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Created August 22, 2017 16:29
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Adapter Pattern
# How to think about the Single Responsibility Principle in your application...
# What part of your app has the responsibility of making the request to the API
# and turning the response into Ruby Objects & records in your database...?
# Not really the Models...
# ...And you may not want all the code that does this just intertwined within the logic of your app
# ... so where to put this code?
# That's what the Adapter Pattern is for.
# Make a class who's only responsibility is to get the data from the API
# and turn it into the format you want for your application
# Below is an example
module GoogleBooks
class Adapter
attr_reader :term
def initialize(term = 'ruby programming')
@term = term
def create_books_and_authors
# make a request to the API
response = RestClient.get("#{BASE_URL}?q=#{self.term}")
data = JSON.parse(response.body)
#iterate over all the books in that response
data['items'].each do |book_data|
book = Book.find_or_initialize_by(title: book_data['volumeInfo']['title'], description: book_data['volumeInfo']['description'])
if book_data['volumeInfo']['authors']
author_name = book_data['volumeInfo']['authors'].first
author = Author.find_or_create_by(name: author_name)
# create and save the book objects and associated authors = author
# The code above could be used in your application like so:
# puts "Welcome to the Library Searcher"
# puts "Please Enter a search term:"
# query = gets.chomp
# Here is a great blogpost on the Adapter Pattern, though it's in the context of Ruby on Rails
# Ignore the parts you don't know (the Controller) and focus on the parts about the refactoring
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