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Created May 5, 2014 10:41
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- Author: Ivan
-- File: LUT.hs
-- Data: 2014-05-02
module LUT where
import CLaSH.Prelude
import Control.Monad.Identity
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Traversable as Tr
-- simple mux
mux :: Bit -> a -> a -> a
mux sel d_0 d_1 = if sel == H then d_1 else d_0
-- generic mux: Select -> (An, Bn) -> On
muxV :: (KnownNat n) => Bit -> Vec (n + n) a -> Vec n a
muxV wire sram = vzipWith (mux wire) sram_0 sram_1
(sram_0, sram_1) = vsplitI sram
-- generic mux: Select -> (An, Bn) -> On
muxVS :: (KnownNat n) => Signal Bit -> Vec (n + n) (Signal Bit) -> Vec n (Signal Bit)
muxVS wire sram = vzipWith (muxS wire) sram_0 sram_1
(sram_0, sram_1) = vsplitI sram
--- lut4 (16SRAM, 4 inputs, 1 output)
lut4 :: Vec (2^4) a -> Vec 4 Bit -> Vec 1 a
lut4 sram args = muxD $ muxC $ muxB $ muxA sram
(wire_a, wire_b, wire_c, wire_d) =
(args ! 0, args ! 1, args ! 2, args ! 3)
muxA = muxV wire_a
muxB = muxV wire_b
muxC = muxV wire_c
muxD = muxV wire_d
lut4S :: Vec (2^4) (Signal Bit) -> Vec 4 (Signal Bit) -> Vec 1 (Signal Bit)
lut4S sram args = muxD $ muxC $ muxB $ muxA sram
{-(wire_a, wire_b, wire_c, wire_d) = unpack $ pack args :: (Signal Bit, Signal Bit, Signal Bit, Signal Bit)-}
(wire_a, wire_b, wire_c, wire_d) =
(args ! 0, args ! 1, args ! 2, args ! 3)
{-mux' = muxVS-}
muxA = muxVS wire_a
muxB = muxVS wire_b
muxC = muxVS wire_c
muxD = muxVS wire_d
-- simple dff (data, clk, clr)
dff :: Signal Bit -> Signal Bit
dff = register L
-- simple signal (synchronized) mux
muxS :: Signal Bit -> Signal Bit -> Signal Bit -> Signal Bit
muxS sel d_0 d_1 = mux <$> sel <*> d_0 <*> d_1
-- logicBlock
logicBlock :: Vec 17 (Signal Bit) -> Vec 4 (Signal Bit) -> Signal Bit
logicBlock sram args =
let lut_out = vhead $ lut4S lut_sram_cells args
dff_out = dff lut_out
in muxS select_sram_cell dff_out lut_out
select_sram_cell = vhead sram
lut_sram_cells = vtail sram
-- 17 sram cells
sram17 :: Signal Bit -> Vec 17 (Signal Bit)
sram17 = window
-- prog block
logicBlockProg row col ena = sram17 $ prog_data <$> row <*> col <*> ena
prog_data r c e = if r == H && c == H && e == H then H else L
-- logicCell (lb with SRAM)
logicCell :: Signal Bit -> Signal Bit -> Signal Bit -> Signal (Unsigned 4) -> Signal Bit
logicCell row col ena args = logicBlock sram args'
args' = unpack $ toBV <$> args
sram = logicBlockProg row col ena
-- switchBoxBlock ::
mux9To1 :: Vec 9 Bit -> Vec 4 Bit -> Bit
mux9To1 inputs sel = inputs ! toInteger n
where n = fromBV sel :: Unsigned 4
mux9To1S :: Applicative f => f (Vec 9 Bit) -> f (Vec 4 Bit) -> f Bit
mux9To1S inputs sel = mux9To1 <$> inputs <*> sel
type SwbMuxRam n a = Vec n a
data SwitchBoxRam n a = SwitchBoxRam {
swbRamTop :: SwbMuxRam n a,
swbRamBottom :: SwbMuxRam n a,
swbRamLeft :: SwbMuxRam n a,
swbRamRight :: SwbMuxRam n a,
swbRamLout :: a
{-deriveLift ''SwbMuxRam-}
{-deriveLift ''SwitchBoxRam-}
{-splitSram swb_sram = lRam :> rRam :> tRam :> bRam :> Nil-}
{-sp = vsplitI *** vsplitI-}
{-((lRam, rRam), (tRam, bRam)) = (sp *** sp) $ sp $ vsplitI swb_sram-}
