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Last active September 4, 2018 23:45
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A trivial example of Sussman's up/down tuples in R (not recursive yet)
# use R OOP (S3) to implement up/down tuples
# (as per GJS and SICM)
# constructor
new_Struct <- function(stype , vec){
stopifnot(is.character(stype)) # enforce up | down
structure(vec,class="Struct", type=stype)
# constructor helper functions --- need to allow for nesting!
up <- function(...){
vec <- unlist(list(...), use.names = FALSE)
down <- function(...){
vec <- unlist(list(...), use.names = FALSE)
# generic print for tuples
print.Struct <- function(s){
outstr <- sprintf("%s(%s)", attributes(s)$type, paste(c(s), collapse=", "))
# apply the structure - would be nice if this could be done *implicitly*
call <- function(...) UseMethod("call")
call.Struct <- function(s,x){
new_Struct(attributes(s)$type, sapply(s,, list(x)))
bothStructs <- function(x,y) {
inherits(x,'Struct') && inherits(y,'Struct')
sameType <- function(x,y) { UseMethod('sameType', x) }
sameType.Struct <-function(x,y) {
attributes(x)$type == attributes(y)$type
# + - if same
# multiplication as outer product if same
# contract (dot product) if opposite
# square (same) as dot product / square if == and *
Ops.Struct <- function(e1, e2) {
if (nargs()==1) {
'+' = {},
'-' = { e1[] <- -unclass(e1) },
# include these? Hmm, probably not
'*' = {}, # scmutils compatibility
'<' = {}, # scmutils compatibility
'>' = {}, # scmutils compatibility
stop(gettextf("unary \'%s\' not defined for up/down tuples",.Generic),
domain=NA, call. = FALSE))
else if (nargs()==2){
samelength <- length(e1)==length(e2)
if(samelength) { # can be added, etc...
'+' = { e1[] <- unclass(e1)+unclass(e2) },
'-' = { e1[] <- unclass(e1)-unclass(e2) },
'==' = { e1 <- every(unclass(e1)==unclass(e2), function(p) as.logical(p)) },
'*' = {
if ( e1==e2 ){ # equal => square them!
e1 <- (e1%*%e2)[1] }
else { # outer product if same length but not equa;
e1 <- e1%o%e2 }
stop(gettextf("\'%s\' not defined for tuples of same type and length",.Generic),
domain=NA, call. = FALSE))
else { # not same length - can only be multiplied
'==' = { e1 <- FALSE },
'*' = { e1 <- e1%o%e2 }, # outer product <= same type, diff lengths
stop(gettextf("\'%s\' not defined for tuples of different lengths",.Generic),
domain=NA, call. = FALSE))
else{ # opposite types - only * allows dot product
'*' = {
outval <- (e1%*%e2)[1] # dot product as matrix
else {
stop(gettextf("Contraction (dot-product) factors must have same length!"),
call. = FALSE)
'==' = {
outval <- FALSE
stop(gettextf("\'%s\' not defined for opposite tuple types",.Generic),
domain=NA, call. = FALSE)
else { # not both structs
if (inherits(e1,'Struct')) {
# these DO allow numbers to map, i.e. "scale", essentially
# basically we want default Ops behaviour
'*' = {
e1[]<-unclass(e1) * unclass(e2)
'^' = {
if (e2!=2) {
stop(gettextf("Only %s2 defined at present",.Generic),
call. = FALSE)
else {
square <- (e1%*%e1)[1]
e1 <- square
'==' = { e1 <- FALSE },
stop(gettextf("\'%s\' is not defined for mapping on tuples",.Generic),
call. = FALSE)
else {
'*' = {
e2[]<-unclass(e1) * unclass(e2)},
'==' = { e2 <- FALSE },
stop(gettextf("\'%s\' is not defined for mapping on tuples",.Generic),
call. = FALSE)
else {
stop(gettextf("\'%s'\ not defined for >2 arguments",
.Generic), domain = NA)
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