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Last active June 18, 2019 02:16
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SKU Bug Logs
ace@ace-x1:~/go/src/$ kubectl logs azure-provider-controller-manager-0 -n azure-provider-system -f
I0618 01:58:25.893921       1 plugins.go:39] Registered cluster provisioner "azure"
I0618 01:58:25.898359       1 reflector.go:131] Starting reflector *v1alpha1.Cluster (10m0s) from
I0618 01:58:25.898432       1 reflector.go:169] Listing and watching *v1alpha1.Cluster from
I0618 01:58:25.898682       1 reflector.go:131] Starting reflector *v1alpha1.Machine (10m0s) from
I0618 01:58:25.898737       1 reflector.go:169] Listing and watching *v1alpha1.Machine from
I0618 01:58:26.197648       1 cluster_controller.go:90] Running reconcile Cluster for "capi"
I0618 01:58:26.197800       1 machine_controller.go:113] Reconciling Machine "capi-controlplane-0"
I0618 01:58:26.208126       1 cluster_controller.go:90] Running reconcile Cluster for "capi"
I0618 01:58:26.208176       1 cluster_controller.go:139] reconciling cluster object capi triggers idempotent reconcile.
I0618 01:58:26.208195       1 actuator.go:54] Reconciling cluster capi
I0618 01:58:26.209689       1 reconciler.go:67] reconciling cluster capi
I0618 01:58:26.209749       1 certificates.go:59] generating certificates
I0618 01:58:26.209795       1 certificates.go:107] CreatePKIAssets
I0618 01:58:26.209814       1 certs.go:37] creating PKI assets
I0618 01:58:26.380368       1 machine_controller.go:113] Reconciling Machine "capi-controlplane-0"
I0618 01:58:26.480480       1 machine_controller.go:149] Failed to add finalizers to machine "capi-controlplane-0": Operation cannot be fulfilled on "capi-controlplane-0": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
I0618 01:58:27.480976       1 machine_controller.go:113] Reconciling Machine "capi-controlplane-0"
I0618 01:58:27.481004       1 actuator.go:153] Checking if machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi exists
I0618 01:58:29.197782       1 machine_controller.go:222] Reconciling machine object capi-controlplane-0 triggers idempotent create.
I0618 01:58:29.197822       1 actuator.go:74] Creating machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi
I0618 01:58:29.880339       1 reconciler.go:260] Machine capi-controlplane-0 should join the controlplane: false
E0618 01:58:30.038157       1 actuator.go:84] failed to reconcile machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi: failed to create nic capi-controlplane-0-nic for machine capi-controlplane-0: unable to create VM network interface: subnet capi-controlplane-subnet not found: network.SubnetsClient#Get: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=404 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=404 Code="ResourceGroupNotFound" Message="Resource group 'capi-fix' could not be found."
E0618 01:58:30.080422       1 machine_scope.go:138] [machinescope] failed to update machine "capi-controlplane-0" in namespace "default": Operation cannot be fulfilled on "capi-controlplane-0": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
I0618 01:58:30.080496       1 machine_controller.go:225] Actuator returned requeue-after error: requeue in: 1m0s
I0618 01:58:30.080650       1 machine_controller.go:113] Reconciling Machine "capi-controlplane-0"
I0618 01:58:30.080691       1 actuator.go:153] Checking if machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi exists
[certs] Generating "etcd/ca" certificate and key
I0618 01:58:30.592612       1 machine_controller.go:222] Reconciling machine object capi-controlplane-0 triggers idempotent create.
I0618 01:58:30.592788       1 actuator.go:74] Creating machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi
I0618 01:58:31.115581       1 reconciler.go:260] Machine capi-controlplane-0 should join the controlplane: false
E0618 01:58:31.380486       1 actuator.go:84] failed to reconcile machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi: failed to create nic capi-controlplane-0-nic for machine capi-controlplane-0: unable to create VM network interface: subnet capi-controlplane-subnet not found: network.SubnetsClient#Get: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=404 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=404 Code="ResourceGroupNotFound" Message="Resource group 'capi-fix' could not be found."
