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Created July 14, 2015 10:17
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Simple rule-based POS tagger for Russian (StanfordNLP & java)
package mlp.rus;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
* Simple rule-based POS tagger for Russian that looks only at the ending or the
* beginning of a word token to determine the part of speech.
* The initial implementation taken from and
* rewritten to Java.
public class RuleBasedPosTagger {
* Tags taken from Penn Treebank
public static enum PosTag {
private final String tag;
private PosTag(String tag) {
this.tag = tag;
public String getPennTag() {
return tag;
private final Map<PosTag, List<String>> rules = buildRulesMap();
private final Map<String, PosTag> lookup = buildLookupMap();
private static Map<PosTag, List<String>> buildRulesMap() {
ImmutableMap.Builder<PosTag, List<String>> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
builder.put(PosTag.ADJECTIVE, Arrays.asList("ее", "ие", "ые", "ое", "ими", "ыми", "ей", "ий", "ый",
"ой", "ем", "им", "ым", "ом", "его", "ого", "ему", "ому", "их", "ых", "ую", "юю", "ая", "яя",
"ою", "ею"));
builder.put(PosTag.PARTICIPLE, Arrays.asList("ивш", "ывш", "ующ", "ем", "нн", "вш", "ющ", "ущи",
"ющи", "ящий", "щих", "щие", "ляя"));
builder.put(PosTag.VERB, Arrays.asList("ила", "ыла", "ена", "ейте", "уйте", "ите", "или", "ыли",
"ей", "уй", "ил", "ыл", "им", "ым", "ен", "ило", "ыло", "ено", "ят", "ует", "уют", "ит",
"ыт", "ены", "ить", "ыть", "ишь", "ую", "ю", "ла", "на", "ете", "йте", "ли", "й", "л", "ем",
"н", "ло", "ет", "ют", "ны", "ть", "ешь", "нно"));
builder.put(PosTag.NOUN, Arrays.asList("а", "ев", "ов", "ье", "иями", "ями", "ами", "еи", "ии", "и",
"ией", "ей", "ой", "ий", "й", "иям", "ям", "ием", "ем", "ам", "ом", "о", "у", "ах", "иях",
"ях", "ы", "ь", "ию", "ью", "ю", "ия", "ья", "я", "ок", "мва", "яна", "ровать", "ег", "ги",
"га", "сть", "сти", "не"));
builder.put(PosTag.ADVERB, Arrays.asList("чно", "еко", "соко", "боко", "роко", "имо", "мно", "жно",
"жко", "ело", "тно", "льно", "здо", "зко", "шо", "хо", "но"));
builder.put(PosTag.NUMERAL, Arrays.asList("чуть", "много", "мало", "еро", "вое", "рое", "еро", "сти",
"одной", "двух", "рех", "еми", "яти", "ьми", "ати", "дного", "сто", "ста", "тысяча",
"тысячи", "две", "три", "одна", "умя", "тью", "мя", "тью", "мью", "тью", "одним"));
builder.put(PosTag.CONJUCTION, Arrays.asList("более", "менее", "очень", "крайне", "скоре", "некотор",
"кажд", "други", "котор", "когд", "однак", "если", "чтоб", "хот", "смотря", "как", "также",
"так", "зато", "что", "или", "потом", "эт", "тог", "тоже", "словно", "ежели", "кабы", "коли",
"ничем", "чем", "и"));
builder.put(PosTag.PREPOSITION, Arrays.asList("в", "на", "по", "из"));
private static Map<String, PosTag> buildLookupMap() {
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, PosTag> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
builder.put("и", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("а", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("но", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("когда", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("лишь", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("пока", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("едва", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("зато", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("либо", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("или", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("что", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("чтобы", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("как", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("если", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("ли", PosTag.CONJUCTION);
