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Last active July 11, 2024 09:38
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(ns basic
:exclude [+ - * / zero? compare divide numerator denominator
infinite? abs ref partial =])
[emmy.clerk :as ec]
[emmy.env :as e :refer :all]
[emmy.generic :as g]
[emmy.mafs :as mafs]
[emmy.viewer :as ev]
(def halfpi (/ pi 2))
(def tau (* 2 pi))
(def average "average of a vector of values" (/ sum count))
(defn r2d [r] (* r 360 (/ (* 2 pi))))
;; ***Q&D support functions:***
;; Lines represented as vector \[a b c\] corresponding to standard form, ax+by+c=0
;; a normalized to 1 ; b = -1/slope ; c = b\*y_intercept
(defn segment-angle [pt1 pt2]
"the angle of slope of the given segment"
(let [[x1 y1] pt1
[x2 y2] pt2]
(atan (- y1 y2) (- x1 x2))))
(defn line-angle [a b c]
"the angle of the slope of a line in standard form"
(if (zero? b) halfpi
(atan (/ (- b)))))
(defn line-through
"get standard equation of line through two points"
[pt1 pt2]
(if (= pt1 pt2) "error - identical"
(let [[x1 y1] pt1
[x2 y2] pt2]
(= x1 x2) [1 0 x1] ; vertical
; (= y1 y2) [0 1 y1] ; horizontal
(let ; convert to standard form
[slope (/ (- y1 y2) (- x1 x2))
y_intercept (- y2 (* slope x2))
b (/ -1 slope)
c (* b y_intercept)]
[1 b c])))))
(defn line-from
"line through a point at a given angle"
[point angle]
(let [[x y] point]
(if (= angle halfpi) [1 0 x] ; vertical
(let [slope (tan angle)
y_intercept (- y (* slope x))
b (/ -1 slope)
c (* b y_intercept)]
[1 b c]))))
(defn intersection
"Return the intersection point of two lines"
[line1 line2]
(let [[a1 b1 c1] line1
[a2 b2 c2] line2
y (/ (- c1 c2) (- b1 b2))
x (- c1 (* b1 y))]
[x y]))
(defn bisector-angle-pts
"the bisector of the segments [pt1 pt2] and [pt1 pt3] -
used by rendering, hence separated from bisector-line, below"
[pt1 pt2 pt3]
(let [angle1 (segment-angle pt1 pt2)
angle2 (segment-angle pt1 pt3)]
(average [angle1 angle2])))
(defn bisector-line
"The line bisecting the segments [pt1 pt2] and [pt1 pt3]"
[pt1 pt2 pt3]
(line-from pt1 (bisector-angle-pts pt1 pt2 pt3)))
(defn incenter
"the intersection of any two angle bisectors of a triangle"
[pt1 pt2 pt3]
(intersection (bisector-line pt1 pt2 pt3)
(bisector-line pt2 pt3 pt1)))
(defn heron [a b c]
(let [s (/ (+ a b c) 2)] ; half perimeter
(sqrt (* s (- s a) (- s b) (- s c)))))
(defn inradius-from-points
"Inradius using Heron's method, thank you mr. Heron"
[pt1 pt2 pt3]
(let [a (abs (- pt2 pt3))
b (abs (- pt1 pt3))
c (abs (- pt1 pt2))
A (heron a b c)
s (/ (+ a b c) 2)]
(/ A s)))
(defn bisect-segment
"Return a point halfway between the two given ones"
[pt1 pt2]
(let [[p1x p1y] pt1 [p2x p2y] pt2]
[(average [p1x p2x]) (average [p1y p2y])]))
(defn median [pt1 pt2 pt3]
(line-through pt1 (bisect-segment pt2 pt3)))
(defn centroid
"center of mass of the triangle, intersection of the medians"
[pt1 pt2 pt3]
(let [[x1 y1] pt1
[x2 y2] pt2
[x3 y3] pt3]
[(average [x1 x2 x3]) (average [y1 y2 y3])]))
(defn midpoint-perp
"returns vector of the midpoint and perpendicular of a given segment"
[pt1 pt2]
(let [midpoint (bisect-segment pt1 pt2)
angle (segment-angle pt1 pt2)