I0618 01:58:31.395056       1 machine_controller.go:225] Actuator returned requeue-after error: requeue in: 1m0s
[certs] Generating "etcd/peer" certificate and key
[certs] etcd/peer serving cert is signed for DNS names [fakenodecapi localhost] and IPs [ ::1]
[certs] Generating "etcd/server" certificate and key
[certs] etcd/server serving cert is signed for DNS names [fakenodecapi localhost] and IPs [ ::1]
[certs] Generating "etcd/healthcheck-client" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "apiserver-etcd-client" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "ca" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "apiserver-kubelet-client" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "apiserver" certificate and key
[certs] apiserver serving cert is signed for DNS names [fakenodecapi kubernetes kubernetes.default kubernetes.default.svc kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local] and IPs []
[certs] Generating "front-proxy-ca" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "front-proxy-client" certificate and key
[certs] valid certificates and keys now exist in "/tmp/cluster-api/capi/certs"
I0618 01:58:47.689579       1 certs.go:72] creating a new public/private key files for signing service account users
[certs] Generating "sa" key and public key
I0618 01:58:53.196025       1 certificates.go:111] CreatePKIAssets success
I0618 01:58:53.196047       1 certificates.go:117] CreateSACertificates
I0618 01:58:53.196057       1 certs.go:72] creating a new public/private key files for signing service account users
[certs] Using the existing "sa" key
I0618 01:58:55.980364       1 certificates.go:121] CreateSACertificates success
I0618 01:58:55.980391       1 certificates.go:212] CreateKubeconfigs admin kubeconfig
I0618 01:58:55.980407       1 kubeconfig.go:92] creating kubeconfig file for admin.conf
[kubeconfig] Writing "admin.conf" kubeconfig file
I0618 01:58:58.592047       1 certificates.go:225] CreateKubeconfigs admin kubeconfig success
I0618 01:58:58.592422       1 certificates.go:127] GetDiscoveryHashes
I0618 01:58:58.594887       1 certificates.go:161] GetDiscoveryHashes success
I0618 01:58:58.594925       1 certificates.go:100] successfully created certificates
I0618 01:58:58.596776       1 groups.go:36] creating resource group capi-fix
I0618 01:58:59.535166       1 groups.go:38] successfully created resource group capi-fix
I0618 01:58:59.568376       1 virtualnetworks.go:71] creating vnet capi-vnet 
I0618 01:59:09.949662       1 virtualnetworks.go:94] successfully created vnet capi-vnet 
I0618 01:59:09.949709       1 securitygroups.go:61] using additional rules for control plane capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 01:59:09.949723       1 securitygroups.go:92] creating security group capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 01:59:20.381694       1 securitygroups.go:117] created security group capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 01:59:20.381747       1 securitygroups.go:92] creating security group capi-node-nsg
I0618 01:59:30.080857       1 machine_controller.go:113] Reconciling Machine "capi-controlplane-0"
I0618 01:59:30.080916       1 actuator.go:153] Checking if machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi exists
I0618 01:59:30.639052       1 machine_controller.go:222] Reconciling machine object capi-controlplane-0 triggers idempotent create.
I0618 01:59:30.639091       1 actuator.go:74] Creating machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi
I0618 01:59:30.929004       1 reconciler.go:260] Machine capi-controlplane-0 should join the controlplane: false
I0618 01:59:30.937354       1 securitygroups.go:117] created security group capi-node-nsg
I0618 01:59:30.937397       1 routetables.go:56] creating route table capi-node-routetable
E0618 01:59:31.141801       1 actuator.go:84] failed to reconcile machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi: failed to create nic capi-controlplane-0-nic for machine capi-controlplane-0: unable to create VM network interface: subnet capi-controlplane-subnet not found: network.SubnetsClient#Get: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=404 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=404 Code="NotFound" Message="Resource /subscriptions/074434f8-16f6-44d4-b452-dcbb0e24a5f3/resourceGroups/capi-fix/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/capi-vnet/subnets/capi-controlplane-subnet not found." Details=[]
I0618 01:59:31.156942       1 machine_controller.go:225] Actuator returned requeue-after error: requeue in: 1m0s
