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Created February 16, 2011 16:34
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* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* ("License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Howie Wang.
* Contributor(s): Alexey Romanov, Jesse Weinstein.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
* of the GPL 2.0 license ( or the
* LGPL 2.1 license (, in which case
* the provisions of this license are applicable instead of those above.
"use strict";
window.addEventListener("load", function () { nextplease.init(); }, false);
window.addEventListener("popupshowing", function () { nextplease.showHideMenuItems(); }, false);
window.addEventListener("load", function (event) { nextplease.loadListener.onLoad(event); }, false);
nextplease.setUnicharPref = function (aPrefName, aPrefValue) {
// nextplease.logDetail("setting " + aPrefName + " to " + aPrefValue);
if (nextplease.prefs) {
try {
var str = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); = aPrefValue;
nextplease.prefs.setComplexValue(aPrefName, Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString, str);
} catch (e) {
nextplease.logError("Failed to set value of " + aPrefName + " to " + aPrefValue);
} else {
nextplease.logError("nextplease.prefs is not defined");
nextplease.getUnicharPref = function (aPrefName) {
// nextplease.logDetail("getting " + aPrefName);
if (nextplease.prefs) {
try {
return nextplease.prefs.getComplexValue(aPrefName, Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString).data;
} catch (e) {
nextplease.logError("Failed to get value for " + aPrefName);
} else {
nextplease.logError("nextplease.prefs is not defined");
return "";
nextplease.gotHereUsingNextplease = false;
nextplease.MAX_LINK_NUM = 1000;
nextplease.MAX_GALLERY_GAP = 20;
nextplease.MAX_LINKS_TO_CHECK = 1000;
nextplease.SEARCH_FOR_SUBMIT = 1;
nextplease.directions = ["Next", "Prev", "First", "Last"];
nextplease.imageURLsCache = {first: undefined, last: undefined, size: 0, MAX_SIZE: 500, map: {}};
nextplease.SEARCH_TYPE = {Next: 1, Prev: 2, First: 3, Last: 4};
nextplease.ResultType = {Link: 0, URL: 1, Input: 2, History: 3};
nextplease.PREFETCH_ENUM = {No: 0, Yes: 1, Smart: 2};
nextplease.highlighted_old_styles = {};
// This code was stolen from brody on the forums.
nextplease.loadListener = {
onLoad: function (event) {
getBrowser().addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
}, true);
onContentLoaded: function (event) {
var doc = event.originalTarget;
// When this becomes true it means that
// all of the top level document's
// subframes have also finished loading
if (!this.isTopLevelDocument(doc)) { return; }
// Log/alert
if (nextplease.DEBUG_DETAILED) {
nextplease.logDetail("loadListener\n" + "DOMContentLoaded\n" + doc.title + "\n" + doc.documentURI);
// no effect if nextplease.clearStatusBarTimer is invalid
nextplease.prefetched = {};
if (nextplease.prefetchPref === nextplease.PREFETCH_ENUM.Yes) {
} else if ((nextplease.prefetchPref === nextplease.PREFETCH_ENUM.Smart) && nextplease.gotHereUsingNextplease) {
nextplease.gotHereUsingNextplease = false;
isTopLevelDocument: function (aDocument) {
return (aDocument ===;
nextplease.prefObserver = {
QueryInterface: function QueryInterface(aIID) {
if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIObserver) ||
aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) ||
aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) {
return this;
} else {
throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
register: function () {
nextplease.prefs.addObserver("", this, true);
nextplease.accelKeyPrefs.addObserver("", this, true);
observe: function (subject, topic, data) {
if (topic === "nsPref:changed") {
nextplease.checkImageCache = function () {
var i, url, urlsCache = nextplease.imageURLsCache, cachedURLsNum = urlsCache.size;
var messageLines = ["size=" + cachedURLsNum + "; first=" + urlsCache.first + "; last=" + urlsCache.last], message;
if (cachedURLsNum > 0) {
url = urlsCache.first;
for (i = 0; i < cachedURLsNum; i++, url =[url]) {
messageLines[messageLines.length] = "i=" + i + "; url=" + url + ";[url]=" +[url];
if (!url) {
message = messageLines.join("\n\n");
if (url !== urlsCache.last) {
message = messageLines.join("\n\n");
} else if (urlsCache.first || urlsCache.last) {
message = messageLines[0];
nextplease.addImageToCache = function (imgUrl) {
var urlToDelete, urlsCache = nextplease.imageURLsCache, incrSize = true;
if (imgUrl && ![imgUrl]) {
// nextplease.logDetail("adding " + imgUrl + " to image cache");
if (urlsCache.size === 0) {
urlsCache.first = imgUrl;[imgUrl] = imgUrl;
urlsCache.last = imgUrl;
urlsCache.size = 1;
} else {
if (urlsCache.size >= urlsCache.MAX_SIZE) {
urlToDelete = urlsCache.first;
urlsCache.first =[urlToDelete];
incrSize = false;
}[urlsCache.last] = imgUrl;[imgUrl] = imgUrl;
urlsCache.last = imgUrl;
if (incrSize) {
} //else {
// nextplease.logDetail("" + imgUrl + " is already in image cache");
nextplease.cacheImageLocations = function () {
var i, urlsCache = nextplease.imageURLsCache;
nextplease.logDetail("caching image location");
nextplease.logDetail("there are currently " + urlsCache.size + " image URLs cached");
var theDocument = window.content.document;
var start = new Date();
var imgElems = theDocument.getElementsByTagName("img"), imgElemsNum = imgElems.length;
if (imgElems) {
var numberOfImagesToCheck = Math.min(nextplease.MAX_LINKS_TO_CHECK, imgElemsNum);
nextplease.logDetail("Checking " + numberOfImagesToCheck + " <img> elements out of " + imgElemsNum + " total.");
for (i = 0; i < numberOfImagesToCheck; i++) {
var links = theDocument.getElementsByTagName("a"), linksNum = links.length;
if (links) {
var numberOfLinksToCheck = Math.min(nextplease.MAX_LINKS_TO_CHECK, linksNum);
nextplease.logDetail("Checking " + numberOfLinksToCheck + " <a> elements out of " + linksNum + " total.");
for (i = 0; i < numberOfLinksToCheck; i++) {
var linkUrl = links[i].href;
if (![linkUrl]) {
// This is technically not correct, but performance sucks
// if we do a proper regex check.