builder.put("без", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("в", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("до", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("для", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("за", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("из", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("к", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("на", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("над", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("о", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("об", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("от", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("под", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("пред", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("при", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("про", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("с", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("у", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("через", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("между", PosTag.PREPOSITION);
builder.put("--", PosTag.DASH);
builder.put(",", PosTag.COMMA);
builder.put(".", PosTag.END_OF_SENTENCE);
builder.put("!", PosTag.END_OF_SENTENCE);
builder.put("?", PosTag.END_OF_SENTENCE);
builder.put("``", PosTag.QUOTES_OPEN);
builder.put("''", PosTag.QUOTES_CLOSE);
public PosTag posTag(String input) {
String token = input.toLowerCase();// TODO: set locale
if (lookup.containsKey(token)) {
return lookup.get(token);
Map<PosTag, Integer> resLens = Maps.newHashMap();
for (Map.Entry<PosTag, List<String>> group : rules.entrySet()) {
PosTag groupKey = group.getKey();
List<String> values = group.getValue();
if (groupKey == PosTag.PARTICIPLE) {
applyParticipleRule(token, resLens, groupKey, values);
} else if (groupKey == PosTag.CONJUCTION) {
applyConjunctionRule(token, resLens, groupKey, values);
} else {
applyGeneralRule(token, resLens, groupKey, values);
List<Entry<PosTag, Integer>> result = sortResults(resLens);
if (result.isEmpty()) {
return PosTag.OTHER;
} else {
Entry<PosTag, Integer> tag = result.get(0);
return tag.getKey();
private void applyParticipleRule(String token, Map<PosTag, Integer> resLens, PosTag groupKey,
List<String> values) {
int wordLength = token.length();
for (String part : values) {
int lenPart = part.length();
// participle with 40% or more of the token's length on the right
if (token.indexOf(part) >= (2 * wordLength / 5)) {
resLens.put(groupKey, lenPart);
private void applyConjunctionRule(String token, Map<PosTag, Integer> resLens, PosTag groupKey,
List<String> values) {
// conjunction, the beginning of word
for (String part : values) {
int lenPart = part.length();
if (token.startsWith(part)) {
if (resLens.containsKey(groupKey)) {
if (resLens.get(groupKey) < lenPart) {
resLens.put(groupKey, lenPart);
} else {
resLens.put(groupKey, lenPart);
private void applyGeneralRule(String token, Map<PosTag, Integer> resLens, PosTag groupKey,
List<String> values) {
for (String part : values) {
int lenPart = part.length();
if (token.endsWith(part)) {
if (resLens.containsKey(groupKey)) {
if (resLens.get(groupKey) < lenPart) {
resLens.put(groupKey, lenPart);
} else {
resLens.put(groupKey, lenPart);
if (token.equals(part)) {
resLens.put(groupKey, 99);
private List<Entry<PosTag, Integer>> sortResults(Map<PosTag, Integer> resLens) {
List<Entry<PosTag, Integer>> result = Lists.newArrayList(resLens.entrySet());
result.sort(new Comparator<Map.Entry<PosTag, Integer>>() {
public int compare(Map.Entry<PosTag, Integer> o1, Map.Entry<PosTag, Integer> o2) {
Integer value1 = o1.getValue();
Integer value2 = o2.getValue();
if (value1.equals(value2)) {
int key1 = o1.getKey().ordinal();
int key2 = o2.getKey().ordinal();
return, key2);
return -value1.compareTo(value2);
return result;
package mlp.rus;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import mlp.rus.RuleBasedPosTagger.PosTag;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotator;
public class RusPosAnnotator implements Annotator {
private final RuleBasedPosTagger tagger = new RuleBasedPosTagger();
public void annotate(Annotation annotation) {
List<CoreLabel> list = annotation.get(TokensAnnotation.class);
for (CoreLabel token : list) {
String textToken = token.get(TextAnnotation.class);
PosTag tag = tagger.posTag(textToken);
token.set(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class, tag.getPennTag());
public Set<Requirement> requires() {
return Collections.singleton(TOKENIZE_REQUIREMENT);
public Set<Requirement> requirementsSatisfied() {
return Collections.singleton(POS_REQUIREMENT);
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Implementation adapted from here

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Awesome! Thank for adapting!

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