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Allows the code in the book "Simply Scheme" to run on Racket.
#lang scheme/base
;;; ============================================================================
;;; Port of the "Simply Scheme" book code to allow use under Racket
;;; ============================================================================
;;; It allows re-defining of module functions, which was the main obstacle
;;; to its operation previously.
;;; The first part is an adaptation of the necessary changes to run on Racket
;;; by importing aliased existing module functions using "require" and "only-in"
;;; The second part is the (slightly adapted) code from
;;; that implements the particular pedagogic requirements of Simply Scheme
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; PART I
;; these are the ones that the module redefines
;; so they are pulled into it with aliased names
(only-in scheme/base
; redefined for utility purposes in this file
(equal? old-equal?)
(number->string old-number->string)
(round old-round)
(remainder old-remainder)
(quotient old-quotient)
; redefined for "logoisation" in this file
(* old-*)
(+ old-+)
(- old--)
(/ old-/)
(< old-<)
(<= old-<=)
(= old-=)
(> old->)
(>= old->=)
(abs old-abs)
(acos old-acos)
(asin old-asin)
(atan old-atan)
(ceiling old-ceiling)
(cos old-cos)
(even? old-even?)
(exp old-exp)
(expt old-expt)
(floor old-floor)
(gcd old-gcd)
(integer? old-integer?)
(lcm old-lcm)
(log old-log)
(max old-max)
(min old-min)
(modulo old-modulo)
(negative? old-negative?)
(number? old-number?)
(odd? old-odd?)
(positive? old-positive?)
(random old-random)
(sin old-sin)
(sqrt old-sqrt)
(tan old-tan)
(truncate old-truncate)
(vector-ref old-vector-ref)
(vector-set! old-vector-set!)
(zero? old-zero?)
(list-ref old-list-ref)
(make-vector old-make-vector)
(only-in r5rs
(set-cdr! set-cdr!)
; redefined for utility in this file
(open-output-file old-open-output-file)
(open-input-file old-open-input-file)
(close-input-port old-close-input-port)
(close-output-port old-close-output-port)
(only-in racket/trace
(trace trace)
(untrace untrace))
; Then, set these temporarily to their "old", i.e. normal value but since
; they're now defined in this module we can set! their values as we like
; (i.e. to those used by SS for "logoization")
(define * old-*)
(define + old-+)
(define - old--)
(define / old-/)
(define < old-<)
(define <= old-<=)
(define = old-=)
(define > old->)
(define >= old->=)
(define abs old-abs)
(define acos old-acos)
(define asin old-asin)
(define atan old-atan)
(define ceiling old-ceiling)
(define cos old-cos)
(define even? old-even?)
(define exp old-exp)
(define expt old-expt)
(define floor old-floor)
(define gcd old-gcd)
(define integer? old-integer?)
(define lcm old-lcm)
(define list-ref old-list-ref)
(define log old-log)
(define max old-max)
(define min old-min)
(define modulo old-modulo)
(define odd? old-odd?)
(define random old-random)
(define sin old-sin)
(define sqrt old-sqrt)
(define tan old-tan)
(define truncate old-truncate)
(define zero? old-zero?)
(define positive? old-positive?)
(define negative? old-negative?)
(define number? old-number?)
(define vector-ref old-vector-ref)
(define vector-set! old-vector-set!)
(define make-vector old-make-vector)
;(define round #f) ; defined further down
;(define quotient #f) ; defined further down
;(define remainder #f) ; defined further down
;;; ====================================================
;;; simply.scm version 3.13 (8/11/98)
;;; (Numbered to agree with berkeley.scm version.)
;;; This file uses Scheme features we don't talk about in _Simply_Scheme_.
;;; Read at your own risk.
;; will define equal further on, just use this now for simplicity ***AG***
(if (old-equal? 'foo (symbol->string 'foo))
(error "Simply.scm already loaded!!")
(display "Loading Simply Scheme...\n"))
;; if it's already a string just return it - ***AG***
(define number->string
(λ args
(if (string? (car args))
(car args)
(apply old-number->string args))))
;; Get strings in error messages to print nicely (especially "")
(define (whoops string . args)
(define (error-printform x)
(if (string? x)
(string-append "\"" x "\"")
(apply error (cons string (map error-printform args))))
;; ROUND returns an inexact integer if its argument is inexact,
;; but we think it should always return an exact integer.