if (linkUrl.length > 3) {
var suffix = linkUrl.slice(-3).toLowerCase();
if ((suffix === 'jpg') || (suffix === 'gif') || (suffix === 'png') || (suffix === 'bmp')) {
} //else {
// nextplease.logDetail("" + linkUrl + " is already in image cache");
var end = new Date();
nextplease.logDetail("caching took " + (end.getTime() - start.getTime()) + " ms");
if (nextplease.DEBUG_DETAILED) {
nextplease.logDetail("checking cache correctness again");
nextplease.logDetail("there are currently " + urlsCache.size + " image URLs cached");
// nextplease.logDetail(nextplease.imageLocationArray.toString());
nextplease.initKey = function (keyId, keyPrefName, modifierPrefName) {
var modString = nextplease.getModifierPref(modifierPrefName);
var keyOrCharCode = nextplease.prefs.getIntPref(keyPrefName);
if (keyOrCharCode === 0) {
keyOrCharCode = nextplease.prefs.getIntPref(keyPrefName);
var isKeyCodePrefName = "iskeycode." + keyPrefName;
var isKeyCode = nextplease.prefs.getBoolPref(isKeyCodePrefName);
var enablePrefName = "enable." + keyPrefName;
var enable = nextplease.prefs.getBoolPref(enablePrefName);
var keyString;
var keyElem = document.getElementById(keyId);
keyElem.setAttribute("modifiers", modString);
if (isKeyCode) {
keyString = nextplease.KeyCodeToNameMap[keyOrCharCode];
keyElem.setAttribute("keycode", keyString);
} else {
keyString = String.fromCharCode(keyOrCharCode);
keyElem.setAttribute("key", keyString);
keyElem.setAttribute("disabled", !enable);
if (enable) {
nextplease.DisableKey(modString, keyString);
nextplease.initNumberKeys = function () {
var modifier = nextplease.getModifierPref("numbermodifier");
var numberKey, i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
numberKey = document.getElementById("nextplease" + i + "key");
numberKey.setAttribute("modifiers", modifier);
numberKey.setAttribute("disabled", !nextplease.useNumberShortcuts);
if (nextplease.useNumberShortcuts) {
nextplease.DisableKey(modifier, "" + i);
nextplease.readPreferences = function () {
var i;
if (!nextplease.prefs) {
nextplease.logError("nextplease.prefs undefined. This shouldn't happen!");
nextplease.prefs = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService).getBranch("nextplease.");
try {
nextplease.DEBUG = nextplease.prefs.getBoolPref("log");
nextplease.DEBUG_DETAILED = nextplease.DEBUG && nextplease.prefs.getBoolPref("log.detailed");
// nextplease.logDetail("reading preferences");
nextplease.initKey("nextpleasekey", "nextkey", "keymodifier");
nextplease.initKey("nextpleaseprevkey", "prevkey", "prevkeymodifier");
nextplease.initKey("nextpleasefirstkey", "firstkey", "firstkeymodifier");
nextplease.initKey("nextpleaselastkey", "lastkey", "lastkeymodifier");
// nextplease.logDetail("keys read");
nextplease.useSubmit = nextplease.prefs.getBoolPref("allowsubmit");
nextplease.useNumberShortcuts = nextplease.prefs.getBoolPref("allownumbershortcuts");
nextplease.useContextMenu = nextplease.prefs.getBoolPref("allowcontextmenu");
nextplease.useSmartNext = nextplease.prefs.getBoolPref("allowsmartnext");
nextplease.prefetchPref = nextplease.prefs.getIntPref("prefetch");
nextplease.useFrames = nextplease.prefs.getBoolPref("checkframes");
// nextplease.logDetail("bools read");
var nextRegExString = nextplease.getUnicharPref("nextregex");
var prevRegExString = nextplease.getUnicharPref("prevregex");
var firstRegExString = nextplease.getUnicharPref("firstregex");
var lastRegExString = nextplease.getUnicharPref("lastregex");
var galleryRegExString = nextplease.getUnicharPref("galleryregex");
var galleryRegEx = new RegExp(galleryRegExString, "i");
var matches = galleryRegEx.exec("");
if (matches && (matches.length !== 4)) {
nextplease.logError("Gallery regex test failed!");
galleryRegExString = nextplease.getUnicharPref("galleryregex");
galleryRegEx = new RegExp(galleryRegExString, "i");
nextplease.RegExes = {Next: new RegExp(nextRegExString, "i"),
Prev: new RegExp(prevRegExString, "i"),
First: new RegExp(firstRegExString, "i"),
Last: new RegExp(lastRegExString, "i"),
Gallery: galleryRegEx};
// nextplease.logDetail("regexes read");
// nextplease.logDetail("gallery regex read");
nextplease.ImageMap = {};
nextplease.PhraseMap = {};
// Read the phrases that specify a next link
// by reading the preferences or defaults,
// and put the phrases in a lookup table.
