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Created August 6, 2019 23:44
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WMS config for the Open Data Cube OWS app
import re
# Static config for the wms metadata.
# pylint: skip-file
response_cfg = {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", # CORS header
service_cfg = {
## Which web service(s) should be supported by this instance
# Defaults: wms: True, wcs: False, wmts: False
# Notes:
# WMTS support is implemented as a thin proxy to WMS. Some corners of the spec are interpreted
# somewhat loosely. In particular exception documents are directly translated from the underlying
# WMS error and are unlikely to be fully compliant with the WMTS standard.
# "wcs": True,
"wms": True,
"wmts": True,
## Required config for WMS and/or WCS
# Service title - appears e.g. in Terria catalog
"title": "WMS server for Alex's datacube",
# Service URL. Should a fully qualified URL or a list of fully qualified URLs that the service can return
# in the GetCapabilities document based on the requesting url
"url": [ "http://localhost:8000" ],
# URL that humans can visit to learn more about the WMS or organization
# should be fully qualified
"human_url": "",
# Provide S3 data URL for data_links in GetFeatureinfo
"s3_url": "",
# Provide S3 bucket name for data_links in GetFeatureinfo
"s3_bucket": "s3_bucket_name",
# Supported co-ordinate reference systems
"published_CRSs": {
"EPSG:3857": { # Web Mercator
"geographic": False,
"horizontal_coord": "x",
"vertical_coord": "y",
"EPSG:4326": { # WGS-84
"geographic": True,
"vertical_coord_first": True
"EPSG:3577": { # GDA-94, internal representation
"geographic": False,
"horizontal_coord": "x",
"vertical_coord": "y",
## Required config for WCS
# Must be a geographic CRS in the published_CRSs list. EPSG:4326 is recommended, but any geographic CRS should work.
"default_geographic_CRS": "EPSG:4326",
# Supported WCS formats
"wcs_formats": {
# Key is the format name, as used in DescribeCoverage XML
"GeoTIFF": {
# Renderer is the FQN of a Python function that takes:
# * A WCSRequest object
# * Some ODC data to be rendered.
"renderer": "datacube_wms.wcs_utils.get_tiff",
# The MIME type of the image, as used in the Http Response.
"mime": "image/geotiff",
# The file extension to add to the filename.
"extension": "tif",
# Whether or not the file format supports multiple time slices.
"multi-time": False
"netCDF": {
"renderer": "datacube_wms.wcs_utils.get_netcdf",
"mime": "application/x-netcdf",
"extension": "nc",
"multi-time": True,
# The native wcs format must be declared in wcs_formats above.
"native_wcs_format": "GeoTIFF",
## Optional config for instances supporting WMS
# Max tile height/width. If not specified, default to 256x256
"max_width": 512,
"max_height": 512,
# Optional config for all services (WMS and/or WCS) - may be set to blank/empty, no defaults
"abstract": """Imagery from across the world.""",
"keywords": [
"contact_info": {
"person": "Alex Leith",
"organisation": "Geoscience Australia",
"position": "Legend",
"address": {
"type": "Earth"
"telephone": "000 000 000",
"email": "",
"fees": "",
"access_constraints": "",
# If True this will not calculate spatial extents
# in but will instead use a default
# extent covering much of Australia for all
# temporal extents
# False by default (calculate spatial extents)
"use_default_extent": True,
# If using GeoTIFFs as storage
# this will set the rasterio env
# GDAL Config for GTiff Georeferencing
# See
"geotiff_georeference_source": "INTERNAL",
# Attribution. This entire section is optional. If provided, it is taken as the
# default attribution for any layer that does not override it.
"attribution": {
# Attribution must contain at least one of ("title", "url" and "logo")
# A human readable title for the attribution - e.g. the name of the attributed organisation
"title": "Digital Earth World",
# The associated - e.g. URL for the attributed organisation
"url": "",
# Logo image - e.g. for the attributed organisation
# "logo": {
# # Image width in pixels (optional)
# "width": 370,
# # Image height in pixels (optional)
# "height": 73,
# # URL for the logo image. (required if logo specified)
# "url": "",
# # Image MIME type for the logo - should match type referenced in the logo url (required if logo specified.)
# "format": "image/png",
# }
# These define the AuthorityURLs. They represent the authorities that define the layer "Identifiers" below.
# The spec allows AuthorityURLs to be defined anywhere on the Layer heirarchy, but datacube_ows treats them
# as global entities.
"authorities": {
# The authorities dictionary maps names to authority urls.
"dea": "",
# "idrus": "",
layer_cfg = [
# Layer Config is a list of platform configs
# Name and title of the platform layer.
# Platform layers are not mappable. The name is for internal server use only.
"name": "LANDSAT_8",
"title": "Landsat 8",
"abstract": "Images from the Landsat 8 satellite",
"attribution": {
# Attribution must contain at least one of ("title", "url" and "logo")
# A human readable title for the attribution - e.g. the name of the attributed organisation
"title": "Digital Earth World",
# The associated - e.g. URL for the attributed organisation
"url": "",
# Logo image - e.g. for the attributed organisation
"logo": {
# Image width in pixels (optional)
"width": 370,
# Image height in pixels (optional)
"height": 73,
# URL for the logo image. (required if logo specified)
"url": "",
# Image MIME type for the logo - should match type referenced in the logo url (required if logo specified.)
"format": "image/png",
"products": [
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"label": "USGS",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"type": "Surface Reflectance",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"variant": "",