(define (round number)
(inexact->exact (old-round number)))
;; Remainder and quotient blow up if their argument isn't an integer.
;; Unfortunately, in SCM, (* 365.25 24 60 60) *isn't* an integer.
(define (remainder x y)
(old-remainder (if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x)
(if (integer? y) (inexact->exact y) y)))
(define (quotient x y)
(old-quotient (if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x)
(if (integer? y) (inexact->exact y) y)))
;; now set nemainder and quotient and round to new-remainder, etc
;; so they can be logoized appropriately
(define new-round #f)
(define new-remainder #f)
(define new-quotient #f)
(set! new-remainder remainder)
(set! new-quotient quotient)
(set! new-round round)
;; Supplied (random) omitted. Built-in "should" be better.
;; Make sure native behaves correctly for book code.
;;; Logo-style word/sentence implementation
(define (word? x)
(or (symbol? x) (number? x) (string? x)))
(define sentence?
(λ args
(define (list-of-words? l)
(cond ((null? l) #t)
((pair? l)
(and (word? (car l)) (list-of-words? (cdr l))))
(else #f)))
(list-of-words? args)))
(define (empty? x)
(or (null? x)
(and (string? x) (string=? x ""))))
(define char-rank
;; 0 Letter in good case or special initial
;; 1 ., + or -
;; 2 Digit
;; adapted for modern Schemes, which don't capitalise symbols ***AG***
;; 3 Letter in upper case
;; 4 weird character
(let ((*the-char-ranks* (make-vector 256 3)))
(define (rank-string str rank)
(define (helper i len)
(if (= i len)
(begin (vector-set! *the-char-ranks*
(char->integer (string-ref str i))
(helper (+ i 1) len))))
(helper 0 (string-length str)))
(rank-string (symbol->string 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz) 0)
(rank-string "!$%&*/:<=>?~_^" 0)
(rank-string "+-." 1)
(rank-string "0123456789" 2)
(rank-string (symbol->string 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ) 4)
(λ (char) ;; value of char-rank
(vector-ref *the-char-ranks* (char->integer char)))))
(define string->word
(λ (string)
(define (subsequents? string i length)
(cond ((= i length) #t)
((<= (char-rank (string-ref string i)) 2)
(subsequents? string (+ i 1) length))
(else #f)))
(define (special-id? string)
(or (string=? string "+")
(string=? string "-")
(string=? string "...")))
(define (ok-symbol? string)
(if (string=? string "")
(let ((rank1 (char-rank (string-ref string 0))))
(cond ((= rank1 0) (subsequents? string 1 (string-length string)))
((= rank1 1) (special-id? string))
(else #f)))))
(define (nn-helper string i len seen-point?)
(cond ((= i len)
(if seen-point?
(not (char=? (string-ref string (- len 1)) #\0))
((char=? #\. (string-ref string i))
(cond (seen-point? #f)
((= (+ i 2) len) #t) ; Accepts "23.0"
(else (nn-helper string (+ i 1) len #t))))
((= 2 (char-rank (string-ref string i)))
(nn-helper string (+ i 1) len seen-point?))
(else #f)))
(define (narrow-number? string)
(if (string=? string "")
(let* ((c0 (string-ref string 0))
(start 0)
(len (string-length string))
(cn (string-ref string (- len 1))))
(if (and (char=? c0 #\-) (not (= len 1)))
(set! start 1)
(set! c0 (string-ref string 1)))
(cond ((not (= (char-rank cn) 2)) #f) ; Rejects "-" among others
((char=? c0 #\.) #f)
((char=? c0 #\0)
(cond ((= len 1) #t) ; Accepts "0" but not "-0"
((= len 2) #f) ; Rejects "-0" and "03"
((char=? (string-ref string (+ start 1)) #\.)
