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Created September 17, 2017 17:15
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Simple Process that Listens to Event and Posts to Chatter
"fullName": "without_flow_launch-2",
"actionCalls": [{
"name": "eventContextErrorEmail",
"label": "Context Error Email",
"locationX": "0",
"locationY": "0",
"actionName": "emailSimple",
"actionType": "emailSimple",
"inputParameters": [{
"name": "emailSubject",
"value": {
"stringValue": "Salesforce without flow launch process didn't start: No matching records found"
}, {
"name": "emailBody",
"value": {
"elementReference": "noRecordsFoundTextTemplate"
}, {
"name": "emailAddresses",
"value": {
"stringValue": ""
}, {
"name": "eventContextMoreEmail",
"label": "Context Error Email",
"locationX": "0",
"locationY": "0",
"actionName": "emailSimple",
"actionType": "emailSimple",
"inputParameters": [{
"name": "emailSubject",
"value": {
"stringValue": "Salesforce without flow launch process didn't start: Multiple matching records found"
}, {
"name": "emailBody",
"value": {
"elementReference": "multipleRecordsFoundTextTemplate"
}, {
"name": "emailAddresses",
"value": {
"stringValue": ""
}, {
"processMetadataValues": [{
"name": "postTarget",
"value": {
"stringValue": "group_edelstein"
}, {
"name": "textJson",
"value": {
"stringValue": "{\"mentions\":[],\"message\":\"process alextest2 running on jeffnix\"}"
"name": "myRule_1_A1",
"label": "log to console",
"locationX": "100",
"locationY": "200",
"actionName": "chatterPost",
"actionType": "chatterPost",
"inputParameters": [{
"name": "text",
"value": {
"stringValue": "process alextest2 running on jeffnix"
}, {
"name": "type",
"value": {
"stringValue": "GROUP"
}, {
"name": "subjectNameOrId",
"value": {
"stringValue": "0F99A00000003aHSAQ"
"assignments": {
"name": "RecordCountAssignment",
"label": "RecordCountAssignment",
"locationX": "0",
"locationY": "0",
"assignmentItems": [{
"assignToReference": "myVariable_event_record_count",
"operator": "Add",
"value": {
"numberValue": "1.0"
}, {
"assignToReference": "myVariable_event_context",
"operator": "Assign",
"value": {
"elementReference": "myVariable_event_current_record"
"connector": {
"targetReference": "eventContextCheckLoop"
"decisions": [{
"name": "eventContextCheckDecision",
"label": "ContextCheckDecision",
"locationX": "0",
"locationY": "0",
"defaultConnector": {
"targetReference": "myDecision"
"defaultConnectorLabel": "default",
"rules": [{
"name": "eventContextCheckRule",
"conditionLogic": "and",
"conditions": {
"leftValueReference": "myVariable_event_record_count",
"operator": "EqualTo",
"rightValue": {
"numberValue": "0.0"
"connector": {
"targetReference": "eventContextErrorEmail"
"label": "Context Check Decision - Is Zero"
}, {
"name": "eventContextGtOneCheckRule",
"conditionLogic": "and",
"conditions": {
"leftValueReference": "myVariable_event_record_count",
"operator": "GreaterThan",
"rightValue": {
"numberValue": "1.0"
"connector": {
"targetReference": "eventContextMoreEmail"
"label": "Context Check Decision - Greater than One"
}, {
"processMetadataValues": {
"name": "index",
"value": {
"numberValue": "0.0"
"name": "myDecision",
"label": "myDecision",
"locationX": "50",
"locationY": "0",
"defaultConnectorLabel": "default",
"rules": {
"name": "myRule_1",
"conditionLogic": "and",
"conditions": {
"leftValueReference": "formula_myRule_1",
"operator": "EqualTo",
"rightValue": {
"booleanValue": "true"
"connector": {
"targetReference": "myRule_1_A1"
"label": "passthrough"
"formulas": [{
"name": "formula_myRule_1",
"dataType": "Boolean",
"expression": "true"
}, {
"name": "OrganizationName",
"dataType": "String",
"expression": "{!$Organization.Name}"