# The WMS name for the layer
"name": "ls8_usgs_sr_scene",
# The Datacube name for the associated data product
"product_name": "ls8_usgs_sr_scene",
"bands": {
"red": ["crimson"],
"green": [],
"blue": [ "azure" ],
"nir": [ "near_infrared" ],
"swir1": [ "shortwave_infrared_1", "near_shortwave_infrared" ],
"swir2": [ "shortwave_infrared_2", "far_shortwave_infrared" ],
"coastal_aerosol": [ "far_blue" ],
"pq_dataset": "ls8_usgs_sr_scene",
# The name of the measurement band for the pixel-quality product
# (Only required if pq_dataset is set)
"pq_band": "pixel_qa",
# Min zoom factor - sets the zoom level where the cutover from indicative polygons
# to actual imagery occurs.
"min_zoom_factor": 500.0,
"max_datasets_wms": 6,
# max_datasets_wcs is the WCS equivalent of max_datasets_wms. The main requirement for setting this
# value is to avoid gateway timeouts on overly large WCS requests (and reduce server load).
"max_datasets_wcs": 16,
# The fill-colour of the indicative polygons when zoomed out.
# Triplets (rgb) or quadruplets (rgba) of integers 0-255.
"zoomed_out_fill_colour": [150, 180, 200, 160],
"extent_mask_func": "datacube_wms.ogc_utils.mask_by_val",
"ignore_info_flags": [],
# Include an additional list of utc dates in the WMS Get Feature Info
# HACK: only used for GSKY non-solar day lookup
"feature_info_include_utc_dates": True,
# Set to true if the band product dataset extents include nodata regions.
"data_manual_merge": False,
# Set to true if the pq product dataset extents include nodata regions.
"pq_manual_merge": False,
# Bands to always fetch from the Datacube, even if it is not used by the active style.
# Useful for when a particular band is always needed for the extent_mask_func,
"always_fetch_bands": [ ],
# Apply corrections for solar angle, for "Level 1" products.
# (Defaults to false - should not be used for NBAR/NBAR-T or other Analysis Ready products
"apply_solar_corrections": False,
# If this value is set then WCS works exclusively with the configured
# date and advertises no time dimension in GetCapabilities.
# Intended mostly for WCS debugging.
"wcs_sole_time": "2017-01-01",
"native_wcs_crs": "EPSG:3577",
# The resolution (x,y) for WCS.
# This is the number of CRS units (e.g. degrees, metres) per pixel in the horizontal and vertical
# directions for the native resolution. E.g. for a EPSG:3577 (25.0,25.0) for Landsat-8 and (10.0,10.0 for Sentinel-2)
"native_wcs_resolution": [ 25.0, 25.0 ],
"feature_list_urls": [
"url": "http://domain.tld/path/to/page.html",
"format": "text/html"
"url": "http://another-domain.tld/path/to/image.png",
"format": "image/png"
"data_urls": [
"url": "",
"format": "application/xml"
"styles": [
# Examples of styles which are linear combinations of the available spectral bands.
"name": "simple_rgb",
"title": "Simple RGB",
"abstract": "Simple true-colour image, using the red, green and blue bands",
"components": {
# The component keys MUST be "red", "green" and "blue" (and optionally "alpha")
"red": {
# Band aliases may be used here.
"red": 1.0
"green": {
"green": 1.0
"blue": {
"blue": 1.0
# The raw band value range to be compressed to an 8 bit range for the output image tiles.
# Band values outside this range are clipped to 0 or 255 as appropriate.
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# {
# "name": "cloud_masked_rgb",
# "title": "Simple RGB with cloud masking",
# "abstract": "Simple true-colour image, using the red, green and blue bands, with cloud masking",
# "components": {
# "red": {
# "red": 1.0
# },
# "green": {
# "green": 1.0
# },
# "blue": {
# "blue": 1.0
# }
# },
# # PQ masking example
# # All pixels where any of the listed flags are true are masked out.
# "pq_masks": [
# {
# "flags": {
# "cloud": "no_cloud"
# },
# },
# ],
# "scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# },
# {
# "name": "cloud_and_shadow_masked_rgb",
# "title": "Simple RGB with cloud and cloud shadow masking",
# "abstract": "Simple true-colour image, using the red, green and blue bands, with cloud and cloud shadow masking",
# "components": {
# "red": {
# "red": 1.0
# },
# "green": {
# "green": 1.0
# },
# "blue": {
# "blue": 1.0
# }
# },
# # PQ masking example
# "pq_masks": [
# {
# "flags": {
# "cloud": "no_cloud",
# "cloud_shadow": "no_cloud_shadow"
# },
# },
# ],
# "scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# },
"name": "extended_rgb",
"title": "Extended RGB",
"abstract": "Extended true-colour image, incorporating the coastal aerosol band",
"components": {
"red": {
"red": 1.0
"green": {
"green": 1.0
"blue": {
"blue": 0.6,
"coastal_aerosol": 0.4
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "wideband",
"title": "Wideband false-colour",
"abstract": "False-colour image, incorporating all available spectral bands",
"components": {
"red": {
"swir2": 0.255,
"swir1": 0.45,
"nir": 0.255,
"green": {
"nir": 0.255,
"red": 0.45,
"green": 0.255,
"blue": {
"green": 0.255,
"blue": 0.45,
"coastal_aerosol": 0.255,
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "infra_red",
"title": "False colour multi-band infra-red",
"abstract": "Simple false-colour image, using the near and short-wave infra-red bands",
"components": {
"red": {
"swir1": 1.0
"green": {
"swir2": 1.0
"blue": {
"nir": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "coastal_aerosol",
"title": "Spectral band 1 - Coastal aerosol",
"abstract": "Coastal aerosol band, approximately 435nm to 450nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"coastal_aerosol": 1.0
"green": {
"coastal_aerosol": 1.0
"blue": {
"coastal_aerosol": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "blue",
"title": "Spectral band 2 - Blue",
"abstract": "Blue band, approximately 453nm to 511nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"blue": 1.0
"green": {
"blue": 1.0
"blue": {
"blue": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "green",
"title": "Spectral band 3 - Green",
"abstract": "Green band, approximately 534nm to 588nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"green": 1.0
"green": {
"green": 1.0
"blue": {
"green": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "red",
"title": "Spectral band 4 - Red",
"abstract": "Red band, roughly 637nm to 672nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"red": 1.0
"green": {
"red": 1.0
"blue": {
"red": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "nir",
"title": "Spectral band 5 - Near infra-red",
"abstract": "Near infra-red band, roughly 853nm to 876nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"nir": 1.0
"green": {
"nir": 1.0
"blue": {
"nir": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "swir1",
"title": "Spectral band 6 - Short wave infra-red 1",
"abstract": "Short wave infra-red band 1, roughly 1575nm to 1647nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"swir1": 1.0
"green": {
"swir1": 1.0
"blue": {
"swir1": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "swir2",
"title": "Spectral band 7 - Short wave infra-red 2",
"abstract": "Short wave infra-red band 2, roughly 2117nm to 2285nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"swir2": 1.0
"green": {
"swir2": 1.0
"blue": {
"swir2": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# Examples of non-linear colour-ramped styles.
"name": "ndvi",
"title": "NDVI",
"abstract": "Normalised Difference Vegetation Index - a derived index that correlates well with the existence of vegetation",