(nn-helper string (+ start 2) len #t))
(else #f)))
(else (nn-helper string start len #f))))))
;; The body of string->word:
(cond ((narrow-number? string) (string->number string))
((ok-symbol? string) (string->symbol string))
(else string))))
(define (char->word char)
(let ((rank (char-rank char))
(string (make-string 1 char)))
(cond ((= rank 0) (string->symbol string))
((= rank 2) (string->number string))
((char=? char #\+) '+)
((char=? char #\-) '-)
;; this was not originally present, ***AG***
;; since Berkeley Scheme capitalised output by default
((= rank 4) (string->symbol string))
(else string))))
(define (word->string wd)
(cond ((string? wd) wd)
((number? wd) (number->string wd))
(else (symbol->string wd))))
(define (count stuff)
(if (word? stuff)
(string-length (word->string stuff))
(length stuff)))
(define word
(λ xs
(apply string-append
(map (λ (arg)
(if (word? arg)
(word->string arg)
(whoops "Invalid argument to WORD: " arg)))
(define se
(let ()
(define (paranoid-append a original-a b)
(cond ((null? a) b)
((word? (car a))
(cons (car a) (paranoid-append (cdr a) original-a b)))
(else (whoops "Argument to SENTENCE not a word or sentence"
original-a ))))
(define (combine-two a b) ;; Note: b is always a list
(cond ((pair? a) (paranoid-append a a b))
((null? a) b)
((word? a) (cons a b))
(else (whoops "Argument to SENTENCE not a word or sentence:" a))))
;; Helper function so recursive calls don't show up in TRACE
(define (real-se args)
(if (null? args)
(combine-two (car args) (real-se (cdr args)))))
(λ args
(real-se args))))
(define sentence se)
(define (first x)
(define (word-first wd)
(char->word (string-ref (word->string wd) 0)))
(cond ((pair? x) (car x))
((empty? x) (whoops "Invalid argument to FIRST: " x))
((word? x) (word-first x))
(else (whoops "Invalid argument to FIRST: " x))))
(define (last x)
(define (word-last wd)
(let ((s (word->string wd)))
(char->word (string-ref s (- (string-length s) 1)))))
(define (list-last lst)
(if (empty? (cdr lst))
(car lst)
(list-last (cdr lst))))
(cond ((pair? x) (list-last x))
((empty? x) (whoops "Invalid argument to LAST: " x))
((word? x) (word-last x))
(else (whoops "Invalid argument to LAST: " x))))
(define (bf x)
(define (string-bf s)
(substring s 1 (string-length s)))
(define (word-bf wd)
(string->word (string-bf (word->string wd))))
; symbol-handling added for more modern Schemes ***AG***
(define (symbol-bf wd)
(string->symbol (string-bf (word->string wd))))
(cond ((pair? x) (cdr x))
((empty? x) (whoops "Invalid argument to BUTFIRST: " x))
((symbol? x) (symbol-bf x)) ; ***AG***
((word? x) (word-bf x))
(else (whoops "Invalid argument to BUTFIRST: " x))))
(define butfirst bf)
(define (bl x)
(define (list-bl list)
(if (null? (cdr list))
(cons (car list) (list-bl (cdr list)))))
(define (string-bl s)
(substring s 0 (- (string-length s) 1)))
(define (word-bl wd)
(string->word (string-bl (word->string wd))))
; symbol-handling added for more modern Schemes ***AG***
(define (symbol-bl wd)
(string->symbol (string-bl (word->string wd))))
(cond ((pair? x) (list-bl x))
((empty? x) (whoops "Invalid argument to BUTLAST: " x))
((symbol? x) (symbol-bl x)) ; ***AG***
((word? x) (word-bl x))
(else (whoops "Invalid argument to BUTLAST: " x))))
(define butlast bl)
(define (item n stuff)
(define (word-item n wd)
(char->word (string-ref (word->string wd) (- n 1))))
(cond ((not (integer? n))
(whoops "Invalid first argument to ITEM (must be an integer): "
((< n 1)
(whoops "Invalid first argument to ITEM (must be positive): "
((> n (count stuff))
(whoops "No such item: " n stuff))
((word? stuff) (word-item n stuff))
((list? stuff) (list-ref stuff (- n 1)))
(else (whoops "Invalid second argument to ITEM: " stuff))))
;; the above function needs to be switchable for "logoization"
;; done like this until sure of define behaviour
(define old-item #f)
(set! old-item item)
(define equal?
;; Note that EQUAL? assumes strings are numbers.
;; (strings-are-numbers #f) doesn't change this behavior.
