comma separated list of ColID:FieldType (boolean, currency, date, datetime, number, email, id, location, percent, phone, time, url, text(default))
-- NOTE: ColIDs can be either the column number or the field API Name"/>
<property name="columnWidths" label="- Column Widths (Col#:width,...)" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="Comma separated list of ColID:Width (in pixels).
-- NOTE: ColIDs can be either the column number or the field API Name"/>
<property name="columnCellAttribs" label=". Special: Column CellAttributes (Col#:{name:value,...};...) Use ; as separator" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="EXAMPLE: FancyField__c:{class: 'slds-theme_shade slds-theme_alert-texture', iconName: {fieldName: IconValue__c}, iconPosition: left}"/>
<property name="columnOtherAttribs" label=". Special: Column Other Attributes (Col#:{name:value,...};...) Use ; as separator" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="EXAMPLE: Description:{wrapText: true, wrapTextMaxLines: 5}"/>
<property name="columnTypeAttribs" label=". Special: Column TypeAttributes (Col#:{name:value,...};...) Use ; as separator" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="EXAMPLE: DateField__c:{year:'numeric', day:'2-digit', month:'long'}; NumberField__c:{minimumFractionDigits:4}"/>
<property name="isConfigMode" label="Configuration Mode?" type="Boolean" default="false" role="inputOnly" description="Display the Field API Names and the Column Widths in a box below the table. This parameter is designed to be used by the setup Flow."/>
<property name="hideCheckboxColumn" label="Hide Checkbox Column?" type="Boolean" default="false" role="inputOnly" description="Set to True to hide the row selection column. -- NOTE: The checkbox column will always display when inline editing is enabled."/>
<property name="keyField" label="Key Field" type="String" default="Id" role="inputOnly" description="This is normally the Id field, but you can specify a different field if all field values are unique."/>
<property name="matchCaseOnFilters" label="Match Case on Column Filters?" type="Boolean" default="false" role="inputOnly" description="Set to True is you want to force an exact match on case for column filter values."/>
<property name="maxNumberOfRows" label="Maximum Number of Records to Display" type="Integer" role="inputOnly" description="Enter a number here if you want to restrict how many rows will be displayed in the datatable."/>
<property name="singleRowSelection" label="Single Row Selection (Radio Buttons)?" type="Boolean" default="false" role="inputOnly" description="When set to True, Radio Buttons will be displayed and only a single row can be selected.
The default (False) will display Checkboxes and allow multiple records to be selected."/>
<property name="suppressBottomBar" label="Suppress Cancel/Save Buttons during Edit Mode?" type="Boolean" default="false" role="inputOnly" description="Cancel/Save buttons will appear by default at the very bottom of the table once a field is edited.
When hiding these buttons, field updates will be applied as soon as the user Tabs out or selects a different field."/>
<property name="tableHeight" label="Table Height" type="String" role="inputOnly" description="CSS specification for the height of the datatable (Examples: 30rem, calc(50vh - 100px) If you leave this blank, the datatable will expand to display all records.)"/>
<property name="tableBorder" label="Table Border" type="Boolean" default="true" role="inputOnly" description="Display a border around the datatable."/>
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