I0618 01:59:41.354550       1 routetables.go:79] successfully created route table capi-node-routetable
I0618 01:59:41.354617       1 subnets.go:79] getting nsg capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 01:59:41.542825       1 subnets.go:88] got nsg capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 01:59:41.542867       1 subnets.go:91] creating subnet capi-controlplane-subnet in vnet capi-vnet
I0618 01:59:51.906851       1 subnets.go:115] successfully created subnet capi-controlplane-subnet in vnet capi-vnet
I0618 01:59:51.906913       1 subnets.go:66] getting route table capi-node-routetable
I0618 01:59:52.043586       1 subnets.go:75] sucessfully got route table capi-node-routetable
I0618 01:59:52.043626       1 subnets.go:79] getting nsg capi-node-nsg
I0618 01:59:52.204071       1 subnets.go:88] got nsg capi-node-nsg
I0618 01:59:52.204108       1 subnets.go:91] creating subnet capi-node-subnet in vnet capi-vnet
I0618 02:00:02.488620       1 subnets.go:115] successfully created subnet capi-node-subnet in vnet capi-vnet
I0618 02:00:02.488664       1 internalloadbalancers.go:62] creating internal load balancer capi-internal-lb
I0618 02:00:02.488679       1 internalloadbalancers.go:69] getting subnet capi-controlplane-subnet
I0618 02:00:02.652247       1 internalloadbalancers.go:79] successfully got subnet capi-controlplane-subnet
I0618 02:00:13.026414       1 internalloadbalancers.go:150] successfully created internal load balancer capi-internal-lb
I0618 02:00:13.026454       1 publicips.go:58] creating public ip capi-bd40d8bc
I0618 02:00:17.630954       1 publicips.go:93] successfully created public ip capi-bd40d8bc
I0618 02:00:17.630999       1 publicloadbalancers.go:64] creating public load balancer capi-public-lb
I0618 02:00:17.631011       1 publicloadbalancers.go:66] getting public ip capi-bd40d8bc
I0618 02:00:17.984148       1 publicloadbalancers.go:76] successfully got public ip capi-bd40d8bc
I0618 02:00:18.337304       1 publicloadbalancers.go:187] successfully created public load balancer capi-public-lb
I0618 02:00:18.337354       1 reconciler.go:155] successfully reconciled cluster capi
I0618 02:00:18.381459       1 cluster_controller.go:90] Running reconcile Cluster for "capi"
I0618 02:00:18.381480       1 cluster_controller.go:139] reconciling cluster object capi triggers idempotent reconcile.
I0618 02:00:18.381486       1 actuator.go:54] Reconciling cluster capi
I0618 02:00:18.383299       1 reconciler.go:67] reconciling cluster capi
I0618 02:00:18.383322       1 certificates.go:59] generating certificates
I0618 02:00:18.383339       1 certificates.go:107] CreatePKIAssets
I0618 02:00:18.383346       1 certs.go:37] creating PKI assets
[certs] Generating "etcd/ca" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "apiserver-etcd-client" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "etcd/peer" certificate and key
[certs] etcd/peer serving cert is signed for DNS names [fakenodecapi localhost] and IPs [ ::1]
[certs] Generating "etcd/healthcheck-client" certificate and key
I0618 02:00:31.157265       1 machine_controller.go:113] Reconciling Machine "capi-controlplane-0"
I0618 02:00:31.157334       1 actuator.go:153] Checking if machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi exists
I0618 02:00:32.080467       1 machine_controller.go:222] Reconciling machine object capi-controlplane-0 triggers idempotent create.
I0618 02:00:32.080512       1 actuator.go:74] Creating machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi
I0618 02:00:32.818380       1 reconciler.go:260] Machine capi-controlplane-0 should join the controlplane: false
[certs] Generating "etcd/server" certificate and key
[certs] etcd/server serving cert is signed for DNS names [fakenodecapi localhost] and IPs [ ::1]
I0618 02:00:33.916565       1 networkinterfaces.go:152] successfully created network interface capi-controlplane-0-nic
[certs] Generating "ca" certificate and key
I0618 02:00:43.887694       1 virtualmachines.go:70] getting nic capi-controlplane-0-nic
I0618 02:00:44.281179       1 virtualmachines.go:79] got nic capi-controlplane-0-nic
I0618 02:00:44.281219       1 virtualmachines.go:81] creating vm capi-controlplane-0 
[certs] Generating "apiserver" certificate and key
[certs] apiserver serving cert is signed for DNS names [fakenodecapi kubernetes kubernetes.default kubernetes.default.svc kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local] and IPs []