(let ()
(define (vector-equal? v1 v2)
(let ((len1 (vector-length v1))
(len2 (vector-length v2)))
(define (helper i)
(if (= i len1)
(and (equal? (vector-ref v1 i) (vector-ref v2 i))
(helper (+ i 1)))))
(if (= len1 len2)
(helper 0)
(λ (x y)
(cond ((null? x) (null? y))
((null? y) #f)
((pair? x)
(and (pair? y)
(equal? (car x) (car y))
(equal? (cdr x) (cdr y))))
((pair? y) #f)
((symbol? x)
(or (and (symbol? y) (eq? x y))
(and (string? y) (string=? (symbol->string x) y))))
((symbol? y)
(and (string? x) (string=? x (symbol->string y))))
((number? x)
(or (and (number? y) (= x y))
(and (string? y)
(let ((possible-num (string->word y)))
(and (number? possible-num)
(= x possible-num))))))
((number? y)
(and (string? x)
(let ((possible-num (string->word x)))
(and (number? possible-num)
(= possible-num y)))))
((string? x) (and (string? y) (string=? x y)))
((string? y) #f)
((vector? x) (and (vector? y) (vector-equal? x y)))
((vector? y) #f)
(else (eqv? x y))))))
(define member?
(let ()
(define (symbol-in-list? symbol string lst)
(cond ((null? lst) #f)
((and (symbol? (car lst))
(eq? symbol (car lst))))
((string? (car lst))
(cond ((not string)
(symbol-in-list? symbol (symbol->string symbol) lst))
((string=? string (car lst)) #t)
(else (symbol-in-list? symbol string (cdr lst)))))
(else (symbol-in-list? symbol string (cdr lst)))))
(define (word-in-list? wd lst)
(cond ((null? lst) #f)
((equal? wd (car lst)) #t)
(else (word-in-list? wd (cdr lst)))))
(define (word-in-word? small big)
(let ((one-letter-str (word->string small)))
(if (> (string-length one-letter-str) 1)
(whoops "Invalid arguments to MEMBER?: " small big)
(let ((big-str (word->string big)))
(char-in-string? (string-ref one-letter-str 0)
(- (string-length big-str) 1))))))
(define (char-in-string? char string i)
(cond ((< i 0) #f)
((char=? char (string-ref string i)) #t)
(else (char-in-string? char string (- i 1)))))
(λ (x stuff)
(cond ((empty? stuff) #f)
((word? stuff) (word-in-word? x stuff))
((not (list? stuff))
(whoops "Invalid second argument to MEMBER?: " stuff))
((symbol? x) (symbol-in-list? x #f stuff))
((or (number? x) (string? x))
(word-in-list? x stuff))
(else (whoops "Invalid first argument to MEMBER?: " x))))))
(define (before? wd1 wd2)
(cond ((not (word? wd1))
(whoops "Invalid first argument to BEFORE? (not a word): " wd1))
((not (word? wd2))
(whoops "Invalid second argument to BEFORE? (not a word): " wd2))
(else (string<? (word->string wd1) (word->string wd2)))))
;;; Higher Order Functions
(define (filter pred l)
;; Helper function so recursive calls don't show up in TRACE
(define (real-filter l)
(cond ((null? l) '())
((pred (car l))
(cons (car l) (real-filter (cdr l))))
(else (real-filter (cdr l)))))
(cond ((not (procedure? pred))
(whoops "Invalid first argument to FILTER (not a procedure): "
((not (list? l))
(whoops "Invalid second argument to FILTER (not a list): " l))
(else (real-filter l))))
(define (keep pred w-or-s)
(define (keep-string in i out out-len len)
(cond ((= i len) (substring out 0 out-len))
((pred (char->word (string-ref in i)))
(string-set! out out-len (string-ref in i))
(keep-string in (+ i 1) out (+ out-len 1) len))
(else (keep-string in (+ i 1) out out-len len))))
(define (keep-word wd)
(let* ((string (word->string wd))
(len (string-length string)))
(keep-string string 0 (make-string len) 0 len))))
(cond ((not (procedure? pred))
(whoops "Invalid first argument to KEEP (not a procedure): "
((pair? w-or-s) (filter pred w-or-s))
((word? w-or-s) (keep-word w-or-s))
((null? w-or-s) '())
(whoops "Bad second argument to KEEP (not a word or sentence): "
(define (appearances item aggregate)
(count (keep (λ (element) (equal? item element)) aggregate)))
(define (every fn stuff)
(define (string-every string i length)
(if (= i length)
(se (fn (char->word (string-ref string i)))
(string-every string (+ i 1) length))))
(define (sent-every sent)
;; This proc. can't be optimized or else it will break the
;; exercise where we ask them to reimplement sentences as
;; vectors and then see if every still works.