var addPrefsToMap = function (map, phraseOrImage, direction) {
var prefbranch = (direction + phraseOrImage).toLowerCase();
var tempprefname = prefbranch + ".expr0";
var prefValue = nextplease.getUnicharPref(tempprefname);
var values = prefValue.split("|");
var i;
// nextplease.logDetail("initializing " + prefbranch);
for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
var value = values[i].replace(/&pipe;/g, "|");
if (value !== "") {
map[value] = direction;
// nextplease.logDetail("added "+value+" to "+direction+" "+phraseOrImage);
// nextplease.logDetail("finished initializing " + prefbranch);
for (i = 0; i < nextplease.directions.length; i++) {
var direction = nextplease.directions[i];
addPrefsToMap(nextplease.PhraseMap, "Phrase", direction);
addPrefsToMap(nextplease.ImageMap, "Image", direction);
nextplease.highlightColor = nextplease.prefs.getBoolPref("highlight") ?
nextplease.prefs.getCharPref("highlight.color") :
nextplease.highlightPrefetchedColor = nextplease.prefs.getBoolPref("highlight.prefetched") ?
nextplease.prefs.getCharPref("highlight.prefetched.color") :
nextplease.logDetail("preferences read");
} catch (e) {
if (!nextplease.retryingToReadPreferences) {
// nextplease.prefs.resetBranch() isn't implemented according to MDC
var prefnames = nextplease.prefs.getChildList("", {});
for (i = 0; i < prefnames.length; i++) {
var errorMsg = nextplease.strings.GetStringFromName("readingPreferencesFailed");
nextplease.retryingToReadPreferences = true;
nextplease.DisableKey = function (modifier, keyString) {
var conflictingKeys, conflictingKey, conflictingId, conflictingModifier, i;
if (keyString.indexOf("VK_") >= 0) {
// nextplease.logDetail("disabling keys conflicting with " + modifier + "+" + nextplease.KeyCodeToNameMap[keycode]);
conflictingKeys = document.getElementsByAttribute("keycode", keyString);
} else {
// nextplease.logDetail("disabling keys conflicting with " + modifier + "+" + key);
conflictingKeys = document.getElementsByAttribute("key", keyString.toLowerCase());
var conflictingKeysLength = conflictingKeys.length;
// nextplease.logDetail(conflictingKeysLength + " keys conflicting with " + modifier + "+" keystring);
for (i = 0; i < conflictingKeysLength; i++) {
conflictingKey = conflictingKeys[i];
conflictingId = conflictingKey.getAttribute("id");
if (!(/nextplease/.test(conflictingId)) && conflictingKey.hasAttribute("modifiers")) {
conflictingModifier = conflictingKey.getAttribute("modifiers").replace(nextplease.accelKey, "accel");
// nextplease.logDetail("potentially conflicting key: " + conflictingId);
if ((/alt/.test(modifier) === /alt/.test(conflictingModifier)) &&
(/control/.test(modifier) === /control/.test(conflictingModifier)) &&
(/meta/.test(modifier) === /meta/.test(conflictingModifier)) &&
(/shift/.test(modifier) === /shift/.test(conflictingModifier)) &&
(/accel/.test(modifier) === /accel/.test(conflictingModifier))) {
// conflictingKey.parentNode.removeChild(conflictingKey);
conflictingKey.setAttribute("disabled", true);
nextplease.log("Disabled conflicting key " + conflictingId);
nextplease.init = function () {
nextplease.retryingToReadPreferences = false;
nextplease.statusBar = document.getElementById("nextplease_statusbar_panel");
nextplease.clearStatusBar = function () {
if (nextplease.statusBar) {
nextplease.statusBar.collapsed = true;
nextplease.statusBar.label = "";
nextplease.showInStatusBar = function (text) {
if (nextplease.statusBar) {
nextplease.statusBar.collapsed = false;
nextplease.statusBar.label = text;
nextplease.notifyLinkNotFound = function () {
nextplease.clearStatusBarTimer = setTimeout(nextplease.clearStatusBar, 5000);
nextplease.directionFromRel = function (link) {
// Look for rel attributes for next/prev/first/last
if (link.rel && link.href) {
var rel = link.rel.toLowerCase();
if (rel === "next") {
nextplease.log('found rel="' + link.rel + '": ' + link.href);
return "Next";
} else if ((rel === "prev") || (rel === "previous")) {
nextplease.log('found rel="' + link.rel + '": ' + link.href);
return "Prev";
} else if ((rel === "start") || (rel === "first")) {
nextplease.log('found rel="' + link.rel + '": ' + link.href);
return "First";
} else if ((rel === "end") || (rel === "last")) {
nextplease.log('found rel="' + link.rel + '": ' + link.href);
return "Last";
return undefined;
nextplease.directionFromText = function (text, direction, prefetching) {
var i;
if (text) {
var direction1 = nextplease.PhraseMap[text];
if (direction1) {
