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Created July 19, 2018 16:15
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="M:Marketplace.Api.ClassifiedAdsCommandsApi.Post(Marketplace.Contracts.ClassifiedAds.V1.Create)">
Create a new classified ad
Sample request:
POST /ad
"id": "de91f219-2920-423f-a943-1021a7bbac4a",
"ownerId": "dcec37b0-2536-42d9-9de2-1169c13f5590",
<member name="T:Marketplace.Contracts.ClassifiedAds.V1.Create">
Create a new ad command
<member name="P:Marketplace.Contracts.ClassifiedAds.V1.Create.Id">
New ad id
<member name="P:Marketplace.Contracts.ClassifiedAds.V1.Create.OwnerId">
Ad owner id
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