(if (empty? sent)
sent ; Can't be '() or exercise breaks.
(se (fn (first sent))
(sent-every (bf sent)))))
(cond ((not (procedure? fn))
(whoops "Invalid first argument to EVERY (not a procedure):"
((word? stuff)
(let ((string (word->string stuff)))
(string-every string 0 (string-length string))))
(else (sent-every stuff))))
(define (accumulate combiner stuff)
(define (real-accumulate stuff)
(if (empty? (bf stuff))
(first stuff)
(combiner (first stuff) (real-accumulate (bf stuff)))))
(cond ((not (procedure? combiner))
(whoops "Invalid first argument to ACCUMULATE (not a procedure):"
((not (empty? stuff)) (real-accumulate stuff))
((member combiner (list + * word se)) (combiner))
(else (whoops "Can't accumulate empty input with that combiner"))))
(define (reduce combiner stuff)
(define (real-reduce stuff)
(if (null? (cdr stuff))
(car stuff)
(combiner (car stuff) (real-reduce (cdr stuff)))))
(cond ((not (procedure? combiner))
(whoops "Invalid first argument to REDUCE (not a procedure):"
((not (null? stuff)) (real-reduce stuff))
((member combiner (list + * word se append)) (combiner))
(else (whoops "Can't reduce empty input with that combiner"))))
(define ((repeated fn number) x)
(if (= number 0) x ((repeated fn (- number 1)) (fn x))))
;; the above function needs to be switchable for "logoization"
;; done like this until sure of define behaviour
(define old-repeated #f)
(set! old-repeated repeated)
;; Tree stuff
(define make-node cons)
(define datum car)
(define children cdr)
;; I/O
(define show
(λ args
((= (length args) 1)
(display (car args))
((= (length args) 2)
(if (not (output-port? (car (cdr args))))
(whoops "Invalid second argument to SHOW (not an output port): "
(car (cdr args)))
#t) ;; no if alternative previously! ***AG***
(apply display args)
(newline (car (cdr args))))
(else (whoops "Incorrect number of arguments to procedure SHOW")))))
(define (show-line line . args)
(if (>= (length args) 2)
(whoops "Too many arguments to show-line")
(let ((port (if (null? args) (current-output-port) (car args))))
(cond ((not (list? line))
(whoops "Invalid argument to SHOW-LINE (not a list):" line))
((null? line) #f)
(display (car line) port)
(for-each (λ (wd) (display " " port) (display wd port))
(cdr line))))
(newline port))))
(define read-string
(let ()
(define (read-string-helper chars all-length chunk-length port)
(let ((char (read-char port))
(string (car chars)))
(cond ((or (eof-object? char) (eqv? char #\newline))
(apply string-append
(substring (car chars) 0 chunk-length)
(cdr chars)))))
((>= chunk-length 80)
(let ((newstring (make-string 80)))
(string-set! newstring 0 char)
(read-string-helper (cons newstring chars)
(+ all-length 1)
(string-set! string chunk-length char)
(read-string-helper chars
(+ all-length 1)
(+ chunk-length 1)
(λ args
(if (>= (length args) 2)
(whoops "Too many arguments to read-string")
(let ((port (if (null? args) (current-input-port) (car args))))
(if (eof-object? (peek-char port))
(read-char port)
(read-string-helper (list (make-string 80)) 0 0 port)))))))
(define read-line
(let ((= =)
(list list)
(string->word string->word)
(substring substring)
(char-whitespace? char-whitespace?)