[certs] Generating "apiserver-kubelet-client" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "front-proxy-ca" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "front-proxy-client" certificate and key
[certs] valid certificates and keys now exist in "/tmp/cluster-api/capi/certs"
I0618 02:01:00.194613       1 certs.go:72] creating a new public/private key files for signing service account users
[certs] Generating "sa" key and public key
I0618 02:01:02.385130       1 certificates.go:111] CreatePKIAssets success
I0618 02:01:02.385164       1 certificates.go:117] CreateSACertificates
I0618 02:01:02.385181       1 certs.go:72] creating a new public/private key files for signing service account users
[certs] Using the existing "sa" key
I0618 02:01:03.581772       1 certificates.go:121] CreateSACertificates success
I0618 02:01:03.581790       1 certificates.go:212] CreateKubeconfigs admin kubeconfig
I0618 02:01:03.581800       1 kubeconfig.go:92] creating kubeconfig file for admin.conf
[kubeconfig] Writing "admin.conf" kubeconfig file
I0618 02:01:07.498786       1 certificates.go:225] CreateKubeconfigs admin kubeconfig success
I0618 02:01:07.498796       1 certificates.go:100] successfully created certificates
I0618 02:01:07.499245       1 groups.go:36] creating resource group capi-fix
I0618 02:01:08.369642       1 groups.go:38] successfully created resource group capi-fix
I0618 02:01:08.436094       1 securitygroups.go:61] using additional rules for control plane capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 02:01:08.436134       1 securitygroups.go:92] creating security group capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 02:01:08.656363       1 securitygroups.go:117] created security group capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 02:01:08.656377       1 securitygroups.go:92] creating security group capi-node-nsg
I0618 02:01:08.814401       1 securitygroups.go:117] created security group capi-node-nsg
I0618 02:01:08.814453       1 routetables.go:56] creating route table capi-node-routetable
I0618 02:01:08.982410       1 routetables.go:79] successfully created route table capi-node-routetable
I0618 02:01:08.982458       1 subnets.go:79] getting nsg capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 02:01:09.166509       1 subnets.go:88] got nsg capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 02:01:09.166551       1 subnets.go:91] creating subnet capi-controlplane-subnet in vnet capi-vnet
I0618 02:01:09.695031       1 subnets.go:115] successfully created subnet capi-controlplane-subnet in vnet capi-vnet
I0618 02:01:09.695088       1 subnets.go:66] getting route table capi-node-routetable
I0618 02:01:09.909573       1 subnets.go:75] sucessfully got route table capi-node-routetable
I0618 02:01:09.909678       1 subnets.go:79] getting nsg capi-node-nsg
I0618 02:01:10.082386       1 subnets.go:88] got nsg capi-node-nsg
I0618 02:01:10.082439       1 subnets.go:91] creating subnet capi-node-subnet in vnet capi-vnet
I0618 02:01:10.544243       1 subnets.go:115] successfully created subnet capi-node-subnet in vnet capi-vnet
I0618 02:01:10.544291       1 internalloadbalancers.go:62] creating internal load balancer capi-internal-lb
I0618 02:01:10.544308       1 internalloadbalancers.go:69] getting subnet capi-controlplane-subnet
I0618 02:01:10.707777       1 internalloadbalancers.go:79] successfully got subnet capi-controlplane-subnet
I0618 02:01:10.926797       1 internalloadbalancers.go:150] successfully created internal load balancer capi-internal-lb
I0618 02:01:10.926837       1 publicips.go:58] creating public ip capi-bd40d8bc
I0618 02:01:11.396930       1 publicips.go:93] successfully created public ip capi-bd40d8bc
I0618 02:01:11.396979       1 publicloadbalancers.go:64] creating public load balancer capi-public-lb
I0618 02:01:11.396999       1 publicloadbalancers.go:66] getting public ip capi-bd40d8bc
I0618 02:01:11.527030       1 publicloadbalancers.go:76] successfully got public ip capi-bd40d8bc
I0618 02:01:11.833240       1 publicloadbalancers.go:187] successfully created public load balancer capi-public-lb
I0618 02:01:11.833298       1 reconciler.go:155] successfully reconciled cluster capi
E0618 02:01:11.849526       1 scope.go:164] [scope] failed to store provider config for cluster "capi" in namespace "default": Operation cannot be fulfilled on "capi": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
I0618 02:01:11.849682       1 cluster_controller.go:90] Running reconcile Cluster for "capi"
I0618 02:01:11.849720       1 cluster_controller.go:139] reconciling cluster object capi triggers idempotent reconcile.
