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Created December 5, 2019 23:53
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public with sharing class SendHTMLEmail {
@invocableMethod(label='Send HTML Email')
public static List<Response> SendEmail(List<Request> requests) {
String HTMLbody = requests[0].HTMLbody;
String plainTextBody = requests[0].plainTextBody;
String subject = requests[0].subject;
String replyEmailAddress = requests[0].replyEmailAddress;
String senderDisplayName = requests[0].senderDisplayName;
String templateID = requests[0].templateID;
String templateTargetObjectId = requests[0].templateTargetObjectId;
String orgWideEmailAddressId = requests[0].orgWideEmailAddressId;
Boolean saveAsActivity = requests[0].saveAsActivity;
Id recordId = requests[0].recordId;
// First, reserve email capacity for the current Apex transaction to ensure
// that we won't exceed our daily email limits when sending email after
// the current transaction is committed.
// Processes and actions involved in the Apex transaction occur next,
// which conclude with sending a single email.
// Now create a new single email message object
// that will send out a single email to the addresses in the To, CC & BCC list.
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
// Strings to hold the email addresses to which you are sending the email.
//String[] toAddresses = new String[] {oneAddress};
Map<String, Object> m = GenerateMap(requests[0]);
String[] toAddresses = BuildAddressList('TO',m);
System.debug('toAddresses is: ' + toAddresses);
String[] ccAddresses = BuildAddressList('CC',m);
System.debug('ccAddresses is: ' + ccAddresses);
String[] bccAddresses = BuildAddressList('BCC', m);
System.debug('bccAddresses is: ' + bccAddresses);
// Assign the addresses for the To and CC lists to the mail object.
//outgoing email can either use an orgWideEmailAddress or specify it here, but not both
if (orgWideEmailAddressId != null && orgWideEmailAddressId != '') {
} else {
// Specify the address used when the recipients reply to the email.
// Specify the name used as the display name.
// Specify the subject line for your email address.
// Set to True if you want to BCC yourself on the email.
// Optionally append the email signature to the email.
// The email address of the user executing the Apex Code will be used.
// True by default unless the user passes a value in.
if(requests[0].useSalesforceSignature != null) {
} else {
mail = AddAttachments(mail, requests[0].contentDocumentAttachments, null);
if (templateID != null && ((HTMLbody != null) || (plainTextBody != null)))
throw new InvocableActionException('you\'re trying to pass in both a plaintext/html body and a template ID. Gotta pick one or the other. Make sure you\'re not confusing the Text Template resources in Flow, (which you can pass into either the HTMLBody or the plainTextBody) with the templateId, which represents a Salesforce Email Template (either Classic or Lightning).');
if ((templateID != null && templateTargetObjectId == null) || (templateID == null && templateTargetObjectId != null))
throw new InvocableActionException('templateId and templateTargetObjectId have to be used together. the target recordID determines how to fill in the mergefields in the template.');
if (templateID == null && HTMLbody == null && plainTextBody == null)
throw new InvocableActionException(' Body text must be provided to Send HTML Email Action, either via HTMLbody, plainTextBody, or a templateId');
if (saveAsActivity == true && recordId == null) {
throw new InvocableActionException('In order to log this email send to activity history, you need to pass in a recordId');
System.debug('templateID is:' + templateID);
// Specify the text content of the email.
System.debug('mail is:' + mail);
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] emailResponse;
Boolean completed;
String error;
// Send the email you have created.
try {
emailResponse = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{
System.debug('emailResponse is: ' + emailResponse);
completed = true;
} catch (InvocableActionException e){
System.debug ('exception occured: ' + e.getMessage());
completed = false;
error = e.getMessage();
} catch (System.EmailException e){
System.debug ('exception occured: ' + e.getMessage());
completed = false;
error = e.getMessage();
//report back the results
Response response = new Response();
if (completed == true) {
if (emailResponse[0].isSuccess() != true) {
Messaging.SendEmailError[] curErrors = emailResponse[0].getErrors();
String errorReport = '';
for(Messaging.SendEmailError curError : curErrors ) {
errorReport = errorReport + curError.getMessage() + '/n';
response.errors = errorReport;
response.isSuccess = false;
} else {
response.isSuccess = true;
if (saveAsActivity == true && recordId != null) {
if (recordId != null) {
try {
createActivity(recordId, subject, toAddresses + ',' + ccAddresses + ',' + bccAddresses);
} catch (Exception ex) {
response.errors = ex.getMessage();
response.isSuccess = false;
} else {
response.errors = error;
response.isSuccess = false;
List<Response> responseList = new List<Response>();
return responseList;
//credit to
public static Messaging.SingleEmailMessage AddAttachments(Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail, List<ContentDocumentLink> contentDocumentLinks, String staticResourceNames) {
List<SObject> curAttachments = new List<SObject>();
if (staticResourceNames != null) {
List<String> staticResourceNamesList = staticResourceNames.replaceAll('[^A-Z0-9]+//ig', ',').split(',');
curAttachments.addAll([SELECT Id, Body, Name, ContentType FROM StaticResource WHERE Name IN:staticResourceNamesList]);
if (contentDocumentLinks != null && !contentDocumentLinks.isEmpty()) {
Set<Id> cdIds = new Set<Id>();
for (ContentDocumentLink cdl : contentDocumentLinks) {
for (ContentVersion cv : [SELECT Id, PathOnClient, VersionData, FileType FROM ContentVersion]) {
curAttachments.add(new StaticResource(Name = cv.PathOnClient, Body = cv.VersionData));
List<Messaging.EmailFileAttachment> attachments = new List<Messaging.EmailFileAttachment>();
if (curAttachments != null) {
for (SObject file : curAttachments) {
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
efa.setFileName((String) file.get('Name'));
efa.setBody((BLOB) file.get('Body'));
efa.setContentType((String) file.get('ContentType'));
return mail;
public static String[] BuildAddressList(string type, Map<String, Object> m) {
String[] addressList = new List<String>();
String curEmail;
//build address list