(string-ref string-ref)
(+ +)
(string-length string-length)
(apply apply)
(read-string read-string))
(λ args
(define (tokenize string)
(define (helper i start len)
(cond ((= i len)
(if (= i start)
(list (string->word (substring string start i)))))
((char-whitespace? (string-ref string i))
(if (= i start)
(helper (+ i 1) (+ i 1) len)
(cons (string->word (substring string start i))
(helper (+ i 1) (+ i 1) len))))
(else (helper (+ i 1) start len))))
(if (eof-object? string)
(helper 0 0 (string-length string))))
(tokenize (apply read-string args)))))
(define *the-open-inports* '())
(define *the-open-outports* '())
(define align
(let ((< <) (abs abs) (* *) (expt expt) (>= >=) (- -) (+ +) (= =)
(null? null?)
(car car)
(round round)
(number->string number->string)
(string-length string-length)
(string-append string-append)
(make-string make-string)
(substring substring)
(string-set! string-set!)
(number? number?)
(word->string word->string))
(λ (obj width . rest)
(define (align-number obj width rest)
(let* ((sign (< obj 0))
(num (abs obj))
(prec (if (null? rest) 0 (car rest)))
(big (round (* num (expt 10 prec))))
(cvt0 (number->string big))
(cvt (if (< num 1) (string-append "0" cvt0) cvt0))
(pos-str (if (>= (string-length cvt0) prec)
(make-string (- prec (string-length cvt0)) #\0)
(string (if sign (string-append "-" pos-str) pos-str))
(length (+ (string-length string)
(if (= prec 0) 0 1)))
(left (- length (+ 1 prec)))
(result (if (= prec 0)
(substring string 0 left)
(substring string left (- length 1))))))
(cond ((= length width) result)
((< length width)
(string-append (make-string (- width length) #\space) result))
(else (let ((new (substring result 0 width)))
(string-set! new (- width 1) #\+)
(define (align-word string)
(let ((length (string-length string)))
(cond ((= length width) string)
((< length width)
(string-append string (make-string (- width length) #\space)))
(else (let ((new (substring string 0 width)))
(string-set! new (- width 1) #\+)
(if (number? obj)
(align-number obj width rest)
(align-word (word->string obj))))))
;; the above function needs to be switchable for "logoization"
;; done like this until sure of define behaviour
(define old-align #f)
(set! old-align align)
(define open-output-file
(let ((oof old-open-output-file))
(λ (filename)
(let ((port (oof filename)))
(set! *the-open-outports* (cons port *the-open-outports*))
(define open-input-file
(let ((oif old-open-input-file)
(cons cons))
(λ (filename)
(let ((port (oif filename)))
(set! *the-open-inports* (cons port *the-open-inports*))
(define (remove! thing lst)
(define (r! prev)
(cond ((null? (cdr prev)) lst)
((eq? thing (car (cdr prev)))
(set-cdr! prev (cdr (cdr prev)))
(else (r! (cdr prev)))))
(cond ((null? lst) lst)
((eq? thing (car lst)) (cdr lst))
(else (r! lst))))
(define close-input-port
(let ((cip old-close-input-port)
(remove! remove!))
(λ (port)
(set! *the-open-inports* (remove! port *the-open-inports*))
(cip port))))
(define close-output-port
(let ((cop old-close-output-port))
(λ (port)
(set! *the-open-outports* (remove! port *the-open-outports*))
(cop port))))
(define (close-all-ports)
(for-each close-input-port *the-open-inports*)
(for-each close-output-port *the-open-outports*)
;; Make arithmetic work on numbers in string form:
(define (maybe-num arg)
(if (string? arg)
(let ((num (string->number arg)))
(if num num arg))
(define (logoize fn)
(λ args
(apply fn (map maybe-num args))))
;; special case versions of logoize, since (lambda args ...) is expensive
(define ((logoize-1 fn) x) (fn (maybe-num x)))
(define ((logoize-2 fn) x y) (fn (maybe-num x) (maybe-num y)))
;; If strings /are/ numbers, then "logoise" them
(define strings-are-numbers
(let ((are-they? #f))
(λ (yesno)
(cond ((and are-they? (eq? yesno #t))
(show "Strings are already numbers"))
((eq? yesno #t)
(set! are-they? #t)
(set! * (logoize old-*))
(set! + (logoize old-+))
(set! - (logoize old--))
(set! / (logoize old-/))
(set! < (logoize old-<))
(set! <= (logoize old-<=))
(set! = (logoize old-=))
(set! > (logoize old->))
(set! >= (logoize old->=))
(set! abs (logoize-1 old-abs))
(set! acos (logoize-1 old-acos))
(set! asin (logoize-1 old-asin))
(set! atan (logoize old-atan))
(set! ceiling (logoize-1 old-ceiling))
(set! cos (logoize-1 old-cos))
(set! even? (logoize-1 old-even?))