I0618 02:01:11.849737       1 actuator.go:54] Reconciling cluster capi
I0618 02:01:11.854445       1 reconciler.go:67] reconciling cluster capi
I0618 02:01:11.854491       1 certificates.go:59] generating certificates
I0618 02:01:11.854529       1 certificates.go:107] CreatePKIAssets
I0618 02:01:11.854545       1 certs.go:37] creating PKI assets
[certs] Generating "ca" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "apiserver" certificate and key
[certs] apiserver serving cert is signed for DNS names [fakenodecapi kubernetes kubernetes.default kubernetes.default.svc kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local] and IPs []
[certs] Generating "apiserver-kubelet-client" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "front-proxy-ca" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "front-proxy-client" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "etcd/ca" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "apiserver-etcd-client" certificate and key
[certs] Generating "etcd/server" certificate and key
[certs] etcd/server serving cert is signed for DNS names [fakenodecapi localhost] and IPs [ ::1]
[certs] Generating "etcd/peer" certificate and key
[certs] etcd/peer serving cert is signed for DNS names [fakenodecapi localhost] and IPs [ ::1]
[certs] Generating "etcd/healthcheck-client" certificate and key
I0618 02:01:53.386655       1 certs.go:72] creating a new public/private key files for signing service account users
[certs] valid certificates and keys now exist in "/tmp/cluster-api/capi/certs"
[certs] Generating "sa" key and public key
I0618 02:01:54.795071       1 certificates.go:111] CreatePKIAssets success
I0618 02:01:54.795101       1 certificates.go:117] CreateSACertificates
I0618 02:01:54.795114       1 certs.go:72] creating a new public/private key files for signing service account users
[certs] Using the existing "sa" key
I0618 02:01:58.685722       1 certificates.go:121] CreateSACertificates success
I0618 02:01:58.685740       1 certificates.go:212] CreateKubeconfigs admin kubeconfig
I0618 02:01:58.685750       1 kubeconfig.go:92] creating kubeconfig file for admin.conf
[kubeconfig] Writing "admin.conf" kubeconfig file
I0618 02:02:04.291178       1 certificates.go:225] CreateKubeconfigs admin kubeconfig success
I0618 02:02:04.291213       1 certificates.go:100] successfully created certificates
I0618 02:02:04.293468       1 groups.go:36] creating resource group capi-fix
I0618 02:02:05.231730       1 groups.go:38] successfully created resource group capi-fix
I0618 02:02:05.330070       1 securitygroups.go:61] using additional rules for control plane capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 02:02:05.330113       1 securitygroups.go:92] creating security group capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 02:02:05.582516       1 securitygroups.go:117] created security group capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 02:02:05.582572       1 securitygroups.go:92] creating security group capi-node-nsg
I0618 02:02:05.735329       1 securitygroups.go:117] created security group capi-node-nsg
I0618 02:02:05.735370       1 routetables.go:56] creating route table capi-node-routetable
I0618 02:02:05.906052       1 routetables.go:79] successfully created route table capi-node-routetable
I0618 02:02:05.906099       1 subnets.go:79] getting nsg capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 02:02:06.176413       1 subnets.go:88] got nsg capi-controlplane-nsg
I0618 02:02:06.176458       1 subnets.go:91] creating subnet capi-controlplane-subnet in vnet capi-vnet
I0618 02:02:06.657785       1 subnets.go:115] successfully created subnet capi-controlplane-subnet in vnet capi-vnet
I0618 02:02:06.657863       1 subnets.go:66] getting route table capi-node-routetable
I0618 02:02:06.778767       1 subnets.go:75] sucessfully got route table capi-node-routetable
I0618 02:02:06.778817       1 subnets.go:79] getting nsg capi-node-nsg
I0618 02:02:06.895798       1 subnets.go:88] got nsg capi-node-nsg
I0618 02:02:06.895894       1 subnets.go:91] creating subnet capi-node-subnet in vnet capi-vnet
I0618 02:02:07.383661       1 subnets.go:115] successfully created subnet capi-node-subnet in vnet capi-vnet
I0618 02:02:07.383701       1 internalloadbalancers.go:62] creating internal load balancer capi-internal-lb
I0618 02:02:07.383716       1 internalloadbalancers.go:69] getting subnet capi-controlplane-subnet
I0618 02:02:07.451599       1 internalloadbalancers.go:79] successfully got subnet capi-controlplane-subnet
I0618 02:02:07.781301       1 internalloadbalancers.go:150] successfully created internal load balancer capi-internal-lb
I0618 02:02:07.781344       1 publicips.go:58] creating public ip capi-bd40d8bc
I0618 02:02:08.226220       1 publicips.go:93] successfully created public ip capi-bd40d8bc
I0618 02:02:08.226267       1 publicloadbalancers.go:64] creating public load balancer capi-public-lb
I0618 02:02:08.226286       1 publicloadbalancers.go:66] getting public ip capi-bd40d8bc
I0618 02:02:08.383232       1 publicloadbalancers.go:76] successfully got public ip capi-bd40d8bc
I0618 02:02:08.718769       1 publicloadbalancers.go:187] successfully created public load balancer capi-public-lb
I0618 02:02:08.718818       1 reconciler.go:155] successfully reconciled cluster capi
I0618 02:02:15.005033       1 virtualmachines.go:177] successfully created vm capi-controlplane-0 
I0618 02:02:15.005100       1 startupscript.go:91] Machine capi-controlplane-0 is the first controlplane machine for cluster capi
I0618 02:02:15.005589       1 virtualmachineextensions.go:59] creating vm extension startupScript 

I0618 02:07:15.489638       1 virtualmachineextensions.go:97] successfully created vm extension startupScript 
I0618 02:07:15.515484       1 machine_controller.go:113] Reconciling Machine "capi-controlplane-0"
I0618 02:07:15.515543       1 actuator.go:153] Checking if machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi exists
I0618 02:07:16.187044       1 reconciler.go:342] Found vm for machine capi-controlplane-0
I0618 02:07:16.280481       1 reconciler.go:165] Machine /subscriptions/074434f8-16f6-44d4-b452-dcbb0e24a5f3/resourceGroups/capi-fix/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/capi-controlplane-0 is running
I0618 02:07:16.392331       1 reconciler.go:189] Setting machine capi-controlplane-0 nodeRef to capi-controlplane-0
I0618 02:07:16.413037       1 machine_controller.go:207] Reconciling machine "capi-controlplane-0" triggers idempotent update
I0618 02:07:16.413077       1 actuator.go:127] Updating machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi.