# The index function is continuous value from which the heat map is derived.
# Three formats are supported:
# 1. A function object or lambda
# e.g. "index_function": lambda data: (data["nir"] - data["red"]) / (data["nir"] + data["red"]),
# Note that lambdas CANNOT use band aliases - they MUST use the native band name
# 2. A string containing a fully qualified path to a python function
# e.g. "index_function": "datacube_wms.ogc_utils.not_a_real_function_name",
# 3. A dict containing the following elements:
# a) "function" (required): A string containing the fully qualified path to a python function
# b) "args" (optional): An array of additional positional arguments that will always be passed to the function.
# c) "kwargs" (optional): An array of additional keyword arguments that will always be passed to the function.
# d) "pass_product_cfg" (optional): Boolean (defaults to False). If true, the relevant ProductLayerConfig is passed
# to the function as a keyword argument named "product_cfg". This is useful if you are passing band aliases
# to the function in the args or kwargs. The product_cfg allows the index function to convert band aliases to
# to band names.
# The function is assumed to take one arguments, an xarray Dataset. (Plus any additional
# arguments required by the args and kwargs values in format 3, possibly including product_cfg.)
"index_function": {
"function": "datacube_wms.band_utils.norm_diff",
"pass_product_cfg": True,
"kwargs": {
"band1": "nir",
"band2": "red"
# Band aliases can be used here.
"needed_bands": ["red", "nir"],
# The color ramp. Values between specified entries have both their alphas and colours
# interpolated.
"color_ramp": [
# Any value less than the first entry will have colour and alpha of the first entry.
# (i.e. in this example all negative values will be fully transparent (alpha=0.0).)
"value": -0.0,
"color": "#8F3F20",
"alpha": 0.0
"value": 0.0,
"color": "#8F3F20",
"alpha": 1.0
# do not have to defined alpha value
# if no alpha is specified, alpha will default to 1.0
# or max opacity
"value": 0.1,
"color": "#A35F18"
"value": 0.2,
"color": "#B88512"
"value": 0.3,
"color": "#CEAC0E"
"value": 0.4,
"color": "#E5D609"
"value": 0.5,
"color": "#FFFF0C"
"value": 0.6,
"color": "#C3DE09"
"value": 0.7,
"color": "#88B808"
"value": 0.8,
"color": "#529400"
"value": 0.9,
"color": "#237100"
# Values greater than the last entry will use the colour and alpha of the last entry.
# (N.B. This will not happen for this example because it is normalised so that 1.0 is
# maximum possible value.)
"value": 1.0,
"color": "#114D04"
"legend": {
# Instead of using the generated color ramp legend for the style, a URL to a PNG file can
# be used instead.
"url": ""
"name": "ndwi",
"title": "NDWI",
"abstract": "Normalised Difference Water Index - a derived index that correlates well with the existence of water",
"index_function": {
"function": "datacube_wms.band_utils.norm_diff",
"pass_product_cfg": True,
"kwargs": {
"band1": "green",
"band2": "nir"
"needed_bands": ["green", "nir"],
"range": [0.0, 1.0],
"name": "ndbi",
"title": "NDBI",
"abstract": "Normalised Difference Buildup Index - a derived index that correlates with the existence of urbanisation",
"index_function": {
"function": "datacube_wms.band_utils.norm_diff",
"pass_product_cfg": True,
"kwargs": {
"band1": "swir2",
"band2": "nir"
"needed_bands": ["swir2", "nir"],
"range": [0.0, 1.0],
# Hybrid style - blends a linear mapping and an colour-ramped index style
# There is no scientific justification for these styles, I just think they look cool. :)
"name": "rgb_ndvi",
"title": "NDVI plus RGB",
"abstract": "Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (blended with RGB) - a derived index that correlates well with the existence of vegetation",
# Mixing ration between linear components and colour ramped index. 1.0 is fully linear components, 0.0 is fully colour ramp.
"component_ratio": 0.6,
"index_function": {
"function": "datacube_wms.band_utils.norm_diff",
"pass_product_cfg": True,
"kwargs": {
"band1": "nir",
"band2": "red"
"needed_bands": ["red", "nir"],
"range": [0.0, 1.0],
"components": {
"red": {
"red": 1.0
"green": {
"green": 1.0
"blue": {
"blue": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# Default style (if request does not specify style)
# MUST be defined in the styles list above.
# (Looks like Terria assumes this is the first style in the list, but this is
# not required by the standard.)
"default_style": "simple_rgb",
# Attribution. This entire section is optional. If not provided, the default attribution
# from the parent platform or the service config is used.
# If no attribution is defined at any level, no attribution will be published.
"attribution": {
# Attribution must contain at least one of ("title", "url" and "logo")
# A human readable title for the attribution - e.g. the name of the attributed organisation
"title": "Digital Earth World",
# The associated - e.g. URL for the attributed organisation
"url": "",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"label": "Feature Layer",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"type": "Water Observations from Space",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"variant": "",
# The WMS name for the layer
"name": "ls_usgs_wofs",
# The Datacube name for the associated data product
"product_name": "ls_usgs_wofs",
# The Datacube name for the associated pixel-quality product (optional)
# The name of the associated Datacube pixel-quality product
"pq_dataset": "ls_usgs_wofs",
# The name of the measurement band for the pixel-quality product
# (Only required if pq_dataset is set)
"pq_band": "water",
# Min zoom factor - sets the zoom level where the cutover from indicative polygons
# to actual imagery occurs.
"min_zoom_factor": 500.0,
"max_datasets_wms": 6,
# max_datasets_wcs is the WCS equivalent of max_datasets_wms. The main requirement for setting this
# value is to avoid gateway timeouts on overly large WCS requests (and reduce server load).
"max_datasets_wcs": 16,
# The fill-colour of the indicative polygons when zoomed out.
# Triplets (rgb) or quadruplets (rgba) of integers 0-255.
"zoomed_out_fill_colour": [200, 180, 180, 160],
# Extent mask function
# Determines what portions of dataset is potentially meaningful data.
"extent_mask_func": "datacube_wms.ogc_utils.mask_by_bitflag",
# (Defaults to false)
"pq_manual_merge": False,
# Flags listed here are ignored in GetFeatureInfo requests.
# (defaults to empty list)
"ignore_flags_info": [
# "noncontiguous",
"styles": [
"name": "observations",
"title": "Observations",
"abstract": "Observations",
"value_map": {
"water": [
"title": "Invalid",
"abstract": "Slope or Cloud",
"flags": {
"or": {
"cloud_shadow": True,
"cloud": True,
"nodata": True
"color": "#707070"
# Possible Sea Glint, also mark as invalid
"title": "",
"abstract": "",
"flags": {
"dry": True,
"sea": True
"color": "#707070"
"title": "Dry",
"abstract": "Dry",
"flags": {
"dry": True,
"sea": False,
"color": "#D99694"
"title": "Wet",
"abstract": "Wet or Sea",
"flags": {
"or": {
"wet": True,
"sea": True
"color": "#4F81BD"
"name": "wet",
"title": "Wet Only",
"abstract": "Wet Only",
"value_map": {
"water": [
"title": "Invalid",
"abstract": "Slope or Cloud",
"flags": {
"or": {
"cloud_shadow": True,
"cloud": True,
"nodata": True,
"color": "#707070",
"mask": True
# Possible Sea Glint, also mark as invalid
"title": "",
"abstract": "",
"flags": {
"dry": True,
"sea": True
"color": "#707070",
"mask": True
"title": "Dry",
"abstract": "Dry",
"flags": {
"dry": True,
"sea": False,
"color": "#D99694",
"mask": True
"title": "Wet",
"abstract": "Wet or Sea",
"flags": {
"or": {
"wet": True,
"sea": True
"color": "#4F81BD"
# Default style (if request does not specify style)
# MUST be defined in the styles list above.
# (Looks like Terria assumes this is the first style in the list, but this is
# not required by the standard.)
"default_style": "observations",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"label": "Feature Layer",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"type": "Fractional Cover",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"variant": "",
"abstract": """
Fractional Cover version 2.2.1, 25 metre, 100km tile, Australian Albers Equal Area projection (EPSG:3577). Data is only visible at higher resolutions; when zoomed-out the available area will be displayed as a shaded region.