nextplease.log('found text match for "' + text + '"');
return direction1;
} else {
if (prefetching) {
for (i = 0; i < nextplease.directions.length; i++) {
var direction2 = nextplease.directions[i];
if (!nextplease.prefetched[direction2] && nextplease.RegExes[direction2].test(text)) {
nextplease.log('found regex match for "' + text + '"');
return direction2;
} else if (nextplease.RegExes[direction].test(text)) {
nextplease.log('found regex match for "' + text + '"');
return direction;
return undefined;
nextplease.directionFromImage = function (imageElem, direction, prefetching) {
var imgtext = imageElem.alt ? imageElem.alt : imageElem.title;
var direction1 = nextplease.ImageMap[imageElem.src];
if (direction1) {
nextplease.log("found image match with URL " + imageElem.src);
if (!prefetching || !nextplease.prefetched[direction1]) {
return direction1;
} else {
return undefined;
} else {
return nextplease.directionFromText(imgtext, direction, prefetching);
nextplease.ignoreRels = function (curWindow) {
var url = curWindow.location.href;
// viewtopic.php is used in PHPBB, index.php in SMF
// both (at least some versions) use <link> tags incorrectly
return url.match(/(viewtopic|index)\.php/);
// Looks through all the links on the page
// and tries to look for one whose text matches
// one of the phrases or images. If so, it goes to/
// the corresponding link.
// pages with frames.
nextplease.getLink = function (curWindow, direction) {
var doc = curWindow.document;
var i, j;
var prefetching = (direction === "Prefetch");
var direction1;
var text;
var isInt = /^\s*\[?\s*(\d+)\s*,?\]?\s*$/;
var pageNumLinks = {Next: null, Prev: null, First: null, Last: null, Tmp: null};
var firstPageNum;
var currentPageNum = 100000; // Init to arbitrarily large num
var tmpPageNum = 100000; // Init to arbitrarily large num
var greatestNum = 1;
var insideNumberBlock = false;
var link;
var temp;
if (prefetching) {
} else {
nextplease.logDetail("looking for a link...");
var range = doc.createRange();
var finishPrefetch = function () {
return prefetching && nextplease.prefetched.Next && nextplease.prefetched.Prev &&
nextplease.prefetched.First && nextplease.prefetched.Last;
if (nextplease.useSmartNext) {
if (getBrowser().canGoForward) {
nextplease.log("forward in history");
link = [nextplease.ResultType.History, 1];
if (direction === "Next") {
return link;
} else if (prefetching) {
nextplease.prefetched.Next = link;
if (getBrowser().canGoBack) {
nextplease.log("back in history");
link = [nextplease.ResultType.History, -1];
if (direction === "Prev") {
return link;
} else if (prefetching) {
nextplease.prefetched.Prev = link;
if (!nextplease.ignoreRels(curWindow)) {
// Look for <LINK> tags
nextplease.logDetail("checking <link> tags");
var linktags = doc.getElementsByTagName("link"), linktagsNum = linktags.length;
for (i = 0; i < linktagsNum; i++) {
link = linktags[i];
direction1 = nextplease.directionFromRel(link);
if (direction === direction1) {
return [nextplease.ResultType.Link, link];
} else if (direction1 && prefetching) {
nextplease.prefetched[direction1] = [nextplease.ResultType.Link, link];
if (finishPrefetch()) { return true; }
// Look for <A HREF="..."> tags
nextplease.logDetail("checking <a> tags");
var alinks = doc.links, alinksNum = alinks.length;
var curWindowUrl = doc.location.href;
// Search through each link
for (i = 0; i < alinksNum; i++) {
link = alinks[i];
if (link.href === curWindowUrl) {
direction1 = nextplease.directionFromRel(link);
if (direction === direction1) {
return [nextplease.ResultType.Link, link];
} else if (direction1 && prefetching) {
nextplease.prefetched[direction1] = [nextplease.ResultType.Link, link];
text = nextplease.Trim(range.toString());
if (link.href.indexOf("/dictionary") < 0) {
direction1 = nextplease.directionFromText(text, direction, prefetching);
if (direction === direction1) {
return [nextplease.ResultType.Link, link];
} else if (direction1 && prefetching) {
nextplease.prefetched[direction1] = [nextplease.ResultType.Link, link];
direction1 = nextplease.directionFromText(link.title, direction, prefetching);
if (direction === direction1) {
return [nextplease.ResultType.Link, link];
} else if (direction1 && prefetching) {
nextplease.prefetched[direction1] = [nextplease.ResultType.Link, link];
// See if there's an image tag
var imgElems = link.getElementsByTagName("img");
if (imgElems.length > 0) {
nextplease.logDetail("checking images inside <a>...</a>");
// If the image matches, go to the URL.
