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Created June 19, 2023 17:16
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Azure Wireserver Extension config extraction
import http.client
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import json
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
import base64
# request goalstate from wireserver
wireserver = ""
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(wireserver)
conn.request("GET", "/machine/?comp=goalstate", headers={"x-ms-version": "2012-11-30"})
goalstate_response = conn.getresponse()
# response body is xml. read and parse.
goalstate_xml_str =
goalstate_dom = ET.fromstring(goalstate_xml_str)
# extract URL of extension config from parsed XML
# url is
# split scheme and host, use only path with query params
# http connecton is already opened to wireserver
# 2nd request to extension config URL.
conn.request("GET", query_path, headers={"x-ms-version": "2012-11-30"})
extension_config_response = conn.getresponse()
extension_config_str =
extension_config_dom = ET.fromstring(extension_config_str)
# CSE config is b64-encoded json embedded inside xml
# extract it, base64 decode it, and parse it as json.
extension_config_json_str = extension_config_dom.find("./PluginSettings/Plugin/[@name='Microsoft.Azure.Extensions.CustomScript']/RuntimeSettings").text
extjson = json.loads(extension_config_json_str)
# extract the certificate used to encrypt the protect settings
# also extract the encrypted protected settings.
thumbprint = extjson['runtimeSettings'][0]['handlerSettings']['protectedSettingsCertThumbprint']
enc_settings = extjson['runtimeSettings'][0]['handlerSettings']['protectedSettings']
# shell out to openssl for decryption.
# avoids relying on 3p python imports
# lets us use only python stdlib for compat/no egress calls.
p = Popen(['openssl', 'smime', '-decrypt', '-inform', 'der', '-inkey', key], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
sslout = p.communicate(input=protected_settings)[0]
# the output has been b64-decoded to binary DER then decrypted.
# the result is the original json AKS set for extension settings.
# from this, we extract the actual command we wanted to execute
csejson = json.loads(sslout.decode())['commandToExecute']
except Exception:
print(f"failed to extract cse: {Exception}")
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