perp-angle (modulo (+ angle halfpi) tau)]
[midpoint perp-angle]))
(defn midpoint-perp-line
"returns the line indicated by (midpoint-perp pt1 pt2) -
used for finding intersections"
[pt1 pt2]
(let [[midpoint perp-angle] (midpoint-perp pt1 pt2)]
(line-from midpoint perp-angle)))
(defn circumcenter [pt1 pt2 pt3]
"center of circumcircle"
(intersection (midpoint-perp-line pt1 pt3)
(midpoint-perp-line pt2 pt3)))
(defn circumradius
"using Heron, again"
[pt1 pt2 pt3]
(let [a (abs (- pt2 pt3))
b (abs (- pt1 pt3))
c (abs (- pt1 pt2))
AA (* 4 (heron a b c))]
(/ (* a b c) AA)))
(defn orthonormal-angle
"find the angle of the line normal to segment [pt1 pt2]"
[pt1 pt2]
(let [base-angle (segment-angle pt1 pt2)
normal-angle (modulo (+ base-angle halfpi) tau)]
(defn orthonormal-line
"line from first point, normal to segment opposite"
[pt1 pt2 pt3]
(line-from pt1 (orthonormal-angle pt2 pt3)))
(defn orthocenter
[pt1 pt2 pt3]
(intersection (orthonormal-line pt1 pt2 pt3)
(orthonormal-line pt2 pt3 pt1)))
;; ***Drawing Routine***
[!points {:pt1 [-4 -1] :pt2 [0 3] :pt3 [3 -3]}]
(let [pt_A (ev/get !points :pt1)
pt_B (ev/get !points :pt2)
pt_C (ev/get !points :pt3)
triangle-color :blue
incenter-color :green
centroid-color :pink
circumcenter-color :darkgray
orthocenter-color :tan
(comment ; Wouldn't it be nice to have something like...
CC (ev/with-params {:atom !points :params [:pt1 :pt2 :pt3]}
CR (ev/with-params {:atom !points :params [:pt1 :pt2 :pt3]}
; etc, etc...
; Then we wouldn't have to resort to client-side acrobatics,
; like the backquoted constructions below.
; It would save a whole lot of recomputation, too.
) ; end comment
(mafs/segment {:point1 pt_A :point2 pt_B :color triangle-color :weight 3.5})
(mafs/segment {:point1 pt_B :point2 pt_C :color triangle-color :weight 3.5})
(mafs/segment {:point1 pt_C :point2 pt_A :color triangle-color :weight 3.5})
; =============== draw bisectors of the angles of the triangle
`(let [~'bisect_A (bisector-angle-pts ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)]
~(mafs/point-angle {:point pt_A
:angle 'bisect_A
:color incenter-color
:style :dashed :weight 1}))
`(let [~'bisect_B (bisector-angle-pts ~pt_B ~pt_C ~pt_A)]
~(mafs/point-angle {:point pt_B
:angle 'bisect_B
:color incenter-color
:style :dashed :weight 1}))
`(let [~'bisect_C (bisector-angle-pts ~pt_C ~pt_A ~pt_B)]
~(mafs/point-angle {:point pt_C
:angle 'bisect_C
:color incenter-color
:style :dashed :weight 1}))
; draw incircle
`(let [~'ic (incenter ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)
~'ir (inradius-from-points ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)]
~(mafs/circle {:center 'ic :radius 'ir :weight 1.5
:color incenter-color :fill-opacity 0.0}))
; draw incenter
`(let [~'ic (incenter ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)
~'icx (~'ic 0)
~'icy (~'ic 1)]
~(mafs/point {:x 'icx :y 'icy :color incenter-color}))
) ; end comment
; ===============
;draw medians (for centroid)
`(let [~'median_BC (bisect-segment ~pt_B ~pt_C)]
~(mafs/through-points {:point1 pt_A
:point2 'median_BC
:color centroid-color
:style :dashed :weight 1}))