direction1 = nextplease.directionFromImage(imgElems[0], direction, prefetching);
if (direction === direction1) {
return [nextplease.ResultType.Link, link];
} else if (direction1 && prefetching) {
nextplease.prefetched[direction1] = [nextplease.ResultType.Link, link];
if (finishPrefetch()) { return true; }
var intMatches = isInt.exec(text);
if (intMatches) {
var linkPageNum = parseInt(intMatches[1], 10);
// If the number is greater than nextplease.MAX_LINK_NUM
// it probably doesn't have anything to do with
// a next/prev link.
// alert(linkPageNum);
if (linkPageNum < nextplease.MAX_LINK_NUM) {
nextplease.logDetail("found link number " + linkPageNum + ", checking...");
// Try to figure out what the current page and
// next/prev links are for pages that just have
// numbered links like 1 2 x 4 5.
// if (linkPageNum === 1) {
// We're seeing a number link that is smaller
// than a previous one so assume that we're
// starting a new set of number links, and
// count from the beginning.
if (linkPageNum <= tmpPageNum) {
insideNumberBlock = true;
// alert(linkPageNum);
// alert(currentPageNum);
pageNumLinks.First = link;
firstPageNum = linkPageNum;
greatestNum = linkPageNum;
pageNumLinks.Prev = null;
pageNumLinks.Next = null;
pageNumLinks.Last = null;
currentPageNum = linkPageNum;
pageNumLinks.First = link;
greatestNum = linkPageNum;
pageNumLinks.Last = null;
//} else if (currentPageNum === linkPageNum) {
// currentPageNum++;
// pageNumLinks.Prev = link;
} else if (tmpPageNum + 1 === linkPageNum) {
pageNumLinks.Last = link;
} else if (tmpPageNum + 2 === linkPageNum) {
pageNumLinks.Prev = pageNumLinks.Tmp;
pageNumLinks.Next = link;
pageNumLinks.Last = link;
} else if (insideNumberBlock) {
pageNumLinks.Last = link;
tmpPageNum = linkPageNum;
pageNumLinks.Tmp = link;
} else {
insideNumberBlock = false;
// next and prev are null so that means
// we have a solid block of numbers, e.g. 3,4,5,6,...
if ((pageNumLinks.Next === null) && (pageNumLinks.Prev === null)) {
// If we start with 1, we're probably on last page.
// Set prev to be lastPage
if (firstPageNum === 1) {
pageNumLinks.Prev = pageNumLinks.Last;
pageNumLinks.Last = null;
// If we start with 2, we're probably on first page.
// Set next to be first page
if (firstPageNum === 2) {
pageNumLinks.Next = pageNumLinks.First;
pageNumLinks.First = null;
if (firstPageNum > 2) {
pageNumLinks.Next = pageNumLinks.First;
pageNumLinks.Prev = pageNumLinks.Last;
if (pageNumLinks.First && pageNumLinks.Last && (pageNumLinks.First.text === pageNumLinks.Last.text)) {
pageNumLinks.First = null;
nextplease.logDetail("first page seems to be " + pageNumLinks.First);
nextplease.logDetail("previous page seems to be " + pageNumLinks.Prev);
nextplease.logDetail("next page seems to be " + pageNumLinks.Next);
nextplease.logDetail("last page seems to be " + pageNumLinks.Last);
// Try to find a match using our number algorithm
if (prefetching) {
for (i = 0; i < nextplease.directions.length; i++) {
direction1 = nextplease.directions[i];
if (!nextplease.prefetched[direction1] && pageNumLinks[direction1]) {
nextplease.prefetched[direction1] = [nextplease.ResultType.Link, pageNumLinks[direction1]];
if (finishPrefetch()) { return true; }
} else if (pageNumLinks[direction]) { return [nextplease.ResultType.Link, pageNumLinks[direction]]; }
// Otherwise try looking for next/prev submit buttons
// if the user allows it.
if (nextplease.useSubmit) {
temp = nextplease.getForm(direction, prefetching);
if (temp) { return temp; }
// See if we can increment the URL to get to next/prev/first
var galleryURL = nextplease.getGalleryNumberURL(curWindow, direction);
// alert(galleryURL);
// alert(nextplease.imageLocationArray.length);
// if (galleryURL) {, "_self", "");}
if (galleryURL && !prefetching) { return [nextplease.ResultType.URL, galleryURL]; }
// None of it worked, so make a recursive call to
// nextplease.getLink on the frame windows.
