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Last active September 26, 2016 20:50
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Dijkstra's Algorithm (commented)
# python 3 only!!!
import collections
import math
class Graph:
''' graph class inspired by
def __init__(self):
self.vertices = set()
# makes the default value for all vertices an empty list
self.edges = collections.defaultdict(list)
self.weights = {}
def add_vertex(self, value):
def add_edge(self, from_vertex, to_vertex, distance):
if from_vertex == to_vertex: pass # no cycles allowed
self.weights[(from_vertex, to_vertex)] = distance
def __str__(self):
string = "Vertices: " + str(self.vertices) + "\n"
string += "Edges: " + str(self.edges) + "\n"
string += "Weights: " + str(self.weights)
return string
def dijkstra(graph, start):
# initializations
S = set()
# delta represents the length shortest distance paths from start -> v, for v in delta.
# We initialize it so that every vertex has a path of infinity (this line will break if you run python 2)
delta = dict.fromkeys(list(graph.vertices), math.inf)
previous = dict.fromkeys(list(graph.vertices), None)
# then we set the path length of the start vertex to 0
delta[start] = 0
# while there exists a vertex v not in S
while S != graph.vertices:
# let v be the closest vertex that has not been will begin at 'start'
v = min((set(delta.keys()) - S), key=delta.get)
# for each neighbor of v not in S
for neighbor in set(graph.edges[v]) - S:
new_path = delta[v] + graph.weights[v,neighbor]
# is the new path from neighbor through
if new_path < delta[neighbor]:
# since it's optimal, update the shortest path for neighbor
delta[neighbor] = new_path
# set the previous vertex of neighbor to v
previous[neighbor] = v
return (delta, previous)
def shortest_path(graph, start, end):
'''Uses dijkstra function in order to output the shortest path from start to end
delta, previous = dijkstra(graph, start)
path = []
vertex = end
while vertex is not None:
vertex = previous[vertex]
return path
# To run an example
# G = Graph()
# G.add_vertex('a')
# G.add_vertex('b')
# G.add_vertex('c')
# G.add_vertex('d')
# G.add_vertex('e')
# G.add_edge('a', 'b', 2)
# G.add_edge('a', 'c', 8)
# G.add_edge('a', 'd', 5)
# G.add_edge('b', 'c', 1)
# G.add_edge('c', 'e', 3)
# G.add_edge('d', 'e', 4)
# print(G)
# print(dijkstra(G, 'a'))
# print(shortest_path(G, 'a', 'e'))
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