Fractional cover provides information about the the proportions of green vegetation, non-green vegetation (including deciduous trees during autumn, dry grass, etc.), and bare areas for every 25m x 25m ground footprint. Fractional cover provides insight into how areas of dry vegetation and/or bare soil and green vegetation are changing over time. The fractional cover algorithm was developed by the Joint Remote Sensing Research Program, for more information please see
Fractional Cover products use Water Observations from Space (WOfS) to mask out areas of water, cloud and other phenomena.
This product contains Fractional Cover dervied from the Landsat 5, 7 and 8 satellites
For service status information, see""",
# The WMS name for the layer
"name": "ls8_usgs_fc_scene",
# The Datacube name for the associated data product
# "multi_product": False,
"product_name": "ls8_usgs_fc_scene",
# The Datacube name for the associated pixel-quality product (optional)
# The name of the associated Datacube pixel-quality product
"pq_dataset": "ls_usgs_wofs",
# The name of the measurement band for the pixel-quality product
# (Only required if pq_dataset is set)
"pq_band": "water",
# Fuse function for pq data
"pq_fuse_func": "datacube_wms.wms_utils.wofls_fuser",
# Min zoom factor - sets the zoom level where the cutover from indicative polygons
# to actual imagery occurs.
"min_zoom_factor": 10.0,
# The fill-colour of the indicative polygons when zoomed out.
# Triplets (rgb) or quadruplets (rgba) of integers 0-255.
"zoomed_out_fill_colour": [ 150, 180, 200, 160],
# Time Zone. In hours added to UTC (maybe negative)
# Used for rounding off scene times to a date.
# 9 is good value for imagery of Australia.
"time_zone": 9,
# Extent mask function
# Determines what portions of dataset is potentially meaningful data.
"extent_mask_func": lambda data, band: (data[band] != data[band].attrs['nodata']),
# Flags listed here are ignored in GetFeatureInfo requests.
# (defaults to empty list)
"ignore_info_flags": [],
"legend": {
"url": "",
"wcs_default_bands": ["BS", "PV", "NPV"],
"styles": [
"name": "simple_fc",
"title": "Fractional Cover",
"abstract": "Fractional cover representation, with green vegetation in green, dead vegetation in blue, and bare soil in red",
"components": {
"red": {
"BS": 1.0
"green": {
"PV": 1.0
"blue": {
"NPV": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 100.0],
"pq_masks": [
"flags": {
'dry': True
"flags": {
"cloud_shadow": False,
"cloud": False,
"sea": False
# Default style (if request does not specify style)
# MUST be defined in the styles list above.
# (Looks like Terria assumes this is the first style in the list, but this is
# not required by the standard.)
"default_style": "simple_fc",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"label": "Annual Median - Fiji",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"type": "Fractional Cover",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"variant": "",
"abstract": """""",
# The WMS name for the layer
"name": "ls_usgs_fcp_fiji",
# The Datacube name for the associated data product
"product_name": "ls_usgs_fcp_fiji",
# The Datacube name for the associated pixel-quality product (optional)
# The name of the associated Datacube pixel-quality product
# "pq_dataset": "s2b_ard_granule",
# The name of the measurement band for the pixel-quality product
# (Only required if pq_dataset is set)
# "pq_band": "pixel_quality",
# Min zoom factor - sets the zoom level where the cutover from indicative polygons
# to actual imagery occurs.
"min_zoom_factor": 10.0,
# The fill-colour of the indicative polygons when zoomed out.
# Triplets (rgb) or quadruplets (rgba) of integers 0-255.
"zoomed_out_fill_colour": [150, 180, 200, 160],
# Time Zone. In hours added to UTC (maybe negative)
# Used for rounding off scene times to a date.
# 9 is good value for imagery of Australia.
"time_zone": 12,
# Extent mask function
# Determines what portions of dataset is potentially meaningful data.
"extent_mask_func": lambda data, band: (data[band] != data[band].attrs['nodata']),
# Flags listed here are ignored in GetFeatureInfo requests.
# (defaults to empty list)
"ignore_info_flags": [],
# Define layer wide legend graphic if no style is passed
# to GetLegendGraphic
"wcs_default_bands": ["BS_PC_50", "NPV_PC_50", "PV_PC_50"],
# Styles.
# See
# The various available spectral bands, and ways to combine them
# into a single rgb image.
# The examples here are ad hoc
"styles": [
# Examples of styles which are linear combinations of the available spectral bands.
"name": "fcp_average",
"title": "Average FC",
"abstract": "",
"components": {
"red": {
"BS_PC_50": 1.0
"green": {
"PV_PC_50": 1.0
"blue": {
"NPV_PC_50": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 100.0]
# Default style (if request does not specify style)
# MUST be defined in the styles list above.
# (Looks like Terria assumes this is the first style in the list, but this is
# not required by the standard.)
"default_style": "fcp_average",
}, # Fiji FCP
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"label": "Annual Median - Fiji",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"type": "Water Observations from Space",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"variant": "",
"abstract": """""",
# The WMS name for the layer
"name": "ls_usgs_wofs_fiji",
# The Datacube name for the associated data product
"product_name": "ls_usgs_wofs_fiji",
# The Datacube name for the associated pixel-quality product (optional)
# The name of the associated Datacube pixel-quality product
# "pq_dataset": "s2b_ard_granule",
# The name of the measurement band for the pixel-quality product
# (Only required if pq_dataset is set)
# "pq_band": "pixel_quality",
# Min zoom factor - sets the zoom level where the cutover from indicative polygons
# to actual imagery occurs.
"min_zoom_factor": 10.0,
# The fill-colour of the indicative polygons when zoomed out.
# Triplets (rgb) or quadruplets (rgba) of integers 0-255.
"zoomed_out_fill_colour": [150, 180, 200, 160],
# Time Zone. In hours added to UTC (maybe negative)
# Used for rounding off scene times to a date.
# 9 is good value for imagery of Australia.
"time_zone": 12,
# Extent mask function
# Determines what portions of dataset is potentially meaningful data.
"extent_mask_func": lambda data, band: (data[band] != data[band].attrs['nodata']),