{-(hRam, vRam) = vsplitI swb_sram-}
{-(lRam, rRam) = vsplitI hRam-}
{-(tRam, bRam) = vsplitI vRam-}
-- (tRam, bRam)) = (\(x,y) -> (vsplitI x , vsplitI y)) (hRam, vRam)
splitSwbSram :: Vec 32 Bit -> Vec 8 (Vec 4 Bit)
splitSwbSram = fromBV
splitSwbSramS :: Functor f => f (Vec 32 Bit) -> f (Vec 8 (Vec 4 Bit))
splitSwbSramS = fmap splitSwbSram
data SwitchBoxSides a = SwitchBoxSides
{ swbLeft :: a
, swbRight :: a
, swbTop :: a
, swbBottom :: a
deriveLift ''SwitchBoxSides
instance Pack (SwitchBoxSides a) where
type SignalP (SwitchBoxSides a) = SwitchBoxSides (Signal a)
pack (SwitchBoxSides l r t b) = SwitchBoxSides <$> l <*> r <*> t <*> b
unpack ss = SwitchBoxSides l r t b
l = fmap swbLeft ss
r = fmap swbRight ss
t = fmap swbTop ss
b = fmap swbBottom ss
{-instance (-}
{-KnownNat (BitSize a), -}
{-KnownNat (2 * (BitSize a)), -}
{-BitVector a-}
{-) => BitVector (SwitchBoxSides a) where-}
{-type BitSize (SwitchBoxSides a) = ((BitSize a) + (BitSize a)) + ((BitSize a) + (BitSize a))-}
{-toBV (SwitchBoxSides l r t b) = ((toBV l) <++> (toBV r)) <++> ((toBV t) <++> (toBV b))-}
{-fromBV vec = SwitchBoxSides (fromBV l) (fromBV r) (fromBV t) (fromBV b)-}
{-((l,r),(t,b)) = (\(x, y) -> ((vsplitI x),(vsplitI y))) $ vsplitI vec-}
instance (
KnownNat (BitSize a),
KnownNat (n * (BitSize a)),
KnownNat (4*n),
KnownNat n,
KnownNat (2*n),
(n+n) ~ (2*n),
((n+n) + (n + n)) ~ (n+n+n+n),
(n+n+n+n) ~ (4*n),
BitVector a,
(((n * BitSize a)
+ ((n * BitSize a) + ((n * BitSize a) + (n * BitSize a))))
~ (4 * (n * BitSize a)) ),
(((((2 * n) + n) + n) * BitSize a)
~ (4 * (n * BitSize a)))
) => BitVector (SwitchBoxSides (Vec n a)) where
type BitSize (SwitchBoxSides (Vec n a)) = 4 * ( n * BitSize a)
toBV (SwitchBoxSides l r t b) = (toBV l) <++> (toBV r) <++> (toBV t) <++> (toBV b)
fromBV vec = SwitchBoxSides l r t b
((l,r),(t,b)) = (\(x, y) -> ((vsplitI x),(vsplitI y))) $ vsplitI $ fromBV vec
swbMux :: Bit -> Vec 8 Bit -> Vec 8 Bit -> Vec 2 Bit
swbMux lout inputs sram = out0 :> out1 :> Nil
inputs_vec' = lout :> inputs
(sram0, sram1) = vsplitI sram
out0 = mux9To1 inputs_vec' sram0
out1 = mux9To1 inputs_vec' sram1
swbMuxS = liftA3 swbMux
-- | LogicBlockOutput -> swb inputs (R,L,T,B) -> swb sram (R,L,T,B) -> swb outputs (R,L,T,B)
swbMuxs :: Bit -> Vec 4 (Vec 2 Bit) -> Vec 32 Bit -> Vec 4 (Vec 2 Bit)
swbMuxs lout inputs sram = vmap (swbMux lout inputs') sram' where
inputs' = vconcat inputs
sram' = vunconcatI sram
switchBoxBlock :: Signal (Vec (17+32) Bit) -> Signal (Vec 4 (Vec 2 Bit)) -> Signal (Vec 4 (Vec 2 Bit))
switchBoxBlock sram inputs = outputs
(sram_lb, sram_swb) = unpack $ vsplitI <$> sram
lb_out = logicBlock (unpack sram_lb) (unpack lb_args)
lb_args = liftA2 (<++>) rIn rOut
outputs = liftA3 swbMuxs lb_out inputs sram_swb
rIn = (! 0) <$> inputs
rOut = (! 0) <$> outputs
{-(loutSram, lSram, rSram, tSram, bSram) = splitSram sram_swb-}
{-(loutSram, swbRamVec) = splitSram sram_swb-}
topEntity = switchBoxBlock
{-topEntity :: Signal Bit -> Signal Bit -> Signal Bit -> Signal (Unsigned 4) -> Signal Bit-}
{-topEntity = logicCell-}
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