"interviewLabel": "without_flow_launch-2_InterviewLabel",
"label": "without flow launch",
"loops": {
"name": "eventContextCheckLoop",
"label": "ContextCheckLoop",
"locationX": "0",
"locationY": "0",
"assignNextValueToReference": "myVariable_event_current_record",
"collectionReference": "myVariable_event_context_collection",
"iterationOrder": "Asc",
"nextValueConnector": {
"targetReference": "RecordCountAssignment"
"noMoreValuesConnector": {
"targetReference": "eventContextCheckDecision"
"processMetadataValues": [{
"name": "EventType",
"value": {
"stringValue": "Recommendation_Request__e"
}, {
"name": "ObjectType",
"value": {
"stringValue": "Contact"
"processType": "CustomEvent",
"recordLookups": {
"name": "myEventContextRecordLookup",
"label": "myEventContextRecordLookup",
"locationX": "0",
"locationY": "0",
"assignNullValuesIfNoRecordsFound": "false",
"connector": {
"targetReference": "eventContextCheckLoop"
"filters": {
"processMetadataValues": [{
"name": "implicit",
"value": {
"booleanValue": "false"
}, {
"name": "inputDataType",
"value": {
"stringValue": "String"
}, {
"name": "leftHandSideLabel",
"value": {
"stringValue": "Last Name"
}, {
"name": "leftHandSideReferenceTo",
"value": {
"stringValue": ""
}, {
"name": "leftHandSideType",
"value": {
"stringValue": "String"
}, {
"name": "operatorDataType",
"value": {
"stringValue": "String"
}, {
"name": "rightHandSideType",
"value": {
"stringValue": "String"
"field": "LastName",
"operator": "EqualTo",
"value": {
"stringValue": "foo"
"object": "Contact",
"outputReference": "myVariable_event_context_collection"
"startElementReference": "myEventContextRecordLookup",
"textTemplates": [{
"description": "text template for when multiple records are records found",
"name": "multipleRecordsFoundTextTemplate",
"text": "Hello {!OrganizationName} Admin, \n\nThe without flow launch process is configured to start when a Recommendation Request platform event message occurs. A Recommendation Request message occurred, but the process didn't start because multiple records in your org match the values specified in the process's Object node.\n\n\n\nTo fix this issue, adjust the matching filters in the process's Object node.\n\nThank you, \nSalesforce Process Automation"
}, {
"description": "text template for no records found",
"name": "noRecordsFoundTextTemplate",
"text": "Hello {!OrganizationName} Admin, \n\nThe without flow launch process is configured to start when a Recommendation Request platform event message occurs. A Recommendation Request message occurred, but the process didn't start because no records in your org match the values specified in the process's Object node.\n\n\n\nTo fix this issue, adjust the matching filters in the process's Object node.\n\nThank you, \nSalesforce Process Automation"
"variables": [{
"name": "myVariable_event_context",
"dataType": "SObject",
"isCollection": "false",
"isInput": "true",
"isOutput": "true",
"objectType": "Contact"
}, {
"name": "myVariable_event_context_collection",
"dataType": "SObject",
"isCollection": "true",
"isInput": "true",
"isOutput": "true",
"objectType": "Contact"
}, {
"name": "myVariable_event_current_record",
"dataType": "SObject",
"isCollection": "false",
"isInput": "true",
"isOutput": "true",
"objectType": "Contact"
}, {
"name": "myVariable_event_record_count",
"dataType": "Number",
"isCollection": "false",
"isInput": "true",
"isOutput": "true",
"scale": "2",
"value": {
"numberValue": "0.0"
}, {
"name": "myVariable_myEvent",
"dataType": "SObject",
"isCollection": "false",
"isInput": "true",
"isOutput": "false",
"objectType": "Recommendation_Request__e"
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