E0618 02:07:16.945224       1 machine_scope.go:138] [machinescope] failed to update machine "capi-controlplane-0" in namespace "default": Operation cannot be fulfilled on "capi-controlplane-0": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
I0618 02:07:16.945358       1 machine_controller.go:113] Reconciling Machine "capi-controlplane-0"
I0618 02:07:16.945423       1 actuator.go:153] Checking if machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi exists
I0618 02:07:17.435049       1 reconciler.go:342] Found vm for machine capi-controlplane-0
I0618 02:07:17.467533       1 reconciler.go:165] Machine /subscriptions/074434f8-16f6-44d4-b452-dcbb0e24a5f3/resourceGroups/capi-fix/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/capi-controlplane-0 is running
I0618 02:07:17.474346       1 machine_controller.go:207] Reconciling machine "capi-controlplane-0" triggers idempotent update
I0618 02:07:17.474359       1 actuator.go:127] Updating machine capi-controlplane-0 for cluster capi.
I0618 02:07:23.526008       1 cluster_controller.go:90] Running reconcile Cluster for "capi"
I0618 02:07:23.526035       1 cluster_controller.go:139] reconciling cluster object capi triggers idempotent reconcile.
I0618 02:07:23.526045       1 actuator.go:54] Reconciling cluster capi
I0618 02:07:23.580170       1 reconciler.go:67] reconciling cluster capi
I0618 02:07:23.580184       1 certificates.go:59] generating certificates
I0618 02:07:23.580196       1 certificates.go:107] CreatePKIAssets
I0618 02:07:23.580201       1 certs.go:37] creating PKI assets
[certs] Generating "ca" certificate and key
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error: No such container: 049a4a1b53470b94f0a997a59cf1931590db2c60ce4261b469d365554f93166a
ace@ace-x1:~/go/src/$ make create-cluster
go get -v ./...
clusterctl create cluster -v 4 \
--provider azure \
--bootstrap-type kind \
-m ./cmd/clusterctl/examples/azure/out/machines.yaml \
-c ./cmd/clusterctl/examples/azure/out/cluster.yaml \
-p ./cmd/clusterctl/examples/azure/out/provider-components.yaml \
-a ./cmd/clusterctl/examples/azure/out/addons.yaml
I0617 18:57:01.562967   19440 decoder.go:224] decoding stream as YAML
I0617 18:57:01.563675   19440 decoder.go:224] decoding stream as YAML
I0617 18:57:01.566278   19440 createbootstrapcluster.go:27] Preparing bootstrap cluster
I0617 18:57:01.566438   19440 kind.go:69] Running: kind [create cluster --name=clusterapi]
I0617 18:57:32.797324   19440 kind.go:72] Ran: kind [create cluster --name=clusterapi] Output: Creating cluster "clusterapi" ...
 • Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.13.4) 🖼  ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.13.4) 🖼
 • Preparing nodes 📦  ...
 ✓ Preparing nodes 📦
 • Creating kubeadm config 📜  ...
 ✓ Creating kubeadm config 📜
 • Starting control-plane 🕹️  ...
 ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️
Cluster creation complete. You can now use the cluster with:

export KUBECONFIG="$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="clusterapi")"
kubectl cluster-info
I0617 18:57:32.797362   19440 kind.go:69] Running: kind [get kubeconfig-path --name=clusterapi]
I0617 18:57:32.824282   19440 kind.go:72] Ran: kind [get kubeconfig-path --name=clusterapi] Output: /home/ace/.kube/kind-config-clusterapi
I0617 18:57:32.826175   19440 clusterdeployer.go:78] Applying Cluster API stack to bootstrap cluster
I0617 18:57:32.826278   19440 applyclusterapicomponents.go:26] Applying Cluster API Provider Components
I0617 18:57:32.826292   19440 clusterclient.go:933] Waiting for kubectl apply...
I0617 18:57:33.443987   19440 clusterclient.go:962] Waiting for Cluster v1alpha resources to become available...
