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Created July 31, 2013 09:29
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Implementation of a heap
import java.util.*;
* Implementation is based on
* @author Grigorev Alexey
public class Heap<E, K> {
private final List<HeapNode<E, K>> heap = new ArrayList<HeapNode<E, K>>();
private final Comparator<K> comparator;
* Use {@link #naturalMin()}, {@link #naturalMax()} or {@link #custom(Comparator)} for creating a heap
* @param comparator to be used for comparisons
private Heap(Comparator<K> comparator) {
this.comparator = comparator;
* Creates a heap with natural order of elements (i.e. heap which supports "extractMin" operation)
public static <E, K extends Comparable<K>> Heap<E, K> naturalMin() {
return new Heap<E, K>(new Comparator<K>() {
public int compare(K o1, K o2) {
return o1.compareTo(o2);
* Creates a heap with reversed natural order of elements (i.e. heap which supports "extractMax" operation)
public static <E, K extends Comparable<K>> Heap<E, K> naturalMax() {
return new Heap<E, K>(new Comparator<K>() {
public int compare(K o1, K o2) {
return -o1.compareTo(o2);
* Creates a heap with a custom comparator
public static <E, K> Heap<E, K> custom(Comparator<K> comparator) {
return new Heap<E, K>(comparator);
* Retrieves the stored value from the front, removes the front from the heap
* @return the value stored in the front
public E pop() {
return extractFirst().getValue();
* Retrieves the node from the front, removes the front from the queue
* @return the front (first) node
public HeapNode<E, K> extractFirst() {
int lastIndex = heap.size() - 1;
HeapNode<E, K> last = heap.get(lastIndex);
HeapNode<E, K> first = heap.get(0);
swap(first, last);
increaseKey(last, last.getKey());
return first;
private void ensureNotEmpty() {
if (heap.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("the heap is empty, cannot extract min");
* Gets the value stored in the front without removing it from the heap
* @return the front value
public E peek() {
return heap.get(0).getValue();
* Changes the value of the given key, keeping the heap balanced
* @param node to increase the key
* @param newKey new key value
public void increaseKey(HeapNode<E, K> node, K newKey) {
while (isNotLeaf(node)) {
HeapNode<E, K> minNode = minChildNode(node);
if (minNode != null) {
swap(node, minNode);
} else {
private HeapNode<E, K> minChildNode(HeapNode<E, K> node) {
HeapNode<E, K> minNode = null;
K minKey = node.getKey();
if (hasLeft(node)) {
HeapNode<E, K> left = left(node);
if (lessThen(left.getKey(), minKey)) {
minNode = left;
minKey = minNode.getKey();
if (hasRigth(node)) {
HeapNode<E, K> rigth = rigth(node);
if (lessThen(rigth.getKey(), minKey)) {
minNode = rigth;
minKey = minNode.getKey();
return minNode;
* Adds a new value to the heap, keeping it balanced
* @param value new value
* @param key associated key
* @return node where newly added value is stored
public HeapNode<E, K> insert(E value, K key) {
HeapNode<E, K> node = new HeapNode<E, K>(value, key, heap.size());
decreaseKey(node, key);
return node;
* Changes the value of the given key, keeping the heap balanced
* @param node to decrease the key
* @param newKey new key value
public void decreaseKey(HeapNode<E, K> node, K newKey) {
while (node.hasParent() && lessThen(newKey, parent(node).getKey())) {
swap(node, parent(node));
private HeapNode<E, K> parent(HeapNode<E, K> node) {
return heap.get(node.parent());
private boolean lessThen(K left, K rigth) {
return, rigth) < 0;
private void swap(HeapNode<E, K> node1, HeapNode<E, K> node2) {
int node1Index = node1.getIndex();
int node2Index = node2.getIndex();
Collections.swap(heap, node1Index, node2Index);
* @return the size of the heap
public int size() {
return heap.size();
private boolean isNotLeaf(HeapNode<E, K> node) {
return node.left() < heap.size();
private boolean hasLeft(HeapNode<E, K> node) {
return node.left() < heap.size();
private HeapNode<E, K> left(HeapNode<E, K> node) {
return heap.get(node.left());
private boolean hasRigth(HeapNode<E, K> node) {
return node.right() < heap.size();
private HeapNode<E, K> rigth(HeapNode<E, K> node) {
return heap.get(node.right());
* @return <code>true</code> if the heap is empty, <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean isEmpty() {
return heap.isEmpty();
public String toString() {
return heap.toString();
* Holds the data that a heap node contains and plus some extra meta information like index and key.
* @author Grigorev Alexey
// Implemented as an inner class to expose some private methods only to the heap
public static class HeapNode<E, K> {
private final E value;
private K key;
private int index;
private HeapNode(E value, K key, int index) {
this.value = value;
this.key = key;
this.index = index;
private int parent() {
return (index - 1) / 2;
private int left() {
return 2 * index + 1;
private int right() {
return 2 * (index + 1);
private boolean hasParent() {
return index != 0;
public E getValue() {
return value;
public K getKey() {
return key;
private void setKey(K key) {
this.key = key;
public int getIndex() {
return index;
private void setIndex(int index) {
this.index = index;
public String toString() {
return "HeapNode [value=" + value + ", key=" + key + ", index=" + index + "]";
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