`(let [~'median_CA (bisect-segment ~pt_C ~pt_A)]
~(mafs/through-points {:point1 pt_B
:point2 'median_CA
:color centroid-color
:style :dashed :weight 1}))
`(let [~'median_AB (bisect-segment ~pt_A ~pt_B)]
~(mafs/through-points {:point1 pt_C
:point2 'median_AB
:color centroid-color
:style :dashed :weight 1}))
; draw centroid
`(let [~'ce (centroid ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)
~'cex (~'ce 0)
~'cey (~'ce 1)]
~(mafs/point {:x 'cex :y 'cey :color centroid-color}))
; =============== draw midpoint perpendicular circumcenter constructors
`(let [~'mp_BC (midpoint-perp ~pt_B ~pt_C)
~'cc (circumcenter ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)
~'midpoint (~'mp_BC 0)]
~(mafs/through-points {:point1 'midpoint
:point2 'cc
:color circumcenter-color
:style :dashed :weight 1}))
`(let [~'mp_CA (midpoint-perp ~pt_C ~pt_A)
~'cc (circumcenter ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)
~'midpoint (~'mp_CA 0)]
~(mafs/through-points {:point1 'midpoint
:point2 'cc
:color circumcenter-color
:style :dashed :weight 1}))
`(let [~'mp_AB (midpoint-perp ~pt_A ~pt_B)
~'cc (circumcenter ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)
~'midpoint (~'mp_AB 0)]
~(mafs/through-points {:point1 'midpoint
:point2 'cc
:color circumcenter-color
:style :dashed :weight 1}))
; draw circumcenter
`(let [~'cc (circumcenter ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)
~'ccx (~'cc 0)
~'ccy (~'cc 1)]
~(mafs/point {:x 'ccx :y 'ccy :color circumcenter-color}))
; draw circumcircle
; ---------
; see comment "wouldn't it be nice"
; then all we'd have to do is...
; (mafs/circle {:center CC :radius CR :weight 1.5
; :color circumcenter-color :fill-opacity 0.0})
`(let [~'cc (circumcenter ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)
~'cr (circumradius ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)]
~(mafs/circle {:center 'cc :radius 'cr :weight 1.5
:color circumcenter-color :fill-opacity 0.0}))
; ========== Draw the orthonormals and orthocenter
`(let [~'on_A (orthonormal-angle ~pt_B ~pt_C)]
~(mafs/point-angle {:point pt_A
:angle 'on_A
:color orthocenter-color
:style :dashed :weight 1}))
`(let [~'on_B (orthonormal-angle ~pt_C ~pt_A)]
~(mafs/point-angle {:point pt_B
:angle 'on_B
:color orthocenter-color
:style :dashed :weight 1}))
`(let [~'on_C (orthonormal-angle ~pt_A ~pt_B)]
~(mafs/point-angle {:point pt_C
:angle 'on_C
:color orthocenter-color
:style :dashed :weight 1}))
; draw orthocenter
`(let [~'oc (orthocenter ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)
~'ocx (~'oc 0)
~'ocy (~'oc 1)]
~(mafs/point {:x 'ocx :y 'ocy :color orthocenter-color}))
; draw the Euler line
`(let [~'cc (circumcenter ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)
~'ce (centroid ~pt_A ~pt_B ~pt_C)]
~(mafs/through-points {:point1 'cc :point2 'ce :weight 1.5
:color :cyan :style :dashed}))
; put these last, so they're topmost
(mafs/movable-point {:atom !points :path :pt1 :color :cyan})
(mafs/movable-point {:atom !points :path :pt2 :color :cyan})
(mafs/movable-point {:atom !points :path :pt3 :color :cyan})
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