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Last active April 23, 2018 14:08
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Working adstock Finder
# load libraries
# positive_round function
positive_round <- function(...) round(pmax(..., 0), 0)
# adstock function
my_adstock <- function(x, rate){
y <- NULL
my_vector <- vector("numeric")
for(i in seq(x)) {
# Adstock: y[i] = x[i] + f[1]*y[i-1] + … + f[p]*y[i-p]
y[1] <- x[i]
y[i + 1] <- x[i + 1] + rate * y[i + 1 - 1]
# store as vector
my_vector[i] <- y[i]
# return results of vector
# base and ad constants
base <- 100
n_weeks <- 104
avg <- 20
sdev <- 10
# adstock rates
ad1_rate <- .7
ad2_rate <- .4
ad3_rate <- .5
# 3 ads with mean
fake_df <- rep(avg, 3) %>%
# normal distribution with 2 years of observations
map(~ rnorm(n = n_weeks, mean = .x, sd = sdev)) %>%
# make sure there are no 0s and make values integers
map(~ positive_round(0,.x)) %>%
# convert lists to data frame
map_dfc(~as_tibble(.x)) %>%
# sensible names
setNames(c("ad1", "ad2", "ad3")) %>%
# sales = sum of adstock and some noise
mutate(sales = base +
adstock(ad1, ad1_rate) +
adstock(ad2, ad2_rate) +
adstock(ad3, ad3_rate) +
rnorm(n(), sd = 5)) %>%
# round sales to whole number
mutate(sales = round(sales, 0))
#multivariate adstock function
AdstockRateMV <- function(Impact, Ads, maxiter = 100){
# parameters
params = letters[2:(ncol(Ads)+1)]
# ad variables
ads = paste0("ad_", params)
# rate variables
rates = paste0("rate_", params)
# create partial formula
param_fm = paste(
paste(params, "*adstock(", ads, ",", rates, ")", sep = ""),
collapse = " + "
# create whole formula
fm = as.formula(paste("Impact ~ a +", param_fm))
# starting values for nls
start = c(rep(1, length(params) + 1), rep(.1, length(rates)))
names(start) = c("a", params, rates)
# input data
Ads_df = Ads
names(Ads_df) = ads
Data = cbind(Impact, Ads_df)
# fit model
lower = c(rep(-Inf, length(params) + 1), rep(0, length(rates)))
upper = c(rep(Inf, length(params) + 1), rep(1, length(rates)))
modFit <- nlsLM(fm, data = Data, start = start,
lower = lower, upper = upper,
control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = maxiter))
# model coefficients
AdstockInt = round(summary(modFit)$coefficients[1, 1])
AdstockCoef = round(summary(modFit)$coefficients[params, 1], 2)
AdstockRate = round(summary(modFit)$coefficients[rates, 1], 2)
# print formula with coefficients
param_fm_coefs = paste(
paste(round(AdstockCoef, 2), " * adstock(", names(Ads), ", ", round(AdstockRate, 2), ")", sep = ""),
collapse = " + "
fm_coefs = as.formula(paste("Impact ~ ", AdstockInt, " +", param_fm_coefs))
# rename rates with original variable names
names(AdstockRate) = paste0("rate_", names(Ads))
# calculate percent error
mape = mean(abs((Impact-predict(modFit))/Impact) * 100)
# return outputs
return(list(fm = fm_coefs, base = AdstockInt, rates = AdstockRate, mape = mape))
Impact = fake_df$sales
Ads = fake_df %>% select(ad1, ad2, ad3 )
(mod = AdstockRateMV(Impact, Ads))
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