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Last active August 30, 2017 22:53
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  • Save alexfriant/71e076c5bedc4d70a2ae5be7da14ab8a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alexfriant/71e076c5bedc4d70a2ae5be7da14ab8a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Give this script a geodatabase (Personal, File, or SDE connection) and it will remove the "Geoprocssing History" contents from the Metadata in every Feature Class inside the geodatabase.
# Requirements: You'll need ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 or higher with Python 2.7
# Give this script a geodatabase (Personal, File, or SDE connection) and it will
# remove the "Geoprocssing History" contents from the Metadata in every Feature
# Class inside the geodatabase.
# Before you attempt to use/run this script, make sure you have read the section
# near the top called "MODIFIABLE VARIABLES HERE".
# Feel free to use, rewrite, and distribute as you wish.
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy, os, string
if __name__== "__main__":
## Use these variables if you are using this script in ArcToolBox.
## If you are running this script outside of ArcToolBox, then comment these two lines out, and read the next section.
the_gdb = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
out_xml = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
## Uncomment and modify to use these variables if you are running this script outside of ArcToolBox.
#the_gdb = r"C:\LocalData\sandbox\New File Geodatabase.gdb"
#out_xml = r"C:\LocalData\temp\remove_gp_history_xml"
## Make sure this variable value matches the path to your XSLT to remove geoprocessing history
remove_gp_history_xslt = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.5\Metadata\Stylesheets\gpTools\remove geoprocessing history.xslt"
# Define dual console logging output function
def tellUser( message="\n" ):
if message == "\n":
print message
arcpy.AddMessage( message )
# Define the Dataset Feature Class iterator function (all FC's inside of Datasets)
def RemoveGpHistory_fd(the_gdb,remove_gp_history_xslt,out_xml):
arcpy.env.workspace = the_gdb
for fd in arcpy.ListDatasets():
arcpy.env.workspace = the_gdb + os.sep + fd
for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses():
name_xml = out_xml + os.sep + str(fc) + ".xml"
# Process: XSLT Transformation
arcpy.XSLTransform_conversion(the_gdb + os.sep + fd + os.sep + fc, remove_gp_history_xslt, name_xml, "")
tellUser("Completed xml coversion on FC \"{1}\" in dataset \"{0}\"".format(fd,fc))
# Process: Metadata Importer
arcpy.MetadataImporter_conversion(name_xml,the_gdb + os.sep + fd + os.sep + fc)
tellUser("Imported XML on {0}".format(fc))
tellUser("Geoprocessing History has been removed from {0}".format(fc))
os.remove( name_xml )
# Define the Root Feature Class iterator function (all FC's not in a dataset)
def RemoveGpHistory_fc(the_gdb,remove_gp_history_xslt,out_xml):
arcpy.env.workspace = the_gdb
for fx in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses():
name_xml = out_xml + os.sep + str(fx) + ".xml"
# Process: XSLT Transformation
arcpy.XSLTransform_conversion(the_gdb + os.sep + fx, remove_gp_history_xslt, name_xml, "")
tellUser("Completed XML conversion on {0}".format(fx))
# Process: Metadata Importer
arcpy.MetadataImporter_conversion(name_xml,the_gdb + os.sep + fx)
tellUser("Imported XML on {0}".format(fx))
tellUser("Geoprocessing History has been removed from {0}".format(fx))
os.remove( name_xml )
if __name__== "__main__":
tellUser( "Removing Geoprocessing History from Metadata for all Feature Classes in \"{0}\"".format(arcpy.Describe(the_gdb).name) + "...\n")
# if the directory you input doesn't yet exist, then it will be created
if not os.path.exists(out_xml):
# execute Dataset Feature Class iterator
# execute Root Feature Class iterator
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