(set! exp (logoize-1 old-exp))
(set! expt (logoize-2 old-expt))
(set! floor (logoize-1 old-floor))
(set! gcd (logoize old-gcd))
(set! integer? (logoize-1 old-integer?))
(set! lcm (logoize old-lcm))
(set! log (logoize-1 old-log))
(set! max (logoize old-max))
(set! min (logoize old-min))
(set! modulo (logoize-2 old-modulo))
(set! negative? (logoize-1 old-negative?))
(set! number? (logoize-1 old-number?))
(set! odd? (logoize-1 old-odd?))
(set! positive? (logoize-1 old-positive?))
(set! quotient (logoize-2 new-quotient))
(set! random (logoize old-random))
(set! remainder (logoize-2 new-remainder))
(set! round (logoize-1 new-round))
(set! sin (logoize-1 old-sin))
(set! sqrt (logoize-1 old-sqrt))
(set! tan (logoize-1 old-tan))
(set! truncate (logoize-1 old-truncate))
(set! zero? (logoize-1 old-zero?))
(set! vector-ref
(λ (vec i) (old-vector-ref vec (maybe-num i))))
(set! vector-set!
(λ (vec i val)
(old-vector-set! vec (maybe-num i) val)))
(set! make-vector
(λ (num . args)
(apply old-make-vector
(cons (maybe-num num) args))))
(set! list-ref
(λ (lst i) (old-list-ref lst (maybe-num i))))
; program defined:
(set! align (logoize align))
(set! item (λ (n stuff) (old-item (maybe-num n) stuff)))
(set! repeated (λ (fn n) (old-repeated fn (maybe-num n))))
((and (not are-they?) (not yesno))
(show "Strings are already not numbers"))
((not yesno)
(set! are-they? #f)
(set! * old-*)
(set! + old-+)
(set! - old--)
(set! / old-/)
(set! < old-<)
(set! <= old-<=)
(set! = old-=)
(set! > old->)
(set! >= old->=)
(set! abs old-abs)
(set! acos old-acos)
(set! asin old-asin)
(set! atan old-atan)
(set! ceiling old-ceiling)
(set! cos old-cos)
(set! even? old-even?)
(set! exp old-exp)
(set! expt old-expt)
(set! floor old-floor)
(set! gcd old-gcd)
(set! integer? old-integer?)
(set! lcm old-lcm)
(set! list-ref old-list-ref)
(set! log old-log)
(set! max old-max)
(set! min old-min)
(set! modulo old-modulo)
(set! odd? old-odd?)
(set! quotient new-quotient)
(set! random old-random)
(set! remainder new-remainder)
(set! round new-round)
(set! sin old-sin)
(set! sqrt old-sqrt)
(set! tan old-tan)
(set! truncate old-truncate)
(set! zero? old-zero?)
(set! positive? old-positive?)
(set! negative? old-negative?)
(set! number? old-number?)
(set! vector-ref old-vector-ref)
(set! vector-set! old-vector-set!)
(set! make-vector old-make-vector)
(set! list-ref old-list-ref)
; program defined:
(set! align old-align)
(set! item old-item)
(set! repeated old-repeated)
(else (whoops "Strings-are-numbers: give a #t or a #f")))
;; By default, strings are numbers:
(strings-are-numbers #t)
(display "All done.\n") #f)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(provide (all-from-out scheme/base))
(provide trace untrace)
(all-from-out scheme/base)
;; scheme/base
old-equal? old-number->string old-round old-remainder old-quotient
old-* old-+ old-- old-/ old-< old-<= old-= old-> old->=
old-abs old-acos old-asin old-atan old-ceiling old-cos
old-even? old-exp old-expt old-floor old-gcd old-integer? old-lcm old-log
old-max old-min old-modulo old-negative? old-number? old-odd? old-positive?
old-random old-sin old-sqrt old-tan old-truncate
old-vector-ref old-vector-set! old-zero? old-list-ref old-make-vector))
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