I0617 18:57:33.448792   19440 clusterclient.go:975] Waiting for Cluster v1alpha resources to be listable...
I0617 18:57:33.456427   19440 clusterdeployer.go:83] Provisioning target cluster via bootstrap cluster
I0617 18:57:33.459631   19440 applycluster.go:36] Creating cluster object capi in namespace "default"
I0617 18:57:33.462419   19440 clusterdeployer.go:92] Creating control plane machine in namespace "default"
I0617 18:57:33.467050   19440 applymachines.go:36] Creating machines in namespace "default"
I0617 18:57:33.476341   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:57:43.478409   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:57:53.478286   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:58:03.478395   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:58:13.478313   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:58:23.478312   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:58:33.478360   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:58:43.478354   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:58:53.478329   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:59:03.478351   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:59:13.478321   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:59:23.478334   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:59:33.478279   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:59:43.478409   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 18:59:53.478355   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:00:03.478379   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:00:13.478378   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:00:23.478376   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:00:33.478352   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:00:43.478429   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:00:53.478332   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:01:03.478333   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:01:13.478335   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:01:23.478310   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:01:33.478326   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:01:43.478347   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:01:53.478304   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:02:03.478368   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:02:13.478344   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:02:23.478350   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:02:33.478330   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:02:43.478367   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:02:53.478348   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:03:03.478282   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:03:13.478392   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:03:23.478398   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:03:33.478331   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:03:43.478356   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:03:53.478380   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:04:03.478363   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:04:13.478350   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:04:23.478325   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:04:33.478336   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:04:43.478312   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:04:53.478340   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:05:03.478301   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:05:13.478302   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:05:23.478378   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:05:33.478322   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:05:43.478444   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:05:53.478317   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:06:03.478373   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:06:13.478369   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:06:23.478388   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:06:33.478280   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:06:43.478384   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:06:53.478397   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:07:03.478276   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:07:13.478396   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:07:23.478378   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:07:23.484057   19440 clusterdeployer.go:97] Updating bootstrap cluster object for cluster capi in namespace "default" with control plane endpoint running on machine
I0617 19:07:23.524513   19440 clusterdeployer.go:102] Creating target cluster
I0617 19:07:23.524542   19440 getkubeconfig.go:38] Getting target cluster kubeconfig.
I0617 19:07:23.533125   19440 getkubeconfig.go:59] Waiting for kubeconfig on capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:07:23.536209   19440 applyaddons.go:25] Applying Addons
I0617 19:07:23.536224   19440 clusterclient.go:933] Waiting for kubectl apply...
I0617 19:07:25.052718   19440 clusterdeployer.go:120] Pivoting Cluster API stack to target cluster
I0617 19:07:25.052774   19440 pivot.go:67] Applying Cluster API Provider Components to Target Cluster
I0617 19:07:25.052793   19440 clusterclient.go:933] Waiting for kubectl apply...
I0617 19:07:26.116651   19440 pivot.go:72] Pivoting Cluster API objects from bootstrap to target cluster.
I0617 19:07:26.116714   19440 pivot.go:83] Ensuring cluster v1alpha1 resources are available on the source cluster
I0617 19:07:26.116742   19440 clusterclient.go:962] Waiting for Cluster v1alpha resources to become available...
I0617 19:07:26.118858   19440 clusterclient.go:975] Waiting for Cluster v1alpha resources to be listable...
I0617 19:07:26.125817   19440 pivot.go:88] Ensuring cluster v1alpha1 resources are available on the target cluster
I0617 19:07:26.125863   19440 clusterclient.go:962] Waiting for Cluster v1alpha resources to become available...
I0617 19:07:26.172399   19440 clusterclient.go:975] Waiting for Cluster v1alpha resources to be listable...
