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Created December 26, 2011 02:02
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redis.conf stage
# Redis configuration file
# 1k => 1000 bytes
# 1kb => 1024 bytes
# 1m => 1000000 bytes
# 1mb => 1024*1024 bytes
# 1g => 1000000000 bytes
# 1gb => 1024*1024*1024 bytes
# units are case insensitive so 1GB 1Gb 1gB are all the same.
# Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/ when daemonized.
daemonize yes
pidfile /var/run/redis/
# If port 0 is specified Redis will not listen on a TCP socket.
port 0
# There is no default, so Redis will not listen on a unix socket when not specified.
unixsocket /tmp/redis.sock
unixsocketperm 777
# Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds (0 to disable)
timeout 0
# Set server verbosity
# it can be one of:
# debug (a lot of information, useful for development/testing)
# verbose (many rarely useful info, but not a mess like the debug level)
# notice (moderately verbose, what you want in production probably)
# warning (only very important / critical messages are logged)
loglevel notice
# Specify the log file name. Also 'stdout' can be used to force
# Redis to log on the standard output. Note that if you use standard
# output for logging but daemonize, logs will be sent to /dev/null
logfile stdout
# To enable logging to the system logger, just set 'syslog-enabled' to yes,
# and optionally update the other syslog parameters to suit your needs.
syslog-enabled yes
# Specify the syslog identity.
syslog-ident redis
# Specify the syslog facility. Must be USER or between LOCAL0-LOCAL7.
syslog-facility local1
# Set the number of databases. The default database is DB 0, you can select
# a different one on a per-connection basis using SELECT <dbid> where
# dbid is a number between 0 and 'databases'-1
databases 9
# Save the DB on disk:
# save <seconds> <changes>
# Will save the DB if both the given number of seconds and the given
# number of write operations against the DB occurred.
# Note: you can disable saving at all commenting all the "save" lines.
save 300 1
save 60 10
save 5 10000
# Compress string objects using LZF when dump .rdb databases?
# For default that's set to 'yes' as it's almost always a win.
rdbcompression yes
# The filename where to dump the DB
dbfilename dump.rdb
# The working directory.
# Also the Append Only File will be created inside this directory.
dir /var/db/redis/
# no replication
# no security
# no limits
# append only mode
appendonly no
# slow log
# The following time is expressed in microseconds, so 1000000 is equivalent
# to one second. Note that a negative number disables the slow log, while
# a value of zero forces the logging of every command.
slowlog-log-slower-than 10000
# There is no limit to this length. Just be aware that it will consume memory.
# You can reclaim memory used by the slow log with SLOWLOG RESET.
slowlog-max-len 1024
# advanced
# -- use "activerehashing no" if you have hard latency requirements and it is
# not a good thing in your environment that Redis can reply form time to time
# to queries with 2 milliseconds delay.
# -- use "activerehashing yes" if you don't have such hard requirements but
# want to free memory asap when possible.
activerehashing yes
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