# Flags listed here are ignored in GetFeatureInfo requests.
# (defaults to empty list)
"ignore_info_flags": [],
# Define layer wide legend graphic if no style is passed
# to GetLegendGraphic
"wcs_default_bands": ["count_wet", "count_clear", "frequency"],
# Styles.
# See
# The various available spectral bands, and ways to combine them
# into a single rgb image.
# The examples here are ad hoc
"styles": [
# Examples of styles which are linear combinations of the available spectral bands.
"name": "water_observations",
"title": "Wet Count",
"abstract": "WOfS summary showing the count of water observations",
"needed_bands": ["count_wet"],
"color_ramp": [
"value": 0,
"color": "#666666",
"alpha": 0
"value": 1,
"color": "#890000"
"value": 2,
"color": "#990000"
"value": 3,
"color": "#E38400"
"value": 4,
"color": "#E3DF00"
"value": 5,
"color": "#A6E300"
"value": 6,
"color": "#00E32D"
"value": 7,
"color": "#00E3C8"
"value": 8,
"color": "#0097E3"
"value": 9,
"color": "#005FE3"
"value": 10,
"color": "#000FE3"
"value": 10,
"color": "#000EA9"
"value": 10,
"color": "#5700E3",
"legend": {
"prefix": ">"
"legend": {
"radix_point": 0,
"scale_by": 1,
"major_ticks": 100
"name": "wofs_frequency",
"title": " Water Summary",
"abstract": "WOfS summary showing the frequency of Wetness",
"needed_bands": ["frequency"],
"color_ramp": [
"value": 0.0,
"color": "#000000",
"alpha": 0.0
"value": 0.02,
"color": "#000000",
"alpha": 0.0
"value": 0.05,
"color": "#8e0101",
"alpha": 0.25
"value": 0.1,
"color": "#cf2200",
"alpha": 0.75
"value": 0.2,
"color": "#e38400"
"value": 0.3,
"color": "#e3df00"
"value": 0.4,
"color": "#62e300"
"value": 0.5,
"color": "#00e32d"
"value": 0.6,
"color": "#00e3c8"
"value": 0.7,
"color": "#0097e3"
"value": 0.8,
"color": "#005fe3"
"value": 0.9,
"color": "#000fe3"
"value": 1.0,
"color": "#5700e3"
"legend": {
"units": "%",
"radix_point": 0,
"scale_by": 100.0,
"major_ticks": 0.1
"name": "clear_observations",
"title": "Clear Count",
"abstract": "WOfS summary showing the count of clear observations",
"needed_bands": ["count_clear"],
"color_ramp": [
"value": 0,
"color": "#FFFFFF",
"alpha": 0
# purely for legend display
# we should not get fractional
# values in this styles
"value": 0.2,
"color": "#B21800",
"alpha": 1
"value": 1,
"color": "#B21800"
"value": 2,
"color": "#ef8500"
"value": 3,
"color": "#ffb800"
"value": 4,
"color": "#ffd000"
"value": 5,
"color": "#fff300"
"value": 6,
"color": "#fff300"
"value": 7,
"color": "#c1ec00"
"value": 8,
"color": "#6ee100"
"value": 9,
"color": "#39a500"
"value": 20,
"color": "#026900",
"legend": {
"prefix": ">"
"legend": {
"radix_point": 0,
"scale_by": 1,
"major_ticks": 10,
"axes_position": [0.05, 0.5, 0.89, 0.15]
# Default style (if request does not specify style)
# MUST be defined in the styles list above.
# (Looks like Terria assumes this is the first style in the list, but this is
# not required by the standard.)
"default_style": "wofs_frequency",
}, # Fiji WOfS
# Name and title of the platform layer.
# Platform layers are not mappable. The name is for internal server use only.
"name": "LANDSAT_7",
"title": "Landsat 7",
"abstract": "Images from the Landsat 7 satellite",
"attribution": {
# Attribution must contain at least one of ("title", "url" and "logo")
# A human readable title for the attribution - e.g. the name of the attributed organisation
"title": "Digital Earth World",
# The associated - e.g. URL for the attributed organisation
"url": "",
# Logo image - e.g. for the attributed organisation
"logo": {
# Image width in pixels (optional)
"width": 370,
# Image height in pixels (optional)
"height": 73,
# URL for the logo image. (required if logo specified)
"url": "",
# Image MIME type for the logo - should match type referenced in the logo url (required if logo specified.)
"format": "image/png",
"products": [
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"label": "USGS",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"type": "Surface Reflectance",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"variant": "",
# The WMS name for the layer
"name": "ls7_usgs_sr_scene",
# The Datacube name for the associated data product
"product_name": "ls7_usgs_sr_scene",
"bands": {
"red": ["crimson"],
"green": [],
"blue": [ "azure" ],
"nir": [ "near_infrared" ],
"swir1": [ "shortwave_infrared_1", "near_shortwave_infrared" ],
"swir2": [ "shortwave_infrared_2", "far_shortwave_infrared" ]
"pq_dataset": "ls7_usgs_sr_scene",
# The name of the measurement band for the pixel-quality product
# (Only required if pq_dataset is set)
"pq_band": "pixel_qa",
# Min zoom factor - sets the zoom level where the cutover from indicative polygons
# to actual imagery occurs.
"min_zoom_factor": 500.0,
"max_datasets_wms": 6,
# max_datasets_wcs is the WCS equivalent of max_datasets_wms. The main requirement for setting this
# value is to avoid gateway timeouts on overly large WCS requests (and reduce server load).
"max_datasets_wcs": 16,
# The fill-colour of the indicative polygons when zoomed out.
# Triplets (rgb) or quadruplets (rgba) of integers 0-255.
"zoomed_out_fill_colour": [150, 180, 200, 160],
"extent_mask_func": "datacube_wms.ogc_utils.mask_by_val",
"ignore_info_flags": [],
# Include an additional list of utc dates in the WMS Get Feature Info
# HACK: only used for GSKY non-solar day lookup
"feature_info_include_utc_dates": True,
# Set to true if the band product dataset extents include nodata regions.
"data_manual_merge": False,
# Set to true if the pq product dataset extents include nodata regions.
"pq_manual_merge": False,
# Bands to always fetch from the Datacube, even if it is not used by the active style.
# Useful for when a particular band is always needed for the extent_mask_func,
"always_fetch_bands": [ ],
# Apply corrections for solar angle, for "Level 1" products.
# (Defaults to false - should not be used for NBAR/NBAR-T or other Analysis Ready products
"apply_solar_corrections": False,
# If this value is set then WCS works exclusively with the configured
# date and advertises no time dimension in GetCapabilities.
# Intended mostly for WCS debugging.
"wcs_sole_time": "2017-01-01",
"native_wcs_crs": "EPSG:3577",
# The resolution (x,y) for WCS.
# This is the number of CRS units (e.g. degrees, metres) per pixel in the horizontal and vertical
# directions for the native resolution. E.g. for a EPSG:3577 (25.0,25.0) for Landsat-8 and (10.0,10.0 for Sentinel-2)
"native_wcs_resolution": [ 25.0, 25.0 ],
"feature_list_urls": [
"url": "http://domain.tld/path/to/page.html",
"format": "text/html"
"url": "http://another-domain.tld/path/to/image.png",
"format": "image/png"
"data_urls": [
"url": "",
"format": "application/xml"
