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Last active April 23, 2016 16:06
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RestHelper 401 response
package code.lib;
import net.liftweb.http.{ LiftRules, LiftResponse, Req, UnauthorizedResponse }
import net.liftweb.common.{ Box, Full, Empty, Failure, ParamFailure }
trait TypesHelper {
implicit def pfAuthorize[A, B](in: PartialFunction[A, B]): OAuthPartialFunctionWrapper[A, B] =
new OAuthPartialFunctionWrapper[A, B](in)
object TypesHelper extends TypesHelper
trait OAuthServiceHelper[A, B] extends PartialFunction[A, B] {
def isAuthorized(r: A): Boolean
* The OAuth guard class.
trait OAuthGuard extends OAuthServiceHelper[Req, () => Box[LiftResponse]] {
* This method actually returns always true assuming the partial function applied
* on the REST service to protect
* @param r
* @return true if this service manage the request security, false otherwise
def isDefinedAt(r: Req): Boolean = true
* The method should return the "access denied" message to the client
* @param r
* @return the response body with the error message
def apply(r: Req): () => Box[LiftResponse] = () => Full(new UnauthorizedResponse("You are not authenticated"))
* The method should return false in case of access denied.
* @param r
* @return true if the other apply method is authorized, false otherwise.
def isAuthorized(r: Req): Boolean
final class OAuthPartialFunctionWrapper[A, B](other: PartialFunction[A, B]) {
* Allows you to put a guard around a partial function
* such that the around's isAuthorized determines if the other
* apply method should be executed. In case of access denied the around
* apply method is called.
def ifAuthorizedBy(around: OAuthServiceHelper[A, B]): PartialFunction[A, B] =
new PartialFunction[A, B] {
def isDefinedAt(a: A) = around.isDefinedAt(a) && other.isDefinedAt(a)
def apply(a: A): B = {
if (around.isAuthorized(a))
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