I0617 19:07:26.193205   19440 pivot.go:93] Parsing list of cluster-api controllers from provider components
I0617 19:07:26.193253   19440 decoder.go:224] decoding stream as YAML
I0617 19:07:26.219572   19440 pivot.go:101] Scaling down controller azure-provider-system/azure-provider-controller-manager
I0617 19:07:26.235323   19440 pivot.go:101] Scaling down controller cluster-api-system/cluster-api-controller-manager
I0617 19:07:26.241422   19440 pivot.go:107] Retrieving list of MachineClasses to move
I0617 19:07:26.243463   19440 pivot.go:212] Preparing to copy MachineClasses: []
I0617 19:07:26.243487   19440 pivot.go:117] Retrieving list of Clusters to move
I0617 19:07:26.254799   19440 pivot.go:171] Preparing to move Clusters: [capi]
I0617 19:07:26.254822   19440 pivot.go:234] Moving Cluster default/capi
I0617 19:07:26.254830   19440 pivot.go:236] Ensuring namespace "default" exists on target cluster
I0617 19:07:26.299928   19440 pivot.go:247] Retrieving list of MachineDeployments to move for Cluster default/capi
I0617 19:07:26.302639   19440 pivot.go:287] Preparing to move MachineDeployments: []
I0617 19:07:26.302658   19440 pivot.go:256] Retrieving list of MachineSets not associated with a MachineDeployment to move for Cluster default/capi
I0617 19:07:26.305197   19440 pivot.go:331] Preparing to move MachineSets: []
I0617 19:07:26.305218   19440 pivot.go:265] Retrieving list of Machines not associated with a MachineSet to move for Cluster default/capi
I0617 19:07:26.307271   19440 pivot.go:378] Preparing to move Machines: [capi-controlplane-0]
I0617 19:07:26.307291   19440 pivot.go:392] Moving Machine default/capi-controlplane-0
I0617 19:07:26.328514   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-controlplane-0 to become ready...
I0617 19:07:26.371301   19440 pivot.go:406] Successfully moved Machine default/capi-controlplane-0
I0617 19:07:26.519221   19440 request.go:530] Throttling request took 121.810647ms, request: DELETE:https://localhost:36621/apis/
I0617 19:07:26.531096   19440 pivot.go:278] Successfully moved Cluster default/capi
I0617 19:07:26.531145   19440 pivot.go:127] Retrieving list of MachineDeployments not associated with a Cluster to move
I0617 19:07:26.719129   19440 request.go:530] Throttling request took 187.87727ms, request: GET:https://localhost:36621/apis/
I0617 19:07:26.722922   19440 pivot.go:287] Preparing to move MachineDeployments: []
I0617 19:07:26.722966   19440 pivot.go:136] Retrieving list of MachineSets not associated with a MachineDeployment or a Cluster to move
I0617 19:07:26.919147   19440 request.go:530] Throttling request took 196.05563ms, request: GET:https://localhost:36621/apis/
I0617 19:07:26.923079   19440 pivot.go:331] Preparing to move MachineSets: []
I0617 19:07:26.923119   19440 pivot.go:145] Retrieving list of Machines not associated with a MachineSet or a Cluster to move
I0617 19:07:27.119248   19440 request.go:530] Throttling request took 196.024108ms, request: GET:https://localhost:36621/apis/
I0617 19:07:27.123015   19440 pivot.go:378] Preparing to move Machines: []
I0617 19:07:27.123050   19440 pivot.go:186] Preparing to delete MachineClasses: []
I0617 19:07:27.123078   19440 pivot.go:158] Deleting provider components from source cluster
I0617 19:07:42.322009   19440 clusterdeployer.go:125] Saving provider components to the target cluster
I0617 19:07:46.900878   19440 clusterdeployer.go:133] Updating target cluster object with control plane endpoint running on machine
I0617 19:07:46.963556   19440 clusterdeployer.go:149] Creating node machines in target cluster.
I0617 19:07:47.028205   19440 applymachines.go:36] Creating machines in namespace "default"
I0617 19:07:47.040731   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:07:57.054897   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:08:07.054815   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:08:17.054931   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:08:27.054880   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:08:37.054849   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:08:47.054846   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:08:57.054802   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:09:07.054837   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:09:17.054804   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:09:27.054882   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:09:37.054842   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:09:47.056144   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:09:57.054833   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:10:07.054799   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:10:17.054796   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:10:27.054865   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:10:37.054767   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:10:47.054797   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:10:57.054863   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:11:07.054793   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:11:17.054849   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:11:27.054829   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:11:37.054760   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:11:47.054756   19440 clusterclient.go:996] Waiting for Machine capi-node-8q478 to become ready...
I0617 19:13:27.066643   19440 clusterdeployer.go:154] Done provisioning cluster. You can now access your cluster with kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig
I0617 19:13:27.066884   19440 createbootstrapcluster.go:36] Cleaning up bootstrap cluster.
I0617 19:13:27.066914   19440 kind.go:69] Running: kind [delete cluster --name=clusterapi]
I0617 19:13:27.979193   19440 kind.go:72] Ran: kind [delete cluster --name=clusterapi] Output: Deleting cluster "clusterapi" ...
ace@ace-x1:~/go/src/$ kubectl --kubeconfig ./kubeconfig get node
NAME                  STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
capi-controlplane-0   Ready    master   7m32s   v1.14.3
capi-node-8q478       Ready    node     69s     v1.14.3
ace@ace-x1:~/go/src/$ date
Mon Jun 17 19:16:17 PDT 2019
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