"styles": [
# Examples of styles which are linear combinations of the available spectral bands.
"name": "simple_rgb",
"title": "Simple RGB",
"abstract": "Simple true-colour image, using the red, green and blue bands",
"components": {
# The component keys MUST be "red", "green" and "blue" (and optionally "alpha")
"red": {
# Band aliases may be used here.
"red": 1.0
"green": {
"green": 1.0
"blue": {
"blue": 1.0
# The raw band value range to be compressed to an 8 bit range for the output image tiles.
# Band values outside this range are clipped to 0 or 255 as appropriate.
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# {
# "name": "cloud_masked_rgb",
# "title": "Simple RGB with cloud masking",
# "abstract": "Simple true-colour image, using the red, green and blue bands, with cloud masking",
# "components": {
# "red": {
# "red": 1.0
# },
# "green": {
# "green": 1.0
# },
# "blue": {
# "blue": 1.0
# }
# },
# # PQ masking example
# # All pixels where any of the listed flags are true are masked out.
# "pq_masks": [
# {
# "flags": {
# "cloud": "no_cloud"
# },
# },
# ],
# "scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# },
# {
# "name": "cloud_and_shadow_masked_rgb",
# "title": "Simple RGB with cloud and cloud shadow masking",
# "abstract": "Simple true-colour image, using the red, green and blue bands, with cloud and cloud shadow masking",
# "components": {
# "red": {
# "red": 1.0
# },
# "green": {
# "green": 1.0
# },
# "blue": {
# "blue": 1.0
# }
# },
# # PQ masking example
# "pq_masks": [
# {
# "flags": {
# "cloud": "no_cloud",
# "cloud_shadow": "no_cloud_shadow"
# },
# },
# ],
# "scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# },
"name": "wideband",
"title": "Wideband false-colour",
"abstract": "False-colour image, incorporating all available spectral bands",
"components": {
"red": {
"swir2": 0.255,
"swir1": 0.45,
"nir": 0.255,
"green": {
"nir": 0.255,
"red": 0.45,
"green": 0.255,
"blue": {
"green": 0.255,
"blue": 0.45
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "infra_red",
"title": "False colour multi-band infra-red",
"abstract": "Simple false-colour image, using the near and short-wave infra-red bands",
"components": {
"red": {
"swir1": 1.0
"green": {
"swir2": 1.0
"blue": {
"nir": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "blue",
"title": "Spectral band 2 - Blue",
"abstract": "Blue band, approximately 453nm to 511nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"blue": 1.0
"green": {
"blue": 1.0
"blue": {
"blue": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "green",
"title": "Spectral band 3 - Green",
"abstract": "Green band, approximately 534nm to 588nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"green": 1.0
"green": {
"green": 1.0
"blue": {
"green": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "red",
"title": "Spectral band 4 - Red",
"abstract": "Red band, roughly 637nm to 672nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"red": 1.0
"green": {
"red": 1.0
"blue": {
"red": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "nir",
"title": "Spectral band 5 - Near infra-red",
"abstract": "Near infra-red band, roughly 853nm to 876nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"nir": 1.0
"green": {
"nir": 1.0
"blue": {
"nir": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "swir1",
"title": "Spectral band 6 - Short wave infra-red 1",
"abstract": "Short wave infra-red band 1, roughly 1575nm to 1647nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"swir1": 1.0
"green": {
"swir1": 1.0
"blue": {
"swir1": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "swir2",
"title": "Spectral band 7 - Short wave infra-red 2",
"abstract": "Short wave infra-red band 2, roughly 2117nm to 2285nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"swir2": 1.0
"green": {
"swir2": 1.0
"blue": {
"swir2": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# Examples of non-linear colour-ramped styles.
"name": "ndvi",
"title": "NDVI",
"abstract": "Normalised Difference Vegetation Index - a derived index that correlates well with the existence of vegetation",
# The index function is continuous value from which the heat map is derived.
# Three formats are supported:
# 1. A function object or lambda
# e.g. "index_function": lambda data: (data["nir"] - data["red"]) / (data["nir"] + data["red"]),
# Note that lambdas CANNOT use band aliases - they MUST use the native band name
# 2. A string containing a fully qualified path to a python function
# e.g. "index_function": "datacube_wms.ogc_utils.not_a_real_function_name",
# 3. A dict containing the following elements:
# a) "function" (required): A string containing the fully qualified path to a python function
# b) "args" (optional): An array of additional positional arguments that will always be passed to the function.
# c) "kwargs" (optional): An array of additional keyword arguments that will always be passed to the function.
# d) "pass_product_cfg" (optional): Boolean (defaults to False). If true, the relevant ProductLayerConfig is passed
# to the function as a keyword argument named "product_cfg". This is useful if you are passing band aliases
# to the function in the args or kwargs. The product_cfg allows the index function to convert band aliases to
# to band names.
# The function is assumed to take one arguments, an xarray Dataset. (Plus any additional
# arguments required by the args and kwargs values in format 3, possibly including product_cfg.)
"index_function": {
"function": "datacube_wms.band_utils.norm_diff",
"pass_product_cfg": True,
"kwargs": {
"band1": "nir",
"band2": "red"
# Band aliases can be used here.
"needed_bands": ["red", "nir"],
# The color ramp. Values between specified entries have both their alphas and colours
# interpolated.
"color_ramp": [
# Any value less than the first entry will have colour and alpha of the first entry.
# (i.e. in this example all negative values will be fully transparent (alpha=0.0).)
"value": -0.0,
"color": "#8F3F20",
"alpha": 0.0
"value": 0.0,
"color": "#8F3F20",
"alpha": 1.0
# do not have to defined alpha value
# if no alpha is specified, alpha will default to 1.0
# or max opacity
"value": 0.1,
"color": "#A35F18"
"value": 0.2,
"color": "#B88512"
"value": 0.3,
"color": "#CEAC0E"
"value": 0.4,
"color": "#E5D609"
"value": 0.5,
"color": "#FFFF0C"
"value": 0.6,
"color": "#C3DE09"
"value": 0.7,
"color": "#88B808"
"value": 0.8,
"color": "#529400"
"value": 0.9,
"color": "#237100"
# Values greater than the last entry will use the colour and alpha of the last entry.
# (N.B. This will not happen for this example because it is normalised so that 1.0 is
# maximum possible value.)
"value": 1.0,
"color": "#114D04"
"legend": {
# Instead of using the generated color ramp legend for the style, a URL to a PNG file can
# be used instead.
"url": ""
"name": "ndwi",
"title": "NDWI",
"abstract": "Normalised Difference Water Index - a derived index that correlates well with the existence of water",
"index_function": {
"function": "datacube_wms.band_utils.norm_diff",
"pass_product_cfg": True,
"kwargs": {
"band1": "green",
"band2": "nir"
"needed_bands": ["green", "nir"],
"range": [0.0, 1.0],
"name": "ndbi",
"title": "NDBI",
"abstract": "Normalised Difference Buildup Index - a derived index that correlates with the existence of urbanisation",
"index_function": {
"function": "datacube_wms.band_utils.norm_diff",
"pass_product_cfg": True,
"kwargs": {
"band1": "swir2",
"band2": "nir"
"needed_bands": ["swir2", "nir"],
"range": [0.0, 1.0],
# Hybrid style - blends a linear mapping and an colour-ramped index style
# There is no scientific justification for these styles, I just think they look cool. :)
"name": "rgb_ndvi",
"title": "NDVI plus RGB",
"abstract": "Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (blended with RGB) - a derived index that correlates well with the existence of vegetation",
# Mixing ration between linear components and colour ramped index. 1.0 is fully linear components, 0.0 is fully colour ramp.