if (nextplease.useFrames) {
var frames = curWindow.frames, framesNum = frames.length;
for (j = 0; j < framesNum; j++) {
temp = nextplease.getLink(frames[j], direction);
if (temp) { return temp; }
return finishPrefetch();
nextplease.getGalleryNumberURL = function (curWindow, direction) {
nextplease.logDetail("trying to change the URL by a suitable number");
var i;
// alert(nextplease.imageLocationArray);
var matches = nextplease.RegExes.Gallery.exec(decodeURI(curWindow.location.href));
var prefixUrl, suffixUrl, numberUrlPartLength, curNumber, urlNumber, padStr, linkUrl;
var urlsCache = nextplease.imageURLsCache;
if (matches && (matches.length === 4)) {
prefixUrl = matches[1];
numberUrlPartLength = matches[2].length;
suffixUrl = matches[3];
nextplease.logDetail("URL prefix is " + prefixUrl + ", URL suffix is " + suffixUrl);
if (direction === "Next") {
curNumber = parseInt(matches[2], 10);
for (i = 1; i < nextplease.MAX_GALLERY_GAP; i++) {
urlNumber = curNumber + i;
padStr = nextplease.padNumber(numberUrlPartLength, urlNumber);
linkUrl = prefixUrl + padStr + suffixUrl;
if ([linkUrl]) {
nextplease.log("gallery URL found: " + linkUrl);
return linkUrl;
urlNumber = curNumber + 1;
padStr = nextplease.padNumber(numberUrlPartLength, urlNumber);
linkUrl = prefixUrl + padStr + suffixUrl;
return linkUrl;
} else if (direction === "Prev") {
curNumber = parseInt(matches[2], 10);
var maxToSubtract = Math.min(curNumber, nextplease.MAX_GALLERY_GAP);
for (i = 1; i <= maxToSubtract; i++) {
urlNumber = curNumber - i;
padStr = nextplease.padNumber(numberUrlPartLength, urlNumber);
linkUrl = prefixUrl + padStr + suffixUrl;
if ([linkUrl]) {
nextplease.log("gallery URL found: " + linkUrl);
return linkUrl;
urlNumber = curNumber - 1;
if (urlNumber >= 0) {
padStr = nextplease.padNumber(numberUrlPartLength, urlNumber);
linkUrl = prefixUrl + padStr + suffixUrl;
nextplease.log("gallery URL found: " + linkUrl);
return linkUrl;
} else if (direction === "First") {
urlNumber = 1;
padStr = nextplease.padNumber(numberUrlPartLength, urlNumber);
linkUrl = prefixUrl + padStr + suffixUrl;
nextplease.log("gallery URL found: " + linkUrl);
return linkUrl;
return undefined;
nextplease.padNumber = function (length, newNum) {
var padStr = "" + newNum;
var padLen = length - padStr.length;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < padLen; i++) {
padStr = "0" + padStr;
return padStr;
// Look through all the HTML inputs for submit buttons
// that have a value that matches our phrases. If it
// finds a match, it calls
nextplease.getForm = function (direction, prefetching) {
var finishPrefetch = function () {
return prefetching && nextplease.prefetched.Next && nextplease.prefetched.Prev &&
nextplease.prefetched.First && nextplease.prefetched.Last;
var i, text, direction1;
nextplease.logDetail("looking for submit buttons");
// Probably would be a little faster to
// only check forms, but I'm getting problems
// with them. I'm not sure if it's only on
// malformed HTML pages, or if it's a Firefox bug.
var inputs = window.content.document.getElementsByTagName("input"), inputsNum = inputs.length;
for (i = 0; i < inputsNum; i++) {
var input = inputs[i];
text = nextplease.Trim(input.value);
direction1 = nextplease.directionFromText(text, direction, prefetching);
if (direction === direction1) {
return [nextplease.ResultType.Input, input];
} else if (direction1 && prefetching) {
nextplease.prefetched[direction1] = [nextplease.ResultType.Input, input];
var buttons = window.content.document.getElementsByTagName("button"), buttonsNum = buttons.length;
var range = document.createRange();
for (i = 0; i < buttonsNum; i++) {
var button = buttons[i];
text = nextplease.Trim(range.toString());
direction1 = nextplease.directionFromText(text, direction, prefetching);
if (direction === direction1) {
return [nextplease.ResultType.Input, button];
} else if (direction1 && prefetching) {
nextplease.prefetched[direction1] = [nextplease.ResultType.Input, button];
var imgElems = buttons[i].getElementsByTagName("img");
if (imgElems.length > 0) {
nextplease.logDetail("checking images inside <a>...</a>");
// If the image matches, go to the URL.
direction1 = nextplease.directionFromImage(imgElems[0], direction, prefetching);
if (direction === direction1) {
return [nextplease.ResultType.Input, button];
} else if (direction1 && prefetching) {
nextplease.prefetched[direction1] = [nextplease.ResultType.Input, button];
return finishPrefetch();
nextplease.openResult = function (curWindow, result) {
if (nextplease.highlightColor) {
nextplease.highlight(result, nextplease.highlightColor);
switch (result[0]) {
case nextplease.ResultType.URL:
var url = result[1];, "_self", "");
return true;
case nextplease.ResultType.Link:
var linkNode = result[1];
if (!linkNode) {
nextplease.logError("Tried to open undefined link, this should never happen!");
return false;
// If it's got an onclick attr, then try to
// simulate a mouse click to activate link.
