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Last active January 30, 2023 05:54
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# arpeggiate a given chord, over a given octave range
# easily change the root note & scale while it's running
# based on robin.newman,
notes = scale(:c3,:major,num_octaves: 3) # list of 22 notes
arp = [0,2,4,7,9,11,14,16,18,21] # note values for arpeggiation, 0-indexed
live_loop :test do
n=rand_i(10) # number of notes in "arp" list; pick one
puts n
mynote = arp[n]
play notes[mynote]
sleep 0.2
# fit input data to an arpeggio
notes = scale(:c2,:major,num_octaves: 5) # list of 36 notes
arp = [0,2,4,7,9,11,14,16,18,21,23,25,28,30,32,35] # note values for arpeggiation, 0-indexed
iter = 1
live_loop :test do
mynote = arp[iter % 16] # iterate over the sequence – this is where your normalized data go
play notes[mynote]
iter = iter+1
sleep 0.2
# iterate over chords
cmaj = scale(:c2,:major,num_octaves: 5) # list of 36 notes
emin = scale(:e2,:minor,num_octaves: 5)
fmaj = scale(:f2,:major,num_octaves: 5)
fmin = scale(:f2,:minor,num_octaves: 5)
arp = [0,2,4,7,9,11,14,16,18,21,23,25,28,30,32,35] # note values for arpeggiation, 0-indexed
iter = 1
frame = 1
live_loop :test do
mynote = arp[iter % 16] # iterate over the sequence – this is where your normalized data go
if mynote == (iter % 16) # at the top of the sequence
frame = frame+1
if (frame % 4) == 1
play cmaj[mynote]
elsif (frame % 4) == 2
play emin[mynote]
elsif (frame % 4) == 3
play fmaj[mynote]
elsif (frame % 4) == 0
play fmin[mynote]
iter = iter+1
sleep 0.2
# arpeggiate semi-randomly over switchable chord progression
# with help from tedward
# plus, voices + reverb
cmaj = scale(:c2,:major,num_octaves: 5) # list of 36 notes
dmaj = scale(:d2,:major,num_octaves: 5)
emin = scale(:e2,:minor,num_octaves: 5)
fmaj = scale(:f2,:major,num_octaves: 5)
fmin = scale(:f2,:minor,num_octaves: 5)
gmaj = scale(:g2,:major,num_octaves: 5)
amin = scale(:a2,:minor,num_octaves: 5)
bmaj = scale(:b2,:major,num_octaves: 5)
revtrag = [cmaj, amin, emin, gmaj]
lotr = [emin, cmaj, gmaj, dmaj]
glass = [emin, cmaj, gmaj, bmaj]
wagon = [gmaj, dmaj, emin, cmaj]
purty = [cmaj, emin, fmaj, fmin]
arp = [0,2,4,7,9,11,14,16,18,21,23,25,28,30,32,35] # note values for arpeggiation, 0-indexed
use_synth :blade
iter = 1
frame = 0
with_fx :echo do
live_loop :test do
mynote = arp[iter % 16] # iterate over the sequence – this is where your normalized data go
myrand = arp[rand_i(16)] # random value from the arp
if ((iter % 16) == 0) # at the end of the sequence
frame = frame+1
if one_in(2)
play (wagon[(frame % 4)])[mynote]
play (wagon[(frame % 4)])[myrand]
iter = iter+1
sleep 0.2
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final results in the hackathon repo here! along with a .wav of the final script, using data from Planet :)

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