"component_ratio": 0.6,
"index_function": {
"function": "datacube_wms.band_utils.norm_diff",
"pass_product_cfg": True,
"kwargs": {
"band1": "nir",
"band2": "red"
"needed_bands": ["red", "nir"],
"range": [0.0, 1.0],
"components": {
"red": {
"red": 1.0
"green": {
"green": 1.0
"blue": {
"blue": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# Default style (if request does not specify style)
# MUST be defined in the styles list above.
# (Looks like Terria assumes this is the first style in the list, but this is
# not required by the standard.)
"default_style": "simple_rgb",
# Attribution. This entire section is optional. If not provided, the default attribution
# from the parent platform or the service config is used.
# If no attribution is defined at any level, no attribution will be published.
"attribution": {
# Attribution must contain at least one of ("title", "url" and "logo")
# A human readable title for the attribution - e.g. the name of the attributed organisation
"title": "Digital Earth World",
# The associated - e.g. URL for the attributed organisation
"url": "",
# Name and title of the platform layer.
# Platform layers are not mappable. The name is for internal server use only.
"name": "LANDSAT_5",
"title": "Landsat 5",
"abstract": "Images from the Landsat 5 satellite",
"attribution": {
# Attribution must contain at least one of ("title", "url" and "logo")
# A human readable title for the attribution - e.g. the name of the attributed organisation
"title": "Digital Earth World",
# The associated - e.g. URL for the attributed organisation
"url": "",
# Logo image - e.g. for the attributed organisation
"logo": {
# Image width in pixels (optional)
"width": 370,
# Image height in pixels (optional)
"height": 73,
# URL for the logo image. (required if logo specified)
"url": "",
# Image MIME type for the logo - should match type referenced in the logo url (required if logo specified.)
"format": "image/png",
"products": [
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"label": "USGS",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"type": "Surface Reflectance",
# Included as a keyword for the layer
"variant": "",
# The WMS name for the layer
"name": "ls5_usgs_sr_scene",
# The Datacube name for the associated data product
"product_name": "ls5_usgs_sr_scene",
"bands": {
"red": ["crimson"],
"green": [],
"blue": [ "azure" ],
"nir": [ "near_infrared" ],
"swir1": [ "shortwave_infrared_1", "near_shortwave_infrared" ],
"swir2": [ "shortwave_infrared_2", "far_shortwave_infrared" ]
"pq_dataset": "ls5_usgs_sr_scene",
# The name of the measurement band for the pixel-quality product
# (Only required if pq_dataset is set)
"pq_band": "pixel_qa",
# Min zoom factor - sets the zoom level where the cutover from indicative polygons
# to actual imagery occurs.
"min_zoom_factor": 500.0,
"max_datasets_wms": 6,
# max_datasets_wcs is the WCS equivalent of max_datasets_wms. The main requirement for setting this
# value is to avoid gateway timeouts on overly large WCS requests (and reduce server load).
"max_datasets_wcs": 16,
# The fill-colour of the indicative polygons when zoomed out.
# Triplets (rgb) or quadruplets (rgba) of integers 0-255.
"zoomed_out_fill_colour": [150, 180, 200, 160],
"extent_mask_func": "datacube_wms.ogc_utils.mask_by_val",
"ignore_info_flags": [],
# Include an additional list of utc dates in the WMS Get Feature Info
# HACK: only used for GSKY non-solar day lookup
"feature_info_include_utc_dates": True,
# Set to true if the band product dataset extents include nodata regions.
"data_manual_merge": False,
# Set to true if the pq product dataset extents include nodata regions.
"pq_manual_merge": False,
# Bands to always fetch from the Datacube, even if it is not used by the active style.
# Useful for when a particular band is always needed for the extent_mask_func,
"always_fetch_bands": [ ],
# Apply corrections for solar angle, for "Level 1" products.
# (Defaults to false - should not be used for NBAR/NBAR-T or other Analysis Ready products
"apply_solar_corrections": False,
# If this value is set then WCS works exclusively with the configured
# date and advertises no time dimension in GetCapabilities.
# Intended mostly for WCS debugging.
"wcs_sole_time": "2017-01-01",
"native_wcs_crs": "EPSG:3577",
# The resolution (x,y) for WCS.
# This is the number of CRS units (e.g. degrees, metres) per pixel in the horizontal and vertical
# directions for the native resolution. E.g. for a EPSG:3577 (25.0,25.0) for Landsat-8 and (10.0,10.0 for Sentinel-2)
"native_wcs_resolution": [ 25.0, 25.0 ],
"feature_list_urls": [
"url": "http://domain.tld/path/to/page.html",
"format": "text/html"
"url": "http://another-domain.tld/path/to/image.png",
"format": "image/png"
"data_urls": [
"url": "",
"format": "application/xml"