if (linkNode.hasAttribute("onclick")) {
// alert(linkNode.getAttribute("onclick"));
var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
// e.initMouseEvent("click", 1, 1, window, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, linkNode);
// From
e.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
} else {, "_self", "");
nextplease.gotHereUsingNextplease = true;
return true;
case nextplease.ResultType.Input:
var input = result[1];;
return true;
case nextplease.ResultType.History:
var num = result[1];
return true;
// Looks through all the links and finds the link
// that matches the linkNum (an integer between
// 1 and 9). If it finds a match, it will go to
// that link.
nextplease.openNumberedLink = function (curWindow, linkNum) {
var text;
var isInt = /^\s*\[?\s*(\d+)\s*\]?\s*$/;
var i, j;
nextplease.logDetail("looking for a link numbered " + linkNum);
var alinks = curWindow.document.links;
// Search through each link
for (i = alinks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var link = alinks[i];
text = nextplease.Trim(link.text);
var intMatches = isInt.exec(text);
if (intMatches) {
var linkPageNum = parseInt(intMatches[1], 10);
if (linkPageNum === linkNum) {
return nextplease.openResult(curWindow, [nextplease.ResultType.Link, link]);
//, "_self", "");
//return true;
if (nextplease.useFrames) {
var frames = curWindow.frames;
for (j = 0; j < frames.length; j++) {
if (nextplease.openNumberedLink(frames[j], linkNum)) { return true; }
return false;
nextplease.openDirection = function (direction) {
var result = nextplease.prefetched[direction] || nextplease.getLink(window.content, direction);
if (result) {
return nextplease.openResult(window.content, result);
} else {
return false;
nextplease.openNextLink = function () {
nextplease.logDetail("Looking for next link");
return nextplease.openDirection("Next");
nextplease.openPrevLink = function () {
nextplease.logDetail("Looking for prev link");
return nextplease.openDirection("Prev");
nextplease.openFirstLink = function () {
nextplease.logDetail("Looking for first link");
return nextplease.openDirection("First");
nextplease.openLastLink = function () {
nextplease.logDetail("Looking for last link");
return nextplease.openDirection("Last");
nextplease.prefetch = function () {
nextplease.getLink(window.content, "Prefetch");
if (nextplease.highlightPrefetchedColor) {
nextplease.highlight(nextplease.prefetched.Next, nextplease.highlightPrefetchedColor);
nextplease.highlight(nextplease.prefetched.Prev, nextplease.highlightPrefetchedColor);
nextplease.highlight(nextplease.prefetched.First, nextplease.highlightPrefetchedColor);
nextplease.highlight(nextplease.prefetched.Last, nextplease.highlightPrefetchedColor);
// old names retained because of
nextplease.getNextLink = nextplease.openNextLink;
nextplease.getPrevLink = nextplease.openPrevLink;
nextplease.getFirstLink = nextplease.openFirstLink;
nextplease.getLastLink = nextplease.openLastLink;
nextplease.highlight = function (result, color) {
if (result) {
var element;
switch (result[0]) {
case nextplease.ResultType.URL:
case nextplease.ResultType.Link:
case nextplease.ResultType.Input:
element = result[1];
// case nextplease.ResultType.History:
// TODO The forward button doesn't get unhighlighted correctly
// when it becomes disabled.
// switch (result[1]) {
// case 1: element = document.getElementById("forward-button"); break;
// case -1: element = document.getElementById("back-button"); break;
// }
if (element) {
if (!nextplease.highlighted_old_styles[element]) {
nextplease.highlighted_old_styles[element] =;
} = color;
nextplease.unhighlight = function () {
var element;
for (element in nextplease.highlighted_old_styles) { = nextplease.highlighted_old_styles[element];
delete nextplease.highlighted_old_styles[element];
nextplease.showHideMenuItems = function () {
var i, elem;
var direction, numDirections = nextplease.directions.length;
var propertyKey;
var getCMItemByDir = function (direction) {
var elemId = "nextPleaseAddRemove" + direction;
return document.getElementById(elemId);
if (gContextMenu) {
gContextMenu.showItem("nextplease.topMenu", nextplease.useContextMenu);
if (nextplease.useContextMenu) {
if (!gContextMenu.onLink && !gContextMenu.onImage) {
gContextMenu.showItem("nextplease-separator", false);
gContextMenu.showItem("nextpleaseTextOrURL", false);
gContextMenu.showItem("nextPleaseAddRemoveNext", false);
gContextMenu.showItem("nextPleaseAddRemovePrev", false);
gContextMenu.showItem("nextPleaseAddRemoveFirst", false);
gContextMenu.showItem("nextPleaseAddRemoveLast", false);