//handle individual addresses
String oneAddress = (String)m.get('Send' + type + 'thisOneEmailAddress');
if ( oneAddress != null) {
System.debug('address list is:' + addressList);
//handle inputs involving collections of String addresses
List<String> stringAddresses = (List<String>)m.get('Send' + type + 'thisStringCollectionOfEmailAddresses');
if (stringAddresses != null) {
System.debug('address list is:' + addressList);
//handle inputs involving collections of Contacts
List<Contact> curContacts = (List<Contact>)m.get('Send' + type + 'theEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfContacts');
if (curContacts != null) {
List<String> extractedEmailAddresses = new List<String>();
for (Contact curContact : curContacts) {
curEmail =;
if (curEmail != null) extractedEmailAddresses.add(curEmail);
System.debug('address list is now:' + addressList);
//handle inputs involving collections of Users
List<User> curUsers = (List<User>)m.get('Send' + type + 'theEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfUsers');
if (curUsers != null) {
List<String> extractedEmailAddresses = new List<String>();
for (User curUser : curUsers) {
curEmail =;
if (curEmail != null) extractedEmailAddresses.add(curEmail);
System.debug('address list is now:' + addressList);
//handle inputs involving collections of Leads
List<Lead> curLeads = (List<Lead>)m.get('Send' + type + 'theEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfLeads');
if (curLeads != null) {
List<String> extractedEmailAddresses = new List<String>();
for (Lead curLead : curLeads) {
curEmail =;
if (curEmail != null) extractedEmailAddresses.add(curEmail);
System.debug('address list is now:' + addressList);
return addressList;
//this map makes it easier to efficiently use the same code to handle To, CC, and BCC.
//by making the lookup a string, we can composite the string in the m.get lines above
private static Map<String, Object> GenerateMap(Request request) {
return new Map<String, Object>{
'SendTOthisOneEmailAddress' => request.SendTOthisOneEmailAddress,
'SendTOthisStringCollectionOfEmailAddresses' => request.SendTOthisStringCollectionOfEmailAddresses,
'SendTOtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfContacts' => request.SendTOtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfContacts,
'SendTOtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfUsers' => request.SendTOtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfUsers,
'SendTOtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfLeads' => request.SendTOtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfLeads,
'SendCCthisOneEmailAddress' => request.SendCCthisOneEmailAddress,
'SendCCthisStringCollectionOfEmailAddresses' => request.SendCCthisStringCollectionOfEmailAddresses,
'SendCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfContacts' => request.SendCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfContacts,
'SendCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfUsers' => request.SendCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfUsers,
'SendCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfLeads' => request.SendCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfLeads,
'SendBCCthisOneEmailAddress' => request.SendBCCthisOneEmailAddress,
'SendBCCthisStringCollectionOfEmailAddresses' => request.SendBCCthisStringCollectionOfEmailAddresses,
'SendBCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfContacts' => request.SendBCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfContacts,
'SendBCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfUsers' => request.SendBCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfUsers,
'SendBCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfLeads' => request.SendBCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfLeads
private static void createActivity(Id recordId, String subject, String recipientList) {
Task t = new Task(OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId(),
Subject = 'Sent Email: ' + subject,
Description = 'Sent Email : ' + subject + ' to recipient(s): ' + recipientList.replaceAll('[()]|,\\(\\)+', ''),
Status = 'Closed',
Priority = 'Normal',
WhatId = recordId);
insert t;
public class Request {
public String HTMLbody;
public String plainTextBody;
public String templateID;
@invocableVariable(label='Template Target Record Id' description='If you are passing in a template Id, you need to also pass in the Id of context record. It can be a Contact, Lead, or User. It will determine which data gets merged into the template')
public String templateTargetObjectID;
public String subject;
public String replyEmailAddress;
public String senderDisplayName;
public String orgWideEmailAddressId;
public String SendTOthisOneEmailAddress;
public List<String> SendTOthisStringCollectionOfEmailAddresses;
public List<Contact> SendTOtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfContacts;
public List<User> SendTOtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfUsers;
public List<Lead> SendTOtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfLeads;
public String SendCCthisOneEmailAddress;
public List<String> SendCCthisStringCollectionOfEmailAddresses;
public List<Contact> SendCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfContacts;
public List<User> SendCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfUsers;
public List<Lead> SendCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfLeads;
public String SendBCCthisOneEmailAddress;
public List<String> SendBCCthisStringCollectionOfEmailAddresses;
public List<Contact> SendBCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfContacts;
public List<User> SendBCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfUsers;
public List<Lead> SendBCCtheEmailAddressesFromThisCollectionOfLeads;
public Boolean UseSalesforceSignature;
Static resources do not store file extensions, thus email attachments will have file names without extensions,
which is inconvenient for an end user. Disabling this option for now.
Possible workarounds:
1. Specify full file name in Description of static resource
2. Let the user pass file names together with static resource names
// @invocableVariable
// public String staticResourceAttachmentNames;
public List<ContentDocumentLink> contentDocumentAttachments;
public Boolean saveAsActivity;
public Id recordId;
public class Response {
public Boolean isSuccess;
public String errors;
public class InvocableActionException extends Exception {}
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