"styles": [
# Examples of styles which are linear combinations of the available spectral bands.
"name": "simple_rgb",
"title": "Simple RGB",
"abstract": "Simple true-colour image, using the red, green and blue bands",
"components": {
# The component keys MUST be "red", "green" and "blue" (and optionally "alpha")
"red": {
# Band aliases may be used here.
"red": 1.0
"green": {
"green": 1.0
"blue": {
"blue": 1.0
# The raw band value range to be compressed to an 8 bit range for the output image tiles.
# Band values outside this range are clipped to 0 or 255 as appropriate.
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# {
# "name": "cloud_masked_rgb",
# "title": "Simple RGB with cloud masking",
# "abstract": "Simple true-colour image, using the red, green and blue bands, with cloud masking",
# "components": {
# "red": {
# "red": 1.0
# },
# "green": {
# "green": 1.0
# },
# "blue": {
# "blue": 1.0
# }
# },
# # PQ masking example
# # All pixels where any of the listed flags are true are masked out.
# "pq_masks": [
# {
# "flags": {
# "cloud": "no_cloud"
# },
# },
# ],
# "scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# },
# {
# "name": "cloud_and_shadow_masked_rgb",
# "title": "Simple RGB with cloud and cloud shadow masking",
# "abstract": "Simple true-colour image, using the red, green and blue bands, with cloud and cloud shadow masking",
# "components": {
# "red": {
# "red": 1.0
# },
# "green": {
# "green": 1.0
# },
# "blue": {
# "blue": 1.0
# }
# },
# # PQ masking example
# "pq_masks": [
# {
# "flags": {
# "cloud": "no_cloud",
# "cloud_shadow": "no_cloud_shadow"
# },
# },
# ],
# "scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# },
"name": "wideband",
"title": "Wideband false-colour",
"abstract": "False-colour image, incorporating all available spectral bands",
"components": {
"red": {
"swir2": 0.255,
"swir1": 0.45,
"nir": 0.255,
"green": {
"nir": 0.255,
"red": 0.45,
"green": 0.255,
"blue": {
"green": 0.255,
"blue": 0.45
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "infra_red",
"title": "False colour multi-band infra-red",
"abstract": "Simple false-colour image, using the near and short-wave infra-red bands",
"components": {
"red": {
"swir1": 1.0
"green": {
"swir2": 1.0
"blue": {
"nir": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "blue",
"title": "Spectral band 2 - Blue",
"abstract": "Blue band, approximately 453nm to 511nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"blue": 1.0
"green": {
"blue": 1.0
"blue": {
"blue": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "green",
"title": "Spectral band 3 - Green",
"abstract": "Green band, approximately 534nm to 588nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"green": 1.0
"green": {
"green": 1.0
"blue": {
"green": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "red",
"title": "Spectral band 4 - Red",
"abstract": "Red band, roughly 637nm to 672nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"red": 1.0
"green": {
"red": 1.0
"blue": {
"red": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "nir",
"title": "Spectral band 5 - Near infra-red",
"abstract": "Near infra-red band, roughly 853nm to 876nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"nir": 1.0
"green": {
"nir": 1.0
"blue": {
"nir": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "swir1",
"title": "Spectral band 6 - Short wave infra-red 1",
"abstract": "Short wave infra-red band 1, roughly 1575nm to 1647nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"swir1": 1.0
"green": {
"swir1": 1.0
"blue": {
"swir1": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
"name": "swir2",
"title": "Spectral band 7 - Short wave infra-red 2",
"abstract": "Short wave infra-red band 2, roughly 2117nm to 2285nm",
"components": {
"red": {
"swir2": 1.0
"green": {
"swir2": 1.0
"blue": {
"swir2": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# Examples of non-linear colour-ramped styles.
"name": "ndvi",
"title": "NDVI",
"abstract": "Normalised Difference Vegetation Index - a derived index that correlates well with the existence of vegetation",
# The index function is continuous value from which the heat map is derived.
# Three formats are supported:
# 1. A function object or lambda
# e.g. "index_function": lambda data: (data["nir"] - data["red"]) / (data["nir"] + data["red"]),
# Note that lambdas CANNOT use band aliases - they MUST use the native band name
# 2. A string containing a fully qualified path to a python function
# e.g. "index_function": "datacube_wms.ogc_utils.not_a_real_function_name",
# 3. A dict containing the following elements:
# a) "function" (required): A string containing the fully qualified path to a python function
# b) "args" (optional): An array of additional positional arguments that will always be passed to the function.
# c) "kwargs" (optional): An array of additional keyword arguments that will always be passed to the function.
# d) "pass_product_cfg" (optional): Boolean (defaults to False). If true, the relevant ProductLayerConfig is passed
# to the function as a keyword argument named "product_cfg". This is useful if you are passing band aliases
# to the function in the args or kwargs. The product_cfg allows the index function to convert band aliases to
# to band names.
# The function is assumed to take one arguments, an xarray Dataset. (Plus any additional
# arguments required by the args and kwargs values in format 3, possibly including product_cfg.)
"index_function": {
"function": "datacube_wms.band_utils.norm_diff",
"pass_product_cfg": True,
"kwargs": {
"band1": "nir",
"band2": "red"
# Band aliases can be used here.
"needed_bands": ["red", "nir"],
# The color ramp. Values between specified entries have both their alphas and colours
# interpolated.
"color_ramp": [
# Any value less than the first entry will have colour and alpha of the first entry.
# (i.e. in this example all negative values will be fully transparent (alpha=0.0).)
"value": -0.0,
"color": "#8F3F20",
"alpha": 0.0
"value": 0.0,
"color": "#8F3F20",
"alpha": 1.0
# do not have to defined alpha value
# if no alpha is specified, alpha will default to 1.0
# or max opacity
"value": 0.1,
"color": "#A35F18"
"value": 0.2,
"color": "#B88512"
"value": 0.3,
"color": "#CEAC0E"
"value": 0.4,
"color": "#E5D609"
"value": 0.5,
"color": "#FFFF0C"
"value": 0.6,
"color": "#C3DE09"
"value": 0.7,
"color": "#88B808"
"value": 0.8,
"color": "#529400"
"value": 0.9,
"color": "#237100"
# Values greater than the last entry will use the colour and alpha of the last entry.
# (N.B. This will not happen for this example because it is normalised so that 1.0 is
# maximum possible value.)
"value": 1.0,
"color": "#114D04"
"legend": {
# Instead of using the generated color ramp legend for the style, a URL to a PNG file can
# be used instead.
"url": ""
"name": "ndwi",
"title": "NDWI",
"abstract": "Normalised Difference Water Index - a derived index that correlates well with the existence of water",
"index_function": {
"function": "datacube_wms.band_utils.norm_diff",
"pass_product_cfg": True,
"kwargs": {
"band1": "green",
"band2": "nir"
"needed_bands": ["green", "nir"],
"range": [0.0, 1.0],
"name": "ndbi",
"title": "NDBI",
"abstract": "Normalised Difference Buildup Index - a derived index that correlates with the existence of urbanisation",
"index_function": {
"function": "datacube_wms.band_utils.norm_diff",
"pass_product_cfg": True,
"kwargs": {
"band1": "swir2",
"band2": "nir"
"needed_bands": ["swir2", "nir"],
"range": [0.0, 1.0],
# Hybrid style - blends a linear mapping and an colour-ramped index style
# There is no scientific justification for these styles, I just think they look cool. :)
"name": "rgb_ndvi",
"title": "NDVI plus RGB",
"abstract": "Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (blended with RGB) - a derived index that correlates well with the existence of vegetation",
# Mixing ration between linear components and colour ramped index. 1.0 is fully linear components, 0.0 is fully colour ramp.
"component_ratio": 0.6,
"index_function": {
"function": "datacube_wms.band_utils.norm_diff",
"pass_product_cfg": True,
"kwargs": {
"band1": "nir",
"band2": "red"
"needed_bands": ["red", "nir"],
"range": [0.0, 1.0],
"components": {
"red": {
"red": 1.0
"green": {
"green": 1.0
"blue": {
"blue": 1.0
"scale_range": [0.0, 3000.0]
# Default style (if request does not specify style)
# MUST be defined in the styles list above.
# (Looks like Terria assumes this is the first style in the list, but this is
# not required by the standard.)
"default_style": "simple_rgb",
# Attribution. This entire section is optional. If not provided, the default attribution
# from the parent platform or the service config is used.
# If no attribution is defined at any level, no attribution will be published.
"attribution": {
# Attribution must contain at least one of ("title", "url" and "logo")
# A human readable title for the attribution - e.g. the name of the attributed organisation
"title": "Digital Earth World",
# The associated - e.g. URL for the attributed organisation
"url": "",
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