} else {
var textOrUrl = nextplease.getTextOrUrlUnderPopup();
var phraseOrImage = gContextMenu.onImage ? "Image" : "Phrase";
document.getElementById("nextpleaseTextOrURL").label = gContextMenu.onImage ? textOrUrl : '"' + textOrUrl + '"';
var directionForItem = nextplease[phraseOrImage + "Map"][textOrUrl];
for (i = 0; i < numDirections; i++) {
direction = nextplease.directions[i];
elem = getCMItemByDir(direction);
propertyKey = (direction === directionForItem ? "remove" : "add") + phraseOrImage + "ContextMenu";
// alert("str = " + nextplease.strings.GetStringFromName(propertyKey) + "; param = " + nextplease.getDirectionString(direction));
elem.label = nextplease.strings.formatStringFromName(propertyKey, [nextplease.getDirectionString(direction)], 1);
gContextMenu.showItem("nextplease-separator", true);
gContextMenu.showItem("nextpleaseTextOrURL", true);
gContextMenu.showItem("nextPleaseAddRemoveNext", true);
gContextMenu.showItem("nextPleaseAddRemovePrev", true);
gContextMenu.showItem("nextPleaseAddRemoveFirst", true);
gContextMenu.showItem("nextPleaseAddRemoveLast", true);
nextplease.addRemoveCM = function (direction) {
var phraseOrImage = gContextMenu.onImage ? "Image" : "Phrase";
var textOrUrl = nextplease.getTextOrUrlUnderPopup();
var currentDirection = nextplease[phraseOrImage + "Map"][textOrUrl];
if (currentDirection === direction) { // removing
if (nextplease.confirmRemove(phraseOrImage, textOrUrl, currentDirection)) {
nextplease.addOrRemovePhraseOrImage(currentDirection, textOrUrl, phraseOrImage, "Remove");
} else if (currentDirection) { // replacing
if (nextplease.confirmReplace(phraseOrImage, textOrUrl, currentDirection, direction)) {
nextplease.addOrRemovePhraseOrImage(currentDirection, textOrUrl, phraseOrImage, "Remove");
nextplease.addOrRemovePhraseOrImage(direction, textOrUrl, phraseOrImage, "Add");
} else {
nextplease.addOrRemovePhraseOrImage(direction, textOrUrl, phraseOrImage, "Add");
nextplease.addOrRemovePhraseOrImage = function (direction, textOrUrl, whichPhraseOrImage, whichAddOrRemove) {
var prefname, map, logMessage;
if (whichPhraseOrImage === "Phrase") {
prefname = direction.toLowerCase() + "phrase";
map = nextplease.PhraseMap;
logMessage = (whichAddOrRemove === "Add") ?
"adding phrase '" + textOrUrl + "' to " + prefname :
"removing phrase '" + textOrUrl + "' from " + prefname;
} else {
prefname = direction.toLowerCase() + "image";
map = nextplease.ImageMap;
logMessage = (whichAddOrRemove === "Add") ?
"adding image URL " + textOrUrl + " to " + prefname :
"removing image URL " + textOrUrl + " from " + prefname;
if (whichAddOrRemove === "Add") {
if (map[textOrUrl] !== direction) {
map[textOrUrl] = direction;
nextplease.addToPrefs(prefname, textOrUrl);
} else {
nextplease.log("error: already present in the list!");
} else {
if (map[textOrUrl] === direction) {
delete map[textOrUrl];
nextplease.removeFromPrefs(prefname, textOrUrl);
} else {
nextplease.log("error: not present in the list!");
nextplease.getTextOrUrlUnderPopup = function () {
if (gContextMenu && gContextMenu.onLink) {
if (gContextMenu.onImage) {
return document.popupNode.src;
} else {
var range = document.createRange();
return nextplease.Trim(range.toString());
} else {
return undefined;
nextplease.addToPrefs = function (prefbranch, text) {
nextplease.logDetail("adding " + text + " to " + prefbranch);
var tempprefname = prefbranch + '.expr0';
var prefvalue = nextplease.getUnicharPref(tempprefname);
var resultprefvalue = prefvalue + "|" + text.replace(/\|/g, "&pipe;");
nextplease.setUnicharPref(tempprefname, resultprefvalue);
nextplease.removeFromPrefs = function (prefbranch, text) {
nextplease.logDetail("removing " + text + " from " + prefbranch);
var tempprefname = prefbranch + '.expr0';
var prefvalue = nextplease.getUnicharPref(tempprefname);
var text1 = new RegExp("\\|" + text.replace(/\|/g, "&pipe;") + "(?=\\||$)", "g");
var resultprefvalue = prefvalue.replace(text1, "");
nextplease.setUnicharPref(tempprefname, resultprefvalue);
nextplease.linkNumber = 0;
nextplease.handleNumberShortcut = function (digit) {
// no effect if nextplease.NumberShortcutTimer is invalid
nextplease.linkNumber = nextplease.linkNumber * 10 + digit;
nextplease.strings.formatStringFromName("lookingForNumberedLink", [nextplease.linkNumber], 1));
nextplease.NumberShortcutTimer = setTimeout(nextplease.finishNumberShortcut, 500);
nextplease.finishNumberShortcut = function () {
nextplease.openNumberedLink(window.content, nextplease.linkNumber);
nextplease.linkNumber = 0;
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